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  1. Same here and I disagreed with several people I know who made this same argument. Covid will go away when certain people can no longer use it to push their agendas.
    5 points
  2. I’ve got a 99 Mazda B3000 (rebadged Ford Ranger) with 427k miles on it. Do I win?
    4 points
  3. Absolutely not. If he is on the up and up he won't care. If he asks you to turn it off, he's up to no good. Tennessee is a one party state, only one party (you) has to be aware that a conversation is being recorded. LEO in a traffic stop situation is not excluded from that law.
    4 points
  4. I'm a 1911 guy. I have a bunch of 'em in .45acp and .38 Super. Until recently, I've always considered a 9mm 1911 to be blasphemy. But, I have been curious as to what all the fuss was about. They do seem to be quite popular. At the gun show today, I gave in to temptation. I bought one. I went just intending to look at them. Actually, I really wanted a Commander size. But there were only a very few in the whole show and only full size guns. After passing on a Colt and a stainless Springfield, both priced at well over $1000, I stumbled across this. Rock Island Armory 1911-A1 Tac II. I admit, it was an impulse buy. I have no idea what got into me? This thing has all the bells and whistles. Its like brand new, not a mark on it anywhere. I don't think its ever been fired. But there was no box. It does have a nice trigger pull. Clean and crisp. I know I paid too much, but what the hell? Everything is over priced these days. Like any new 1911, I will make a couple of changes to suit myself. The flat MSH will be replaced by an arched one and the FLGR will have to go. But I think that's all I'll change. Parts are ordered. Once I get them in, I'll take it to the range and see if a 9mm 1911 is all its cracked up to be. Looks like today I had an expensive brain fart.
    3 points
  5. I would think that should be a fairly easy thing to accomplish. Put a fork in it, it’s done.
    3 points
  6. Standing there with a gun in your hand is a bad plan.
    3 points
  7. DING! We have a winner. It's real, but has been a political tool from the beginning.
    3 points
  8. Hell, even in states that are two party, officers are mostly excluded from that as government employees they have no expectation of privacy when in public in the performance of their jobs.
    3 points
  9. Yes a lot worse and Bank of America is absolutely horrible.
    3 points
  10. I’ll be happy when this is well and truly over if only for the death of this thread.
    2 points
  11. Medical prevention/treatment of any malady is all about probability based on the availability of scientific evidence. In the US, some 600 Covid vaccinated people have so far been documented to have died with Covid itself being the primary cause of death. Compare with the +600K non-vaccinated folks who Rona croaked. I'll take the odds offered by that "worm" any day. - OS
    2 points
  12. Any day that ends with a new gun is a good day no matter what it is.
    2 points
  13. Oh, and bolo for the wannabe cop that rides from Lebanon toward Nashville on I40 that has an old unmarked black Ford Crown Victoria police interceptor with a commercial license plate that was going over well 100mph cutting in and out of cars . He had a Nissan Titan trying to follow -- probably trying to turn him in as well. Once I got close to get a license plate, he kept slamming his brakes on and flashed white LED's. First time he slammed the brakes on, I was on the bridge at the damn on I40 and I about ate his ass end. I was in an old Tacoma and that POS doesn't stop or do anything well. Friggin' idiot. When I think he noticed I had GoPro cameras and was in my uniform, he floored it just past Stewarts Ferry exit ad disappeared. I did call it in and gave them his license number (TN# CP74949) [H1-9000 down where county should be]).
    2 points
  14. I ordered four Kalashnikov 10rd mags and a Kalashnikov brake for it last night. Should be a nice firearm for home defense once I test some ammo and make sure the gas setting is correct. Komrad: https://kalashnikov-usa.com/firearms/komrad/ Brake: https://kalashnikov-usa.com/product/kusa-12ga-tactical-muzzle-brake/ Mags: https://kalashnikov-usa.com/product/12ga-10-rd-magazine/ When it comes back in stock, I'll get this: https://kalashnikov-usa.com/product/usa-12ga-auto-gas-regulator-plug/
    2 points
  15. No idea what ammo runs best in it but I really like the looks of it. Nice pickup.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Reportedly, the F150 with the 3.5 EB twin turbo engine has the "V8" sound enhancement thru the radio speakers as well. I have a '18 F150 3.5EB, and can't hear that V8 growl thru the speakers. Don't particular care either, the truck does what I need for it to do, and has been very dependable to date.
    2 points
  18. Wells Fargo has continually abused their customers for the last decade - criminally so actually. They’ll try anything on their customer base to help bulk up senior management bonuses. And they’ve done it over and over again. How we’ve not sent their management team to prison is beyond me. Anyway, if you’ve got accounts with them, you really ought to move them. They don’t have your interests at heart. Seriously find a local community bank or credit union and see what you’ve been missing.
    2 points
  19. That brought bad images to my head.... Dill pickle chips are really where it is at, but salt and vinegar work too.
    2 points
  20. You could be right, but it looked to me as if one of poles was bent inward at the point of impact. Either way, lousy driving on their part. Some people shouldn't be allowed to drive on public streets.
    2 points
  21. I picked this Kalashnikov Komrad up yesterday. Just curious… Those who own these, what ammo runs best? For home defense, I think I’d like to keep some PDX1 Defender in it. Anyone run some of that through one of these?
    1 point
  22. Yeah, that scarcity model is a fundamental difference that Toyota really uses to their advantage. Toyota will sell in the high 98th or 99th percent of the trucks they build. There’s a reason you don’t see Tacomas at the rental car companies. Ford, bless them - will crank up a line and run it full out like they’re getting paid by the piece. They move most of what they don’t sell into the rental companies and other fleet providers. That’s all fine and good - but it hurts the secondary market. Over estimating on the front end hurts owners trying to sell on the backend. That said, sometimes you need a $2700 truck.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. There's a guy at work with a 2001 F150 with over 300,000 miles and he drives it everyday. He bought it last year. I don't know what all has been done to it. A lot of people give Ford, a hard way to go but, good trucks,
    1 point
  25. Well if you’re going to confession might as well get the 22tcm9r blouse for it before you get there.
    1 point
  26. I looked at one of these when I purchased my Walther PPK. I liked the feel of it in my hand. I hate that you are having problems with it. The one I looked at seemed like a well built pistol. Still they are some 50 years old and spare parts are not easy to find.
    1 point
  27. Could be any of several issues from just dirty to sear problems. Does it feed and eject properly? Does the hammer stay back when manually cocked? When cocked, push against the back of the hammer to see if it slips. It might be the ammo. American .32 acp ammo tends be lower powered than the European ammo this gun was designed for. Try some different ammo. Preferably a european brand. Fiocchi if you can find any as it does run pretty hot. If that doesn't work, give the gun a good cleaning. It may have crud in the innards slowing down sear reset. Completely dis-assemble if possible. Clean and carefully inspect all parts. Look closely at the hammer and sear contact points. On re-assembly, lube it well. Especially the slide as it could be short stroking on you.
    1 point
  28. Matching numbers!!.....better hold onto that sucker, Barrett Jackson is coming up early next year in Scottsdale AZ..
    1 point
  29. Yep. Original drivetrain.
    1 point
  30. I also have a 2001 F150 with 195k other than a few coil packs and a intake manifold it's been trouble free, I wouldn't hesitate driving across country in it "if" I had to.
    1 point
  31. I have a Toyota as well, and I agree with you. That said, find me a comparable 4x4 Toyota for $2700.
    1 point
  32. My brother had a 2000 F-150 that made it over 300k before he sold it. It required quite a bit of work to get there though. Overall, it was a good truck for him for nearly 2 decades. I still think Toyota builds a better vehicle. We have numerous members on the Tundra forum over 300k with nothing but routine maintenance. A few over 400k and even 1 over 500k. 3 of them have hit 1 million miles on the 4.7L 2UZ-FE.
    1 point
  33. Another session with mine yesterday. It ran well, although I still didn't bench it at 50 yards. Next time. The gun cries out to the heavens for a red dot sight, and I'm going to see that this happens. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  34. Interesting idea pickling the zuch!? Have to let us know how it comes out. I can second the zuch noodles. I've had them and they are very good. Similair to a spaghetti squash, but milder flavor.
    1 point
  35. And I've read multiple stories about people who got the vaccine, got COVID, and subsequently died. I wonder, if in their last conscious thoughts, they are still glad they listened to that worm.
    1 point
  36. I have a 2006 F-150 with 226k miles. Drove it three years now. Haven’t turned a screw.
    1 point
  37. Oh No you Didn't!! My truck just turned 79k today, no problems so far, 8yrs old
    1 point
  38. The six-shot revolver is enough for probably 97% of the scenarios any of us will encounter while out and about in our everyday lives. Until the data that has validated this for a ridiculously long time shows otherwise, I wouldn't get too over analytical on conjecture. If we truly need more, the spidey sense should be tingling before the real life range is hot and an egress is the far better option. Seeing some BLM/Antifa mobs on TV shouldn't fear drive everyday decision making if you're otherwise practicing good situational awareness.
    1 point
  39. Of all the financial institutions I deal with on a daily basis Wells Fargo is head and shoulders the absolute worst company to deal with. There is a special place for how they have treated their customers, especially the elderly. Criminal is a mild understatement.
    1 point
  40. Wells Fargo stays in trouble with the feds. They're still under an asset cap for bad behavior. @MacGyver has the right of it when he says folks from that company should be in prison. If anyone has any type account with them, I would recommend it be moved to another institution, ASAP. This is not a company we need for the health of the financial system from a philosophical or accounting standpoint. It should have been made an example of after the phony accounts scandal as a warning to others.
    1 point
  41. That make sense to me.... It would be near impossible to write stories about people who didn't get the vaccine, didn't get COVID and didn't die from it. No one knows who they are
    1 point
  42. I finally finished a Foxtrot Mike build and I am setting it up to keep it in a Vertx bag in the bedroom.
    1 point
  43. I’d love to see the list of medications many put into their bodies on a daily basis, all of which are capable of starting something else that wasn’t a problem before.
    1 point
  44. It's my favorite 9mm Glock ever. They simultaneously got rid of the finger grooves AND frontstrap mag scallop, both of which resulted in a less-than-optimal grip on previous frame designs. The front slide serrations are very welcome too.
    1 point
  45. Much ado about nothing. Just buy 5 packages of buns, along with 4 of hotdogs, and you have a perfect match. Then, just invite 39 friends over for a cookout ...
    1 point
  46. If one has other persons sleeping in different rooms, then I would think very hard on what I would use in the case of the need to use firearms. Me…I would rather do some sheet rock and paint rather than burying one of my kids.
    1 point
  47. It has arrived! Not run it yet, but I'll update as soon as I get range time. Just doing a function check gave me a massive freedom boner. Also ordered a t3 buffer at the same time.
    1 point
  48. I caught this single car crash on my dash cam today. This person was almost certainly on their phone and it nearly killed them. Does anyone know the purpose of those cable style guardrails they seem to be switching to? This sedan went right through it like it didn't exist. A note about the quality, the video quality was downgraded when I moved it to my phone. It's much better on my laptop.
    1 point
  49. This was lowest TN weekly death total since I started keeping that in Dec: Dec 1-7 407 Dec 8-14 532 Dec 15-21 595 Dec 22-28 452 Dec 29-31 319 Jan 1-7 585 Jan 8-14 740 Jan 15-21 452 Jan 22-28 733 Jan 29-31 233 Feb 1-7 819 Feb 8-14 464 Feb 15-21 200 Feb 22-28 278 Mar 1-7 136 - OS
    1 point
  50. I have one in each vehicle to protect us from scammers and liars. I'm impressed with the quality of this one. Make sure you don't cheap out on the SD card. It's as important as the camera. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SRQH4R7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_ET6D0WN37BCK7V5FH7PD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
    1 point
This leaderboard is set to Chicago/GMT-06:00


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