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  1. I prefer to not let anyone know I have a firearm on me.
    11 points
  2. Firm told me to get the vax or hit the road, I said OK, will save you the trouble, I quit. Was on the company plane at the time with about three of my bosses, (have more bosses these days than producers). That simple...they were stunned, I told them to save the fake facts, we just do not see things the same and I was sure they could replace 26 years of Process Construction experience with one of the college boys, no problem. I had food plots to plant. Owner called later that day and said since I had recouped from it in October last year it would not be a condition of my continued employment. When enough people push back it will stop, if they don't it wont.
    9 points
  3. No, and not because of the cost. Unfortunately becoming an actual service dog takes months. The actual cost isn't what bothers me, it's the idea that within two weeks any dog will be trained enough to make a difference. I think you have to go in with eyes wide open. If you are expecting an actual service dog with the capabilities I think you are hoping for, then just buying a dog and sending it to training is not the answer. If your expectations are that you are buying a pet with the hopes it could maybe help at some point down the road, then that is a leap of faith you are going to have to decide the risk on. What happens when that dog doesn't do what you want it to or to the level you were hoping? I hope the answer isn't just get rid of it. I am not trying to be negative, but a dog that can assist in the manner you are talking about is not just a dog you buy and train in a couple of weeks. If you really need an assistance dog, talk to one of the organizations that does this professionally. You will find that it takes a lot of time and money to get a true service dog. It can't be a quick fix so to speak. A 'companion dog' is absolutely possible, but one that can help with any mobility issues is asking a lot from what is essentially a pet.
    8 points
  4. Ah, the ever popular Either-Or Fallacy at work. Nice. Completely wrong, but still nice to see that some people choose to reach for that lever since it's an easy one to pull. You actually can have it both ways and we used to do just that in this country when our moral convictions were stronger and we had a basis of ethics that gave us the fortitude to make stands and say, "Yeah - actually I can have it both ways if both ways are right, moral and just." An intelligent person with autonomy over themselves and their business absolutely should be able to pick and choose which causes he or she will support. There is no logical connection between deciding that you don't want a customer's business (i.e. refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding) and supporting the idea that companies should be able to force you to undergo a medical procedure, against your will, as a condition of employment. The only tie between the two is an ethereal hope or belief that there should be a connection, because it gives us a neat little template to lay over top of every problem and absolves us of having to use our brains to make spot decisions. There are several good reasons why I think that a person should get one of the COVID-19 vaccines if they fit into various risk profiles. Wanting a pay-check isn't one of them. You are a rarity on several fronts. Good for you! The bad news is that corporate HR departments and lawyers have had decades of experience dealing with labor unions and know how to spot an insurrection before it gains steam. These days they just fire you before you get a chance to organize a walk-out. "Kill one and the others will take note and be afraid." That sort of thing.
    8 points
  5. I don't do it except if I have to take off my outer clothing layer for some odd reason. The ones I do see open carrying almost always are using some cheap assed Fobus or Ace nylon holster. Neither of which should be used for carrying period, never mind OCing. As a TFA member, I'm quite surprised at the % of fellow members who promote OCing. I think it's stupid, unsound tactically & is a good way to get yourself shot first. But what do I know?
    7 points
  6. The only time I ever "open carry" is when I am walking in the woods behind my house, when I really expect to see no other people. I never carry openly in public, and consider to be a generally bad idea. I once saw a fellow motorcyclist riding down the highway on a Harley in a semi-reclined posture with an unconcealed pistol on his belt. The first thing that came to my mind was the pistol falling out of the holster and bouncing down the highway. I don't pretend to know what's on anyone else's mind, but open carry seems to me like it's an attention-getting ploy most of the time. I can think of three occasions when people (two tradesmen and one person coming to buy an item I'd advertised) came on to my property with unconcealed handguns. I was unimpressed, and told them so. I'm a "gun guy", but I think if one is going onto private residential property the gun should be concealed or left in the vehicle unless prior consent is given.
    6 points
  7. He seems to have mostly recovered and is happy to be back at work. Thanks for checking.
    4 points
  8. I hear ya! I’m retiring at the end of the month. I worked 30 years to get their promised pension and retiree’s insurance. I’m taking it. My boss asked why I was leaving. I told him because I can!
    4 points
  9. My wife deals with the corporate attorneys all the time as the HR person for her company. She is told be the attorneys that her company can require the vaccine. They have not yet but I would also like to see if they are responsible for negative side effects. The last I saw over 11k have died because of the shot. 25 years ago I worked for the largest company in the world in the wholesale food business. I increased sales a million a year in my territory which put me far ahead of the other reps. I was the first to get laid off. Been self employed since then. My son was testing normal until he got his second set of shots as a baby, he is now 22 years old but mentally is 10. He will require care for the rest of my life and the rest of his, try planning for that. For that reason and others my 18 daughter has never had a shot and we did the religious exemption for school. We are very religious by the way. Of course it was not the shots that caused the issue with my son, it was just a coincidence. Needless to say no one in my house has had the 19 vaccine or are we planning on getting it. Keep in mind the 3rd leading cause of death in the US are doctors and hospitals.
    4 points
  10. 1776, that is just a terrible idea. You don't like being 'force fed' and others don't either. Making people feel uncomfortable is not a way to win them over. Take any protesters that you may oppose; does that sway you over to their side? People make their own choices. OC can make you a target for a quick grab, now you are chasing an armed bad guy - bad choice. You lose your element of surprise is approached by a criminal. There is no known instructor to me that promotes OC...there is a reason for that.
    4 points
  11. Look, I'm all for someone sticking up for what they believe in. I just think a lot of people are going to be severely disappointing when they find out that the law/courts are not on their side after being terminated for refusing a vaccine. I'd like to find out that I'm wrong.
    3 points
  12. About 20 years ago I visited friends in Missouri. At that time they didn't have concealed carry and didn't honor CC from Tennessee. However, open carry was legal, so that's what I did while I was there. Honestly, It just felt plumb awkward. Nobody said anything and everyone was polite, but I could just feel the eyes watching me everywhere I went. Nope, ain't doing that again.
    3 points
  13. I bought this gun on a whim a couple of years back and just don't shoot it at all. I don't have the box and papers but it's in great shape. Price is $375. Willing to meet in Dickson or Ashland city.
    2 points
  14. Picked up a Henry lever action Sat. .22LR caliber (so I can afford to shoot it), octagon barrel, wood stock, blued steel. But what got me cranked up was it came with a threaded bbl in addition to the octagon shape! I had not seen this combo before then. With rare exceptions, I lust after every octagon barrel rifle I finger bang. Doesn't matter the caliber, they just make my heart rate go way, way up. Sadly, it has the usual buckhorn rear sight, which means that won't work for me as the sight picture is inconsistent. So I also picked up some gently used scopes while I was there. I got two Nikons & one Redfield for $250 OTD! Now the only excuse for bad shots will be.............................. me. Henry still does their lifetime warranty too. Also still made in the USA, which I like.
    2 points
  15. Honestly, y'all are going to have enough to deal with in the coming days - that I don't know that it makes sense to add a dog to the mix in the near term - especially one that hasn't already had extensive previous training. A lot of dogs can be taught the brace command - but having a true service dog involves a lot more.
    2 points
  16. As has been stated, Tennessee is an At Will Employment State. They can let you go, you would have to prove wrongful discharge, and even though those suits scare businesses with just their nuisance value, they are hard to win., But, has anyone seen these restaurants closed due to lack of workers. Quality help is very hard to find these days and bidding wars are taking place. I answer as many calls from head hunters as I do from my subs these days. My bunch is not a Mom and Pop, one of the largest of our type in the Southeast. They need my relationships with the Owner Reps and Purchasing agents , we do 75% repeat business. Projects in the triple digit $millions, I am 67 and do not give a lusty crap any more. I have pulled more stuff and gotten by with it than these college children can even imagine. They don't have to fire me I will quit. They cannot cover the jobs we have now and I will not take one more than three hours from the house anymore, will not get on a commercial air liner ever again. 26 years of being their company man, well I don't have to have the aggravation anymore. 17 years ago when my wife's kidneys failed, I had a trip scheduled to Mexico to move a large process manufacturer and had done all the lead up negotiations, they said we would lose the project and would send nurses to my house to take up my slack, remember they provided the insurance...the question of if I would bleed the company colors then was answered as I left her in the hospital and my FIL did not speak to me for 6 months he was so pissed. They sure do not want me going over to one of the clients and being THEIR watchdog. Cut me loose, set me free!
    2 points
  17. I have never open carried and never will. It is just an advertisement for a bad guy to shoot me 1st. The only people outside of my family and my doctor and staff know that I carry. Most times if I have a belt holster I'm wearing a long loose shirt or light jacket. If I have my shoulder holster on normally I have on a light windbreaker. This is just my opinion on OC. I think if you do see an open carry chances are he/she is a new gun owner or does not have an HCP and is using the new law just to show off mostly and probably never thought they might be a target for a bad guy!!
    2 points
  18. During my trip to Missouri, we went to dinner at a popular restaurant. I was there for a shooting event and feeling a bit rowdy. All of us were open carrying and I stupidly decided to show off a bit. I was carrying a 5" S&W 25-7 .45 Colt in a crossdraw holster forward on my left side. I had two incidents there that have stuck with me. 1. I was in the rest room washing my hands when a young boy about 6 or so came busting through the door at a dead run. He came to a screeching halt with his nose mere inches from that cannon. His eyes got big as saucers! You could easily see the shock on his face. But he slowly backed away and went on about his business without a word. I've always felt bad about scaring him like that. 2. When I went to the cashier to pay my bill, there was a uniformed LEO waiting for a take out order. He didn't say anything, but he sure was giving me the hard eyeball the whole time. I felt really uncomfortable. I vowed then and there that I'd never open carry again.
    2 points
  19. Greg, what did your wife decide to do? I have a friend in a similar situation and he's planning to quit his really good government job. I really hope he doesn't regret it but I have to hand it to him for sticking to his beliefs.
    2 points
  20. My youngest had a stomach bug for a couple days last week. Thankfully it was over fairly quickly, but it was ugly for a bit. Hopefully she feels better soon.
    2 points
  21. I of course have to open carry at work. But when I’m off it’s always concealed. My personal preference is that I don’t want to have all my cards showing. I am seeing a little more open carry in my area. I do occasionally engage people in a conversation when I see it, but it’s normally about whatever interesting gun they’re packing at the time. I’ve met some good people that way.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. We can survive it, maybe on some cases not individually but as a whole. I worry about the costs (not financial, but personal, freedoms, joy, friendships, relationships, memories, etc).
    2 points
  24. Ohhhhhhh my........ The hives are in full flow right now! It was too hot to do any real harvesting today, but she collected 4 frames to make some room & harvested 11 pints of honey! We have around 30 more frames to harvest next weekend. VID_86300520_063544_247.mp4
    1 point
  25. A buddy from my Army days runs a gunsmithing shop in Central Texas and did his magic on my late Grandfather's ole Colt he use to slip in his pocket coon hunting. I think it turned out great.
    1 point
  26. I went in to The Gun Crew shop in Nashville today to pick up a couple of guns I had bought but hadn't gotten yet. (I live 3 hours away now.) They had boocoo .300Blk, .22LR, .45acp, 9mm & 5.7 ammo for sale. The 5.7 is about 1/2 of what I was seeing on GB, so you can help yourself there if that's what you need. I didn't check to see if there was plenty of 5.56 or 7.62x39 but I'm sure he has them as well. None of the ammo was match grade, but the pistol calibers were both FMJ as well as self defense ammo. They had multiple types of 9mm self defense on sale as well, much of it Hornady stuff. Hope this helps some folks.
    1 point
  27. “Should” and “will” are entirely two different things.
    1 point
  28. That anxiety you feel when you pull the trigger on a $2500 rifle. Well...... 100 yards after 20 rounds. Changed the scope to an HD5 3x15 and ran it at 500, 600, 1000, and 1250. This is 1250 on a human silhouette. I've got about 70 rounds down range so I'm still learning the gun, but I'm not unhappy so far.
    1 point
  29. There's another old saying. Stupid should hurt.
    1 point
  30. Having been run out of TN in the very early 80s due to grain embargos and such, I landed in TX. They passed permitted carry, Concealed only, and if a LE spotted your handgun under your clothing, it was called "printing" and depending on location you were arrested and lost your permit. That is why TN has a Handgun carry permit, not a Concealed carry permit. Just because you can does not mean you should, but for one, I am glad that is the law here. I imagine Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville are not much different than Dallas or Austin.
    1 point
  31. Along with @chances R , "target for a gun grab," makes OC less than optimal.
    1 point
  32. There's dozens of these videos from wedding shootings with a full auto AK. I recall one or two where either the bride or groom got shot, maybe killed? Talking to some whom have attempted to train Afghans & other types in the Mid East, none of this surprises me at all. Common sense there seems to be non-existent.
    1 point
  33. Prayers for your daughter, grandchildren, you and your family.
    1 point
  34. I'm sorry to hear this. Sending up prayers!
    1 point
  35. We will have to agree to disagree. Folks are all about a company being allowed to make their own decisions until it's something they don't agree with. That is what's happening here. Companies mandating employees get vaccines is not a new thing. This has been happening for many, many years. Schools have done the same thing. No one cared until THIS particular vaccine for reasons we can debate. To be clear, I don't like seeing people get mandated to get the shot. I think it just drives a further wedge into an already heated issue and only makes people dig their heels in deeper.
    1 point
  36. My neighbor breeds golden retrievers. Before his wife passed away she stayed in bad health for quite a while. I remember her telling me about one of her dogs helping her out in that regard just out of instinct. I’ve always thought that dogs are much more intelligent and intuitive than we give them credit for. I always had Labs and Rottweilers, with a few good ole mutts scattered in. I have a Shepherd now. I can tell you I am absolutely sold, so I don’t think you could go wrong there, especially with that one you have picked out. They’re known for extreme loyalty. I’m no expert of course (not even all that knowledgeable), but I would guess that most of the stout large breed dogs with strong family instinct might be a good fit for your intended role.
    1 point
  37. I have one in 6.5cm and one in 6.5prc, the cm has been great so far, I have yet to shoot the prc, brass and/or factory ammo is hard to find, and if you do find it, it is ridiculously expensive. I have taken the cm out to 800 so far, my first time shooting that far it took 3 shots to get on an 8" plate with it. I paid $1700 each for mine
    1 point
  38. ^^^^^^^^Looks familiar ^^^^^^^
    1 point
  39. Labor Day was what this weekend was for me for me. My old pick-up died on me. Saturday and Sunday were used up putting a new fuel pump in. Not that bad of a job really, but you have to take the bed off. And in my case, removing a bed cover and liner. What's time consuming, is waiting for help to be available to do the heavy lifting. Today I cut grass, did laundry, dishes and general house cleaning. So yeah, around here Labor Day lived up to its name. However, I did find time yesterday afternoon to go to the party next door for a while, grab a bite to eat and do a bit of socializing. That was nice.
    1 point
  40. As high as ammo is these days I'd bet they are impaired somehow and I wouldn't go over there for any reason. Let them talk to the Deputy Sheriff and if they are hopped up on something they will figure out not to do that anymore and could get a trip to town out of the deal.
    1 point
  41. Well glock is amazing all the time it has a great size even the value and it's comfortable to use at all.
    1 point
  42. The Chinese ammo never came back.
    1 point
  43. They'll get around it, by re-head stamping it and selling it to a middle man, who in turn will sell here. Look for it start coming from some place like Turkey or Finland or someplace like that.
    1 point
  44. For what it's worth, the case that's really gotten the snowball rolling downhill on mandates is the Indiana University case that just went before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Of the 15 judges on the court - only four were appointed by Democratic administrations. Damon Leichty (a Trump appointee) wrote the opinion in the case. They denied an injunction pending an appeal - meaning they may petition the Supreme Court but the decision is going forward anyway. And, most would doubt that a majority conservative court is going to be terribly anxious to overturn a majority conservative appeals court. Like it or not - mandates are likely here for the duration.
    1 point
  45. I pulled 7 supers off today and extracted about 15 gallons of honey. I probably had another 3 supers worth of partially capped honey. I will pull honey off again late July.
    1 point
  46. Hello, I am a new forum user, so if I am responding to these incorrectly please let me know. Unfortunately, I come from Iowa and there is never a possibility for expungement. But, one can not dwell on the past, only move towards the future. In response to my criminal record I am neither embarrassed or ashamed to share it. At the age of 18 my parent's rightfully kicked me out our home in the winter, I was inclined to break into a used clothing store and steal clothing along with money that was in a purse display. Now, I must say that although I thought I was extremely bright in the moment, it was proven that the life of crime was not for me. There is nothing more embarrassing than waking up in a pile of used clothing and having two police officers laughing at the absurdity of it. It only took one time. The store owners wanted to hit me with everything they could and now I have four felonies for burglary. Yes, I believe that I deserved what I received for a sentence, but I would be lying if I did not say it leaves me frustrated at times. I do not believe my crime fits into the categories of violence, drugs or firearms. Although I am happy spending the rest of my life using only archery equipment, I do miss the ability to hit a target at more than 40 ft lbs. Oh to be young, unintelligent and have a lack of being able to perceive the future. In response to your officers thoughts on felons owning firearms, they are wrong. According to the ATF one should only go by the definition of a antique firearm and be careful in those regards. It is also impossible because of explosive regulations for me to posses black powder. Each state is a minefield of regulations as is the federal government. I am a pyrodex or nothing man that knows to not to use primers and only use percussion caps. No. I am not a child molester or rapist and am quite sure we would both handle them the same way.
    1 point
  47. While on a out of state work trip, I paid a visit to one of my honey holes + I purchased my 4th Romanian AES-10B RPK.
    1 point
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