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3 points
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The version I heard from another morning news channel alluded to them knowing each other which could change the look of the situation .3 points
That's outstanding Greg! Congrats on a great garden. I agree @ReeferMac, but that's the good part about being able to can or freeze whatever we have an abundance of in a given year. We were hit with squash borer and powdery mildew this year, but still managed to put up about 20 quarts of green beans, 30 quarts pickles and a ton of zucchini. Eating fresh tomatoes every day...awesome! We're trying a late crop of crook neck squash and our butternut squash is coming up well. Okra is just beginning to set pods and a 3rd planting of green beans is coming up well. The best part is eating something from the garden every day. We still have tomatoes and sauce in the freezer from last year. We're trying to grow rutabaga for the first time and have turnips coming up. Time will tell.2 points
I like corn that comes from a mason jar, but 23 quarts would last me a couple years!2 points
21 quarts of corn today plus a few dozen ears put up on the cob. We’re now out f the corn business for the year.2 points
This is definitely a case of “not enough information.”2 points
2 points
If you are in the surrounding Knoxville area, I will be holding the Enhanced Handgun Carry class at Pellissippi State, Hardin Valley, Saturday, Nov 13. Starts 8 AM. Call 865-539-7167 for details. This is the permit that gives you the best protection and broadest carry privileges in TN plus the most state reciprocity.1 point
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Just watched a news conference on the Church shooting, on Jan 3, in Texas. The pastor was killed and another wounded. The Sherriff said there were 2 members in attendance, carrying, and the suspect disarmed the pastor and shot him with his own gun. When asked by a reporter what he what advice he would give others, concerning church safety and security the Sherriff stated he didn't want to second guess anyone in this church shooting, but he said, "If your going to pack a gun you had better be ready to use it." Good advice, IMO. I will add, do it with as much determination as one can bring himself too. You are in a fight for your life when you present your weapon guys.1 point
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I wont even try to guess, at least till more info is made available.1 point
Meanwhile our glorious Government is handling this "great". That said with a lot of sarcasm. Open border with all types of China Virus coming in but, apparently that's not a concern. Falsey first said no mask required, then wear a mask, then wear 2 masks. How much are they paying that fool?1 point
In general fist fights that turn into shootings are not a good thing. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, deadly force isn't acceptable. Additionally, even with stand your ground law in TN, avoidance can be deemed the more reasonable thing to do and put the shooter in an unfavorable position for self defense. Will be an interesting story to follow.1 point
Glock 30 would be my choice. Why you ask? Because a carbine doesn’t fit on the night stand. You do have the option of carrying a handgun around with you if need be. Enjoy1 point
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They started that guitar spinning shtick with “Legs” in ‘83. A shame it was. With as much talent as they had the gimmicks are remembered the most.1 point
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I'm sure there's things that have been left out of the article. Important points.1 point
It could be that the victim was found outside the home. If that is the case, then it might be harder to justify the shooting. Maybe witnesses indicated that the homeowner escalated the situation. The report did not give enough info.1 point
Not getting into the good or bad of this as flawed as it is but... Wish there was a simple chart or something that would give more people the confidence to carry without fear of being arrested. We can assume: City, State, Fed Govt. Property you get max. punishment if caught. But. Private businesses with no guns signs posted = ?? What punishments expected. City limits, sidewalks, streets, public transport??? It's just too chancy for law abiding with assets to lose if busted. It's even wrong to lock weapon in your auto while in a State park or School zone it seems. The law makes for more awkward sightings and reports of exposed guns from people seeing carriers trying to obey the asinine law. Unholstering and securing in weird locations. Yes it's a huge step in the right direction but it needs fixing. First fix in my opinion. At a minimum personal cars should always be permitted anywhere, to make it easy to park in a prohibited place and secure the gun before entering.1 point
EKMO is an external machine that exchanges oxygen and CO2 in your blood. Most often used during transplant surgeries or in cases of significant lung damage(this case) or heart weakness. it means his lungs are experience severe disease or damage that are not allowing them to effectively exchange Oxygen and CO2. He can develop hypercapnia which is basically CO2 poising and becomes fatal.1 point
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Used 18" 870 - $300 Coyote cerakote - $150 XS sights - $80 Not paying Wilson Combat the extra grand for their rollstamp...... Priceless!1 point
The Wilson is an 870, a high dollar one, lol. There have been over 11 million 870’s made of all flavors. I’d find an old police trade-in or beater to make your own.1 point
I am all for people doing whatever they feel ok with. I got vaccinated because I didn't really have strong opinion one way or the other. My buddy just texted me and a few buddies that he tested positive today. We all had dinner on Tuesday night, but he thinks he probably got it on a weekend trip to KY last weekend. He had the J&J. Basically said he just has a fever at this point. At the end of the day, if the vaccine keeps me from getting really, really sick, ok by me. I am 46, overweight, and have zero cares about the possible long term side affects. I am more likely to die from a heart attack than anything the vaccine can do to me. Everyone has to make their own choice. Don't want it, don't get it. I just don't want to hear the words 'it's a tragedy' when someone that isn't vaccinated dies from COVID. We all make choices and we all have to live with the consequences, but it won't be a tragedy.1 point
Just par for the course from the media! Tell lies and keep us misinformed and some happy, the rest in the dark.1 point
Dumb question.... well, kinda not so much a question as it is a statement really. Pick a sight. Peep or scope. If you mount a scope, I promise you; in your lifetime you're never, ever going to take it off to shoot irons. If you're going to be sticking to hunting within iron sight ranges, put a freaking scope on it because honestly, it's far more accurate. If you wanna shoot a peep, more power to you. Go with God & ignore the scope entirely. I've been in some ri-DICulous situations & have yet to need to remove a scope. Buy good, reliable glass & it'll last you a lifetime. Or run irons & accept that you're probably not going to 12-ring that 200yd critter.1 point
Odd (or interesting) that they chose the weapon most recognized as associated with organized crime…..1 point
1 point
I've never had a problem with an optic fogging, even on open-emitter designs like the RMR. I do put Cat Crap brand anti-fog on my lenses, same as I do my prescription glasses, but I also think the fact that the optic stays relatively warm while carried against my body helps as well. Even still, these days I find myself gravitating toward the closed-emitter designs like the Holosun 509T for a variety of reasons - antifogging being one of them. You might give them a spin if you get serious about the Dot Life.1 point
Am I the only one that feels like some are making the permitless carry law out to be worse than it is? I know it's not perfect but it still seems like a huge step in the right direction. I am hopeful they clean it up in the future.1 point
1 point
I agree that the Sig Romeo 5 is a great choice for the price. I would also look at the AimPoint PRO. I've had one for years now and have been very pleased.1 point
995 fan here. Thousands of rounds, accurate and reliable. Solid 9mm PCC. Have 2 - 20 round Red Ball mags, few hundred rounds, no issues. Easy to reload with 10 round mags, which are still currently legal in most US states. Down side is it is heavy. I added a HTA bullpup stock to mine and it's 9#+ For $200+ more, there are better options if weight and common mag availability is a concern. According to the internet, 16" barrel gets you about +200fps. It's still a pistol bullet. If you're concerned about range folk talk about exploding, self discharging HPs, eff 'em. SIght it in, keep in moderately clean and lubricated, then ring steel at 25 to 50 yards 10/10 times with no malfunctions.1 point
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Heat Stroke, water moccasin, and tornado are not yet on my list. I hope to avoid all three.0 points
Last time I went through Memphis we detoured around the bridge. My buddy was driving and he tried to take a better route then everyone one else. Next thing I know he's looking at my handgun and said " HEY,...CHAMBER A ROUND IN THAT M/FER". I laughed my azz off as I chambered a round. The multi millionaire in the back seat was not happy and didn't understand why I was so amused.0 points
I'm at almost exactly 6 weeks since they should have received my fingerprints, just waiting. Dunno what the holdup could be, none of my felony arrests turned into felony convictions0 points
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