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This is the precise real and immediate threat from ongoing and unprecedented overreach by The Party, that unelected machinations can interject themselves in your healthcare without the need for representational government to legislate AT ALL. Read: Executive branch decree with private sector collusion = your rights just got nuked from orbit without a single law needing to be passed. Bad. Times. Are. Here.6 points
5 points
Let us never forget how this country was devastated that morning. I know everyone recalls where they were that day and how for days and days there were no sounds of airplanes in the sky. How there was a solemn quietness in everyone. I remember there was no laughter for quite awhile. I hope and pray this country never experiences this kind of sucker punch again.5 points
Great illustration, I see your point exactly. That being said, it is the exact opposite conclusion I have come to. I would rather the fedgov blast me in the face with brake cleaner than take that shot. I believe most of the shot-resistant people feel the same way. Whether they have specific religious or medical objections, want to see more data/time, or are tinfoil hat nutjobs is frankly irrelevant IMO. It should be my choice, not a government mandate. ALL the other issues being thrown around merely distract from the core debate surrounding individual sovereignty over ones mortal coil.5 points
5 points
The problem is that this is not about a company being allowed to make their own decisions... it’s about a company or government crossing the line and making medical decisions about me against my will.5 points
Now just image that the fed government has mandated that you use that toxic brake cleaner every day for the rest of your life or you will lose your job. That’s how this mandate feels to a lot of Americans4 points
Faucci is an utter assclown. His assertion that we don't know what the durability of the natural immunity is in comparison to that of the vaccine is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. We have had experience with the natural immune response to COVID-19 for a FULL YEAR LONGER than we've had experience with the vaccines. What a ####ing lying piece of ####.4 points
3 points
And some people have liver disease because they drink too much. Some people have lung cancer because they smoke. Some people have aids because of lifestyle choices. Some people have mouth cancer because they dip. Some people like me are overweight from eating too much sugar. Are we to expect the fed government to outlaw short sleeve shirts in summer because of melanoma? What’s your point? You do you and I’ll do me. That’s all that the unvaxed are seeking. I have had horses all my life. I would be leary of ingesting ivermectin paste for horses from co-op. One would have to be very careful with the dosage. My wife on the other hand has a prescription from a medical doctor that CVS refuses to fill because they don’t deem it appropriate for covid. So now we have drug store pharmacists over ruling our doctors? This insanity is ending our country as we know it.3 points
bought $501 from them last week, don't know why but I did... Hi I'm Johnny and I'm a ammoholic3 points
Yeah, Prince was weird but he was also mighty talented on guitar (and bass). He put on a pretty good show as well.2 points
If we apply that same concept to the big picture of COVID and the vaccine, it makes for an interesting picture. According to Biden over 200 million Americans have been vaccinated, yet COVID cases are up 300% from before the vaccinations started.2 points
Then there is the issue of where does it end. I’ll tell you it will never end. There will be mandated booster after booster. Just imagine the power at their fingertips if they can get Americans “hooked” on a mandatory recurrent shot. They can pick and choose the survivors if they want. No need to take our guns if they are injecting us at their command. That sounds tinfoil hat to me too, but would you have imagined 18 months ago that the president could unilaterally get you fired for refusing to be injected with a new medicine? Crazy times. Again, I’m not against the vaccines just the method2 points
The last time I got the flu "shot" I was sick for a week!!! That was close to 40 years ago. Yes I get sick every year from something that is a cold or the flu, but it does not last long, 3 days maybe. What does not kill me makes me stronger. Because of this and other reactions to the crap being stuck in my body by the .mil she does not recommend I get the commie jab. On top of that I have had the chicom crap and my antibodies are still strong, so no need for me to get the jab. I have not caught the crap again, yet. The scary part of all this chicom crap is that you catch it and do not know you have it for 2 to 3 days, all that time spreading the crap around.2 points
STOP THE PRESSES — Sanjay Gupta finally asks Fauci about Israeli study showing ‘Natural Immunity’ is 13X times greater than Vaccine… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS2 points
NATO is made up of a whole lot of folks in a lot of different countries. Many of those countries manufacture ammunition for their own armies. I am pretty sure Winchester isn’t going to provide it all.2 points
2 points
Just drop one of these near a stump or a low area that gets lots of water, not running though. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/champions-choice-trace-mineral-salt-block-50-lb?cm_vc=-100052 points
I image what would raffle the best is not going to be one of those fancy calibers.2 points
Made my usual trip to the M'boro VA yesterday. 6 mo. checkup, shot on hip, flu shot. shingles shot ( takes 2 ). Other than a sore shoulder from the shingles shot, I came away no worse for wear.1 point
1 point
Hi Johnny! You're among friends. I'm envious. I love the smell of freshly delivered ammo.1 point
I was a PFC in the barracks at Fort Campbell putting on my boots after PT and a shower so my roommate and I could go to breakfast. My platoon sergeant ran into my room in a frenzy telling us to put on CNN then went to the next room with a TV. Nothing was the same anymore. Four and a half months later I was in Kandahar, Afghanistan.1 point
1 point
Got up before sun rise, put my flags at half staff. 20 years ago I was turning a wrench, boss hollered to come to the office, got there in time to see the 2nd plane hit. I will NEVER FORGET!!! God Bless all that have fallen in the defense of our great country.1 point
1 point
Ya’ll are about to talk me into trying the 45 model. I’ve been reluctant since the shorter slide and longer grip seemed a strange combination for concealed carry.1 point
1 point
I hold my M16 like I hold my goat. Gently, with my arm out like a chicken wing.1 point
Not sure what’s going on here but that’s an odd grip he has on that M16. And we’re not far from that here, at least in principle.1 point
1 point
1 point
There is a good program on HBO called “In the same breath” describing how China suppressed information about the virus and hid the number of actual covid related deaths.1 point
I was at Ft. Stewart, Ga in a formation when a Colonel called out a Lieutenant who had flea collars on both boots and lips smeared with a white cream. One of the few times I saw an officer chewed out in front of troops in my 20 year career. We all ate dirt which was better than the chow. Bugs, hogs, snakes, alligators…all part of the job. Armored cav.1 point
1 point
What I'm about to say is hard to convey without seeming like an insensitive ass. We've lost good friends to cancer here on TGO and I know we've got folks here dealing with it now. So, I do not say any of this lightly, but it is important to understand the situation. mRNA treatments have historically been used to prolong the lives of patients with aggressive cancers. Note that I didn't say "cure" them. It just staves off death for a bit longer. The cancer comes back, usually, and another mRNA treatment is perhaps attempted. With luck, they get more time. The fact that cancer comes back as it "mutates around" the mRNA treatment seems to closely parallel what we're seeing with new strains of COVID-19 affecting vaccinated people. Those folks, if they lack the natural antibodies that come from having successfully fought off COVID-19 previously, are basically left defenseless by a vaccine that was specifically engineered for an earlier strain. This is why we're reading and hearing remarks from research scientists to the effect that these so-called booster shots may need to be tweaked to address newer strains. How many times can we alter the cellular level of a person's physiology before it begins to stack up and cause problems? The problem is, no one really knows. Because historically the patients who have partaken of mRNA treatments, the cancer patients, don't live long enough to provide researchers with a 10, 20, 30 year data-set. I don't trust the mRNA vaccines either.1 point
The next shot across the bow. Moderna Announces Positive Pre-Clinical Data For Single Shot Combining COVID, RSV & Flu Vaccines Yea, so since many people are used to getting their flu shot, why not hide it in there.1 point
I don't trust the mRNA method of vaccinations yet. I hope it'll be the new miracle cure for everything. I really do, but the government lies so GD much you just can't believe anything they say.1 point
1 point
You might want to get it to stay alive. Piss on Beady Eyed Joe. He'll get his, sooner rather than later.1 point
No. The choice to get/not get by me, does not affect you, and vice versa. You want it, get it. You want to force me to get it, you got a fight on your hands. The standard arguments around mandatory vaccination standards are so far out the window on this one... the VAERS data alone should stfu about the entire debate.1 point
If you haven't pulled a tick off your sack have you even lived? That's fairly normal if you spend a decent amount of time in the woods around here.1 point
To me, this whole thing started downhill the moment the gov. got involved. Imagine that! The one thing the VA did right. Fill out a simple form, get the injection, leave. No muss, no fuss.1 point
1 point
FEDEX left me a surprise today. I had 200 pcs, Starline 45/70 brass on BO with Creedmoor Sports, back in May. Totally forgotten about it, showed up on my front porch today. I've got enough now to last me thru age 146. Not likely my shoulder will hold up that long, LOL.1 point
1 point
I have the 45 G5 and a 19 G5 MOS. I love the ability to swap the lower. Never an issue using quality ammo.1 point
The original (standard) permit which started in 96, is now referred to as the Enhanced Carry Permit - - - - simply a name change once the Concealed Carry Permit started in Jan 2020. Different certification processes. A few restrictions, the biggest being a CCP must be carried concealed only. Bottom line, anyone that had an HCP before Jan 2020 now has an ECP. The ECP is still available to anyone that wants to take the 8 hour class.1 point
1 point
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