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During my foray into aircraft maintenance, i learned quickly that whatever the problem, determine the most expensive part, especially if it's also the hardest to get to, and replace that first. Works every time ...3 points
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https://www.foxnews.com/us/would-be-robbers-los-angeles-gun-defend Would-be robbers shot by armed shoppers in Los Angeles Victim was standing on a parking lot holding a shopping bag when the would-be robbers rolled in A man armed with a handgun defended himself during an attempted robbery in Los Angeles, and left two suspects with bullet wounds to the legs, police say. "Words were apparently exchanged, and the victim ultimately produces a handgun, apparently to defend himself and others in his group from the would-be robbery suspects. The victim fired his weapon towards the suspects and then all parties immediately fled the location," the Los Angeles Police Department recounted in a press release Tuesday. The attempted robbery unfolded Monday on Melrose Ave. when two men exited an idling Dodge Avenger, with one of the men producing a handgun. Video footage shows the men confronting a man with a shopping bag and two women who were standing on the parking lot. The male victim, who was reportedly the target of the robbery, produced his own handgun and sent the two suspects running as he opened fire. Police arrested and identified the two suspects as Nicholas Brown and Markeil Hayes, both of Los Angeles, and said they were both booked on attempted robbery and are currently on parole. PHILADELPHIA RECORDS MORE THAN 300 HOMICIDES SO FAR THIS YEAR, BREAKING DECADE RECORD Brown sustained a gunshot to the upper left thigh while Hayes was shot in the right calf. Police are still searching for the third suspect and asking the public for help tracking him down. "The Los Angeles Police Department is aggressively addressing a rise in violent crime in the Melrose area over the past year and is pursuing all leads involved in this and other crimes," police added in the press release. Police did not immediately return Fox News's request for additional comment on the crime. VENICE BEACH VIOLENCE REACHES BOILING POINT IN L.A. AS NEW VIRAL VIDEO EMERGES Homicides in Los Angeles are up 25% this year, with South Los Angeles seeing a 50% increase in killings. Violent crimes have also been increasing in cities across the nation, including in Philadelphia where gun crimes have ticked up significantly.2 points
2 points
It's very rare for me to come to the defense of Memphis but in this case it's better to have had it and not use it than the other way around.2 points
I do much of my buying for ordinary stuff is with Amazon. The most problem I have is with books that are not in the advertised condition. The book is replaced and the old first book is left with me. Another incident was on printer cartridges. Absolutely the wrong cartridges were sent. The money was quickly refunded. A warning was put on vendors site. Much of the stuff I get is from vendors. Maybe, I have been lucky. Only in one instance did I have minor problems with a vendor. That was when I ordered a Tom Threepersons holster from the maker. YMMV No Inventory: Optic Planet is a scam who only orders from their vendors when customer orders come in. It's your time and money. Have at it.2 points
Garufa's comment is spot on! Disturbing is a very good description for this novel. One Second After is one of the most potent and heart tugging stories in any of the EOTWAWKI I have ever read. Especially if there are any diabetics in your family or circle of friends.2 points
Phil announced he had it on the 13th. I hope he makes a full recovery too. He probably should have taken the vaccine. But, I wouldn't tell him that. Phil can argue better than most folks.2 points
I remember this day, Apr.25, 1967, as if it was yesterday. We were on a search & destroy mission in "Nam, walked into an ambush. I was hit twice with auto weapons fire in the R. leg, several times with the old Chicom "tater" masher grenades. Some of the fragments are still in there. Spent 16 mos. in an Army hospital, almost lost the R. leg, still got it tho., even if it is a bit shorter that the left. A couple of others were hit the same time I was. Another guy was killed later. We were almost overrun, but managed to fight our way out of it, wiped them out. Not one of my better days.2 points
For a simple pocket gun, the original LCP is hard to beat. Essentially dehorned with reasonable rounds makes it lighter. All of these high round capacity guns make my pants sag2 points
I knew my dad had been building this rifle, but to my surprise, he came by today and gave it to me for my birthday. It is a 25-06. I haven't yet shot it. What I was wondering is whether any of you have seen a cherry rifle stock. It looks much better than I would have guessed. He made it from a piece of rough sawn lumber. It must have taken forever to inlet.1 point
Just wondering what others are doing to prepare for the inflation that is here and is going to get worse? I have a stock of silver, ammo and some food items. Thoughts?1 point
I meant to post this a couple of days ago but it slipped my mind so sorry for the late notice. July 23rd at midnight is the deadline for applications for any of you that meant to and may have forgotten or for those who didn't know. Options are elk, bear party dog hunt, deer, and season long waterfowl (deadline for this hunt is 7/21). Link to page: https://quotahunt.gooutdoorstennessee.com/Hunts/CustomerLookup.aspx1 point
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I don't think much about Bezos, one way or another, but if I were a billionaire and had the opportunity, I would build and fly a rocket into space, penis shaped or not ...1 point
son's truck could be bad #2 injector. stuck open injector will kill an O2 sensor,,,and cat converter too. don't ask me how I know. good luck.1 point
I borrowed a very loud Craftsman genset from a friend after the 2010 flood for the first few days before power was restored. It was a lifesaver running fans, dehumidifiers, lights, and battery chargers. I bought a much quieter Honda EU6500is inverter after that and have never used it. I run it occasionally to keep it operational but that's it. My in-laws borrowed it once this past winter when their power was out for a couple of days. It worked great for them. Kept the TV, fridge, and lights running. I'll probably sell my 6500 at some point and get a 2000-3500w sized one like a Honda EU2000/2200 or a Generac iQ3500. That Generac is SUPER quiet (44 dBA) but at 109lbs. dry it's not the easiest thing to move around compared to the 47lb Honda which is pretty dang quiet (48 dBA) itself.1 point
Everybody has a valid "argument". But that doesn't change the fact that hospitals pre-vaccine were overrun with Covid patients who all of a sudden couldn't breathe so well and etc. How many folks with other ailments who croaked simply due to the previous norms for care being impaired we'll never know. The fact that it's happening again in the US, where anyone can get the ouchie on a moment's notice, just reinforces my glass half empty view of the species, or at least the Murican subspecies in this case. Hell, at least half the world can't even get the vax at all. - OS1 point
I just ordered the Sun. I read the first chapter and part of the second, stopped reading, and ordered it. Looks like it will be a good one.1 point
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He also wrote one about a space elevator. Don't waste your time. The concept is mildly interesting, but it doesn't deserve a full novel.1 point
Don't know about your saggy pants problem...but I'd suggest suspenders. Now for something real...I have an LCP with a CT laser. Had it since the LCP was first brought out. It's a bit snappy, but I think it makes a very nice pocket gun for when you run out in your primary.1 point
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I could get behind the .32 version LCP. I have a bit of 32 squirreled away. Also had a P32. Sold it in a fit of insanity. Good little pistol.1 point
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I'd sure like to have a lot more information on this story. I think there's good deal more to be told.1 point
I wagered 2.99 for the Kindle version. Which usually means I won't read it till I'm stuck out of town somewhere for a day or three, but eventually. Thanks. - OS1 point
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When we lived in Clinton I actually made a duplicator. Using a small trim router and a bumper on the other are. there was a video on Utube about making one. Helped a lot with the inlet of the action I want to make another one if I can ever get caught up on current projects1 point
That is just gorgeous! And Dad built it for you makes it that much better. Hope your family passes it down for many, many generations. I've never seen a cherry stock in person but I have seen them. ask dad if he has a piece of walnut or if I need to bring my own! LOL!1 point
Not One Second After and that series, but there's a brand new book out about solar flare apocalypse set right here in Tennessee by a local author. https://www.amazon.com/SUN-Post-Apocalyptic-Survival-James-Cooper/dp/B099GT2Q62/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1626548631&sr=8-21 point
Every major new technology is the play-thing of governments and/or the uber wealthy. These new private space companies are going to reduce the costs by a crap-ton. Remember about 20 years ago it was $20M to hitch a ride on a Soyuz to the ISS at a total cost of around $80M per launch (maybe the Russians still sell seats...don't know). I know it's not a trip to the ISS, but $200-400K gets you to space now on BO or VG. SpaceX cost to orbital flight is around $28M/flight vs the $80M/flight Soyuz. Give it another 20 years and we might be seeing space tourism attainable for more people than just billionaires. I'm glad to see BO and VG competing for the low orbit stuff and having plans to join SpaceX with higher launches and SpaceX planning for Mars.1 point
If you can't check your ego....then one should reconsider carrying a gun. Your explanation simply shows a pattern of escalation on both sides. Notwithstanding carrying a gun without one in the chamber. Bad technique at critical times. Another story however.1 point
Cherry makes a good looking stock. I almost bought a roughed out stock a few years ago for a Mauser 98.1 point
Dad built his own bench that holds a stock. You can turn it in any direction. There’s an overhead light and magnifying glass mounted to it. It also converts into a shooting bench. LOL.1 point
I feel as I'm the only one, or one of very few, that appreciates this virus for what it is... A COLD VIRUS.... for which I have the cure... TURN OFF THE TV!!! It sure isn't a chemical injection that potentially causes death or serious illness in some individuals to hopefully prevent the sniffles and cold/flu symptoms... Remember folks.. exposure doesn't equal infection, and infection doesn't equal illness.... people do get sick... from this and all sorts of ailments, daily... no way to stop that... but as soon as we all quit giving this thing the headspace the govt and media so desire the quicker it becomes a non-event.. IMHO.... Love to hear thoughts.....1 point
Honestly, would love to see this little pistol come out in a 10+1 configuaration. I had a P32 and let my daughter have it, when I bought my LCP. She carries it all the time. I've never liked the LCP, like I did the P32. Of course, it would be nice if Ruger made the LCP-MAX, in .32ACP as well.1 point
I wouldn’t doubt any of this, but not getting the shot can have drastically worse social consequences than getting it. No one has lost their job or their scholarship or their money spent on a cruise ship ticket because they got the shot. We can’t say the opposite.1 point
Gregintn could you please find out which checkering kit your Dad used. He Really did an Awesome job on that.1 point
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Well you can easily uncross that line by pointing out the glaringly obvious fact that .gov colluding with big tech to censor your personal text messages that involve you discussing hesitancy to be a guinea pig for an experimental drug can quickly become .gov colluding with big tech to censor your personal text messages discussing gun rights with your friends. Or much worse.1 point
Thanks guys. It is special to me. Now to see if Smiling Larry will send me some brass and dies, since this is a new chambering for me. I think I have enough bullets to shoot the barrel out. He'll be 79 this year, but still does some nice work.1 point
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Oh yeah, I read all three. Downright disturbing. As is usual, first book is the best. There has been talk of it here before but that was a long time ago.1 point
Yeah it’s real, supposedly started by a guy protesting the existence of billionaires. How much money Bezos has doesn’t bother me, but I don’t like the guy because of the deplatforming BS and Amazon trying to put the whole world out of business. I don’t give them a dime.1 point
I have found in the past that if I shoot almost daily, I can shoot pretty accurately, but that ability goes away fast if I go a while without shooting.1 point
I believe that while high or low shots generally are the result of uncontrolled breathing, shots to one side or the other of target are normally related to trigger pull technique.1 point
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