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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2021 in all areas

  1. My younger son turns 18 on Saturday. He’s getting a Smith and Wesson 915 for a present. I guess that explains my position on this matter.
    4 points
  2. And worse than that…entire state actors who are literally getting paid to undermine other countries.
    3 points
  3. I've posted many comments on the subject of the vaccine in TGO threads. Feel free to search for them and take away from them that what you will. My comments are based in science as I was trained. I'm tired of arguing with people who are posting either pseudo-science or complete bull that allegedly comes from reliable sources. It's like some people are completely oblivious to the fact that there are many people on the Internet that get a kick out of getting gullible people to fall for whatever bull they post. Remember, the best lies are laced with truth so that suckers will believe the lie.
    3 points
  4. Happy birthday young “Man”. Let me know if he needs any ammo for that. I left for boot camp at 17. At 21 I had a home mortgage, car note, two kids and two jobs. We did what was needed to get by. We weren’t coddled by our parents. If you can die for your country at 18 you damn sure should have the right to buy whatever firearm you want. If a gun is needed to commit crimes, you can be sure criminals will have them. If you feel an 18 year old is not an adult, it’s time they grow up and are aloud to grow a pair.
    3 points
  5. I don’t reckon most who want to carry hardware like that around even know what a garment bag, much less a suit bag, is.
    2 points
  6. No argument here, I simply posted info & you right away tried to poo poo it. Because you're all knowing trained health care guy? I guess "trained" people can be gullible also. Fauchi preaches "science."
    2 points
  7. I have a solution, it is called 1 coil, 1 set of points and a condenser in a vintage distributor. But that would be too simple and we couldn't pump all that money into china if we did that. Or go to an old school diesel with no electronics and a mechanical pump like Cummins had. Throw all the electronic, digital, computerized crap in the dumpster!!!
    2 points
  8. If y'all wanna start in on the education system in this country, bear in mind that what we are seeing today is the result of at least three, maybe four, generations of a liberal run educational system in this country. Its the often mentioned "dumbing down of America". I won't go too far into it in this thread, but I will say that today's high school graduates are in no way properly prepared to face adult life.
    2 points
  9. One of the funniest men to ever live. He will be missed.
    2 points
  10. That applies to everything we are allowed to read on the internet.
    2 points
  11. I lean the direction of 21 and up as well. 21 to purchase alcohol, tabacco products, and firearms. 21 to be drafted or join the military. Require post high school education in the form of; a) A Bachelors (4 year) program at a university. b) An Associates (2 year) program at a community college. c) A 1600 ~2000 hour certificate based program at a trade school or technical school (think welding, automotive, HVAC, ect). d) An approved 2 year apprenticeship program in a trade or field. If they make it to 21 without completing one of the above, god help em I have not seen a kid coming out of high school in more than a decade that I would hire and turn loose in any capacity/roll at my employer. Not without a good bit of further training and development anyway. I barely trust them to have a drivers license and a car much less a bottle of bourbon and a handgun.
    2 points
  12. I best not show up for this. I have a 73 Ironhead, 01 Springer Softail and an 06 Road Glide. I am pretty sure I would mysteriously disappear if something else came home with me.
    2 points
  13. I'm with you, Bob, with the caveat that voting and draft age should both probably be 21 as well. I know there are plenty of folks who are thoughtful and mature at 18, and plenty who are not at 21, but when I think back to my own behavior at 18-20 it gives me pause. And I was one of those carrying an M16 in the Corps (at least at the rifle range). I was too irresponsible to be driving at 16, too, though through some miracle neither I nor anyone else paid a price for it. I think Mr. Frog is right, so long as 18 is legally an adult, then 18 y/o's should have all adult rights. But I'm not convinced many 18 y/o's really are "adult". And in a lot of jurisdictions there has been debate about whether to give 16 y/o's the vote.....
    2 points
  14. How long before they come out with the antidote to fix what the shot did
    2 points
  15. Lieutenant Val Browning, the inventor's son, demonstrating the use of the water-cooled M1917 in France (Photo: Army Heritage and Education Center)
    2 points
  16. I was on line looking for a case for my Ruger PC carbine and mags and ran across this. It looks like something straight out of "John Wick". I don't know how discreet it would be when you would have to get someone to help carry your "garment bag" best picture hosting
    1 point
  17. Come ride with us at Pandora's! This is your chance to ride a BMW R18, R 18 B, and R 18 Transcontinental. We'll take you on a route that will showcase the bikes' real-world ability and bring you back to the shop to get your impressions on the bike. Our bikes, our fuel, our tires, all you need to bring is your riding gear. Riders must be at least 21 years of age and have a valid motorcycle license. Pandora's is the Chattanooga BMW dealership. They also do Ducati, Triumph, KTM, GasGas & Husqvarna. Best of all, they're good folks. They're on Facebook as well. Located off of Exit 1, I-75, GA/TN line.
    1 point
  18. I was able to read it. I got through about 3-4 of the comments and knew exactly where that was going. I didn't bother to go on. Basically, that is the attitude of most of the Northeast U.S. They have been preaching the "guns bad" dogma for a lot longer than most of the rest of this nation. Its been instilled in most of them since childhood. Right along with the liberal mindset.
    1 point
  19. A friend ordered some 9mm ammo from Midway a few days ago and got them in 4 days. He said, they ain't cheap but, quick delivery.
    1 point
  20. Sounds like you are speaking from the frame of reference of your youth and a period that we no longer enjoy. A time when high school and in some cases even less was enough, in combination with responsible parenting, to form an individual with a base level of knowledge and competence for a majority of kids. That no longer is the case. The issue is there is no longer a "group" or percentage of kids coming out of high lacking basic skills it is the majority of them. Those competent and mature 18 year-olds coming out of high school are the rare exception not the rule. As far as continued education it obviously would not work with our current system. There would have to be some significant changes to make those type of proposed requirements work. Apprenticeships would have to be paid positions. Trade school education would have to be subsidized for those in need and made flexible enough to allow a working person to complete the program. In Tennessee community college costs can be completely subsidized if a high school student has a sufficient GPA. It can work if we as a society want it to work. It is not entirely about luxury. No one paid for my education or my rent. I left home at 18 enrolled full time in a community college and worked full time. I was working 30+ hours a week my senior year in high school and went to 40+ hours a week after graduation. I went on to a 4 year college and was still working full time. I went back to school in my 30's to advance my career and continued working full time all while still paying my mortgage and putting food on the table. My father obtained two bachelors degrees while serving on active duty in the military and raising a family. The military covered the cost on one of those, the other he paid for out of pocket on an E8 salary. My mother obtained a degree while working part time and raising a family. It is entirely possible to obtain education and work at the same time. it is entirely possible to obtain additional education with limited resources and family support.
    1 point
  21. Although Bannerman is probably the most well-known "modifier" of older American made Mosin Nagants, many others performed similar work when these were being liquidated by the predecessor of the CMP for $3 each. Some are well done and safe to shoot, others are absolute butcher jobs that should be relegated to parts guns now. In addition, the Austrians rechambered Mosins for their 8mm ammo during WWI, and other countries used these old actions to build other variants, including Poland, China and Japan. My bet is on a 30-06 conversion for the OP's gun, but there are other possibilities as well ...
    1 point
  22. "It must be true because it's posted on the Internet.'
    1 point
  23. I’ve always wanted to ride a BMW. I wouldn’t do it with no intention of buying one, however.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Oh I do like a sporterized misurp myself, I just wish the work done on this one was better. It was pretty butchered, the stock is an absolute mess. I have heard all the tales of barrels full of $5 milsurps at the local hardware store, all rifles some of us would pay $1000 for now if we could actually find them readily available. I myself bought $79 SKS and $99 Mosin Nagant offerings back in the day. I sure wish I had kept those. No surprise really that people cut off or modified stocks, drilled for scope mounts, and tossed barrel bands and bayonet lugs in the scrap pile. It sure would have been nice if Bubba had a little skill and pride in his work though.
    1 point
  26. He got to ragging on Hitlery when he guested on The View. Joy Behar about #### herself trying to get him off that subject. It's on youtube if anyone wants to have a good laugh.
    1 point
  27. Yeah, I have been down that hole. Nothing seems to match their work. Suppossedly they marked all the rechambered ones on the barrel too. I will get back to it soon. I set it aside due to other projects for now. Worst it becomes parts for my other Mosin Nagants. Luckily the heavily sporterized 1903A3 I bought last is functional. Butter knife bolt handle and sorta blocky stock. Gonna get a scope on the added bases soon. I might have a thing for milsurps and ugly unloved guns... It is an expensive combo sometimes.
    1 point
  28. There is an upside. My new Suburban doesn't have that stupid auto start/stop because they don't have chips to run it.
    1 point
  29. Asus wouldn’t exist if Dell hadn’t offshored production in a series of steps that I’m sure made complete sense to their management at the time. Now you can buy an Asus laptop for a lot less than a similarly spec’d Dell. Everything has a cost.
    1 point
  30. Japanese soldiers with Nambu machine-gun. 1941-42
    1 point
  31. Folks loved the cheaper off shore prices, now they ask why can't we make that here. Well, because you didn't want to pay the price. Careful what you wish for.
    1 point
  32. A chip foundry is a 10-15 billion dollar investment - and at best 5 years before you fab your first chips. Some of us have argued for years about the national security issues associated with offshoring it. The problem is - for Dell or whoever - the decision to offshore makes total business sense (or at least it did.) If you want to move it back here - you’re going to need deep pocketed investors, knowledge that we’ve big chunks of, and years. And you still need chips in the meantime. There really aren’t many easy answers. It’ll take government level investment - and there are a whole lot of folks who aren’t really interested in seeing the government spend money on much.
    1 point
  33. My brother and his family are all sick with this also. I hope your family has at worst stayed steady but improvement would be great.
    1 point
  34. Thanks ! Got in touch w/Glock support this morning and got a reply this afternoon --Kevin @ Glock said though model 21 barrel may fit there were internal parts that would lock up the pistol if I did so . (1911's work fine if I wanted a longer barrel.)
    1 point
  35. just an example that has happened, can't remember the exact details, but a bad guy rounded up all the customers and employees to lock in a back room. Who knows, may have been intent on murdering them all. At the appropriate time, an armed good guy pulled his gun and shot bad guy. Had he been OC, never would have had that chance as he would have been disarmed by bad guy. Surprise is part of one's defensive tactics.
    1 point
  36. Loved watching him on SNL in the 90s. Any interview he did for a TV or radio show was great as well. Sucks cancer took him before his time.
    1 point
  37. Next time you talk to those Police Officers maybe ask them (1) were the majority of these stolen guns taken from unlocked cars? (2) how many guns remain in their patrol cars when they are not in the vehicle? Id be willing to bet that if you asked them they would tell you that the 2nd most common place guns are stolen from are peoples homes.....would it make you feel better if we didn’t leave guns in our homes if we aren’t there? How about we place the bulk of the blame where it should be, which is on the sh!theads stealing other people’s things. As is often the case when someone makes a blanket decree as you did above, you fail to keep in mind that not everyone here lives in the same place or under the same circumstances. Maybe it’s not a good idea to keep a gun in a car where you live, but that’s not the case everywhere. I know several properties within a few miles of me that have guns in just about every vehicle and farm apparatus on their property, none of which have ever been locked, and none of their guns have ever been stolen. I also know a guy that left a gun case in plain sight on the back seat of his locked truck over in La Vergne a while back and somebody broke his window out in broad daylight to get it. While I do think in modern times it is advisable to take some reasonable precaution to keep it out of direct view, I won’t be condemning anyone for keeping firearms in their secured extension of their castle.
    1 point
  38. I lost interest in pro football long before the Oilers moved to Memphis for a year, then went on to become the Nashville Titans. My concern is they are going to jack up college ball with all this NIL gotta get paid BS and social justice crap.
    1 point
  39. If that’s the case, one would have to cede that the first two did not work. I find it quite the spectacle watching otherwise intelligent people contorting themselves into knots defending what they’ve been talked into doing, and trying to get others to follow suit.
    1 point
  40. That's why this 6'4" 330lbs fat guy bought a really good shoulder holster. I complain about belt buckles digging into my belly too.
    1 point
  41. Then there is the issue of where does it end. I’ll tell you it will never end. There will be mandated booster after booster. Just imagine the power at their fingertips if they can get Americans “hooked” on a mandatory recurrent shot. They can pick and choose the survivors if they want. No need to take our guns if they are injecting us at their command. That sounds tinfoil hat to me too, but would you have imagined 18 months ago that the president could unilaterally get you fired for refusing to be injected with a new medicine? Crazy times. Again, I’m not against the vaccines just the method
    1 point
  42. Faucci is an utter assclown. His assertion that we don't know what the durability of the natural immunity is in comparison to that of the vaccine is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. We have had experience with the natural immune response to COVID-19 for a FULL YEAR LONGER than we've had experience with the vaccines. What a ####ing lying piece of ####.
    1 point
  43. And some people have liver disease because they drink too much. Some people have lung cancer because they smoke. Some people have aids because of lifestyle choices. Some people have mouth cancer because they dip. Some people like me are overweight from eating too much sugar. Are we to expect the fed government to outlaw short sleeve shirts in summer because of melanoma? What’s your point? You do you and I’ll do me. That’s all that the unvaxed are seeking. I have had horses all my life. I would be leary of ingesting ivermectin paste for horses from co-op. One would have to be very careful with the dosage. My wife on the other hand has a prescription from a medical doctor that CVS refuses to fill because they don’t deem it appropriate for covid. So now we have drug store pharmacists over ruling our doctors? This insanity is ending our country as we know it.
    1 point
  44. The problem is that this is not about a company being allowed to make their own decisions... it’s about a company or government crossing the line and making medical decisions about me against my will.
    1 point
  45. If we were serious about this, we’d close the southern border and also require the vaccine for anyone on the .gov dole. There is something nefarious afoot here.
    1 point
  46. Good news that doesn’t really change much. Another circuit court will put in an injunction. The Supreme Court needs to make some rulings.
    1 point
  47. Took the Defensive Revolver course at Royal Range USA last night. There's no way I could keep it to myself. Shane Kerwin was the instructor. I can't say enough about the course of instruction or follow-up training material. First off the range, classroom, retail shop and facilities are amazing. Well done and laid out nicely for both men and woman. Second, even though I was the only shooter in a twelve man class, it still took place. I was very, very surprised. Shocked is a better word for it. I expected it to be canceled as wheel gunners are few and far between these days and it's hard to squad up two or three much less twelve. Either way, I got a notice the event was on and I was there promptly at 3:45 eagerly waiting instruction.... and that's what I got. Shane has a fantastic military back ground... way too much to mention here, but that's not as important as his delivery method or methodical approach. I've primarily shot IDPA, so I've got a few 'less then tactical' ways to draw and reload. These mostly center around my "work space." Shane as all over it in a way that was more informational and informative then "Thou Shall Not" doctrine. Once I heard the reasons and logic, I instantly was converted to the method. That is to say, everything we covered made sense... there was no ego or authoritarianism in the room, only and expert and a novice with much to learn. Great class will take many more in the future!
    1 point
  48. I took a medical class with Shane Kerwin and I agree. He is a top notch instructor and just all around great guy. I'll continue to schedule his classes. Bob Allen is great as well--he is the director of training at Royal Range. Went to his active shooter training.
    1 point
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