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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2021 in all areas

  1. if you got the shots you don't need a mask,,,oh wait, yes you do, maybe, uh, you need a booster, no, no you don't, oh hell yes you do. we have to mandate the shot to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. The clown in chief ACTUALLY said that???
    5 points
  2. If that’s the case, one would have to cede that the first two did not work. I find it quite the spectacle watching otherwise intelligent people contorting themselves into knots defending what they’ve been talked into doing, and trying to get others to follow suit.
    4 points
  3. SOLD please close
    3 points
  4. I’ve all but lost interest in pro sports. “I refuse to practice because I want $20 million instead of $18 million” got old, and that was before kneeling and black anthems. My daughter’s competitive soccer team is more interesting to me than any sports on tv. We have recently gone to a couple University of Memphis womens soccer games to see how the experts do it. About 2/3 of the team is Canadian and one is from Japan and another is from Iceland. All stand at attention during the anthem. If only Americans knew how to act.
    3 points
  5. Two weeks to flatten the curve. Remember that phrase?
    3 points
  6. Just found this & thought I'd post it in case anyone wants to go. Fall leaves may be turning by then, so one could double up with a nice drive through the non-crowded mountains of SE TN. Good trout fishing here as well, for those whom do that sort of thing. Even drag someone's dad along as well, IMO. There's always nice cars at these shows, older stuff. Plan ahead, gents!
    2 points
  7. I still enjoy the sport. Professional xball players are incredible athletes, and I'm always impressed at the skill and dedication required to play professional sports. But what turned me off to watching are the commercials. Change of possession? Commercials. Time out? Commercials. End of the period? Commercials. Of course that all goes back to how much the athletes are paid; that money has to be generated somehow. But the continuity of the game has been destroyed.
    2 points
  8. I suppose this could be chalked up to those people being exposed shortly before getting the booster. Maybe maybe not. It is interesting that two FDA big shots are resigning over disagreements about whether or not third boosters are necessary or even safe. Biden has demonstrated that he is a stubborn, pigheaded old man who refuses to change his mind or admit he is wrong. This may be his latest case of “I said we are doing it this way and nothing will change that.”
    2 points
  9. Sorry, but as a LEO in the 90's I can attest that there have been enough times that a robber came into a restaurant or store while a uniformed police officer was there that they taught us to always sit were we could see who was coming through the doors, and not sit with our backs to the doors. Drug addicts and the desperate aren't the best at planning their robberies. Now days you also have to take into account domestic and foreign terrorists that are wanting to make a statement by killing as many people as they can. They would start with the threat to their plan which would be the OC'ers.
    2 points
  10. When I was in the Marine Corps, one of my duties was the base color guard. We had to do local veteran funerals that were typically in Palm Springs. One of those funerals was when it was around 120 degrees. During the grave-site service, the cemetery decided that it was time to water the grass all around us and thus shooting up the humidity way up high. By the time the service was over our uniforms were so soaked that the only dry spot was the very tips of the breast pocket flaps on our Creaton shirts. I've never had that happen before. When I was stationed to Okinawa we dressed more appropriately for the heat and humidity.
    2 points
  11. Humidity does suck.
    2 points
  12. There was plenty of substance in your first post even though they were twitter quotes. They were spot on & there were no mean tweets... Escalating prices in beef, pork & poultry are significant unless you're a vegetarian. Rent, medical, care, gasoline, costs for new homes going up, up,up. Gas is over $1.00 a gallon from 8 months ago, I bet that alone costs the average family $100.00 extra per month. Things are gonna get rough for some.
    2 points
  13. How many times do I have to say it? Every Police Officer I've ever asked has said the the overwhelming majority of stolen gun reports they do have the firearm stolen out of a vehicle. Don't leave guns in vehicles!
    2 points
  14. Well I will add my pennies worth into this topic. When the vaccines first came out I went and had a long talk with my doctor of 23 years to get her opinion as I have been trusting her to take care of me for that many years and I'm still here. We had a very thorough talk about the Virus and the Vaccine shots. She gave me the normal set of safety protocols to use that everyone was getting and everyone in her office was wearing masks because her county required them. When I asked her if she planned on getting the shot she was direct when she said NO!!! She said it takes several years or more to create a Vaccine that works. Not a few months and she said that the first couple 1000 or more people that get them are just Lab Rats and nothing more. She said when it has gone through the 1st year or more the medicine in those shot bottles will change a minimum of 5 times and before they have a true working Vaccine, since they have humans to test it on will have at least 3/4 to 1 million lab rats of which many will die from the virus because the vaccine does not work and many will die from the vaccine and she said I don't plan on being a lab rat and I said neither do I and I got my scripts I went after and left and came home.
    2 points
  15. Even if that is the case, it’s their site. Simply don’t go there. Problem solved.
    2 points
  16. I prefer to not let anyone know I have a firearm on me.
    2 points
  17. Saw the title and was afraid to open the thread. Whew, dodged a "bullet" as I'm good with those models. Lol. Great looking revolvers. GLWS! FUJIMO is a great guy. Buy with complete confidence!
    2 points
  18. Bought on GB, I picked up a new Beretta M9-22 Sat. Sadly, it came with only one 10rd mag. Must be why I got it so cheaply. I've been eyeballing these for a couple of years now. Chiappa makes one, not sure if anyone else does as well or not? But I figured why not go with the Berretta just because. Front sight is dovetailed, which is nice. I doubt I'll change anything but I do like the Tru-Glo front sight on my other guns. Getting old & all that rot. No light rail, which I did NOT want as I think it ruins the look of a gun. Safety, mag release, everything else is identical to my other 92FS'. Well, except for weight of course. 15rd .22 mags are ordered from GB, so they should be here next week. I look forward to shooting this one!
    1 point
  19. Sounds good. Good luck with the raffle.
    1 point
  20. Zero steps forward, 2 steps back, 1 step forward, 6 steps back. Skip to the left and jab to the right help me make math seem all right. 7+3=156,789,321 Yup math is right. Biden would would agree for sure. Stupid people make stupid seem normal.
    1 point
  21. Paul Rose is showing metal as a legislator. In my opinion one of the few Senators that actually get it. I know him personally, worked for his firm for a year, he is an honest, caring man that wants to do the Constitutional thing. He helped with Civil Immunity in committee last year.
    1 point
  22. Oh please don't delete. That's hilarious right there. And it's the truth. Anybody that gets offended, needs a sense of humor.
    1 point
  23. Mayberry's, O.K Corral. No worries, Barney has got Andy's back
    1 point
  24. I lost interest in pro football long before the Oilers moved to Memphis for a year, then went on to become the Nashville Titans. My concern is they are going to jack up college ball with all this NIL gotta get paid BS and social justice crap.
    1 point
  25. I still watch football , but I skip the opening ceremonies. The Star Spangled Banner is usually screwed up by putting their own spin on it. I start watching at kickoff.
    1 point
  26. My guess would be that drug addicts are not scanning the crowd with the plan on shooting anyone they see open carrying either. If they were robbing restaurants with uniformed cops there then surely they did not take the time to scan the crowd looking for a someone OC'ing. Sort of made my point for me, thanks. Sorry I have not seen many domestic or foreign terrorists in east tn. I would guess if they came in shooting AK 47's it will not matter if one is open carrying or concealed. I guess I could dream up a scenario that one that is open carrying would make them a target but to date it is just wild situations that are very unlikely to actually happen.
    1 point
  27. That's why this 6'4" 330lbs fat guy bought a really good shoulder holster. I complain about belt buckles digging into my belly too.
    1 point
  28. I can pretty much assure you that I'd notice. Some habits just don't die over the years since I was a LEO. You would also probably not notice me noticing you, but I tend to scan everyone and if I see an OC I'm reading their body language too.
    1 point
  29. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/09/13/inflation-expectations-hit-all-time-high-in-n-y-fed-survey/ Maybe this one is better. But this is just about expectations.
    1 point
  30. We didn't fund their drill bit research.
    1 point
  31. Not saying this is you, but 95% of the OCers I see fit the Fudd category or look like they got their first gun last Wednesday. A $5 holster and they don’t seem to notice or care that someone is standing 12” behind them. I think my daughter could disarm many of them. They probably tell everybody nobody notices their gun or has ever said anything to them.
    1 point
  32. Just sent mine back also. It'll be there Monday, we'll see if I get same fast turnaround. - OS
    1 point
  33. This is generally where I stand, but for those that OC like the kind of folks @Murgatroymentioned with their floppy Uncle Mike’s holster looking like a bag of smashed assholes, let it be know that I’m judging them very harshly along with everyone else.
    1 point
  34. Police OC, they get ambushed regularly. It's on the news.
    1 point
  35. Sorry there is no data showing that one open carrying is the first target nor does it make sense. Bad guys generally want as few confrontations possible. The likely hood of one getting shot and not being able to return fire is more like the movies than real life and few bad guys are looking to get in a gun fight. What if a bad guy comes into a restaurant and armed cop is setting there? Do you think they are the first target or will the bad guy go find a easier place to rob. I have never heard of someone being targeted first because they were armed. I also does not seem reasonable that a bad guy would scan the crowd looking to take out someone armed. Its more likely if the bad guy sees someone armed they will pick a easier target. The times I have OP was with a G26 that very few people even could see more less a bad guy making me the first target.
    1 point
  36. I have conceal carried for a long time. I live in a Constitutional Carry state now, but I still have my permit. When I carry (everyday) the goal is to have what I need, and not let it encumber me. That means a lot of different things. First and foremost that it not get in the way of what I am doing. If I were to carry a big iron on my hip for everyone to see, sure, they would all stand in awe at what a mighty and powerful man I am. But that isn't why we carry. Well, it shouldn't be. We should carry so that if the need ever arises, we have it. And frankly, keeping it concealed adds to that. I don't get spooked when I see guys open carrying. I do get spooked when I see guys in an Uncle Mike's holster on a floppy belt with a cocked and locked 1911 in flip flops ordering food at McDonald's. If you carry, be responsible, it is my opinion that part of that is concealing it with a quality holster.
    1 point
  37. In a polite society, the open display of weapons will never seen as normative. Open carrying is seen by the public at large as potentially disruptive to preserving order. We have people that we choose to put forth as a community to protect that order (law enforcement - at least in theory.) When an individual or group takes it upon themselves to open carry, it’s making a statement that they’re operating outside of societally agreed upon bounds. It’s always going to be anti normative. None of that affects an individual’s right to defense. You can carry a gun for defense. When you make the choice to strap on a gun you either become an asset to society or a liability. When you open carry the community around you also gets a vote. Choose wisely.
    1 point
  38. All emotion aside, what are the facts you are basing your criticism on? In my well-researched and educated opinion, this vaccine sort of sucks at being a vaccine. It doesn't prevent you from getting COVID-19 nor does it keep the virus from replicating in your body (although it does make you more likely to be asymptomatic... thereby inadvertently making you into a superspreader as you walk around not realizing you're sick because you don't get COVID tests daily) It doesn't keep you from spreading it (see above) There are tons of reported side effects/complications from taking the vaccine, with one of the key doctors behind mRNA technology expressing concern over the spike proteins used in the vaccine delivery technology + stories of spike proteins being found in places they weren't expected to be found in some people who've had the vaccine It makes the most severe symptoms less severe... but so does being healthy (losing weight, eating better) and being healthy has not been associated with any negative side effects besides needing to buy new clothing perhaps So if you want to take the vaccine for the benefit of #4 (a personal benefit applicable only to you) that's certainly your choice. But you aren't doing me any favors by getting the vaccine, so I invite you to dismount from your high horse
    1 point
  39. Along with @chances R , "target for a gun grab," makes OC less than optimal.
    1 point
  40. 1776, that is just a terrible idea. You don't like being 'force fed' and others don't either. Making people feel uncomfortable is not a way to win them over. Take any protesters that you may oppose; does that sway you over to their side? People make their own choices. OC can make you a target for a quick grab, now you are chasing an armed bad guy - bad choice. You lose your element of surprise is approached by a criminal. There is no known instructor to me that promotes OC...there is a reason for that.
    1 point
  41. I read Yahoo, CNBC, CNN, FOX NEWS and surprisingly, the Drudge Report (who is not subservant to Donald Trump at all).
    1 point
  42. Mine is the one I am holding at the time I am shooting, as I only buy what I like.
    1 point
  43. Yes, but we've got reasons that are COVID explainable, not signs of the economy being in a bad place absent that factor. We can't just go through what we did from March 2020 -Present and not have lingering effects for a bit. Meat processing still isn't back to where it was before the pandemic started, and neither is the supply chain from slaughterhouse to supermarket. Not ideal, but this wasn't going to be fixed when the masks came off. Fuel is one that's always in flux, but OPEC cut production when COVID curbed the use of planes and cars, and they've kept that production low as travel return to try and recoup profits. At best, they're going to slow roll the production increases people are asking for. Cartel's are gonna cartel, unfortunately. Building materials are probably the one to keep an eye out for (to me, anyway), but it ties into a bigger danger. COVID has hedge funds realizing they need even more diversification in the event of bad times. So, they're buying real estate and have no issues creating a permanent renter class along the way. If those don't come down before too long, private capital is going to keep buying homes at a pace I think isn't healthy for society in general. They've taken to overpaying up front knowing they can amortize and deprecate any costs along the way as they generate cash flow from day 1 in what I hope is not a new front for the sake of the middle class. All that leads to building prices increasing along the way. I'm not saying we're in a particularly good spot, just not seeing a bad one yet if bumps smooth out over the next year.
    1 point
  44. Most of the drivers in that inflation was year over year increases for things that were at a virtual standstill this time last year (airfare, rental cars, hotels, ect) because of COVID. Used cars are spiking because new cars are in delays for the semiconductor crunch, and appliances are stuck in a global shipping backlog. All these things lead to inflation for their specific areas, but they aren't pushing overall inflation up in a way that a rising tide lifts all boats, just causing some funky numbers. The math on the pay cut you reference does not hold up. Inflation and the CPI are two different things, and both are imperfect for a whole lot of reasons.
    1 point
  45. The cause has changed some over the years, but the overall claim that the sky is falling has remained constant on TGO for 10 years now. Somehow I'm still alive.
    1 point
  46. By what you have described, you’re better off retaining the light in hand. A pistol light is going to be a dedicated item. Even having one (like I have on almost all of my pistols) doesn’t absolve the need for a handheld. (Not everything that needs to be illuminated needs to be muzzled.) I’m a fan of multi-use items as a general rule. Pistol mounted lights are an exception to that rule. There is no way to mount a handheld light to a pistol that is not lacking in every way that would make it useful on a pistol. Sorry.
    1 point
  47. I have an old Marlin 30A .30-30. For Christmas I got a Williams WGRS-336 FS set. It includes an adjustable peep receiver and a dovetail front bead with a fiber fire-sight. I immediately recognized that the front sight would be too low. Looking at the Williams web page, I'm guessing the front sight I got is supposed to be installed in the dove-tail slots in the front ramps used on modern Marlin 336's instead of the older models with slots directly on the barrel. I installed it anyway, figuring I'd try it out at the range then order a taller front sight to fit. Finally got out to the range yesterday. I'm loving the sight picture, but I couldn't even hit the paper at 100 and 50 yards. I was 11.5" too high at about 25 yards. I calculated that my new front needs to be about 0.75" tall measured from the bottom of the dove-tail to the top of the sight. That's worst-case; a tiny bit shorter could work. The rear sight can be lowered a tiny bit more (see pics), but I'd like to at least keep it flush with the rear of the receiver. Williams doesn't have an "email for question" options, and I'm planning on calling tomorrow, but I don't see anything on their web-site even close to that tall. First question: Am I aiming correctly? With open sights you put the front bead directly below where you want the bullet to go. I was using a concentric-circle bulls-eye target, and I was aiming by centering all the circles. Outer peep, concentric circles on the target, thin black circle around the fire-bead, and finally the round fiber bead itself. Is this correct with peep sights? By centering all the circles and the bead I realize I was aiming slightly higher than I would have been with open sights. I liked the bead, but I know that a flat blade front sight could be shorter because I'd put the top of the blade where the center of the fiber is now. Second question: Assuming Williams doesn't have a suitable front sight option, does anyone know of a reasonable option for installing a tall front sight into a dove-tail cut directly into the barrel? Assuming I can't find a workable fire-sight, right now I'm leaning toward the Skinner 1/2" base x 0.65" tall front blade. New Williams rear peep sight Showing barrel-mounted rear blade sight and front sight area. Close-up of front sights. Original brass bead sight is on the right.
    1 point
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