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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2021 in all areas

  1. I wish that folks of either persuasion would put half the thought into their decisions that @Chucktshoes does.
    4 points
  2. My party? Not to get deep into the verboten political weeds here, but to be clear, it’s possible to dislike more than one thing at a time. When it comes to the lizard people in Washington, I hate both of the most common varieties. The point of that post you quoted wasn’t to say R bad, D good. It was that you can’t trust someone just because they have a R next to their name. Their purpose is to do what they think is best for themselves and their pockets. You have to hold their feet to the fire so that they understand what means doing right by you because if you don’t, they won’t.
    4 points
  3. Mine suck too, although I kinda like Rand. He actually does a few good things outside of politics. The only thing that would fix DC is Tzar Bomba.
    3 points
  4. He is actually qualified to stand up to the little cockwomble. He is doing us a service. Fauci needs a ghost pepper enema.
    2 points
  5. Exactly. Dirt naps are a lot less expensive on a little bike. A single guy needs about 6 motorcycles.... a trials bike, an MX bike, a street legal trail bike, a sporty street bike, a touring bike, and a track bike.
    2 points
  6. I don't understand how McDonald's is still in business.
    2 points
  7. I've already started and now making several different guards to see what I like best. This thing will be a beast when finished.
    2 points
  8. I absolutely hate drive thru...especially in the days of closed dining rooms. Seems like it gets slower and slower all the time. It was bad enough before Covid. Now it's worse.
    2 points
  9. Statistically, 50% of people have lower than average intelligence ...
    2 points
  10. Here’s a short video from last weekend. Me and a few guys went out to call for the morning. @Luke E. brought his camera and tripod. This coyote came out directly down wind of Luke and I. Luckily he had the decoy activated on the call and we acted quickly. I don’t believe that coyote would have stood there but a second or two more being downwind but we made it work. At the end of the video when he said “Hey” I thought he saw another one and I was getting ready to pop another one if it came out. Had no idea he was gonna pick on my visor
    1 point
  11. So happy to be living free in Tennessee! I moved here in 2020 from Los Angeles, no hating please, there are a lot of good people in LA. Just have insane over lords ruling the roost. So glad to be able to exercise my second amendment right to carry a firearm for self defense without anything more than my God given right as stated in the US Constitution.
    1 point
  12. In the same vein (absolutely no clue on the whatever sight thing...) I'll take -20 in Wyoming over 45° here any day. Everyone forgets that the hummids works at both ends of the thermometer! 116 in Phoenix is an absolute pleasure, compared to 90 here!
    1 point
  13. Got another decent one this weekend in south Arkansas. Had my scope settings all jacked up so not as clear as it usually is. Set up calling about 3mins and this joker came right down the middle of the road. 263lbs. IMG_6452.MOV
    1 point
  14. As far as night hunting goes, hold on to your hat.
    1 point
  15. I could go deeper into this, but instead I’m going to do my job and strongly suggest we put a pin in this explicitly political tangent.
    1 point
  16. $1500 of awesome. They don't feel real. My trypod is a bit heavy, but very stable especially if I use a sling with it.
    1 point
  17. I never liked the soft tops much on anything. They don't do well sitting in hot sun and winter is rough on them too.
    1 point
  18. Opened him up good, nice shot!
    1 point
  19. Escondido checking in, lived there 34yrs
    1 point
  20. I stopped by Wyatt Johnson Ford to take a quick peek yesterday. The blue one is sitting on almost 35s (315x70R17) and the burnt yellow one is on 33s (285x70xR17)
    1 point
  21. I have an Ironhead Sporty, Springer Softail a Road Glide. I gave up on dirt and gravel years ago.
    1 point
  22. I asked GT to make me an old style Bowie Knife. I've always wanted one like the CASEXX, and WESTERN Bowie knife, I'm giving him free range on building this one the only thing I asked from him was to a Blade length 12"-14", and a Coffin style Handle with some sort of exotic wood for it. I can't wait to see what he comes up with, I think this one will be the 5th one I've had him design and build for me.
    1 point
  23. For quite a few years I did not reload 9mm because 1k cases were cheap, also shot more 38/45 then but reloaded for them. Now a single primer is worth more than what I used to pay for a 9mm Blazer or PMC round. No way that will happen again.
    1 point
  24. The GOP may not be perfect, and honestly a few members act like covert Democrat party members, but don’t kid yourself. Your party has been clear about all guns. If they could completely disarm us all, they would.
    1 point
  25. Lasers at night are great for telling the enemy exactly where you are. I suggest night sights or a new red dot sight.
    1 point
  26. Moped is correct. Cimarron specializes in Cowboy Action Shooting guns. Their 1911 is a copy of the original for use in "Wild Bunch" matches. Its not what you're looking for. I also have a Norinco in my safe. Its getting kinda hard to find one that's unmolested. Many were used as a base gun for some fine custom jobs. I decided to leave mine original.
    1 point
  27. Nice Hozzie. New bike smell!!. Love going out to the garage the next day when that smell is heavy in the air, almost like walking into a dealership. Have fun on that thing. Great to see interest in group rides. May be good to start some regional things depending on how ironbutt folks are or the kind of bikes they ride. Wish my body could tolerates the 400+ mile days I did thru my 30's.
    1 point
  28. I’m not there. Nothing is inexpensive. Heck, they’ve managed to make dying an expensive event. Those other hobbies an’t cheap either. If it doesn’t bring you joy, spend money and time elsewhere. cheap fun & challenging, try a simpleshot scout till primers make it back to reasonable prices
    1 point
  29. Curtail conserve save supplies yes. Stop completely no. Hoping things will get better.
    1 point
  30. If a ride was planned out far enough in advance I would love to meet and greet some of you cool kids. And if I get off my duff and get new rubber on the Road Glide, if not I happily cruise around on my Springer Softail.
    1 point
  31. I know there are probably lots of UT fans here, but our churches music leader is Bobby's nephew. He had been asking for prayers for him. If you do a little research Bobby was a great Christian. I saw a post where back in 1980 FSU put a whoopin on Nebraska and Bobby wrote Nebraska and commended all the players, coaches, faculty on how they didn't bash FSU, no hating going on. He was a first class man. IMHO.
    1 point
  32. Yeah, first no mask required, then wear a mask, then wear 2 masks. "Our little boy is growing up".
    1 point
  33. Often said, but the impediment to that is also long standing, ie, "legislators suck, except for mine." - OS
    1 point
  34. Even a window licker could punch it in the cash register and see the result. I’ve never understood this problem.
    1 point
  35. I take it your revolver uses moon clips. Really very simple just take a .50 caliber shell casing grind or file about half the circumference down about 1/8th of an inch. Slide it over the shell in the moon clip and twist, it leverages the casing out and it falls into the .50 shell, repeat till the .50 is full or you run out of empty casings to remove. If that doesn't make sense I'll take a picture. Simple to make, if you have a grinder less than a minute.
    1 point
  36. This is how much the .g0v cares about it's citizens... Citizensfreepress. REPORT: 20 Percent of Migrant Children Test Positive for COVID After Release by Border Patrol (breitbart.com)
    1 point
  37. Dont give up yet. The frustrations you describe have historically been cyclical. Boom and bust. Hang in there.
    1 point
  38. Much of this is irrelevant for a pragmatic voter. I sometimes fall into the category of the voter who is not as concerned about my politician "getting something done" as I am about "not allowing more crap to get done." Gridlock and do-nothing Congresses are not always a bad thing.
    1 point
  39. I think they were labeled Cow Peas at the Co-op. They look like a cross between black eyed peas and purple hulls.
    1 point
  40. It’s essentially this. America has really never been homogeneous. But, with 330 million+ people we’re made up of a ton of different people groups - different races, ethnicities, urban folks, rural folks, different socioeconomic backgrounds. America is more of a melting pot today than it’s ever been. And when you get elected - regardless of the rhetoric that got you elected - now you work for everybody. And all of those different constituencies can make your job easier or harder in a way that’s different than you experienced on the campaign trail - and no one can prepare you for that. Then there’s the fact that you’re really constrained when you’re in office - both by the incredibly finite time that is 4 years - and by the decisions that have been made before you got here. Let’s take those two separately. First, time. You get 1461 days. That’s seems like a long time - but it’s not. Our last administration really didn’t understand how short of a time 4 years is. You behave differently when you know the end is near. But the second is really constraining - in that you’re bound by the decisions of the past. Take the debt limit talks were currently in. As much political theater as we turn these talks into every couple years - they have exactly zero bearing on our future legislation or actions. Raising the debt limit is all about servicing the debt associated with decisions of Congresses past Raising the debt limit isn’t about continued spending - it’s about whether or not we as a country want to pay our credit card bill. That’s not an apples to apples analogy - because the government budget isn’t actually like a family budget - but the comparison holds here. Then there’s the fact that our Congress is almost completely unwilling and is increasingly incapable of doing anything of consequence. Add to that our zero sum politics (that is for something to be good for me it must necessarily be bad for you) and it’s really hard to get much done. Take for example Representative Madison Cawthorn. For the current Congress he doesn’t have a single legislative staff member - choosing instead to “focus on messaging.” This might be great if you like seeing him “stick it to the libs” on NewsMax, but it doesn’t do much for folks in his district. So, take a dysfunctional Congress, and it doesn’t matter what your ambitions are when you take office. It really doesn’t matter what you campaigned on. You’re more or less constrained to managing a system that’s already in motion. Really smart politicians realize early that they maybe get one initiative of any substance that they’ll have the political capital to swing at. Sure you can do some stuff by executive order - but Trump spent his term undoing Obama’s EO’s and Biden has already more or less undone Trump’s. Add in budget realities and the percentages that are captured by military and social programs - and there’s not much room to maneuver. I’m willing to extend everyone the courtesy of assuming the best of intentions - but managing this show is tough at best. When you add in our Federalist system of a bunch of little states with differing goals and perspectives - it really is more like an empire than a single homogeneous entity. I could go on at length - but “empire is hard” rounds to true.
    1 point
  41. Privacy hasn't existed since the Cold War. Anytime they want .gov can peak at you, your phone, your computer, etc. They can track your movements within a few feet. The trick is to just stay off their radar. Be the gray man. But if they ever notice you, God help ya. My phone spends about 95% of the time sitting on the dresser in the bedroom. I'm good with that.
    1 point
  42. Pretty much this every blue states favorite rationale to get soccer moms….the majority voters to pass anything. The societal brainwashing engine that is social media. Why not extend that control to the electronic leash most carry with them after they have been conditioned to put their lives on them. The baffling thing is the acceptance. Even with the audacity to make it public knowledge some cheer it. Or just make fun of it without wanting to support in the fight. Maybe some don’t realize there is one or they can oppose it? I linked the EFF.org for those that care . Its a group advocates for digital privacy and related 1A rights. Some understand 2A and all other rights die with 1A and the later is already circling the drain. If you sent something to your reps on 2A…essentially the same deal here.
    1 point
  43. I agree and don't plan any single track. However, I would rather drop a cheap bike over and over than this one, especially for 'practice'. I would be ok trying some things on a dual sport that I would never attempt on the Tiger, but I think it could be good experience. This is what happens when you have no wife or kids. You can justify anything
    1 point
  44. Many ladies don’t like the .40 because it is too “snappy”. The recoil difference between it and 9mm never bothered me. Never shot a Sccy or this unknown full size .40 you’re talking about either. Small 9’s can be equal to .40’s in regards to perceived recoil depending on the platforms you’re comparing. One thing I do know is that no 9mm is going to deliver 180 grains of devastating hydrostatic shock.
    1 point
  45. Monday thru Saturday 9-8, Sunday 12-5. We clear the range about 10 minutes before closing.
    1 point
  46. I work on the Range side of the new Outpost, I don't post much here, but thought I'd chime in on a couple of things and give a brief description of the range, 7-25yd lanes, rifle/pistol/shotgun, upper cal limit is .308, shotguns use slug or buck only, no hip fire. 7-15yd lanes, handgun only, 3-100 yd rifle, .50 cal max. The only ammo restrictions are no tracers or incendiary rounds. You CAN shoot reloads, steel case, steel core, green tip, etc. Not part of any other range, Barrett owns the store and range. Cant speak on the reloading section of the store, I stick to the range side as an Instructor/RSO. You guys are welcome to come check it out and if Im not tied up I'll show you around. Bud
    1 point
  47. You are quite correct in your assessment. However, I keep myself abreast of where I cannot carry and I don't put myself in position of being searched legally. I have been carrying without a permit for over 30 years so that should tell you something. Years back, everyone in the Sherriff's office and half of the city police force knew I was armed. I've only been challenged twice, once and undercover "bump frisked" me in Kroger at 6:00 AM and the judge in my divorce/child support case told me I had to sell my firearms. The undercover just wanted to make sure I wasn't shoplifting I'm sure as he kept walking and never said a word. I called the judge's bluff and told her she didn't have that authority in open court. She didn't like it but she knew I was correct. If you mind your manners and know your rights you won't have a problem.
    1 point
  48. There are many people in this country that carry guns anywhere they want everyday and are not restricted at all by what the gun laws are. They probably number in the millions. They also commit armed robbery, murder, rape, sell drugs, rob banks, burglarize homes, jack cars and trucks, commit home invasions and such like. They will continue to carry guns anywhere they want everyday and will not be restricted at all by what the gun laws are. They probably number in the millions.
    1 point
  49. I actually found out all the triggers currently shipping (https://www.rarebreedtriggers.com/product/frt-15-br) are modified from manufacturer, pic attached
    1 point
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