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We should all be thankful that many generations before us did indeed value Freedom, to the point that they prioritized it before their individual health. It is possible to take this virus and its subsequent effects on the world seriously, while also being aware of how it has been used and manipulated by individuals, businesses, and governments alike for power, control, greed, etc... You don’t have to be on one side or the other, people choose to be. Not everyone who has gotten the vaccine is a mindless sheep, just as not everyone that hasn’t gotten it is some evil, selfish conspiracy theory nut. Within our country there is a pick a side and win at all cost mentality. While that is fine for things that don’t really matter like sports teams, it’s a dangerous mentality to hold when it comes to our country. Ultimately the only thing that matters is Freedom, and our ability to protect it.14 points
I knew my dad had been building this rifle, but to my surprise, he came by today and gave it to me for my birthday. It is a 25-06. I haven't yet shot it. What I was wondering is whether any of you have seen a cherry rifle stock. It looks much better than I would have guessed. He made it from a piece of rough sawn lumber. It must have taken forever to inlet.6 points
Maybe something from the Leupold VX-Freedom line? Inexpensive and made in Oregon.3 points
Ohhhhhhh my........ The hives are in full flow right now! It was too hot to do any real harvesting today, but she collected 4 frames to make some room & harvested 11 pints of honey! We have around 30 more frames to harvest next weekend. VID_86300520_063544_247.mp42 points
Had a family "4th" of July (10th) celebration in West Tennessee with swimming, cornhole, skeet and fireworks along with good food. Took the normal 870 youth 20, my late grandfather's Model 11 Remington 20 with the vent rib barrel and the old Double Barrel Belgium "JJ Weston". She's got 32-34' Laminated Steel (probably Damascus) double barrels , double hammers , double triggers and some sweet 1890s engraving. I bought some of the 1.75" shotshells, Minimax i think. Although ensuring I wore glasses and earmuffs every time, she shot like a dream and actually busted a few skeet with her. Fun times shooting a 140 year old gun.2 points
I might be late to the party but has anyone else read it. I'd heard people talking about it when it first came out but at the time, didn't really have time to sit and get engrossed in a book. Recent events convinced me to finally read it and it was down right scary. Anyone with any understanding of human nature could see how things in the book are very realistic. I've got the other two of the trilogy and am hoping they are as good. Off to buy some tin foil2 points
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I keep telling myself, I don’t need a new pistol. I keep saying I don’t want to waste ammo breaking in a new pistol. That dang LCP MAX is calling my name! There is going to be a lot of original LCPs up for sale.2 points
It's good to see what weird stuff goes on during the day while at work, when the kids come home from school, when a package is delivered, or that a coyote was in your driveway at 2AM (yep I saw this on our Arlo). This past Friday I was supposed to meet code enforcement at my house and was told I would get a 15 minute heads-up that they were on the way (I was working about 10 minutes away). Then I see on my camera that they came to my house without calling. I called the code enforcement office and they had the guy come back and I met him. I would be starting all over again meeting the guy this week if I had not had my camera.2 points
A lot of Vortex scopes are made in the Philippines, but some of the lower end stuff is Chinese.2 points
https://www.primaryarms.com/primary-arms-1-4x24mm-illuminated-riflescope-pa14x I've got 3 of these on different rifles & not only are they insanely clear, they're also bulletproof. I've dropped, dragged, bumped, knocked & slammed them into all kinds of stupid accidents & not one has lost zero. My .308 knock around gun has had at least 2000 rounds through it & the scope is 100% exactly where I zeroed it. I recommend them to literally anyone who'll listen.2 points
We just pulled another 10 frames tonight (3-1/2 gallons) that puts this year's harvest total at around 9 gallons. I had to order more frames & foundations tonight, since we've run out! We still have 3 unchecked hives that I'm sure will need emptying soon! It's really cool, bottling up each different harvest as the season goes on. The difference in taste & color is amazing! https://imgur.com/a/M2jBDT7 (EDIT to add..... have I mentioned how much I despise imgur?)2 points
I think I am about to do down this rabbit hole and get one of these! Good Lord the reviews have been great!!! Hickcok45: Ignore what Hickcock has in his hand in this pic! Sootch00: James Reeves: GunBlast:1 point
To be fair, he didn't put a price limit on it. It would be funny to see that scope on that rifle. I've seen you run a 10k+ rifle by the way.1 point
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IIRC there were a few USGI M14 stocks that were cherry. I guess it was getting hard to find enough suitable walnut by the '60's.1 point
Thanks guys. It is special to me. Now to see if Smiling Larry will send me some brass and dies, since this is a new chambering for me. I think I have enough bullets to shoot the barrel out. He'll be 79 this year, but still does some nice work.1 point
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There's a lot to factor into it and everyone's needs vary. That's why I bought in low. Ive got less than $500 in everything I guess and no monthly subscription. I dont anticipate using video as evidence but the cams outside are in plain view as a detterent and inside your mugshot is captured before you even know you're on it.1 point
Similarly, Pool tech was suppossed to come by and look at our pump. Place swears he did. Not a thing on camera.1 point
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We drained & mashed the capping on a screen, then let it sit for about a week (maybe more) I think the capping was from 20 frames & we got about a half gallon of honey by draining. Rendering the mostly drained wax gave us the extra bonus. I've got another 16 frames worth of wax rendering in the oven right now. I'll see how much we get from that. The bees are cleaning up last night's frames as I write this....1 point
I have not bought #9's lately. I do remember that those that I have came from a previous famine. That famine had to do with percussion caps only My solution is to have extra flints on hand for my flintlock rifles. It would be interesting to see if the price of black English flints increased proportionally to the cost of percussion caps.1 point
Same author (William R. Forstchen) wrote another one about a solar flare, but I haven't read it yet. He also collaborated with Newt Gingrich on some Civil War and Revolutionary Wat books. The Revolutionary War ones were as awesome as well. HIGHLY recommend.1 point
Meant to add that the proximity of the story to East Tennessee makes it even more gripping. That part of NC is closer to Knoxville than Nashville is and not much further than Chattanooga.1 point
I am very curious to see what the honey I pull in a couple weeks will be like as compared to what we pulled off on June 25th1 point
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Here is a point where I will break from my generally held views regarding public health, private industry, and intellectual property. We pumped billions of dollars of public money into the research to develop these vaccines. Therefore I believe them to be legitimately publicly owned. The federal government should remove patent protections for these vaccines and disseminate them across the globe. It is not only the right thing to do, it is 100% in our national interest to do so.1 point
Just a followup, been toting the Hellcat in the Alabama Holster for a few weeks now, love it. Little things make a big diff with pocket carry, and with the extra rounds, it first felt rather heavy compared to the Kahr, but that feeling went away purt quick. And the pinky extension added an unacceptable degree of difficulty for quick deployment (so did same for the Kahr), so using with 11 round flush mag, with another one in another pocket. This thing really shoots like a bigger heater too. Snap/recoil not objectionable at all. The HC's trigger release/reset is great, much more conducive to accuracy than the Kahr's trigger, which while smooth, even with lots of practice you just could never feel exactly when the thing was gonna go bang, and it has a very long essentially zero-tactile reset. - OS1 point
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Me too. I think I've got a couple of gen 1 LCPs and one LCP2. Definitely gonna lose 1 or 2 or 3.1 point
My choice is always wired cams over wifi. I use cams that run off POE lines (power over internet, one ethernet cable provides both access to the network and power) that connect to my home LAN. I also do not allow the cams access to the internet, nor do I use their online storage. Using the provided cloud storage and and the aps that allow you to view remotely over the internet also allows the cams to "talk" to the Chinese servers all of these utilize for storage, updates, etc. While I'm sure that works ok for most applications, it does open your home network up to the wider world, and whatever shenanigans the Chinese are up to at the moment, something I'm not comfortable with. I also further isolate the cams and other "internet of things" devices onto a separate network via VLans, something I'm still working on. As for remote access, I'm using a VPN setup, which allows me to access the parts of the network that the cams run on. It's been an educational experience learning how all this works, as I started out knowing less than most folks grandmothers about networking, security, etc. ...1 point
As I stated in the other thread, I had several Suzuki Intruder 1400's, which are the chopper style, and one Boulvard 1500, all good bikes. Moved up to a HD Road King, did some engine mods to it before I even rode it and was tickled to death with it and it's performance/ride. The RK is a step below the full blown touring bikes with just hard saddle bags, no touring trunk or full fairing. Weight was around 800# +/-. The HD handled better at slow parking lot speeds than the Suzuki's did, and rode better overall. I had a 2000 MY, with air adjustable shocks on the rear which they stopped offering soon after I got mine. Engine mods made the bike run like a scalded dog, and could cruise the roads in E TN with "authority".1 point
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If you want to start learning, go to www.nashbee.org. That is the site for NABA (Nashville Area Beekeepers Association). There is a lot of information on the site. They have monthly meetings with speakers on different topics that usually align with what is happening with one’s hives at that time. It has been virtual since last March but the July meeting might be the first back to in-person.1 point
Nice! I look to have 10 medium 8-frame supers full of honey this year. I have added one more super to the short hive ( it was a swarm I caught this year).1 point
On this site I must be in the minority as I seen nothing wrong in what he did to restrain an uncooperative perp. Arguably, the fault lies more on the bystanders who created a hectic scene and had the LEOs on the defensive to keep them back, if the scene had been more controlled, they may have noticed the medical distress faster, probably dies anyway, but they would have started CPR or something. The POS died of an OD, period. A sad day for justice, and will have repercussions for years to come, as no sane person will put themselves in that situation by becoming, or staying, a LEO in this environment.1 point
I try never to drift into another lane while turning. It was a thing to fail government drivers on when getting gov drivers license. I worked for the Post Office for 30 years. Glad you got out of it without using more force than you did. Road Rage can get serious!1 point
While I didn't set a budget, I don't mind paying for a quality product. I do think that's a bit more than I'm willing to put into this project lol...0 points
From fda.org: Acting Commissioner - Janet Woodcock, M.D. From Wikipedia - 22,450 tons, however its not clear if these are metric, or standard ass tons ...0 points
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