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Update, should be discharged Monday, travel home, 2-3 weeks of inpatient physical therapy. Thanks for the continued positivity and prayers you are sending our way. It is making a difference and this experience will help me witness and testify.8 points
Yeah, TGO is the only "social media" I can handle, but maybe that's just because I ban anyone I don't agree with. Well, joking aside, I simply wish people could reasonably discuss things like this, because they are important topics.5 points
I can’t say I agree with all of Phil’s opinions, or for that matter the opinions of a % of the TGO (or the world), but I am also not an A$$ (although my wife might disagree at times). If someone doesn’t agree with me, or if I think their stance on a subject is wrong, that’s just life. In MY world, It’s not my place to: a) Tell you you are wrong because I think you are (and be a about it), b) Get mad at you for not agreeing with me, c) “Convert” you to my opinion However, if someone wants to have a rational discussion on the subject, and the result is one of use changing our mind on the subject, that’s fine.5 points
My Doc has determined that since I have had the chicom crap, taking the jab could be bad for my health. Have a letter to show if needed. I know it wont get me by a place that requires the jab to get in. However I just wont go to that location or any other. As far as a test to prove I do not have the crap, see above. If you are in any kind of poor health or have not had the crap, get the jab, it has shown that it just might keep you alive. I for one am so damn tired of all of this, please let me off the ride!!!5 points
4 points
If y’all would start driving electric cars and stop farting this wouldn’t happen any more.4 points
As I am with my wife in the hospital, I can't give a lengthy response. But we have an All American pressure canner (not a pressure cooker) and I have canned a wide variety of meats. Beef, venison, poultry, fish and even bacon. Get a Ball Blue book on canning and read before deciding. Easy to do, just strictly adhere to the guidelines.4 points
I started to respond to this when it was first posted but decided to wait and choose my words carefully so I wouldn't get banned ( Also joking ) I too, wish we could just discuss things. But I believe that any serious topic which has two drastically different opinions will eventually lead to put-downs, finger pointing and name calling. I also believe that every person has a right to their opinion and the right to express it ( just my opinion ). My problem is with those who believe that their opinion is the only one that is right or the only one that matters and has this overwhelming compulsion to prove their point. The Covid test/vaccines/masks, abortion and even gun control are examples of these types of topics. Everyone has an opinion and all the pushing, name calling and derogatory remarks are not going to change their minds. Gun control is a good example since most of us, at least I hope so, are on the same side. I don't understand the reasoning of the gun control people but they probably have no doubt that their way of thinking is right. I do though, have respect for their right to their beliefs and long as they don't try to push their way of thinking on me I have no problem with them. The same with any other subject, if your opinion is different than mine, I'm not going to try to change your mind or argue with you but will just let it slide because it's just not that important to me. I just might be the only one here that misses the political threads. Not because of the name calling and all of that but it helped present a picture of a persons personality. Seeing how they responded to different statements or situations said a lot about a person. Just from those threads I could most likely figure out who I could befriend and those I wouldn't trust very far. Well.....if I get banned, it's been fun.3 points
Ch 4 News reports an anonymous donor is paying for all the funerals in Humphries Co resulting from the flood. Whomever it is, may blessings be upon them as I doubt many of those folks could afford a funeral after losing everything they owned.3 points
3 points
I agree! The situation is completed wacked! People are so bent by the slightest hint of disagreement with their "correct" stance that you can't even make a comment on things without being bashed and shamed. Case in point...I comment on one of the many FB threads last week on Phil Valentine's passing. I just made comments of how I'd gotten into listening, how I'd learned from him, and genuinely enjoyed his stance and life outlook. Safe enough, I thought. Well...I was wrong. As of Monday night, the last time I looked at it; I'd gotten right at 200 comments on my ignorance, being brainwashed by right leaning propaganda, being accused of anti-vaccine, and in general that I was a bad person. One went so far as to suggest I should join Phil. Immediately. There's more, but I stopped at the last one. Not surprisingly, even my lefty neighbor chimed in on the bashing. Towards the end of my reading, a poster commented that there were at that time, at least 157 poeple smarter than I was. My neighbor jumped in to comment that now there were at least 187 with him counting him. I'm still shaking my head over this situation. I never said anything past liking and agreeing withPhil on many things. It rapidly became vicious and went to the vaccine stance Phil had. Which as I remember, was basically... it's your choice. And I never even mentioned Covid or vaccines! We can't even give "other" opinions now. Must be in lockstep with the masses or you're dirt, and uneducated dirt at that. I'm beginnig to think I should just delete FB and go back to using phones as A.G. Bell intended...just to talk.3 points
A biophysicist told me that trying to block viruses with a mask is like trying to block mosquitoes with a chain link fence. Size matters!2 points
2 points
I will. Underneath the Fox sensationalism there is the reality that insurance companies cannot bear the expense of covid treatment forever. The best medical care in the world () comes at a cost and that cost is astronomical. And you still have a good chance of dying.2 points
Richmond, VA tried putting felons back in jail when they turned back to gun crime(s). It was hugely successful in reducing violent crime but the ensuing outcry from the ACLU, NAACP & other usual suspects forced politicians to put a stop to it. I'm not quite certain what CDC thinks they're going to accomplish with their "study". There's reams of FBI studies on crime, murders & so forth. My best guess is they just want a lot more of that Govt grant $$$$ to fill out their budget. CDC Director Dr. Walensky should go spend several weeks in the inner city of Atlanta. Better yet, live in the projects for a month & then see what sort of solutions she comes up with. My bet would be she'd be about as efficient as she has been with this China flu mess: a disaster!2 points
For almost everyone, bugging in is going to be better than bugging out. Even city-dwellers are usually going to be better off staying put. You know the area and have some semblance of a support structure through neighbors. Plus survival gear and all the crap you get stored up is hard to move and harder to defend on the move. That's not to say that the time to "git out" wouldn't come, but it probably shouldn't be most folk's first option. Remember that those hills and mountains everyone plans to run to already have people living there who likely won't take too kindly to a horde of newcomers. For bugging in plans - the best place to start is in your own home and pantry. Also start small. Don't try to plan for the end of the world if you can't get through 3 days without electricity. This is a gun forum, so I'll assume you have security covered. For food, the trick is to get a rotation going. Storing 500 cans of SPAM when you don't eat SPAM is just going to end up with 500 old cans of SPAM when disaster never strikes. Likewise 500 cans of hard red winter wheat from the local LDS cannery won't do you any good if you don't know how to prepare it. Instead look at what you actually eat, especially shelf-stable items like canned & jarred goods and pasta. Then start building up that supply. e.g. Instead of having 2 or 3 boxes of spaghetti on hand, maybe you get 10 or 20 to start with. As you use a few boxes, buy some to replace them and put the new ones at the back of the pile. A vacuum sealer (like FoodSaver) is also a good thing to get started with. You can buy some items in bulk like rice and divide it into smaller bags you seal up. That's a good place to start. Then you can start looking at the more extreme things like MREs, mylar bags with O2 absorbers, and those cans of hard red winter wheat. For non-food, think about what you'd need for an extended camping trip and start there. Proper clothing and footwear for everyone. Tools and skills to make a fire. A good first aid kit and knowledge of how to use it (you probably don't need an AED, but something more than Band-Aids is a good idea) Some emergency "space" blankets. Street and topography maps of the area, a compass, and knowing how to use them. Flashlights/headlamps and extra batteries. Maybe a solar charger for small electronics like one from GoalZero. A hand-cranked water filter or something like the Sawyer mini filters. A camp stove and fuel. Or if you have a propane grill, keep an extra tank on hand. An extra bag or two of charcoal. Do some thinking about bugging out too if the time comes. Ask questions like where would you go? Would you be welcomed there? How would you get there? Are there bridges or other features that make a funnel for thieves or worse? Can you avoid those points? Can you plan multiple routes? How much fuel do you need to make the journey? As for your questions: Canning: Yes, a pressure canner can be used for pretty much anything. A water bath process should only be used for high-acid foods like fruits and some veg but never for meat. Most (all?) the info in the Ball canning book is also on their website: https://www.freshpreserving.com/canning.html Hunting: TWRA Hunter ed site: https://www.tn.gov/twra/hunting/hunter-education.html Water: Water is going to be a challenge for most of us. Few people have the ability to store large quantities safely. Instead, look at what you need to get through a normal disruption for a few days or a week, then plan on a way to replenish the supply. Again, start small. I always have a few cases of bottled water on hand that we cycle through, plus I have a couple of Aquatainers for camping that I keep full year-round at the house. That's enough for just me and my wife for any normal disruption to service, plus we'll have the water heater and toilet tanks too for anything a little longer if we can't drive out to get more. For a true TEOTWAWKI, we'll have to make it up a bit as we go along. I'm a camper so I have water filtration and UV devices and there's a river 1/4 mile from the house. Schlepping water up from there won't be fun, but it's doable. A hand truck or wagon will help. If you can have a well dug, that's the best long-term supply. A pump can be solar powered or you can get a hand pump. Another option some people do a rain water catchment system using rain barrels or the big plastic cubes. This water MUST be filtered/treated. Generator: For sizing a generator you need to decide what you want to power with it, how long you want to run it, where you'll be running it, and what kind of fuel you want to store. Start with sizing. Kw Size: A small 2Kw generator is plenty for a few lights (esp. LED bulbs), a TV, computer, and a fridge. You'll need bigger if you plan to power your HVAC, microwave, electric stove, electric water heater, clothes dryer, etc. Look at the labels on each one and it will show you the power required. Add up all the ones you'd want to run AT THE SAME TIME and that's your requirement. Note that generators are sold with labels of their peak output, not running steady output. Physical size: Portability and storage should be considered. They'll range from ~25lbs and the size of a large cantaloupe for a 1Kw up to tractor-trailer-sized for the big industrial ones. I have a Honda EU6500 that's easy to wheel around the garage, but at 253 lbs. without fuel, it's a struggle for 2 capable men to put in a pickup truck if I have to take it anywhere. If I had it to do over (and I may still do it) I'd get a ~50 lb. 2Kw set like a Generac iQ or Honda EU2000 or EU2200 and maybe get a second one capable of being tethered together to do ~4Kw. Noise: May or may not be a concern for you. If you're on a 100 acre farm, you can worry about the noise less than if you're in a tightly packed neighborhood. Inverter generators are quieter and safer for sensitive electronics. Honda's EU series has been the gold standard for a very long time, but gennys from Yamaha and the new iQ line from Generac are every bit their equal at a lower cost. You'll find more support for Honda though because there are so many. Fuel: Gasoline is the easiest, especially on the smaller-sized gennys but it's harder to store a lot of it without it going bad. If you have natural gas or propane at your house, you can find tri-fuel gennys or conversion kits for the most popular brands like Honda. Propane and natural gas burn cleaner than gasoline so less maintenance/gummed up carbs, but they're also hotter and some gennys can't take it. You'll find lots of genny advice on RV forums. The big gennys usually run on diesel. I haven't seen any small home-owner grade ones running on diesel. Don't forget to have a heavy chain and good lock to secure it. Get some of those basics down, then you'll start thinking about longer term stuff like gardening, coordinating with nearby like-minded friends & neighbors, and communications (HAM radio is still a thing . . . It's kind of like hunting - no license needed if there ain't no government left ). Then you may or may not move on to the more dedicated prepper world like bunkers, hydroponics, aquaculture, etc. But that's only for kooks . . . . until it isn't. Something often overlooked in our consumer-driven world is skills vs. supplies. If King Monkeylizard the Great of Fortress Apocalypto has to choose between letting in an empty handed but skilled engineer or letting in a doofus with a truck load toilet paper, well....let's just say I'll have a good engineer and a lot of toilet paper. We like to think we can buy a bucket of food from Wise, stick it in the closet, and "hooray! we're safe from Zombies!". Think about the kinds of skills that would be useful and start trying to learn them, and use them as a way of life if possible. It doesn't have to be the end of mankind for those skills to payoff. Maybe learn to reload ammo. Canning is a good skill and you get to have healthier food for your family year round. Knowing how to wire up solar panels and batteries is useful and something you may be able to use on a mission trip or something. Make some new friends in the amateur radio world. Know how to repair a car. Medical skills are always useful.2 points
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2 points
Saw the title and was afraid to open the thread. Whew, dodged a "bullet" as I'm good with those models. Lol. Great looking revolvers. GLWS! FUJIMO is a great guy. Buy with complete confidence!2 points
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1 point
He has heart disease and some other issues that they haven't figured out. He's only 64 though. Young enough to help with drywall. We both hurt the next day.1 point
Ok, I forgot about canned sausage. My mother canned everything when I was growing up.1 point
Who knows? Could be her, could be Dolly, could be a TN Titan, could be Hank, Jr? Who knows?1 point
1 point
That's fair. I'm certainly no expert on this. There are new studies being done constantly so who knows what changes. @MacGyver might have some good info on that J&J shot.1 point
I took the J&J shot and I'm still sucking air. I had a mild fever that night for a few hours and my arm hurt like any other vaccine. Aside from that nothing noticeable. It's the least effective of the 3 vaccine though.1 point
If you want to hunt now, you need a hunter's safety course and a license. If you're hunting because we've collapsed, then you only need a gun and ammunition.1 point
That's why I make an effort to offend those kind of folks on Facebook. If somebody is going to scream at me, I will get rid of them quickly.1 point
I didn't mean you. But I would reconcile with what TGO David's doc told him. If that immunity is gonna wane, I would rather get a booster shot than die of this nasty stuff. There is a huge bunch of folks in your boat.1 point
So, is this doctor part of problem or part of the solution? https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/indiana-doctor-drops-vaccine-truth-bombs-on-school-board/1 point
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When we were up North we kept a metal coffee can in each car with some long burning candles, hand warmers, granola bars space blanket and a lighter to get us through a night in a snow bank if we ran off the road. Don't do any prep now that we are retired for getting out but keep lots to stay put for a month or so if need be.1 point
1 point
@TripleGGG You know you can never have just one of each.. or even 2 for that matter.. lol1 point
1 point
My wife is an ICU nurse. At this time all but 1 of their patients are COVID positive non vaccinated and on vents. while it is indeed unsure of the long term side effects of the vaccine. We know for sure the long term effects of not getting the vaccine and have a bad case of Covid1 point
Had both Moderna shots at the VA, and will get the booster when available. To me not getting the shots is Russian roulette.1 point
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Negative. This man living and encouraging his listeners to get vaccinated would have been much more impactful than his needless death.1 point
I worked over there Monday and Tuesday. Going back tomorrow. So many hurting souls.1 point
Uncle Phil and Johnny B were more a comedy duo than a talk show. I’ll sure miss listening to them. They had a chemistry that made a great program. I really enjoyed their encyclopedic knowledge of all things musical. Unlike Ruth Bader Ginsberg and John McCain, their life’s goal was to entertain; not to destroy the greatest country earth has ever known. Apples and oranges.1 point
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1 point
Nice! I look to have 10 medium 8-frame supers full of honey this year. I have added one more super to the short hive ( it was a swarm I caught this year).1 point
1 point
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