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What I'm about to say is hard to convey without seeming like an insensitive ass. We've lost good friends to cancer here on TGO and I know we've got folks here dealing with it now. So, I do not say any of this lightly, but it is important to understand the situation. mRNA treatments have historically been used to prolong the lives of patients with aggressive cancers. Note that I didn't say "cure" them. It just staves off death for a bit longer. The cancer comes back, usually, and another mRNA treatment is perhaps attempted. With luck, they get more time. The fact that cancer comes back as it "mutates around" the mRNA treatment seems to closely parallel what we're seeing with new strains of COVID-19 affecting vaccinated people. Those folks, if they lack the natural antibodies that come from having successfully fought off COVID-19 previously, are basically left defenseless by a vaccine that was specifically engineered for an earlier strain. This is why we're reading and hearing remarks from research scientists to the effect that these so-called booster shots may need to be tweaked to address newer strains. How many times can we alter the cellular level of a person's physiology before it begins to stack up and cause problems? The problem is, no one really knows. Because historically the patients who have partaken of mRNA treatments, the cancer patients, don't live long enough to provide researchers with a 10, 20, 30 year data-set. I don't trust the mRNA vaccines either.8 points
First, calling it a "deworming medicine" is disingenuous and trite. As others have pointed out, Ivermectin has a variety of applications and is has been prescribed to humans for a long while now. You are calling it that because the media has saturated your brain with the term and because it's derogatory and makes you feel smarter than those fools who pop horse pills. Second, people are choosing alternative approaches to dealing with COVID-19 because there is no Off Switch or Undo Button for the mRNA vaccines. You might be OK being part of a test group for experimental vaccines and rolling the dice that you won't regret it immensely in the future, but other people aren't. Some of those people have been alive 2-3x longer than you have, and experientially understand that scientists have been known to #### up a time or two. Don't be so quick to dismiss them as being naive. People took the chance and tried to cling to sides of aircraft fleeing Kabul, Afghanistan just a few weeks ago. They did it because the alternative looked far worse to them. Honestly, your youthful smugness and condescension toward others reminds me of my oldest son. He's arrogant and an ass. I think both of you will end up regretting some of your positions on issues later in life after you've had a few more miles under your belt and start seeing through the propaganda and bull####.7 points
It wasn’t called for, and he won’t be doing it again, or anything else here for that matter. I will tolerate a lot of mess that I probably shouldn’t in trying to give folks the opportunity to act right. Wholesale denigration of the folks here by someone with almost no post history? Nah, bruh. I ain’t having that.6 points
I don't trust the mRNA method of vaccinations yet. I hope it'll be the new miracle cure for everything. I really do, but the government lies so GD much you just can't believe anything they say.5 points
If we were serious about this, we’d close the southern border and also require the vaccine for anyone on the .gov dole. There is something nefarious afoot here.4 points
It's literally... the same... medicine. Just different doses and perhaps different delivery mechanisms. You can give animals penicillin also. That doesn't make it a HORSE antibiotic. Seriously man, try harder. No but I knew my lane and how to stay in it. I know this because my elders didn't knock my teeth out, but then again - I didn't have the safety of the Internet to pontificate from back then. No, the interval will probably shorten. I've noticed that my tolerance for bull#### decreases each day.4 points
There is a good program on HBO called “In the same breath” describing how China suppressed information about the virus and hid the number of actual covid related deaths.3 points
Well, I'm sure the USPS has more than 100 employees. Doesn't matter if they suck, they're getting preferential treatment.3 points
3 points
I'm a follow the money guy. China had one big problem. Now they don't. Whatever it takes to hide the elephant.3 points
I appreciate your reply and conflicting information! I think everyone can agree that impartial facts and data are sorely needed in this debate? As a small sampling group, I generally trust TGO members to report the truth, even if it is colored by their personal beliefs; I've yet to suspect anyone of outright lying. As you mention, some people are reporting success, others failure. The messaging coming from the media is reprehensible.3 points
Followed by everyone drawing off the gvt dole aka SSI who DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE to the system but sure as hello has NEVER missed a check this entire time3 points
Ok, ones to watch for mandatory shots/shot status: White House NIAID FDA Pfizer Moderna Johnson & Johnson When these guys get to 100%...Ok, no, how about 90% to make it fair, when they get there, then maybe other companies can follow suit.3 points
Well, seeing as how USPS now delivers to my house at 8:30PM now, I'm guessing they don't want to have to fire anyone.3 points
*You're The governments of several western nations are actively pressuring health care providors to NOT prescribe it to people for treatment or prophalactic against Covid. I would post a link from last night to a Canadian Dr. Who posted her first hand account and a copy of the letter she received, but its already been taken down and memory holed. Another person in this thread posted a first hand account from a facility in Nashville. People who WANT to get it through their health care professional cannot. OUR GOVERNMENT IS ACTIVELY RESTRICTING YOUR AND MY ACCESS TO SAFE AND PROVEN DRUG, AND INSTEAD ARE PUSHING A NOVEL MEDICATION EN MASSE ON THE ENTIRE POPULATION. Put your politics aside, ignore the media soundbites. Look at what is happening. You can't get the safe and proven one from your dr, only the new experimental one. Go ahead, call your doctor, ask them to phone a script in to your local Kroger, tell us what happens? Honestly curious.3 points
Unfortunately, I have a bit of that in me too. Nothing causes me to dig in my heels harder than being told I must or cannot do a thing. I don't much care for AR-style rifles, but as soon as the government started talking about banning them.... This nation was founded on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Those have been eroded for over a century now and I'm frightened for future generations when I see how readily people accept federal government powers that are nowhere to be found in the Constitution.3 points
2 points
Just stop already. Post links to what you heard and let us decide the veracity of it.2 points
I'm with Erik on this... They're not hiding it, they're announcing it. How many times has it been called the "chicom flu" here? Hopefully in few years it'll be just another strain of the flu.2 points
2 points
The older Morpheus is The Glenlivet 15yo. The younger guy will probably be Miller High Life.2 points
https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/09/politics/david-chipman-nomination-withdrawn/index.html2 points
2 points
I'm confident a pharmacy isn't going to start jabbing people with a shot without telling them what shot they are getting. I'm also confident other companies will still offer a basic flu shot. If they want to give me both at the same time next year that sounds great. Saves me from getting an extra poke.2 points
I thought the flu was eradicated. Only had 3 cases last year, and they were in Mississippi2 points
You aren't looking very hard then. They are everywhere and so easy to spot. Go to Walmart any weekend and I bet you can find ten without even trying.2 points
I'm strongly suspecting the multiple union contracts are a big reason. Especially since the American Postal Workers Union contract is approaching expiration in less than two weeks and some crunch time negotiations are in progress. Would be very bad to try and address this so late in the game. https://apwu.org/news/contract-update-union-management-“locking-down”-ahead-september-20-expiration2 points
Well it is working, .gov has us at each other. My $0.02, the chicom crap is rigged to not be cured. .gov will have us taking a jab every few months, hell, maybe every few weeks, and paying for the damn crap!!!2 points
I learned not too long ago that ticks generally need to be attached more than 48 hours to transmit most tick-borne illnesses - Lyme disease, etc. So long as you're pretty careful about checking yourself after you come out of the woods and take a shower - you really don't have much to worry about. I wish I had learned this sooner than I did - I would have spent a lot less time thinking about it.2 points
2 points
Caution you say? Ivermectin has how many people die from it? Lets see: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/09/09/bogus-oklahoma-ivermectin-story-was-just-too-good-check/ https://www.foxnews.com/media/rachel-maddow-liberal-figures-false-story-hospitals-ivermectin-overdoses Now lets do the CCP Virus shots, last official numbers (probably watered down) https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html As of 2 Sep 21: Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination - Has occurred in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated (* So lets say 3x369=1107 occurrences) * More than 369 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 30, 2021 Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS: To date, two confirmed cases of TTS following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination VAERS has received 1,377 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination VAERS received 7,218 reports of death2 points
Well, bless your heart. I'm glad my friends were smart enough to take the horse paste to treat their covid successfully. I know of others who are using it precautionary. Why would you have an issue with what anyone uses for treatment? Most of us still believe in freedom no matter what cnn or the nyt says.2 points
I completely agree. The next guy will be a rabid anti-gunner who has had enough sense to keep his mouth shut and out of the public spotlight. That will make him 10 times more dangerous.2 points
I’m on my 4th glass of whisky and was just thinking I was channeling him. I hope he’s doing well and would be proud.2 points
This is generally where I stand, but for those that OC like the kind of folks @Murgatroymentioned with their floppy Uncle Mike’s holster looking like a bag of smashed assholes, let it be know that I’m judging them very harshly along with everyone else.2 points
2 points
2 points
We should also take this opportunity to thank and financially support those 2nd amendment defending organizations who held politicians’ feet to the fire to keep this nut from being appointed.2 points
Exactly. The same logic applies to masks, if they work, the masked have nothing to fear from the unmasked. Great Post! Quoted for truth.2 points
See, here is the thing. It isn’t really a debate. No one here is trying to get you to mot take the vaccine. Since you want it, I think it is great that it is available for you. What I don’t like is folks trying to make that same decision for me.2 points
1 point
BTW... I know some folks are probably teetering on the edge of their seats, but my take on our ability to disagree here on TGO is much like my take on "science". It if can't stand being debated and questioned, it isn't worth anything. You've been here long enough to have proven to everyone that you're not just some troll who happened to find TGO and uses it as a place to agitate people. But yeah, the interval probably will shorten the older I get.1 point
End of the day there is a simple fix, DON'T USE THEM.1 point
I do surely wonder at times...either Joe is the absloute best actor in the world; or this is exactly the case as in above. I really do not think the man has a clue about what's going on around him. Just too darn bizarre most of the time. Only really gets animated when he's angry, and that doesn't go well towards making me think he's Presidental material. Let alone qualified to be President or just a shill. My wife thinks Barack is pulling all the strings on the Joe marionette. Sometimes I agree. I sure hope not.1 point
1 point
Not a chance I will open carry. I want to have surprise on my side.1 point
1 point
Not quite sure how this policy "ensures the safety of their employees and the general public". Nor have any laws changed in regards to shipping firearms, something they've no doubt conjured up out of thin air. Sounds like their HR dept is running their company rather than vice versa.1 point
I have a bit of everything, except Ham, but will rectify that I think. Hardware may become critical and it is a good idea to be prepared, but our electronic comms are already being compromised, we all joke about it but I am sure we have all had ads sent to us for things you have asked about, searched, or even in some cases just had a verbal conversation about. If they can get that info, nothing else is safe. I do not think they will just cut us off, at least not at first, they want to listen in, which they can't do if they cut our comms. So the first thing is to secure your comms. I am slowly moving away from Google, Gmail, yahoo etc, and have even removed Chrome. Here is where I have landed so far, in case some of you want to check them out. I don't do facebook or twitter but I listed some alternatives, read they were ok, but who knows unless you get on there and check it out, review them here if you already have or do so later. First is a faraday bag, keeps signals from getting in, and getting out for phones and Laptops/tablets. Free eMail: Tutanota secure encryption in transmission and while at rest. Based in Germany so part of the 14 eyes compact, but even if they do give access to the alphabet units, the encryption is pretty tight. Protonmail, same as above but based in Switzerland; but there are some reports that the CIA may have been involved in their early years so I use it as my Spam email, used only for non official uses like shopping sites. It also supports good encryption so there is that. Browser: Brave, seems to be much more secure than Chrome, and blocks many of the various site tracking features as well as pop-ups. It also does a great job at importing bookmarks and even some passwords. Passwords: Lastpass, password manager; it can be accessed from an app (any platform), or on the web and they all sync so it is updated after each addition or edit anywhere you access it from. It incorporates itself into Chrome, and Brave, probably Internet Explorer/ Edge too, so fills in your username and PW for you so you can use strong passwords without worrying about forgetting them. Reading about the Dark Web probably wouldn't hurt, which is just going around the DNS servers, which can be compromised. using a different browser with encryption matching the one the site uses, such as a TOR browser. People have been using this to communicate in closed societies such as Russia, NK, Iran etc., it's not just about Silk Road and drugs. News: One American News Network (OWN) Newsmax Book of Face, Twit ,Replacements MeWe Gab Parler Our Freedom Book Freedom Book Youtube replacement, 2A and 1A friendly: Full30 Rumble Anyone have any others, list away.1 point
I did it in my garage with T-8 bulbs. Totally worth it.1 point
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