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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2021 in all areas
Great show and a great club to be a part of. If you want jerky, chinese mfg'd mall ninja gear, or stun guns you'll need to allow time to swing by the local flea market because you won't find it at this show. Kerbela Shrine Temple 315 Mimosa Ave Knoxville,TN3 points
Just a followup, been toting the Hellcat in the Alabama Holster for a few weeks now, love it. Little things make a big diff with pocket carry, and with the extra rounds, it first felt rather heavy compared to the Kahr, but that feeling went away purt quick. And the pinky extension added an unacceptable degree of difficulty for quick deployment (so did same for the Kahr), so using with 11 round flush mag, with another one in another pocket. This thing really shoots like a bigger heater too. Snap/recoil not objectionable at all. The HC's trigger release/reset is great, much more conducive to accuracy than the Kahr's trigger, which while smooth, even with lots of practice you just could never feel exactly when the thing was gonna go bang, and it has a very long essentially zero-tactile reset. - OS3 points
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OSHA has chimed in on this, If the employer requires the employee to get the vaccine and there is a detrimental effect the employer is liable for all damages to the employee and the employer pay for any medical care there after.2 points
My wife’s employer is gearing up to mandate all employees take the vaccine. We have an important decision to make when that happens. She works at home. None of the vaccines have FDA approval. If we could find a lawyer willing and capable, I wouldn’t be opposed to being a test dummy in court.2 points
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I picked this Kalashnikov Komrad up yesterday. Just curious… Those who own these, what ammo runs best? For home defense, I think I’d like to keep some PDX1 Defender in it. Anyone run some of that through one of these?1 point
Sexy when you see a picture of it and just as sexy when you hold it and see it in person! Can't wait to take it out and shoot it!1 point
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I’ll bet that was good. If you get over this direction you could come by, pick up a few samples and see my operation. Maybe get some ideas.1 point
No boil, makes it hard to clear later. When you boil fruit it sets the pectin making it harder to clear.1 point
I just noticed you’re in Kingston, I just installed an alarm system in your new auto zone.1 point
Well kinda sorta. Trump got the vaccine and encouraged everyone else to do the same. Just a couple months ago he still said get the shot. Others have been less consistent.1 point
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You are correct, sir. We have a very short attention span. I am quite open to changing my mind, but so far, my original opinion hasn’t chamged.1 point
Made 30 gallons a year using Concord pressed juice from Fulkersons vinyard on Seneca lake. You need help let me know.1 point
I’m not going to dig too much into the politics here as it is a verboten subject, but I would suggest looking into who was very pro-vax and who was vax-hesitant in their rhetoric last summer in the political sphere. Might look a little bit opposite to what it looks like now. Politics and partisanship ruins everything.1 point
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I’ve only got one reason for continuing to post in this thread. I just don’t want to lose anymore friends to this thing.1 point
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Sorry, showing my age. Omega got it, above. Words to a Three Dog Night song from the early 70's, Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog.1 point
I guess I’ll bow out. It’ll be difficult to tip toe around that elephant in the room.1 point
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And for today's absolutely useless trivia tidbit, it's "tinker's dam". Tinkers (metalsmiths) often made a "dam" out of clay, dough, mud, etc. to hold liquid solder temporarily in place while cooling. They then discarded the now-useless dam of material once the solder had solidified enough to patch the hole or seam in the object they were repairing ...1 point
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This looks like a great source of info on this topic: https://minnetonkaorchards.com/how-to-make-blackberry-wine/ When all's done, let us know where the party will be!1 point
I have one field of peas that are gone. Deer got all of them. Second field is waist high, well most of it. My corn didn't germinate like it should. I've got about 1/2 of what I planted. Got to get a two row corn planter. May do 4 acres of peas next year. I am interested in seeing how the Egyptian wheat does this year though.1 point
To a degree, it would. There is a lot of misinformation out there; on both sides. The fact this is being pushed so hard certainly gives me pause. The federal government nor the talking heads on the news give a tinker’s damn about your health. What is the real reason behind the constant push?1 point
Legally, they can't approve it if there are proven treatments that stop the infection. Thats why Ivermectin and possibly others that out right kill the virus has been black balled out of the "media" for the most part. India is a clear example of Ivermectine trial that wiped out Covid in short order. Problem is, there is no money in it and it wont desensitize the herd to more invasive injections to come. Yeah, its time to step off.... again. I suppose there arn't alot of scholars of Revelation in here.... Hiding in plain sight comes to mind. And this is the Bible Belt?...1 point
We used to can them in a water bath canner. Now she uses a pressure canner. I think it takes 25 minutes. I don’t like the frozen ones, but love them canned.1 point
Well, what's the purpose of having authority, except to abuse it now and then ...1 point
Here is a point where I will break from my generally held views regarding public health, private industry, and intellectual property. We pumped billions of dollars of public money into the research to develop these vaccines. Therefore I believe them to be legitimately publicly owned. The federal government should remove patent protections for these vaccines and disseminate them across the globe. It is not only the right thing to do, it is 100% in our national interest to do so.1 point
As much as I would really enjoy locking and burying this thread under many hundreds of feet of earth, it would be an abuse of my authority.1 point
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No surprise there. I expect Lima, Mike, Oscar, Romeo, Sierra, X-ray, Yankee, and Zulu strains and a recurring cycle of “we need to re-mask/children need the shot/we need another $6 trillion in woke funds i mean covid relief/you are racist if covidphobia is not your hobby.”1 point
Went with Ring as well. Started with a door bell and liked it well enough we added a few more. I have one of the door bell cameras on my front, garage (side), and back doors. One is wired and the other two I just run off of batteries. I added one of the spotlight cameras overlooking the driveway and since I mounted it fairly high I put a solar panel on it so I do not have to recharge batteries and break out the ladder every few months. It has all worked well once we improved the wifi signal at the far end of the house with much better mesh wifi hardware. Admittedly the primary use is to double check package delivery, secondary use is checking who shows up on the front porch so I know not to answer for solicitors/unknown folks. It does a good job of alerting us when someone comes up the driveway or garage side of the house since there are no windows or visibility over there from inside the house. We also have the ring alarm system with multiple door, window, and motion sensors. Probably the most interesting use was having a contractor pay for cleaning up my driveway after spilling some sort of fluid on it and just leaving it. I would have let it go as a minor issue if he had just told me it happened and asked if I had anything to clean it up. I probably would have been ok if he had just said sorry when I found it and called him after the fact. Instead he got defensive, rude, and denied it was his spill. Showed him the video footage and he back peddled pretty quickly. He had a crew out to pressure wash my drive a few days later.1 point
I have a SAIGA direct from Mother Russia. I have done a few things to it to get to run like a semi should, changed the gas puck and put in an adjustable gas tube plug. Mine will bump fire the cheap WWB 12 you get from wally world, you know, bugger hook in a belt loop. Made an adapter to use different chokes, even use a rifled choke for slugs, makes it a minute of paper plate at 100 yards. Buy some cheap ammo, shoot it a lot on the cheap ammo. Then buy a few boxes of different ammo, slugs, buck and heavy shot. Then figure out what your shot gun likes.1 point
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I took the 4 day defensive HG class at Front Sight near Vegas. They had attorneys there for some presentations, that was pretty helpful.1 point
I took the class years ago. I do not think taking legal advice from a carry instructor is wise. Laws change, it is up to each person to stay informed and understand the laws. I carry class is not even the beginning of what one needs to be prepared to carry a firearm.1 point
if youve given up on the private party search RKguns.com has a good deal on them and you can have it delivered to the local Rural King for $121 point
Best I can tell, ALL politicians care more about themselves than anything else. Now, The Republicans do promise some things. And they are not against it. But, I got no faith in any of them. There are just some that I don't totally hate.1 point
The sooner you stop believing that Republicans care about your natural rights, including the right to self-defense, the sooner you’ll stop being shocked when they don’t act in your benefit.1 point
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The best thing to do would be to contact your agent and add a rider to your homeowners/renters insurance policy.1 point
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