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Dangit. Well... at least you did better than most men seem to do, and actually went to the doctor about it. Hope all goes well.7 points
I was going through some old files I had saved on my computer and ran across this canning recipe. With the price of bacon being so high it's not really worthwhile unless you process your own hogs but it was the name of the author of the article that caught my eye ( Enola Gay ). There's got to be a story there somewhere https://www.backwoodshome.com/canned-bacon/3 points
No, the vaccines aren’t cures. But they are a hell of a preventative measure. While I don’t purport to be able to speak for the dead, so I don’t know how he would have felt about it, I know that I sure as hell wish Mikey would have been able to get the vaccine. While unequivocally support the right of the individual to make their own choices, good or bad, informed or ignorant, I can say without a doubt that it is 100% serious.3 points
3 points
mRNA vaccines do not contain any part of the virus. It doesn’t give you “a little touch of anything.” Anyone who tells you otherwise is misleading you. If you’re hearing them on any type of media you’re consuming - it’s on purpose. You can debate what that purpose is - but what they’re telling you is simply not true. If it’s helpful, you can think of mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) like old school wanted posters. Your body is like a saloon in the old West. The virus walks in and your body is like, “hey, we know this jerk. You’re not welcome here” and generates a response accordingly.2 points
Good grief, all vaccines inject you with some of whatever they are supposed to prevent to build up your immunity. There is nothing new about that and I guarantee you that you and everyone else in this country has been vaxxed for something. Quit listening to talking heads and try to embrace a little bit of science. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/how-they-work.html?s_cid=11439:how the covid vaccine works:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY212 points
Even if you are tired of sports athletes. This is pretty cool. I suspect a movie we all loved at one point. Game was last night2 points
I was pleasantly surprised to read that James Earl Jones is still alive at 90. He was a great actor.2 points
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Deer are mean. I once shot a doe a small buck was chasing. Mistake! I had to shoot him too…self defense.2 points
That was the best idea MLB has had in years. As a baseball and baseball movie enthusiast, I really enjoyed it.2 points
The insurance companies have zero worries regardless of which path they choose to take. They’ll have the regulations rewritten to cover them while getting bailed out by the taxpayers. So while y’all have been carping about the single mom in the trailer on the other side of town getting a thousand bucks a month. The insurance companies and other megacorps have been getting billions in corporate welfare annually. (Like Jeff Bezos who got a $10 billion subsidy for losses on his Blue Origin ego stroke after losing out to SpaceX for the NASA contract.) I would feel pretty safe in saying that none of us here are in the tax bracket where the government actually works for us. But they and their friends in the media (all arms and levels of it) are doing a helluva job of ensuring that we’re all too busy fighting each other to focus on who’s really ####ing us over. Let me put it more plainly, Tucker Carlson isn’t on your side anymore than Rachel Maddow is but they’re both extremely adept at playing all of us for profit.2 points
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Never have been a Glock fanboy, really, and not sure why, except I didn't like the Glock 30 I had years ago. Anyway, recently traded for a Glock 45 and, while I haven’t shot it yet, I do like the feel of it. Anyone shot one much? What are y’all’s thoughts on this model?1 point
Are you aware that hospitals across the State are starting to reach critical capacity? Might want to think about the ramifications of that.1 point
Eh, not quite. The covid vaccines, like most vaccines don’t actually fully prevent folks from catching it. They do mostly keep them from getting sick. Also, it absolutely is being reported that folks who have been fully vaccinated are still possible transmission vectors. So it isn’t the unvaccinated who are posing a danger to the vaccinated, but the other way around. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210203-why-vaccinated-people-may-still-be-able-to-spread-covid-191 point
Love all things Glock for EDC. G45 is a great conceal gun along with a few others. Congratulations!1 point
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Cite your source, please. If you know anything about how the vaccine and your immune system works you'd know that isn't true unless the person was COVID positive right after the vaccine and before their two weeks to build up immunity was up, or they are of the percentage that the vaccine was not effective and got COVID. There are a lot of people in the world who like to claim things as facts or "proven" just to screw with gullible people out there.1 point
In case anyone is wondering, here is his protocol: https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/zelenko-prophylaxis-protocol/ And a link to the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance which has some great info on what and more importantly, when to take some of these medications: https://www.onedaymd.com/2021/04/ivermectin-flccc-protocol-for-covid-19.html1 point
I might have liked to see less ads, and maybe one night without the between at-bat music. But otherwise, the nostalgia factor was great and seeing home runs disappear into the cornfield was awesome. The game's ending was as good as could be. Tim Anderson will have that walk-off to remember for the rest of his life. Very cool.1 point
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Don't underestimate a doe deer and her razor sharp hooves. Evidently somewhere in the past a hawk had swooped down on her. I recently saw a video where a guy was showing all the animals that kill turkeys. He had a bobcat, coyote, and a big hawk swoop down and knock over his decoy.1 point
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You could probably put a 30 cal bronze brush on an old piece of cleaning rod, chuck it in a drill, and go to work cleaning that chamber. Some sort of cleaning solvent would likely help. Listen to garufa. He’s a wise men. Steel case ammo with the powder type lube on the cases aren’t bad. That lacquer coated stuff shoots, but it’s messy.1 point
There’s nothing wrong with your barrel. If you’ve been shooting steel cased ammo, polymer or lacquer residue from the case coating can build up and cause this exact problem when switching to brass. The brass case expands more fully than steel and gets stuck. Thoroughly clean the camber with some Hoppe’s #9 and a .30 caliber bore brush...or one of those fancy AR chamber brushes. I bet that will fix the issue. There is nothing inherently wrong with steel cased ammo but avoid letting a live round sit in a hot chamber for too long as that contributes to the build up of that case coating residue.1 point
Last time he plays with his food! Distinct possibility the deer was using the rabbit for bait with the way she was on it.1 point
Edible wild plants class Aug 31 @1:00CST. Be prepared to be outside in the heat and bugs for 3 hours, we will also hike a mile or so. Class size will be limited to 15.1 point
We seem to be overlooking the thing that the Bronco is intended for offroad use. It's not supposed to look like an Escalade ( SP ). I'm considering taking a serious look at one next year. They're hard to find now. I'm more interested in the Sasquatch package. That's where the more serious off road options come in. Electronic locking diffs, front & rear, for starters. I had a 1978 Bronc that I put a Detroit Locker in back & a Detroit Truerac in front. That booger would go.1 point
Hello everyone, I never posted anything here this year, seemed to be a lack of interest here, but maybe I was wrong. I have been posting them on LOCAL SALES NETWORK, and gun owners club. I have been giving a lot of classes this year, most I have ever done. Here’s what I have left September 18 1:00 CST Edible and medicinal plants Oct 23 8:00 CST Small and large game butchering/processing December 11 CST traps and snares If you are on Facebook you can sign up on my page there Edible wild plants and primitive living skills of Grassy Cove, otherwise call or text me at 9313350349. All these classes are free, However for the butchering class I would like a 25$ donation per family to cover the cost of the animals. Please show up if you say you are, I try and schedule all I can, and I hate to turn anyone wanting to learn away. Be prepared to hike several miles for the edible and medicinal plant classes. I have also been giving private classes to whoever has had a group that wanted them.1 point
Well, we are back from our 5 week trip out West. On our way out I40 we visited the Murrow Building NP in Oklahoma city and eat a steak in the remaining steak house cattle drovers eat in back in the late 1800's. Yes it is still there and serving Rattlesnake, Rocky Mountain Oysters still. Been to the NP there 3 times and it is a somber place. Also stopped by the Petrified Forest N P this time. We spent two weeks around the Grand Canyon, Page Arizona, and Kanab Utah area. There were 11 of us. My wife and I and two of our daughters and their family's. We had a great family vacation time. Those youngins keep one moving. Had 107 degree days at one point around Zion N P. Explored Zion, Bryce Canyon N P, and all the surrounding area. Our kids left us after 2 weeks. Had to go back to work. We decided to travel on and took our traveling grandson Cody with us. We traveled up through Utah and spent time around Salt Lake City. We visited Temple Square and they were working on the foundation of the Temple. Visited within the area for a couple days. Nice place. Missed seeing a keyboard friend while there in SLC, Bandaidman, who I really wanted to meet and greet. Never got his reply until it was too late. Left there and traveled across Idaho, and went through Central Oregon on to the coast. Was really surprised at the topography in C Oregon. First desert then mountains farther west. Coos Bay was a charming town along with the rugged coast of Oregon. Next was Crescent City California and we visited the Redwoods NP and was amazed at the size of those trees and the forest. My sweetie wanted to see El Capetian, so we left there and traveled south of Sacramento to Yosemite N P, and explored Yosemite Valley but did not hike a lot. Got too old for much of that. Left Yosemite and traveled back across the mountains through Donner Pass and seen the history surrounding the Donner party and their ordeal they experienced there. Snow was 22 feet deep while they were there. We then crossed north Nevada then the Salt Flats back through Salt Lake city on the way back east. Came across Wyoming and camped at Laramie. Just so happened that Cheyanne was having their "Frontier Days Festival" they have annually. Man was that a real treat. Was not able to get rodeo tickets, at 200.00 a pop, because they were sold out. My sweetie was worried because of coved and there were wall to wall people there and we were amongst them. Left there and traveled through Nebraska and there was not much to see there and we were running low on time. I was on the way to Springfield Missouri because I wanted to see the Bass Pro Shop there and the Wonders of Life Museum they have just opened there within the BPS. By the way that is their Flagg Ship store and it is a very large store. If you ever get a chance go and see that museum, it cost 40.00 to get in for seniors, and worth every penny. Spent 4 hours in there and never seen the same thing twice. It was a real treat. This was a trip of a lifetime. Cost me a bunch, but I had to pay 5.30 per gal for Diesel Fuel in California, if that tells you anything. Here in Mid TN we are paying 2.79 per gal. I am a little sad it is over because it will most probably be our last out west adventure. Kinda glad to be home for a while but will hit the trail again in Sept, L/w. Now going to get to some light farming, for a little while.1 point
I referred to it as a light quip because it’s very deep into the territory of “sh’t that ain’t ever gonna effing happen.“1 point
Just got a RIA 1911 45ACP. Wow that is a real good shooter. I went to Bud's Range yesterday and put about 100 rounds through it. Really happy with the price and quality of Rock Island Armory.1 point
I know there are probably lots of UT fans here, but our churches music leader is Bobby's nephew. He had been asking for prayers for him. If you do a little research Bobby was a great Christian. I saw a post where back in 1980 FSU put a whoopin on Nebraska and Bobby wrote Nebraska and commended all the players, coaches, faculty on how they didn't bash FSU, no hating going on. He was a first class man. IMHO.1 point
Often said, but the impediment to that is also long standing, ie, "legislators suck, except for mine." - OS1 point
Bass Pro charges you to go in? Seems rather chintzy since they try to scalp us on everything in their stores.1 point
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My heart is with a good 1911, but practicality says a Glock 19 Mine has many thousands of rounds through it and functions beautifully. If shtf, it would be the handgun on my mind first.1 point
There's nothing I enjoy more than a revolver. Or maybe a 1911...wait.....A .22 rifle.........1 point
Hard to pick just one. I love 1911s and S&W revolvers. Doesn't really matter what model. I suppose if I had to pick just one, it would be my S&W Model 18 .22lr. I shoot this one more than any other gun I own.1 point
This made me laugh. I told my wife they are probably worried too many Republican voters might die if they don't do something. Can't lose another election.1 point
The model 45 has become a favorite amongst LEOs all over the country. I have been on ranges with many people who say they shoot the 45 better than a 17 and 19.1 point
It's my favorite 9mm Glock ever. They simultaneously got rid of the finger grooves AND frontstrap mag scallop, both of which resulted in a less-than-optimal grip on previous frame designs. The front slide serrations are very welcome too.1 point
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