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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2021 in all areas

  1. I'm seeing data that suggests that the reason hospitals are at capacity has less to do with COVID-19 and more to do with staff shortages. Apparently nurses, beginning last year, with enough years under their belts or enough financial stability to do so, have been getting very fed up with the dynamics at play within the healthcare industry and have begun leaving. In significant numbers. What I've begun tracking is data to the effect that there are ample beds in hospitals, right here in Tennessee... right here in Nashville... but not enough nurses to keep all of them open and available.
    4 points
  2. I am a DIY guy as well but one thing I don't mess with is heights with a chainsaw. Just had three 40' to 50' trees taken down. One dead, one damaged, and one in good health but poorly structured due to overcrowding. They were old tree line trees separating fields. The tree line had been thinned out but not before these trees were left in poor condition. I paid $2000 and that included stump grinding. The showed at 7:30 am and were gone just after lunch. They left not a single branch or leaf. Both my house and my neighbors house are fully intact and no one lost a digit or limb. Well worth the cost to bring in the pros to me.
    4 points
  3. I guess they all just have some pre-existing conditions that are their own fault or their misery was preordained.
    3 points
  4. Even more so than normal times - you really want to take all steps necessary to stay out of the hospital right now. It’s worth hiring someone.
    3 points
  5. Thought I'd be slick and run the price up on a South African hunt at the Bowling Green, KY RMEF banquet and ended up they had two of them to sale, so i guess we are headed to South Africa next Summer for at least Blesbuck and Impala. Looking at rates, I will probably go ahead and try for a Warthog and possibly Wildebeest. Just not sure how accurate i will be with my spear. Fear of my loin cloth falling off may impair my accuracy. Has anybody on here been on one of these hunts? What to expect? Will be myself, my wife, best friend and his wife going.
    2 points
  6. An ICU bed may as well be a bed at the Holiday Inn if you don’t also have the trained staff needed to keep you alive.
    2 points
  7. I had a conversation this past weekend with a local nurse saying thats the situation here in east tn. The max capacity is sometimes tallied by the number of workers they have to cover said beds. Older employees took an early out while younger ones took the opportunity to move up and make more money more in the private care sector or another line of work all together. Related story, I spoke with a gentleman today who started as a dishwasher in Jan of this year and is now the store manager. The place can't get help and the new minimum wage isn't feasible nor alluring to new hires. Thats why the unemployment numbers and economy reports weekly are hard to believe.
    2 points
  8. Good news @gregintennwe found a solution !
    2 points
  9. Hire a professional it’s cheaper than a trip to the emergency room.
    2 points
  10. There's no way. In he day the P14/1917 were converted of long magnums. That stock is a monstrosity. Wonder what other horrors new buyer would find in that aberration. That rifle stinks of a money pit going to happen.
    2 points
  11. I'm a very frugal person but if its what you say it is in person id let someone else take it on.
    2 points
  12. If the ivy grows up the trunk cut it first around the base. That way even if you get someome else, it hopefully is a less itchy job. Since we are talking itchly things. Looks like crotch rot is what caused that limb to come down. If I was doing it myself, I would suspend the trunk end from one of the limbs above it with the other end hooked to a truck hitch before I started cutting. Basically, though, if you question whether you can do it safely, hire someone.
    2 points
  13. It’s larger than it appears. A tree service might be cheaper.
    2 points
  14. I was there when it happened and will post something later. Ronnie was a good friend and a mentor over the years. It is hard to imagine this happening. You just never know from one moment to the next what may take place. We always plan for medical emergencies like heat injuries, slip and falls or accidental shootings in shooting classes but we rarely think about something like an ATV rollover happening at the range. I'm sad beyond words. RIP Brother Dodd.
    2 points
  15. He would have to be the dumbest seller on the face of the earth if he really has a serial number 7 in a true H&H for $1200. And I literally mean the actual dumbest.
    2 points
  16. That was constructed by Bubba; not Holland and Holland.
    2 points
  17. I am sure H&H made some 300 H&H's, but any actually made by H&H I would expect to be in the tens of thousands of dollars range. I would get the serial number and call H&H if he really thinks it is an H&H made gun. I suspect he had no idea what he is talking about, but you never know.
    2 points
  18. Other than the sickness and death resulting from COVID, the saddest reality I have experienced in my work as a mental health therapist is the brokenness that arguing about COVID has brought to families, marriages, and friendships.
    2 points
  19. mRNA vaccines do not contain any part of the virus. It doesn’t give you “a little touch of anything.” Anyone who tells you otherwise is misleading you. If you’re hearing them on any type of media you’re consuming - it’s on purpose. You can debate what that purpose is - but what they’re telling you is simply not true. If it’s helpful, you can think of mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) like old school wanted posters. Your body is like a saloon in the old West. The virus walks in and your body is like, “hey, we know this jerk. You’re not welcome here” and generates a response accordingly.
    2 points
  20. I have a Winchester 70 in 375 H&H you are welcome to borrow.
    1 point
  21. The thought did cross my mind.
    1 point
  22. Wimps. A few pounds of tannerite and a well placed shot from 100 yards should take care of getting it on the ground .....semi-safely....
    1 point
  23. Lee Weems shared on RangeMaster FB page that Ronnie passed away today after an UTV rollover accident. So sorry to hear this, Got to train with him a couple of months ago. Nice guy and a loss for our community. Prayers for the family.
    1 point
  24. If you try it yourself be careful. I would probably get somebody with a bucket truck or at least somebody that does this kind of thing on a regular basis.
    1 point
  25. This whole thread is pretty much .
    1 point
  26. Greg, as an old guy who has cut my share of trees, some with a hinged limb such as yours. Poison ivy aside, it's a dangerous situation. Hire a bucket truck & crew.
    1 point
  27. Without a bucket truck, crane, or climbing gear that's going to be a tough one. If you can get to it, a cut 3/8 the way through from the bottom, then cut from the top about 6" closer to the trunk should put it on the ground without pinching the blade.
    1 point
  28. Just look at it, then google a few pics of real Holland and Holland rifles.
    1 point
  29. Make sure not to weigh it down with non essential items. When you get it all together, strap it on and walk a couple of miles and then decide if it is too heavy. A firearm and extra mags or ammo wasn't listed, but of course you are on a gun forum, but let us not assume anything. Any decent pack that is comfortable and will hold what you need will work. A lot depends on if you are bugging out from home for good to a better location or if you are trying to get home. If you are truly bugging out, I would opt for some type of vehicle, even a good sturdy bicycle is better than hoofing it very far.
    1 point
  30. That is not a teachers fault there. That is a parents fault. All children should be able to tell time before ever reaching school age.......JMHO
    1 point
  31. Got my first sighting ( sort of , inside in the showroom ), of the new Bronco. Went by Miracle Ford in Gallatin today. They had one in the showroom, the Big Bend edition, red in color, soft top ( rolled back ), front door off to see inside. Big wheels, looked really great ( to me ). I like it, looks ready to hit the boonies. From what I've seen & read, I like the Badlands version the best. Add to that the Sasquatch package, I'm good to go. As I said before, it'll be next year, wait til the dust settles, & production catches up with demand. Roofs & computer chips are a major issue right now. I read the other day, that the Louisville Ford plant has hundreds of trucks parked at the Kentucky Speedway, waiting on chips. BTW, Mrs. Monkey, I like the way you think, LOL Have fun.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. ... and a killer nursery just down the road from Outdoor Junction, too. Just continue round the bend another mile or so!
    1 point
  34. I know(roughly) about where you are! I've shot at Bend of the River several times, but it's been long ago. Dad, my brother-in-law and I were there together on my last trip. Dad proceeded to educate us on the finer points of Skeet shooting! Kicked our butts! Miss him and those days. Actually I miss Tad as well.
    1 point
  35. Don't know him, but pray God's blessings on his family and friends.
    1 point
  36. I so very much appreciate the thanks some of you have offered my comment. I have never been, and will never be, a "controversial" person on TGO. The pain that so many patients and families I've counseled regarding COVID has been so avoidable. To see people choose thoughts and beliefs over family and friends has been very painful for me as a therapist. Folks, we have GOT to get back to "live and let live." Maybe we do not share all perspectives on everything, but we MUST uphold the worth of EVERY person despite our disagreements. Please, no one take me on for my thoughts. The bottom line is that maintaining relationships trumps any kind of disagreements. When all is said and done our relationships get us through difficult moments, not our belief systems.
    1 point
  37. There’s not an available ICU bed in middle Tennessee today: Maury Regional 0 HCA Tristar 0 St Thomas 0 Vandy 0 NAMC in Florence, AL 0 Huntsville 0 Williamson County 0 Erlanger in Chattanooga 0 Jackson TN 0 It’s probably not a terrible idea to stay off ladders around the house today.
    1 point
  38. I have seen this problem coming for a long time. If it was not for the cash registers telling the clerk how much change to give you back many of them don't know how to count backwards to make the change for you!!!
    1 point
  39. No, the vaccines aren’t cures. But they are a hell of a preventative measure. While I don’t purport to be able to speak for the dead, so I don’t know how he would have felt about it, I know that I sure as hell wish Mikey would have been able to get the vaccine. While unequivocally support the right of the individual to make their own choices, good or bad, informed or ignorant, I can say without a doubt that it is 100% serious.
    1 point
  40. Eh, not quite. The covid vaccines, like most vaccines don’t actually fully prevent folks from catching it. They do mostly keep them from getting sick. Also, it absolutely is being reported that folks who have been fully vaccinated are still possible transmission vectors. So it isn’t the unvaccinated who are posing a danger to the vaccinated, but the other way around. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210203-why-vaccinated-people-may-still-be-able-to-spread-covid-19
    1 point
  41. Good grief, all vaccines inject you with some of whatever they are supposed to prevent to build up your immunity. There is nothing new about that and I guarantee you that you and everyone else in this country has been vaxxed for something. Quit listening to talking heads and try to embrace a little bit of science. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/how-they-work.html?s_cid=11439:how the covid vaccine works:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21
    1 point
  42. Well, we are back from our 5 week trip out West. On our way out I40 we visited the Murrow Building NP in Oklahoma city and eat a steak in the remaining steak house cattle drovers eat in back in the late 1800's. Yes it is still there and serving Rattlesnake, Rocky Mountain Oysters still. Been to the NP there 3 times and it is a somber place. Also stopped by the Petrified Forest N P this time. We spent two weeks around the Grand Canyon, Page Arizona, and Kanab Utah area. There were 11 of us. My wife and I and two of our daughters and their family's. We had a great family vacation time. Those youngins keep one moving. Had 107 degree days at one point around Zion N P. Explored Zion, Bryce Canyon N P, and all the surrounding area. Our kids left us after 2 weeks. Had to go back to work. We decided to travel on and took our traveling grandson Cody with us. We traveled up through Utah and spent time around Salt Lake City. We visited Temple Square and they were working on the foundation of the Temple. Visited within the area for a couple days. Nice place. Missed seeing a keyboard friend while there in SLC, Bandaidman, who I really wanted to meet and greet. Never got his reply until it was too late. Left there and traveled across Idaho, and went through Central Oregon on to the coast. Was really surprised at the topography in C Oregon. First desert then mountains farther west. Coos Bay was a charming town along with the rugged coast of Oregon. Next was Crescent City California and we visited the Redwoods NP and was amazed at the size of those trees and the forest. My sweetie wanted to see El Capetian, so we left there and traveled south of Sacramento to Yosemite N P, and explored Yosemite Valley but did not hike a lot. Got too old for much of that. Left Yosemite and traveled back across the mountains through Donner Pass and seen the history surrounding the Donner party and their ordeal they experienced there. Snow was 22 feet deep while they were there. We then crossed north Nevada then the Salt Flats back through Salt Lake city on the way back east. Came across Wyoming and camped at Laramie. Just so happened that Cheyanne was having their "Frontier Days Festival" they have annually. Man was that a real treat. Was not able to get rodeo tickets, at 200.00 a pop, because they were sold out. My sweetie was worried because of coved and there were wall to wall people there and we were amongst them. Left there and traveled through Nebraska and there was not much to see there and we were running low on time. I was on the way to Springfield Missouri because I wanted to see the Bass Pro Shop there and the Wonders of Life Museum they have just opened there within the BPS. By the way that is their Flagg Ship store and it is a very large store. If you ever get a chance go and see that museum, it cost 40.00 to get in for seniors, and worth every penny. Spent 4 hours in there and never seen the same thing twice. It was a real treat. This was a trip of a lifetime. Cost me a bunch, but I had to pay 5.30 per gal for Diesel Fuel in California, if that tells you anything. Here in Mid TN we are paying 2.79 per gal. I am a little sad it is over because it will most probably be our last out west adventure. Kinda glad to be home for a while but will hit the trail again in Sept, L/w. Now going to get to some light farming, for a little while.
    1 point
  43. From where I am sitting they are turning a blind eye to sorry asses on the gvt dole and trying dicate how I live my life, the working man.
    1 point
  44. My party? Not to get deep into the verboten political weeds here, but to be clear, it’s possible to dislike more than one thing at a time. When it comes to the lizard people in Washington, I hate both of the most common varieties. The point of that post you quoted wasn’t to say R bad, D good. It was that you can’t trust someone just because they have a R next to their name. Their purpose is to do what they think is best for themselves and their pockets. You have to hold their feet to the fire so that they understand what means doing right by you because if you don’t, they won’t.
    1 point
  45. When I'm craving a good stomach ache or want to feel like I was in a car wreck a couple hours ago, I always head to McDonalds.
    1 point
  46. I've got two Rock Islands and have been very happy with them. However, if you want a better gun at not much more money, I recommend Springfield Armory.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Took dad out on the boat Friday night, started the evening off catching a few fresh skipjack. Wound up filling a small cooler before dark. Got the rods baited up around 9:30. We fished till 12:30 before the weather turned bad. A little rain I don't mind but lightning is another story. The bite was good, lost count of how many smaller fish was caught. Dad got him a flathead which was the biggest of the night. Also went out Wednesday night on a solo trip and did good that night also. Got a decent blue that was spawned out and skinny for its length. And quit counting all the fish after the 15th one. Brought 10 of which home to put some fillets in the freezer.
    1 point
  49. I personally like: 1. S2R Batton II for everyday carry. It's small, light, flexible but functions like a fullsize. (3rd from left) 2. The H2R Nova - basically the same as the S2R Batton II but has a right angle head and a head band. Best headlamp I've ever used and I love that I can take it off the headband and clip it on a shirt pocket, belt etc and use it hands free. 3. M2R Warrior Pro - the one I don't have, but would love to have on my go to rifle. Great full-size light, yet still a compact body and you can add the remote tailpiece (4th from the left).I'd also love to have that Seeker 2! I also really like my PL2 Mini on my G19. Super compact but super bright. Buttons are easy to work and intuitive while keeping it simple. Awesome handgun/weapon light.
    1 point
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