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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2021 in all areas
As I've been saying, people need to determine who they are going to trust for their medical advice (such as their doctor) and then weigh that heavily against all of the other noise being made about COVID-19. My doctor and I caught up with each other on the subject last week and he recommended that enough time had elapsed for me since I actually had COVID-19 back in February, and now, for me to give strong consideration to one of the available vaccines. His position was that the mRNA ones are most effective against the delta variant for someone who's never had COVID before, but that for me the Johnson & Johnson one would be fine. It would effectively be a booster for my existing natural antibodies. I got jabbed with a needle this afternoon. So far, no superpowers have manifested but I am hoping at least that the microchip the government surely implanted in me will allow for wireless charging. It burned like a mother when the nurse pushed the vaccine in, so I can only logically assume that means the 5G signals were flooding into my bloodstream. If I turn into a zombie, promise me you guys will aim for the head and not be cruel and shoot me in the .5 points
I've had a pinched nerve in my neck along my spine that has been causing me a lot of almost constant pain all the way down my left arm to my hand. It was so bad that, while it wasnt real debilitating, but the pain was significant and no medication seemed to help. i was referred to a neurosurgeon, Dr. Ernest Wright, and he performed a surgery Friday to remove 4 collapsed vertebrae in my neck and replace them with spacers. I was in Ascension St Thomas Hospital for Specialty Surgery over Friday night after surgery and discharged yesterday. For this surgery, they go in thru the front of the throat to the spine, so i have soreness and some pain in the front as well as more pain in the back, and it'll be hard to eat and drink (swallowing) for a few days, but I think the surgery is going to fix the issue. If anyone has to have this procedure done, I highly recommend Dr. Wright and St Thomas. The staff in ICU that took care of me before and after my surgery were very caring, comforting and professional. Never having had major surgery before, I was, quite frankly, very afraid, but the nurses went out of their way to be calming and reassuring to me.3 points
ECMO technology is amazing - but it’s definitely last ditch in a case like this due to the extreme toll it takes on so many of a patient’s other systems when used for anything other than a very short period of time. There’s a time clock that starts the moment you go on it. I wouldn’t wish it on any family. Prayers for them.2 points
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Once a place puts in a range - they're almost certain to move away from supporting reloading. Like was mentioned above - components take up a lot of space that could be used for higher sales volume/margin stuff. Modern insurance also really doesn't like reloads. But, the real issue is a business decision. Routine maintenance on a range is both interval based and round count based. A lot of management teams see reloaders as high volume shooters who are going to increase their costs without offsetting that with spending in the store. Thus, reloaders are seen as more trouble than they're worth - and reloads are banned. Sure, you potentially lose a customer - but they really don't care when the Customer Lifetime Value is low.2 points
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Hi all, I ran across this and thought some may find it informative. https://www.shootingtimes.com/editorial/38-special-200-grain-police-load/3877631 point
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Now the green beans are producing, and producing, and producing. The Rona may get us, but starvation ain’t likely for quite a while.1 point
If it's for home defense, I'm assuming something has gone bump in the night and raised enough concern that you are reaching for your HD go to. I'm guessing we're probably past the normal, let's check it out, phase of a situation at that moment. If you didn't feel it was serious, you probably wouldn't be reaching for your firearm. Odds are, half asleep and a full adrenaline dump being jolted awake by sound or a loved one. If you are in this state of mind, you probably won't want to be fumbling with a handheld in one hand and your gun in the other. Assuming there is a threat in that situation, then you have to ID the threat, pray you can present fast enough one handed and connect after activating your handheld light. Also assuming if you have to shoot that you'll be able to maintain whatever handheld technique you're using to keep light on target throughout shooting. Especially if there are multiple threats. I agree that using a weapon light for normal flashlight use like working on your car is a bad idea. Just offering a viewpoint, no animosity in this response. I appreciate the conversation.1 point
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.38 Special is a great all around cartridge. I've loaded more of it than anything else. Next would be .357 Magnum. Both are very versatile.1 point
I’d never partake in a thread drift. Speaking of that, have you seen the price of eggs lately?1 point
How about the old 33/44 loads at 1200 fps? Also, how does the old FBI load fit in? There's another view of the best 38 Special loads not the worst. Unalloyed lead: I can cast hollow points of the Kieth SWC 358429 and or the Thompson bu;let with two crimping grooves 358156. Those are not may pop loads. These loads are good if one has a mixture of 38 and 357 revolvers around the homeplace. Loading 357 Mags rounds with the 358156 will keep one from having a bad day with N frame Smith's like my Model 28 in a household emergency. Don't dis the 38 Special loaded correctly.1 point
The people who have been a bullet cast for some years are OK. OK, that is, if they had scrounged all along. I have been doing OK with range scrap. With the way things are there is competition even for range scrap. I don't see this lead situation getting any better. I got a war pension tied up in bullet casting gear, The idea of this equipment standing idle basically sucks.1 point
It is not in partnership with Nashville Armory. Originally it was intended to be but that deal fell apart or at least was altered significantly by the time it opened. Remember it was like 2 + years delayed. Operated completely by the Outpost staff/mgmnt side now. The reloading supplies took up a good deal of shelf real-estate with low margin slow moving inventory. Dozens of fixture hooks/locations with things like shell holders, decap rods, or other small bits of $5.00 hardware that you might sell a couple of a year. Plus the fairly large boxes for things like a press kit that you would be lucky to sell one a month of. It was a resource/time suck with little positive return. We tried to talk Mgmt into carrying the basics, especially the stuff that requires hazmat, like powder, primer, projectile, and maybe some common brass cases. That would be better than nothing and move much quicker than all the hardware and gear. Still working on them when I get the opportunity but I would not hold my breath.1 point
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Well we don't have a serious meme thread. But I thought this was too good not to post.1 point
I don’t know how this is a “fun picture or video” but it is entirely the truth. That chick is smoking hot as well.1 point
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Can't speak to Eotech specifically, but in Iraq and Kuwait I had an M68 optic on my rifle. Temps up to 120 pretty regularly, maybe a little higher. Never had a problem.1 point
I feel as I'm the only one, or one of very few, that appreciates this virus for what it is... A COLD VIRUS.... for which I have the cure... TURN OFF THE TV!!! It sure isn't a chemical injection that potentially causes death or serious illness in some individuals to hopefully prevent the sniffles and cold/flu symptoms... Remember folks.. exposure doesn't equal infection, and infection doesn't equal illness.... people do get sick... from this and all sorts of ailments, daily... no way to stop that... but as soon as we all quit giving this thing the headspace the govt and media so desire the quicker it becomes a non-event.. IMHO.... Love to hear thoughts.....1 point
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Great choice, if I didn't have a 995, this would be on my short list1 point
I have a Glock 30sf and it's my favorite of all the Glocks, I guess that's why I bought one. Very accurate and dependable pistol. Never tried the Hipoint carbine but I have a Ruger PC carbine and it would be a great home defense also. The Glock can double as home defense and concealed carry would be a good reason to go with it.1 point
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Nope. From what I have read, the only way to kill a COVID Zombie is a shot to the0 points
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Damn you. I knew not to click but I second guessed myself and did it anyways.0 points
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Did y'all know that contrary to popular belief, a one legged duck does not swim in circles.0 points
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