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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2021 in all areas
The good news is that my disabled daughter, (1st daughter), was released from the hospital yesterday evening with an oxygen tank to cart around. They gave her a 30' hose so that she could pretty much go into most rooms without the tank. The bad news is that 7 of the 8 people in my household have COVID. My youngest granddaughter became symptomatic on Friday, and my 2nd daughter on Saturday. I think my wife is a little miffed that I got the Moderna vaccine where she and my 2nd daughter got the J&J. They are now lamenting that they should have gotten the Moderna vaccine. I feel very fortunate that we've had no deaths from this disease in my family.6 points
5 points
Tractor Show @ Boy's & Girl's Club, Benton, TN. Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 6:00 AM. Show is located about 3/4 mile off of Hwy 411 in Benton, TN. Located on Parksville Road. Should be great weather according to the forecast. Mostly antique tractors, if not exclusively. Great opportunity for city kids to see the old stuff and for adults to remanence about grand-dad's old tractor. Admission is free! Doesn't get any better than that, IMO. Should anyone need info about the area or restaurants, etc, feel free to ask!4 points
4 points
Arms list is no longer even letting you read the description unless you pay to join their login. Not liability problems now. If people were going around your rules they should be banned, but now they are just after money. Convince me different??3 points
This last round just looks more deadly. The Chinese may suck at drill bits. But, their viruses are top of the line.3 points
I worked with a guy for 3 days the beginning of last week that has Covid-19. A second guy I worked with for one day. In the same office and they road around in my truck. They had symptoms the whole time. No masks. I don't have any symptoms and I tested negative. I had Covid during Christmas and New years last year. I have not been vaccinated. I guess we are going to test the nature immediately thing. Sample of 1. One guy reported me and my phone has been blowing up for contact tracing.3 points
How many times do I have to say it? Every Police Officer I've ever asked has said the the overwhelming majority of stolen gun reports they do have the firearm stolen out of a vehicle. Don't leave guns in vehicles!2 points
Well I will add my pennies worth into this topic. When the vaccines first came out I went and had a long talk with my doctor of 23 years to get her opinion as I have been trusting her to take care of me for that many years and I'm still here. We had a very thorough talk about the Virus and the Vaccine shots. She gave me the normal set of safety protocols to use that everyone was getting and everyone in her office was wearing masks because her county required them. When I asked her if she planned on getting the shot she was direct when she said NO!!! She said it takes several years or more to create a Vaccine that works. Not a few months and she said that the first couple 1000 or more people that get them are just Lab Rats and nothing more. She said when it has gone through the 1st year or more the medicine in those shot bottles will change a minimum of 5 times and before they have a true working Vaccine, since they have humans to test it on will have at least 3/4 to 1 million lab rats of which many will die from the virus because the vaccine does not work and many will die from the vaccine and she said I don't plan on being a lab rat and I said neither do I and I got my scripts I went after and left and came home.2 points
Johnny Rotten, I'm an old codger, but in my early years, a truck gun was actually two guns, in a gun rack in the back window. One was usually a deer rifle, in our area, probably a Marlin .30-30 lever action and the other was a shotgun. The shotgun gauges ran the gambit, depending on what the owner was into. If he was a quail hunter, it could be a 12, 16, or 20 gauge. If he was a duck hunter, more than likely it would be a 12 gauge. Back in those days ('50s) not too many guns had 3" chambers. By the way, those trucks were hardly, if ever, locked... and many had the keys in the ignition. I don't recall any guns, or trucks for that matter, being stolen. Justice was swift and harsh in those days! Our state prison was "Angola", probably second only to Alkatrez (sp?) , the rock! Angola has it's on cemetery, right there on the prison grounds...and the prisoners work. They farm hundreds of acres of crops. Hardly worth it to steal a gun, or even a beat up farm truck! Watch the movie "Cool Hand Luke" with Paul Newman and you'll get an idea of what Angola is like.2 points
2 points
No. He is just getting over it. He is back to work, but very fatigued. He is still planning to get the vaccine. He doesn't want to get this again.2 points
Hyped by the Nashville media, each season, the Titans are expected to make a Super Bowl run. Not happening. The Titans won their Div. because the Div. was very weak. Same thing this go round. They'll win some games, maybe the Div. again, but the bus stops there, or close by.2 points
2 points
Regarding the Titans...it's Week 1. A lot of teams (and bettors) get their assumptions punched in the mouth the first week of the season. No cause for alarm yet. I don't think they do better than they ended up last year, but I doubt they'll revert to the scrub level of years past. As for Vandy...don't expect football results from a baseball school. Texas administrators, coaches, and players ares going to love the money from being in the SEC...their fans when it comes to the win/loss record, not so much.2 points
2 points
I mean, I’d be questioning the state of the world more if the Titans weren’t terrible. It’s always a good day when they lose.2 points
One possible (likely?) explanation is that Colorado State and the Titans are really, really, bad ...2 points
I agree, just asking for a wuicck healing from this crap. He was born a premee when they didn’t give much hope for survival. He’s 41 this year so I know God listens and heals when we ask in earnest. They gave him up for dead more than once. Trusting in God for each and everything. Praise God for He hears us when we pray earnestly, believing on Him, trusting in His word and promises.2 points
This is generally where I stand, but for those that OC like the kind of folks @Murgatroymentioned with their floppy Uncle Mike’s holster looking like a bag of smashed assholes, let it be know that I’m judging them very harshly along with everyone else.2 points
1 point
I’m 5’10/180 and can easily and comfortably conceal a Glock 48 or Springfield EMP IWB under just a t-shirt all day long. Usually the fat guys are the one complaining about concealing IWB.1 point
1 point
Reading the preseason predictions by all the sportswriters in the Tennessean on Saturday and then seeing the game on Sunday convinced me that this Nashville and theirs are not in the same universe. The Titans were laughably bad. I bet even the players' mothers turned the game off. Now, that Cleveland-Kansas City game....1 point
Over a Dozen Gorillas at Zoo Atlanta Contracted Coronavirus (breitbart.com) Those apes needed to stay away from their vaxxed keepers.1 point
1 point
Can vols pull off a win Sat with Tn tech or will a moving truck be sent to coaches home LOL1 point
I think 9 months is pushing the limits for the antibodies as far as we know. I certainly wouldn't want Covid twice. Hopefully he continues to recover.1 point
I'm so thankful your daughter was able to be released. Despite still needing oxygen - I'm convinced recovery happens better at home than in a hospital. With everything you've been through lately - I'm glad you haven't had a breakthrough infection.1 point
1 point
Short Version: I removed it but added it back. I hadn't considered that it would cause a problem if pasting formatted text was allowed but there was no way for you to shrink larger fonts. Long Version: A long time ago, I registered TGO with Google for their analytics abilities. It helps me make sure that we are at or near the top of search results for things related to firearms and 2A laws in Tennessee. They send out weekly reports to show me how we're doing and also to make me aware of any problems that might be present in TGO's website that would cause usability or searchability to suffer. Lately they've been dinging us on large fonts and problems caused by "broken HTML". The latter of the two is a problem sometimes when people copy and paste text from other sites and their browsers bring over the underlying HTML code rather than just pasting the formatted text itself and allowing TGO's software to decide how best to display it. This doesn't happen very often and honestly doesn't affect our scores too much. The former of two, the use of large fonts, happens more often and dings us on our readability and usability scores for people on mobile devices. Unfortunately it tracks back to a few members who commonly use large, bold fonts every time they post. I'm not calling anyone out, but Google is. If that shoe fits you, please consider enlarging the font in your browser's built in zoom / magnification settings rather than setting your font to "20" and Bold within the editor. Neither of these are significant enough of problems for me to implement an imperfect solution. So, I put the font size button back in the editor.1 point
1 point
1 point
I like history too, wha podcasts? Currently slogging through tbe History of Rome, but its so repetitive. Theres a fight, rome loses, they fight again, rome wins, the end. Next week rome will fight again!1 point
Vandy won after getting thumped at home by ETSU. Go Bucs! And yes, welcome to the SEC, Texas.1 point
I was at work and secretary had to go to bank and I was manning the phone. Her mother-in-law called and told us. I went down the street to a business that kept the t.v. on and saw the 2nd plane go in real time. Let's hope this never happens to U.S. again!! But I don't feel very comfortable about all these Afghans coming here!!1 point
I "try" to leave them alone, however as my granddaughter gets to moving around I will Keep her safe, what ever that takes.1 point
1 point
Yep, that looks like the creature! At least they’re killing other bad bugs. I killed one the other day, and it was a substantial kill. The propane torch was close by, and I thought about it!1 point
Yep, velvet ants are a type of wingless wasp. They kill other wasps which is good, just don't step on one barefoot.1 point
Now just image that the fed government has mandated that you use that toxic brake cleaner every day for the rest of your life or you will lose your job. That’s how this mandate feels to a lot of Americans1 point
And some people have liver disease because they drink too much. Some people have lung cancer because they smoke. Some people have aids because of lifestyle choices. Some people have mouth cancer because they dip. Some people like me are overweight from eating too much sugar. Are we to expect the fed government to outlaw short sleeve shirts in summer because of melanoma? What’s your point? You do you and I’ll do me. That’s all that the unvaxed are seeking. I have had horses all my life. I would be leary of ingesting ivermectin paste for horses from co-op. One would have to be very careful with the dosage. My wife on the other hand has a prescription from a medical doctor that CVS refuses to fill because they don’t deem it appropriate for covid. So now we have drug store pharmacists over ruling our doctors? This insanity is ending our country as we know it.1 point
The problem is that this is not about a company being allowed to make their own decisions... it’s about a company or government crossing the line and making medical decisions about me against my will.1 point
1 point
You aren't looking very hard then. They are everywhere and so easy to spot. Go to Walmart any weekend and I bet you can find ten without even trying.1 point
1 point
He seems to have mostly recovered and is happy to be back at work. Thanks for checking.1 point
They are already talking about booster shots before the winter, so I fully expect a mask mandate. There will also probably be another lockdown. I can’t complain about how people feel about their individual freedoms, but as long as there is a perceived need for a vaccine we will be riding this merry go round for the foreseeable future. I hope we can survive it.1 point
Yep the $15 I’ll save by ordering online is getting less and less attractive.1 point
It would cost more to make a quality revolver than something like a Glock I would imagine.1 point
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