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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2021 in all areas
I wanted to build a Shughart M-14 because if you’re gonna have one, it might as well be one modeled off the one used by one of the baddest men to wield it. I started with this M-14 clone from Bula Defense. Mounted an ARMS-18 optics rail and an Aimpoint CompM. I then acquired a surplus M-14 fiberglass stock. The army boys sure do love their duct tape. Once I got it stripped down, it was time to paint! As it sits now, it’s in what I refer to as the “movie configuration” ad it’s similar to what was used in the Black Hawk Down film. The CompM will end up coming off and being used on a retro AR build using the original hi-rise optic mount (carry handle gang gang). As of now there are a couple of bits that are either on the way, or requiring a little detailed work to mount. (Waiting on rings for my Aimpoint 5000 and the AIM-1/D needs a tape switch fabricated for it.) Updates to follow as the build is adjusted/completed.4 points
That kind of president would score really low marks in some places. The mainstream media would turn against him, and would make it their number one goal to destroy him. Hell, even a bunch of our friends would turn against him.4 points
I understand that there may be a way to not have to go through this, or at least lessen the severity.3 points
It's Elmer Keith, the Godfather of magnum pistol calibers and big game pistol hunting.3 points
How old is Phil? He looks young. My 64 year old dad was helping me hang drywall today and told me he's to finally decided to get the vaccine. I was thrilled.2 points
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Randy has inspired me to post. Super shooting with the rifle sir! Don't really do much rifle but my pistol group shooting continues to get better. Successfully starting to put 5 on headbox at 25yd and almost a fantastic group but a stupid flier to right! Also, new M&P shield plus, performance center model with crimson trace garbage dot - really great little gun set up. Going to get another with 507k milled for carry gun. Not too shabby for slimline pistol and 2" dots at 10yd.2 points
That was my take on it. I dropped 100 bucks yesterday, tax man got 10: Perhaps prices and availability will come down in the near term. So I overpaid pandemic prices for a few items from a locally owned vendor (I see the guy at school, church, kroger, barber, etc., he is a part of my community). I'm ok with supporting his business, he sponsored my kids ball team, has good inventory of new/used guns and supplies, nice range, knowledgeable staff, access to a gunsmith, cerakote, etc. Availability of either item has been ZERO the last 6 months for me. Worst case, a pound of quality modern smokeless propellant, and 3 loads for my revolver could end up being priceless!2 points
He is a prime example of why we should all own firearms!2 points
I done did it.... Sig gave us the P365. Then the P365xl. Then the 356 on the xl frame & called it the 365X. Well, I went t'other way. Considering that it's the grip length that makes a pistol more, or less, concealable; I built up an XL slide from parts & installed it, along with a Holosun 507k x2 RDS, on the standard frame. P365L? Recoil & muzzle flip is noticeably reduced, although accuracy hasn't changed at 3,5,7 & 15yds. Not that that's an issue. The 507 is going to take some getting used to. Right now, I'm noticeably quicker on target with irons, but once shooting the dot is much easier to keep on target. Range time definitely needed here. Regardless of name, it suits in an AIWB holster better than the shorter version, has a far nicer 'in hand' balance & all in all, is a far groovier package (that can still take 10, 12 & 15 round mags) If you ever see me selling it, come round & smack me around a bit.....1 point
Planning to take a road trip at the end of August to check out East TN and the eastern half of Middle TN. Coming from Florida looking to get started with the Erwin area in Unicoi County. Head up to touristy Cade's Cove. Perhaps drive to Mountain City area and then to the Tri-Cities area with a focus on Johnson City area. From there check out Sweetwater on the way to Crossville, Spencer, Sparta and on to Cookeville, I have thought about making a drive through the Deer Lodge area or even all the way up to Oneida, but haven't factored those into the tentative itinerary. I'm not even sure if I have laid out the proper route given the places I have listed . Hoping to work in excursions to Cumberland Caverns, Muddy Pond, some waterfalls and caves. I purposely have not made lodging reservations so as to have flexibility on this trip; get up in the morning and decide where to go for that day. I want this to be a fact finding mission with a view to relocation while also including some fun during the trip. A little background: About 5 years ago I decided that I want to retire to Tennessee when I finish my career in Florida. It was around that time I joined this forum to start learning about the gun laws and 2A atmosphere in TN. Having made a half dozen or so week long trips over the past few years to various areas of Tennessee, I gravitated to the Cumberland Plateau area preferring Spencer, Sparta, and Cookeville to what I saw in the Tri-Cities area. I have not been back to Tennessee since December 2019. I know so much has changed up there since then. The great migration of people fleeing high taxed liberal states in favor of TN and the meteoric rise in real estate prices has certainly changed the landscape, figuratively and literally. Perhaps those changes will cause me to reconsider an area I have previously ruled out. Employment will not be a concern. Schools nor opportunities for children also will not be a concern. With great health at the moment, proximity to medical facilities also is not a driving factor. Likewise, proximity to an airport is not a large concern. Rather I am looking for convenient seclusion. By that I mean having plenty of elbow room without being able to wave to the neighbors from my back door or driveway. I want the convenience though of paved roads (pretty much rules out places like Wilder,) decent internet, a Dollar Store within 15 minutes for milk and a Walmart Super Center or similar within an hour. With that in mind I welcome suggestions regarding other places I should check out as well as the route I take. A big "THANK YOU" to peejman, jfluckey, OLDNEWBIE, Dirtshooter and others who have communicated directly and have made informative posts that have given me great direction. This is a great forum. I hope to continue to learn from the member posts and to make contributions.1 point
A neat project you have there! When I turned 18 in the summer of 1977, an M1A would be my very first 4473 purchase. That first year introduction price was $379. Spare mags in new millitary foil wrappers were $2.50 a pop at Numrich and everything to fill that hole above the trigger was about another 14 bucks. You just needed a horse shoe extension hanging down from the receiver. Ha..ha, don't ask me how I know. I had alot of fun with that rifle back then. It was SN 006022. Problem was it would group poorly after getting warm. National matching the bedding points was not a easy job and would need a do over every so often. Back in the mid 80's I sold it to fund a Springfield SAR48. The FAL is more heat friendly for poking close holes. Good Luck with your retro.1 point
So where is the duct tape? Man that is looking great, please keep the pics coming.1 point
I think I’ve heard that before now that you mention it. It was parked in the barn, but it looked more like a clean break than a chewed place. I don’t really know for sure. I just spliced them back together. Probably not the best fix, but it works.1 point
Dumb question.... well, kinda not so much a question as it is a statement really. Pick a sight. Peep or scope. If you mount a scope, I promise you; in your lifetime you're never, ever going to take it off to shoot irons. If you're going to be sticking to hunting within iron sight ranges, put a freaking scope on it because honestly, it's far more accurate. If you wanna shoot a peep, more power to you. Go with God & ignore the scope entirely. I've been in some ri-DICulous situations & have yet to need to remove a scope. Buy good, reliable glass & it'll last you a lifetime. Or run irons & accept that you're probably not going to 12-ring that 200yd critter.1 point
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South Georgia is worth having someone who knows what they’re doing the first time, too. Same feeders that attract pigs attract gators and big snakes too.1 point
You know I don't disagree with you, but sometimes I think you overanalyze. Sometimes ####e just happens. If the overlords were really that smart we would have been total serfs a long time ago. I need a break.1 point
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Over the years I've seen a lot of good builders that shouldn't contractors. Managing a new construction is as much about cash flow as bricks and mortar.1 point
There was a 3000 Sq. ft. house being built about 1/2 mile up the road from us in Gordonsville and had 5 acres of land with it. It was started building pre-pandemic and it stall construction for almost a year. Since the construction began back post-pandemic the price of the house has gone up 3 times and it is about 85% complete. The builder says it will probably go up at least once more before it sells. The builder blames the increases in the price of lumber. I wonder why he didn't have all the lumber ordered when he began building?1 point
That is in many, many places right now. I won’t be making a move for at least another year. Maybe two years. No telling what real estate will be at that time in the way of price or availability, but more time visiting Tennessee is not a bad thing for me even if I’m not looking to buy just yet. Getting the lay of the land to see how things are changing and to dial in the places I’m interested in will be beneficial as the landscape changes. Had I purchased pre-pandemic I would’ve definitely chosen Cookeville, Crossville, or one of the other areas on or around the Cumberland Plateau. Already though I am told big changes have taken place that may push me to look at other areas. This trip will have me driving through areas of the State I had previously ruled out as I keep an open mind and give everything another look.1 point
Was at the range with a friend who is quite knowledgeable about firearms. Ok, he is a rich snob about them. You know, one of those guys with all the latest toys. Wilson Combat, silencers, full auto. Let him shoot my Sig P320 rx with romeo 1 pro optic which he liked. He then shot my Taurus G3c and liked it as well. Not sure if he liked the Sig better than the Taurus. Disclaimer: I have changed out the rear sight to n the G3c so it shoots right n now.1 point
Man! I've bought and sold a LOT of bikes over the years, and have never bought one without test-riding it and never refused a test ride when selling one. I guess if it's your bike you get to make the rules, but there is no chance in the world I'd buy a bike without running it to red-line, running it through all the gears, and trying out the brakes.1 point
Hmmm, I have a Sportster, a BMW sport tourer, a Ducati 1098 Superbike, a kinda rare 89 Yamaha RD-350YVPS, and GasGas trials bike. I'm pretty sure I'll find another one I need, though. I have a brand new set of Toomey pipes and the RD is sitting on the work bench waiting for them. Just a matter of finding the time. Anybody have the rear grab bar for sale?1 point
The last U.S. lead smelter closed in 2013. Now all lead has to be outsourced from other countries. You know that lead which is a natural element causes everything!!1 point
Nice looking ride. When does the "Now, a bike for mom" get posted? Get her one and that qualifies you guys as a gang, I believe.1 point
Awww shucks. That’s a beauty right there. I’m having serious thoughts lately about trying to trade my Street Glide Special on a Heritage or Fatboy or Road King. But my dream is a Softail Deluxe. I just want to go back to that style of scoot. I like the old fashioned style.1 point
Odd (or interesting) that they chose the weapon most recognized as associated with organized crime…..1 point
I had almost offered you my Springer Softail as I had came into my dream bike last year, a Road Glide. However I still want to be buried with my awesome Springer.1 point
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Yes indeed. SO true. If we could just elect a POTUS that wasn’t a DC bought and paid for politician that just wanted to make America great again…….<sigh> Hey…that’s an IDEA..!!!!1 point
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Thanks a lot, I sure do appreciate it. But no way am I going to pay $55 a pound! Well, not this month, anyway.1 point
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I'm don't subscribe to a deity, but I did spend some time in a church as a kid without it catching on fire, so I learned a little. I can't help but compare people in dire straits who haven't gotten the vaccine to that story of a man on a rooftop during a flood who had a weather report, a rowboat, and a helicopter that could have given him safety at different times, but he sent them all away because he felt God would protect him. Then after he died in the flood, he asked God what happened, only to learn God had sent the report, the rowboat, and the helicopter. I hope all of them come out okay, and I hope anyone still hesitant considers what we're seeing.1 point
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That's good. I have a serious identity connection to that character. As has been noted, maybe it's time to move on...1 point
Went to Crossroad Firearms in Fountain City, this afternoon to get a shotgun out of lay-a-away. They have plenty of 115gr and 124gr FMJ, in 50 rd boxes, going for $19.99 a box.1 point
I'm saying put them into perspective and realize we don't have a problem to unduly stress over. Between government stimulus making it rain on individuals/banks/business, all those sectors of the economy starting to rev up again after shutdowns, a labor force with a lot of transition, and supply chains that are to inflexible to adapt easily, inflation is the symptom and not the disease for the moment. COVID is going to take probably the rest of this year and a good bit of the next to get over in the real economy where people have to make things and provide services.1 point
We were all very excited about this: https://comicbook.com/starwars/news/baby-yoda-build-a-bear-star-wars-plush/1 point
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This video reminds me that he looks and sounds like someone who runs around the house wearing his underpants for a hat.1 point
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That is absolutely normal. No test rides without cash in hand. I have never test ridden a bike unless it was a dealer. The stories of people wrecking bikes on test rides and then leaving the owner (or owners insurance) high and dry on the repairs are far to common. I have never allowed anyone to ride any of my bikes without cash in hand. I will let them sit on it, I will start it, I will run it up and down the road in front of them but unless they have handed me a wad of cash they are not going to ride it out of my garage. If they ride it and find some issue or wish to back out of the deal for whatever reason I will negotiate or simply hand them their money back.1 point
Its a BIGFOOT...not a Yeti... That is the view you have at the bench on the tablet from the Longshot Camera. It is pretty cool. You don't have to repaint targets or hang up new paper targets. You just shoot and it keeps track of groups. This pic was taken right before I hit the Yeti in the heart. The green dots are previous shooters' hits.1 point
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