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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2021 in all areas

  1. Dude, I'm not going to do your research for you - particularly from 30+ years ago. You believe what you want to believe no matter how wrong you are.
    4 points
  2. Screw 'em if they can't take a joke.
    4 points
  3. My brother and his family are all sick with this also. I hope your family has at worst stayed steady but improvement would be great.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Lieutenant Val Browning, the inventor's son, demonstrating the use of the water-cooled M1917 in France (Photo: Army Heritage and Education Center)
    3 points
  6. SOLD please close
    2 points
  7. I had to look him up. Then again, the last time I watched SNL, John Belushi was still on it.
    2 points
  8. Mystery solved! I’d scope and shoot it before I sunk much money and time into it. Looks like it would make a decent truck gun as is, or it has the potential to be a very nice sporter.
    2 points
  9. Bolt face may have been turned at some point. Diameter is .480~.481 when checked with pins. Cerrosafe is cooling now so I will be able to measure chamber dimensions shortly.
    2 points
  10. Next time you talk to those Police Officers maybe ask them (1) were the majority of these stolen guns taken from unlocked cars? (2) how many guns remain in their patrol cars when they are not in the vehicle? Id be willing to bet that if you asked them they would tell you that the 2nd most common place guns are stolen from are peoples homes.....would it make you feel better if we didn’t leave guns in our homes if we aren’t there? How about we place the bulk of the blame where it should be, which is on the sh!theads stealing other people’s things. As is often the case when someone makes a blanket decree as you did above, you fail to keep in mind that not everyone here lives in the same place or under the same circumstances. Maybe it’s not a good idea to keep a gun in a car where you live, but that’s not the case everywhere. I know several properties within a few miles of me that have guns in just about every vehicle and farm apparatus on their property, none of which have ever been locked, and none of their guns have ever been stolen. I also know a guy that left a gun case in plain sight on the back seat of his locked truck over in La Vergne a while back and somebody broke his window out in broad daylight to get it. While I do think in modern times it is advisable to take some reasonable precaution to keep it out of direct view, I won’t be condemning anyone for keeping firearms in their secured extension of their castle.
    2 points
  11. Some people are either unaware or forget.The caliber .30 M1917 was British it was developed a the Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield Loch. It was to have a .30 bore, 1-10 left handed twist, chambered in 303 British.
    2 points
  12. Commercials have gotten totally out of hand. I timed one barrage a day ago, just out of curiosity. 6 minutes. Ridiculous! There were more throughout the program.
    2 points
  13. It just showed how stupid that ridiculous gang signs are in a funny way. Seems everything is racist these days except how the press treated Larry Elder. No biggie.
    2 points
  14. I picked up a misidentified sporterized rifle at auction a few weeks back. I was told it was chambered in 8mm Mauser, but that is not accurate. Finally got around to tearing it down for investigation and identification this week. There were no visible external markings on the barrel or receiver so I hoped something was hiding under the wood line or under the added scope base. It was.... A moment of silence for what could have been a nice Remington M1917. Instead some brilliant "gunsmith" apparently rebarreled it, ground the rear sight ears off, and butchered a few scope base holes into the receiver. The bore diameter is .300 Neither 30-06 or .308 headspace gauges check out. I do not have .303 headspace gauges but the .300 Bore diameter would be on the small size for that anyway. I am going to cerrosafe cast the chamber tomorrow if I get a chance. The one upside so far has been the nice light Timney Sportsman Trigger that I found installed when I began to strip it. Hopefully it ends up being serviceable since its wall hanger value has been lost.
    1 point
  15. There is an upside. My new Suburban doesn't have that stupid auto start/stop because they don't have chips to run it.
    1 point
  16. The actor is John Astin. He played Gomez Adams. Yeah, it was a great show. Lots of good stuff came out of it. One of my favorites. Carolyn Jones as Morticia was not only hot, but a bit of a philosopher as well.
    1 point
  17. My first deer rifle was a sporterized Enfield that my Papaw gave me. Dad had a scope mounted on it. I bought a rechambered Remington Mosin Nagant a while back. Still gotta get time to cerrosafe the chamber. Does not seem to be 30.06, but we will see. The barrel was cut back so that nothing but Remington shows on the top rear.
    1 point
  18. Shocked to hear the news of his passing. His dead pan and matter of fact delivery were unlike any other comedian out there. His snl burt reynolds had me in tears. Turd Ferguson
    1 point
  19. You didn't see the guy standing in line at McDs who was stripped of his gun while standing in line? https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2021/02/18/video-man-snatches-gun-from-man-at-detroit-gas-station-counter/ https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/south-phoenix/silent-witness-looking-for-man-who-stole-gun-from-mcdonalds-customer
    1 point
  20. Just for the record I conceal 99 percent of the time. But not because I am concerned about being shot first. I also have a sign in my yard warning that I have a security system at my house. I am hoping the bad guy will look at that and move on to a easier target. Let the bashing begin, lol
    1 point
  21. I know I am in the minority, but there is a soft spot in my heart for sporterized milsurp rifles. They represent a time in America where folks did what they had to to feed the family. I love ingenuity born out of necessity.
    1 point
  22. just an example that has happened, can't remember the exact details, but a bad guy rounded up all the customers and employees to lock in a back room. Who knows, may have been intent on murdering them all. At the appropriate time, an armed good guy pulled his gun and shot bad guy. Had he been OC, never would have had that chance as he would have been disarmed by bad guy. Surprise is part of one's defensive tactics.
    1 point
  23. Another side note is the serial number comes back as 1917 December production. There are a fair number of missing markings but so far all stamps are "R" save for the floor plate that is marked "W"
    1 point
  24. Loved watching him on SNL in the 90s. Any interview he did for a TV or radio show was great as well. Sucks cancer took him before his time.
    1 point
  25. I remember in the early days of holding a handgun permit, the open carry threads were much deeper. My reaction to this one was... Nope, don't do it. I live in Kentucky now too. In my younger days here, I never saw anybody wearing a handgun. Concealed was illegal. But, we did it anyway. I have pretty much carried a gun everywhere now, even into Joe's Gun Free Zones. I never have an urge to show my pistol. A gun can add real complications to just about any social interaction. I think it wise to keep it out of sight until you absolutely need it. When it comes to Voldemort, they were finally able to slap that idiot hard enough to make him go away. They should find him and slap him again, just because.
    1 point
  26. I remembered this happening but took a while to find a link. FBI van with weapons stolen in Memphis http://www.cnn.com/US/9706/04/fbi.theft.update/
    1 point
  27. You should check out some of the videos by the Lockpicking Lawyer. The ease with which those locks can generally be defeated with simple tools like a magnet or a particular shim should result in criminal liability for fraud on the part of the manufacturers.
    1 point
  28. I am leaning that way. I will likely blast and parkerize the floor plate and trigger guard since it had no finish and light rust. I will have to do a little work to the stock to get everything fitting better. I don't think I am going to tear the action down any further at this point to refinish. I will likely see how it shoots and use it for a bit before I decide to go further.
    1 point
  29. Oh side note; Likely not rebarreled. Looks more like some one cut it down removing the original front sight and likely did some smoothing of the profile. There are what appear to be original index marks on the action and underside of the barrel at the shoulder.
    1 point
  30. And the answer is 30-06 after all. Cerrosafe plug measured out pretty close to the 30-06 chamber dimensions so I rechecked with everything stripped. Apparently there was some interference with the butchered stock that was keeping the bolt handle slightly up and not showing a difference between the go and no go gauges. With the stripped bolt and the action out of the stock there is a clear difference. It is actually slightly tight but acceptable on the go gauge. Now I have to decide if I am going to re inlet and refinish the stock, strip and refinish the barreled action, and "restore" the gun to pretty but sporterized condition. Or do I adjust the stock, clean, lube, and reassemble in rough beater gun condition and use it as a truck gun for quick after work deer hunting trips.
    1 point
  31. I agree just trying to keep it simple. Due to the number of American manufacturers and the quantity of rifles produced, a lot of people are unaware of why they are referred to as Enfields or having anything to do with the Brits, in general.
    1 point
  32. Oh please don't delete. That's hilarious right there. And it's the truth. Anybody that gets offended, needs a sense of humor.
    1 point
  33. if you got the shots you don't need a mask,,,oh wait, yes you do, maybe, uh, you need a booster, no, no you don't, oh hell yes you do. we have to mandate the shot to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. The clown in chief ACTUALLY said that???
    1 point
  34. If that’s the case, one would have to cede that the first two did not work. I find it quite the spectacle watching otherwise intelligent people contorting themselves into knots defending what they’ve been talked into doing, and trying to get others to follow suit.
    1 point
  35. Well I will add my pennies worth into this topic. When the vaccines first came out I went and had a long talk with my doctor of 23 years to get her opinion as I have been trusting her to take care of me for that many years and I'm still here. We had a very thorough talk about the Virus and the Vaccine shots. She gave me the normal set of safety protocols to use that everyone was getting and everyone in her office was wearing masks because her county required them. When I asked her if she planned on getting the shot she was direct when she said NO!!! She said it takes several years or more to create a Vaccine that works. Not a few months and she said that the first couple 1000 or more people that get them are just Lab Rats and nothing more. She said when it has gone through the 1st year or more the medicine in those shot bottles will change a minimum of 5 times and before they have a true working Vaccine, since they have humans to test it on will have at least 3/4 to 1 million lab rats of which many will die from the virus because the vaccine does not work and many will die from the vaccine and she said I don't plan on being a lab rat and I said neither do I and I got my scripts I went after and left and came home.
    1 point
  36. Ok after 13 hours it's done. I pull mine but not too fine and leave it in small chunks.
    1 point
  37. I picked up Friday. I found it at the flea market between Manchester and Tullahoma. Fred's booth is a lot of fun. not sure about the US Revolver but the two silver badges appear to be authentic Pinkerton as does the brass New York Central Railway Police badge. There are three large and three small Pinkerton uniform buttons and the box of 38 S&W holds 48 rounds, Of course the "Golden Spike" is just painted. The revolver is functional aside from the ejector. Finish is non-existent and there is much pitting. I will test fire it when I find a box of ammo but this will be a display piece. Just wish I had documentation on the history of what appears to be an authentic retired railroad detective's service memento. If you know this to be a fraud,,,don't tell me
    1 point
  38. I have conceal carried for a long time. I live in a Constitutional Carry state now, but I still have my permit. When I carry (everyday) the goal is to have what I need, and not let it encumber me. That means a lot of different things. First and foremost that it not get in the way of what I am doing. If I were to carry a big iron on my hip for everyone to see, sure, they would all stand in awe at what a mighty and powerful man I am. But that isn't why we carry. Well, it shouldn't be. We should carry so that if the need ever arises, we have it. And frankly, keeping it concealed adds to that. I don't get spooked when I see guys open carrying. I do get spooked when I see guys in an Uncle Mike's holster on a floppy belt with a cocked and locked 1911 in flip flops ordering food at McDonald's. If you carry, be responsible, it is my opinion that part of that is concealing it with a quality holster.
    1 point
  39. 1776, that is just a terrible idea. You don't like being 'force fed' and others don't either. Making people feel uncomfortable is not a way to win them over. Take any protesters that you may oppose; does that sway you over to their side? People make their own choices. OC can make you a target for a quick grab, now you are chasing an armed bad guy - bad choice. You lose your element of surprise is approached by a criminal. There is no known instructor to me that promotes OC...there is a reason for that.
    1 point
  40. As a first time buyer, I think your experience / thoughts might be off great benefit for those who don’t currently have any. Background about the selection process, tips, and lessons learned. Its not a topic that’s well covered without a metric ton on googling. I’ll have to check arfcom, maybe they have a forum, but its potentially a good subforum.
    1 point
  41. https://www.tn.gov/twra/news/2021/9/8/cwd-positive-deer-found-in-henry-county.html
    0 points
  42. Yes. But making things here won't matter when we don't have the raw material. The items in short supply typical come from Asia and Russia.
    0 points
  43. Side note...John Adams was amazing in this!
    0 points
  44. Quicker than you lol I forgot if I knew that we couldnt use his screen name.
    0 points
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