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6 points
Well, we are back from our 5 week trip out West. On our way out I40 we visited the Murrow Building NP in Oklahoma city and eat a steak in the remaining steak house cattle drovers eat in back in the late 1800's. Yes it is still there and serving Rattlesnake, Rocky Mountain Oysters still. Been to the NP there 3 times and it is a somber place. Also stopped by the Petrified Forest N P this time. We spent two weeks around the Grand Canyon, Page Arizona, and Kanab Utah area. There were 11 of us. My wife and I and two of our daughters and their family's. We had a great family vacation time. Those youngins keep one moving. Had 107 degree days at one point around Zion N P. Explored Zion, Bryce Canyon N P, and all the surrounding area. Our kids left us after 2 weeks. Had to go back to work. We decided to travel on and took our traveling grandson Cody with us. We traveled up through Utah and spent time around Salt Lake City. We visited Temple Square and they were working on the foundation of the Temple. Visited within the area for a couple days. Nice place. Missed seeing a keyboard friend while there in SLC, Bandaidman, who I really wanted to meet and greet. Never got his reply until it was too late. Left there and traveled across Idaho, and went through Central Oregon on to the coast. Was really surprised at the topography in C Oregon. First desert then mountains farther west. Coos Bay was a charming town along with the rugged coast of Oregon. Next was Crescent City California and we visited the Redwoods NP and was amazed at the size of those trees and the forest. My sweetie wanted to see El Capetian, so we left there and traveled south of Sacramento to Yosemite N P, and explored Yosemite Valley but did not hike a lot. Got too old for much of that. Left Yosemite and traveled back across the mountains through Donner Pass and seen the history surrounding the Donner party and their ordeal they experienced there. Snow was 22 feet deep while they were there. We then crossed north Nevada then the Salt Flats back through Salt Lake city on the way back east. Came across Wyoming and camped at Laramie. Just so happened that Cheyanne was having their "Frontier Days Festival" they have annually. Man was that a real treat. Was not able to get rodeo tickets, at 200.00 a pop, because they were sold out. My sweetie was worried because of coved and there were wall to wall people there and we were amongst them. Left there and traveled through Nebraska and there was not much to see there and we were running low on time. I was on the way to Springfield Missouri because I wanted to see the Bass Pro Shop there and the Wonders of Life Museum they have just opened there within the BPS. By the way that is their Flagg Ship store and it is a very large store. If you ever get a chance go and see that museum, it cost 40.00 to get in for seniors, and worth every penny. Spent 4 hours in there and never seen the same thing twice. It was a real treat. This was a trip of a lifetime. Cost me a bunch, but I had to pay 5.30 per gal for Diesel Fuel in California, if that tells you anything. Here in Mid TN we are paying 2.79 per gal. I am a little sad it is over because it will most probably be our last out west adventure. Kinda glad to be home for a while but will hit the trail again in Sept, L/w. Now going to get to some light farming, for a little while.4 points
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The true argument to this is somewhere in the middle. While there is an increase every year, you see a spike in 2020 that doesn't equal 360k. The virus no doubt killed a lot of people that would have died in 2020 anyway. It's hard to see this fact just looking at end numbers. It also killed people that wouldn't have naturally died in 2020 and that's the increase. It'll be interesting to see the 2021 numbers. We'll never know how many died from the virus due to all the fraud and incentive for it to be covid.4 points
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Went to the Kingsport gun show this morning with a friend. Been nearly 2 years since I have been to a gun show with the world shutting down and all. Didn't need anything or really want anything, just wanted to walk around a bunch of guns and gun people. I succeeded with my meager goals and had a good time and spent a grand total of $2 for a couple of 50 Cal shell cases. I make a shell extract for moon clips out of them and the one I have is never where I want it so thought I should make at least one more. Was a little disappointed that it seemed about half the size that it was last time I went and still had plenty of empty tables. No real bargains, I did handle the new Ruger Max 9 and decided it really didn't fell right in my hand. Actually found two, one $100 over list price and one that was $50 under. Wasn't shopping for ammo but wanted check prices, .22 was going for about 10 cents around for bulk stuff and 20 cents a round for better CCI stuff, glad I have plenty of both, 9mm was mostly around 60 cents but did see a couple of boxes at about 50 cents for plinking grade. Did my usual thing of printing out a few extra $2 off admission coupons and hand them out around me in line and got a few smiles and thank you's. Stopped and got some good BBQ at a food truck on the way home. Good way to spend a cloudy rainy Saturday.3 points
I work on the Range side of the new Outpost, I don't post much here, but thought I'd chime in on a couple of things and give a brief description of the range, 7-25yd lanes, rifle/pistol/shotgun, upper cal limit is .308, shotguns use slug or buck only, no hip fire. 7-15yd lanes, handgun only, 3-100 yd rifle, .50 cal max. The only ammo restrictions are no tracers or incendiary rounds. You CAN shoot reloads, steel case, steel core, green tip, etc. Not part of any other range, Barrett owns the store and range. Cant speak on the reloading section of the store, I stick to the range side as an Instructor/RSO. You guys are welcome to come check it out and if Im not tied up I'll show you around. Bud3 points
Well, after a short wait my bike finally got here. Need to put a few things on it and break in the tires, but looking forward to get back to riding after a few year hiatus. This is a Triumph Tiger 900 GT Pro. I had the tires changed so I can hopefully do a bit more exploring, but need to get my skills back up a bit before getting too adventurous. Maybe good to start thinking of a TGO meetup sometime this fall when the weather is nice. We did it a few years ago and had a good time.2 points
Truth... people will do some evil things to enrich themselves financially or politically. Lying is just the tip of the iceberg. The job gets much easier when you identify 80 million idiots.2 points
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I still think it invades a persons right to decide on what if any foreign substance should be injected into their body. Legal doesn't make it morally right.2 points
Monday thru Saturday 9-8, Sunday 12-5. We clear the range about 10 minutes before closing.2 points
2 points
Thats normal, the sear spring keeps tension on the disconnector to push it up into the pocket of the slide. That's what prevents it from firing out of battery, so hand cycling you will feel a slight drag. if you want to smooth that up a bit you can always polish the slide boss that it slides on as well as the contacting face of the disconnector. It's not going to help anything function differently, but could take away some of the felt drag. My personal recommendation is to leave it alone and shoot it.2 points
In any disease case, it's always interesting to look at the numbers. There is so much speculation amongst our political class and the media - the first wants to protect their jobs, and the second needs something to fill the airwaves. It's hard to know what to trust - but the data rarely lies. There's still so much we don't know, but the following chart would indicate that the US(the first largest economy in the world) are on the same path as Italy(the eighth largest economy in the world) - just about 11.5 days behind. Also note the presence of Germany, France, the UK, and Spain (fourth, seventh, sixth, and thirteenth respectively.) A week is not much time affect the slope of an exponential curve. By the end of next week - Friday or Saturday - we could be looking at serious restrictions to combat community transmission. This isn't a time to panic - but you know when Noah built the ark? Before it started raining. It's probably worth making sure you've got a little bit extra set aside. If you have underlying health issues - especially COPD or other respiratory conditions - maybe a little more. Think about being in close contact with large groups. Wash your hands.1 point
I finally made it out to Murfreesboro today to check out the new location. I didn’t use the range today but probably will at some point. The layout is very nice and spread out more than it was at the old spot. Many rifles and pistols in stock and quite a few people in there buying as well. I saw quite a few small things I’d like to have but kept my self control and walked out under $20 Picked up a Magpul 20 round 5.56 magazine and a flag morale patch. Have any of you used the range, and if so what did you think of it. I don’t know if the 100 yard lanes are open yet and probably should have asked while I was there.1 point
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Sweet bike! I've found videos by these guys to be quite helpful. Geared toward bikes a little smaller than your, but the core skills are the same. https://youtu.be/SN5VB-0oVUg1 point
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You guys need to go to Europe and see what they use to pull some things. More Volvo's pulling double horse trailers and campers than you can count.1 point
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Rock Islands have years of positive reputation but those SDS Tisas have come on strong. They are generally very well regarded and start under $400 for a basic GI model. They are also stamped Knoxville, TN as SDS is based here, so that’s kinda cool.1 point
1 point
Thank you, sir. All I want is the truth. I never dreamed it would be so hard to find.1 point
Or dumbo’s birthday party… https://nypost.com/2021/08/07/barack-obamas-birthday-bash-at-marthas-vineyard-guest-list-john-legend-chrissy-teigen-dwayne-wade/1 point
I'd give it little credence. That "info" is 6 months old for one thing. The other thing is that site is one of a bunch registered all about the same time, most if not all of which never went live. Looks to me like an attempt to hawk "health" related products that never got off the ground. Personal registration info hidden, but since most of the content is in Spanish, well, whatever... Previous domains myessentialnest.com myessentialneedz.com myessentialneeds.com myessentialnecklaces.com myessentialnecklace.com Next domains myessentialnews.com myessentialnissan.com myessentialnutr4u.com myessentialnutrients.com myessentialnutrition.com - OS1 point
I'm really thinking about wearing a hazmat suit around town. I really want to point at random strangers and say " sir, you're going to have to come with us"1 point
Powder Valley has H110 and 2400 as I type this. Availability seems to be occurring more frequently.1 point
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Nah. Thermobarics are the ticket. No nasty radioactive fallout to deal with afterwards.1 point
1 point
Welcome to Tennessee and our group! You've made a great decision to come here. Please tell the folks back in LA that you hate it here.1 point
I dunno. I was stationed in Camp Lejeune it was always hot and nearing 100% humidity. We would frequently travel to The Desth Valley area and temps would exceed 110. I’d much rather take a blistering dry heat over a hot and humid. Also, you may be surprise how hot the trunk of your car gets when sitting in the sun. I think that’s why they say not to put your baby in the trunk (or something like that).1 point
1 point
My Staccato P 4.14, Staccato P DPO w/ HOLOSUN 507C X2, and my newest Staccato C2 DPO that will get a HOLOSUN 508T mounted hopefully this weekend.1 point
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There actually is a state law that voids other violations in the case of justifiable self defense use of a firearm. Several years ago in Knoxville, a convicted felon shot a convenience store robber and could not be prosecuted for possession of a weapon.1 point
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At this point it will come down to the local DA. 20 some odd years ago the local news did a report on concealed carry. this was before we had shall issue laws. the DAs of middle TN all said they would not prosecute someone for unlawful carry if they had been involved in a justifiable self defense shooting. my how times change.1 point
Same for me, that and sales on ammo, when they had a sale. Good on the Outpost!1 point
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