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  1. To be fair, Phil couldn't have teed up a better scenario if he had tried even harder. Say what you want, but he would still be spouting off about not getting the vaccine if he hadn't got it and died. I just can't help feeling too empathetic towards him on this. I suspect his family had the same views, so sometimes you get what get. That's not to say celebrate it, but also don't act like this is some tragedy.
    6 points
  2. Uncle Phil and Johnny B were more a comedy duo than a talk show. I’ll sure miss listening to them. They had a chemistry that made a great program. I really enjoyed their encyclopedic knowledge of all things musical. Unlike Ruth Bader Ginsberg and John McCain, their life’s goal was to entertain; not to destroy the greatest country earth has ever known. Apples and oranges.
    5 points
  3. People in general are increasingly nasty these days. I come home each night with a story to tell of some kind of rude occurrence. I believe a lot of it is social media "warriors" forgetting where they are.
    4 points
  4. Because she is part of the lowest form of life, a leftest commie! I am sure he is.
    4 points
  5. Good luck and be careful. I stopped riding bikes in 2001. I've worked a bunch of crashes with bikes to the point where I was looking more rearward than forward when I was riding to keep from getting rear-ended. Look out for cars , loose gravel from driveways , and animals.
    3 points
  6. I guess I'll point out again that there were Conservatives relishing the death of both RBG and John McCain. Both "teams" are nasty these days.
    3 points
  7. ^^^ People do not need to skip ahead without taking stock of this post. It is the most practical thing I've seen written on the topic lately.
    3 points
  8. They are just the noisiest about not taking it. Minorities have a fairly low vaccination rate and we all know how they generally lean.
    3 points
  9. As a guy who has had a couple bad days, I'd suggest any "bad day" kit should focus on stuff for a long walk. 1 - for feet: Comfortable shoes, several pair of socks, moleskin, duct tape, foot powder, extra shoelaces. 2 - hydration: containers w/ at least 3 quarts of water, filter or iodine for more. 3 - clothing: season-appropriate outfit for long walk outdoors, hat, sunblock, and bug spray. 4 - medicine: stuff to treat pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and itching, also a minimal first aid kit and chap stick. 5 - general: TP. Flashlight. Radio. Rope or cord. Multi tool. Map of your area. Compass. Protractor. Money. Some food. An inexpensive general issue assault pack or backpack will normally hold this stuff.
    3 points
  10. Posted on all the Nashville news sites, radio host Phil Valentine died from Covid complications yesterday. He had been on a ventilator for a week or longer. I've met Phil at several functions as he was a strong 2nd Amendment supporter & was a guest speaker at several functions. Super nice guy, IMO. Sad to hear of his passing. Showing the kind of person she is, Martina Navratilova sent a tweet celebrating Valentine's death. Why she cared or even thought about Valentine is beyond me. Why she stooped to such a low level of class is also beyond me. RIP, Phil.
    2 points
  11. Ammunition is packaged stating the origin of manufacture. Each round is also clearly stamped as to origin. We’d be awash in repackaged Chinese ammo otherwise.
    2 points
  12. I couldn’t agree more. Since the advent of social media, everyone thinks everyone else gives two ####s about their opinion.
    2 points
  13. It made sense to me. Someone else said they hoped that Trump's words word encourage his followers to get the shot but he was apparently booed for suggesting it.
    2 points
  14. It’s because he was a strong voice for conservative values. I told my wife yesterday that the leftists will have a large and festive time with this. Hopefully he’s resting in the arms of the Lord now.
    2 points
  15. Personally, *I* wouldn't get within 50 miles of Cades Cove. Traffic & tourists make that area a must-avoid for locals, IMO. What *I* would do is slide a little further south & ease around the Chattanooga area. Take a train ride on the TVA Rail run, maybe go white water rafting on the Ocoee River or tube down the Hiwassee River if you prefer calmer adventure? Much better entertainment options as well as less traffic in SE TN, IMO. Regardless, drive safely! My .o2
    2 points
  16. I might have published a thought or two on it. http://leveledsurvival.com/building-a-bag/
    2 points
  17. It seems the republicans/conservatives are mostly the ones refusing the vaccine. They're also the ones filling up hospitals and dying. If this keeps up, the democrats won't have to cheat in the next election.
    2 points
  18. I’ve mentioned it before I think, but one of the big factors in me folding my business up and deciding to become somebody else’s employee is insurance. I haven’t had health insurance in 5 years. It was too expensive. For me to provide health insurance for my family last year would have been nearly 30k in premiums and deductibles before the insurance company would have started kicking in a dime. It was too much.
    2 points
  19. Many people who brag on “the world’s best healthcare system simply have not been subject to the realities of how it works.
    2 points
  20. Up until now I’ve avoided making a direct encouragement one way or another. I’m going to make one now. While I get the hesitation, and wholly disagree with any government mandates, I would highly encourage y’all to get vaccinated. If you’re worried or suspicious of the mRNA vaccines, go get the J&J one. It’s built on the old tech that’s been around for decades. I’m not the one who can break down the science of things, but please take @MacGyverup on his offer if you’ve got questions. If you want a solid 2A argument for it, I’ve even got one of those. We can’t preserve our freedoms if we are dead and unable to educate the young in our lives. I don’t want to lose anymore of y’all if it can be avoided.
    1 point
  21. I just checked Hobby Lobby's website and they have a set for $10. SKU 104869 in the art department. I may out and pick some up this week.
    1 point
  22. Sorry to hear that. We'll pray for his family.
    1 point
  23. This latest round has gone through the unvaccinated at work in the last few weeks. One friend and coworker passed away on Thursday. Kevin is first person I've personally known who's died. He was a quiet guy, about 60, with no complications that I know of. Of the dozen or so others, about 3 have been in pretty rough shape and went to the hospital. He's the only 1 who ended up on a ventilator. I believe the rest are getting better.
    1 point
  24. I never mentioned whether or not Trump would help, I just pointed out that Trump pushing the vaccine is nothing new. He quoted me instead of whoever said Trump may get more people vaccinated. That would have made more sense.
    1 point
  25. I think he meant that as Dick Tator, all proper like
    1 point
  26. What I have is a "Get Home" bag. Its designed to get me back home if I'm caught out somewhere when SHTF. Pistol, ammo, Knife, socks, 4 MREs that I can stretch for up to a week or more, two canteens plus a life straw, first aid kit, poncho, paracord, lighters and the all important toilet paper. There is also a blanket wrapped in a piece of plastic for shelter. But that may be dumped depending on weather and need. The whole kit fits inside a small backpack. Zip lock bags are excellent for keeping small items together and they're waterproof.
    1 point
  27. Feeding time for the big cats!
    1 point
  28. There are a few blocks there and the concrete top, that is a LOT of gravity! Please post a "how you made" the bench.
    1 point
  29. Depending on yout suburban area... maybe a pellet gun? I like the idea of predator urine or other deterrent? Maybe some dog droppings around perimeter? I could donate? My previous home was suburban. No-way I could get away with a .22 outside of "4th of July season"..... Got a friend with a silencer? If there are multiples, your odds of touching one off increases exponentially (ala @Darrell 's story.) You can flip a coin and get heads 3x in a row, but its still 50/50 chance each flip. Maybe throw a few handfulls of Cheeto's under the neighbors bushes! Got any nearby you don't like?
    1 point
  30. Don't forget to figure out how far you can carry said bag (and any firearms).
    1 point
  31. This is a good argument. "Get the vaccine, dumbass! If you get COVID and die now, you'll be voting for Harris in 2024!"
    1 point
  32. I doubt it. There seems to be this mindset that if you deny it exists it will go away. Denial is ugly business. As I've said before, it's real and it will kill you if given a chance. It's a lot less lethal than the uber left would lead you to believe, but it can kill you nonetheless. I just can't understand being so stupid and dogmatic that you're too stupid to get a ####ing vaccination.
    1 point
  33. One consideration in the bug out scenario you favor that's frequently missed is "what is waiting for you at your destination?" Do you have what you need stored there? Do you need to supply it with your arrival? Tools? Food, water treatment and storage, spare clothing, etc? Your pack can be minimized if you've pre-positioned supplies at your destination and can then be treated more like a "Get Home Bag" than a pack which needs to sustain you for the rest of time. If you don't have a destination and plan on living off the land then you'll obviously need more stuff.
    1 point
  34. Missing my buddy SPC Anthony Owens tonight. KIA in February 1, 2006 in OIF. Sometimes things hit you when you least expect it. It is not free, gentlemen.
    1 point
  35. The old democrat switcheroo. Act like your punishing the bad guys when you're really pushing your gun control agenda.
    1 point
  36. My big gripe is the cost of prescription drugs. When you make a pill for $.05 and sell it for $10.00, that's just plain wrong. Yeah, I know all about the cost of research, but many of these medicines have been in common use for many years. They paid for themselves decades ago. So why are they still so expensive? After my little event back in 2019, my Cardiologist put me on Xarelto just as a precaution. Even with good insurance, this is expensive stuff. There is no generic either. Then two things happened. 1. I fell into the medicare "Donut hole". Basically, that means that they had a limit on how much they would spend on this stuff and I hit it. Rather quickly I might add. 2. Due to the high cost of Xarelto, my insurance just decided to drop it all together. The monthly cost of this one pill jumped to $280 for 30 pills. Lucky for me, I had a long talk with my Doctor and he decided I didn't really need it after all. My oldest son is diabetic. He has a good job and makes good money. Yet he struggles due to the high cost of insulin. Dammit! The government gives free meds and needles to junkies. Why the Hell do legitimately sick, but productive citizens have to suffer? The cost of insulin seriously needs some government control. But big pharma OWNS Congress, so don't expect any change. The cost of insulin amounts to a huge racket!
    1 point
  37. First, they add tax to the sales price. Second they added some new fees recently ON TOP OF the existing fees. I have some acessories on there, but no guns. Right now your best bet might be to list them somewhere on a forum or local tp see what bites you get.
    1 point
  38. Men who eat genuine Mexican food from roadside vendors are infinitely less susceptible to COVID-19 and Tetanus. It's science. (Disclaimer: Not actual medical advice)
    1 point
  39. They'll probably be some there.
    1 point
  40. Limos, custom tailored wardrobes, exorbitant salaries, private jets and European vacations are expensive. They need every dime of those donations to keep up the appropriate lifestyle for Wayne and Co. Edit: At least Russian spies still work cheap. Maybe they can hire some more of those ... Translation: We have no intention of cutting off the money spigot for our vaunted leader.
    1 point
  41. Still haven't read that book, but I know I need to. I was working with your battalion sniper section once we got to Mosul in 2003. My GSR team was out at that water treatment plant a bit northwest along the Tigris with them for two and a half months while the rest of the battalion was taking up residence in the Mosul Hotel and wondering when the elevators were going to be fixed.
    1 point
  42. @ Daniel - Sorry, didn't see your post. Thanks for that info about 1SG Skidis. As far as 1/502 having a rough tour in '05-'06... yeah. That summer of '06 was unreal. I spent a little time with those infantrymen in Mahmudiyah, Latifiya, and near the Euphrates back then. I'll echo what you said about the book Black Hearts. I'd encourage anyone interested in OIF to pick it up, although reading it left me with mixed feelings.
    1 point
  43. Thank you for the thread. It is needed and I’m praying daily during this time of great need for healing and comfort to those that have contracted this virus, those who have loved ones with with it and those that have lost loved ones.
    1 point
  44. I won't even consider NRA until current leadership is gone.
    1 point
  45. Answer the phone and tell them you're not giving until Wayne is gone and the bylaws are amended. They'll stop calling after hearing that a couple of times.
    1 point
  46. The Fairbairn-Sykes has always been a favorite of mine but originals were crazy expensive even when I was a kid, so I got this Gerber Mark II in 1981.
    1 point
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