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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2021 in all areas

  1. I love a good bluegrass jamboree. I went to one out past Brushy Mountain Prison one time. We were out there on a Habitat build, and the crew we were working with said we just had to go. Instructions were, “turn on the gravel road right past the guard tower. It’ll look like you’re not supposed to be there, but everyone knows about the jamboree tonight. Go about 3 miles. You cross the creek a couple of times and come to a fork. Take the right fork and go until you think you’ve surely gone too far - then go another mile or so.” Sure enough the trees opened up right about the time we were going to turn around and there was a one room mason block building with a stage down front. I was probably 23, and never before or since have I seen so much moonshine in one place. Seems like every trunk was open with bottles inside. They held a raffle. First place was an SKS. Second place was a case of diet sprite. Best bluegrass I’ve ever heard. A guy playing the upright bass passed out drunk and fell off the stage. Two guys carried him outside and another guy just got up out of the crowd, picked up the bass, stepped back up on the stage and just joined right in.
    5 points
  2. I want to wish everyone on TGO and their families a Safe and Happy 4Th of July!!!!
    4 points
  3. So I'v been buying some S&W parts kits from everygunpart and decided to rebuild a M10 with a Victory model barrel and forward frame section from another parts set. The victory model is a Canadian proofed 38 S&W cartridge barrel that I had no luck selling on Ebay so I figured it would make a nice snake bore with its .360 groove diam. Add to that, I reamed it out with a T drill and then spun polished all but about .001 of the lands out so as to not run afoul of a smooth bore NFA pistol reg. This first shot is after I mig welded the top strap on. The weld joint is about 1/3 of the way back from the thread head. Then I fabed up a forward bottom corner out of some miscellaneous steel I had laying around. probably 4140. Welded & shaped Most of the grip frame dosent come with the dewat frame so I had to match the grip contour to a new fabed up grip frame section. I think the Canadian poofs look neat on this Victor 10 snake gun. You can see the frame one by the barrel pin. After all the final shaping I put the frame in my kiln and roasted it to 1140 F for a couple hours to get rid of the weld stress. Then brought the temp down to 340 F and oil quenched it there just to give it a slight bit tougher skin. The worst case scenario is it could stretch the top strap but I highly doubt that with the rather smooth over sized bore and light loads that will be home made fodder. "If" the CCI shot capsule breaks open, I get about a dead on POA pattern of about 4" @ 10 feet. A rifled bore throws the shot out of pattern pretty early leaving you with a wounded snake or missing him all together at anything past 10 feet. This is my idea of the fix!
    3 points
  4. Tonight, we went to the first annual bluegrass festival in Millersville. The community center there is nice, the crowd was small, and it was free. The talent was amazing! My wife saw it on facebook back in the spring and put it on her calendar. We could find nothing else about it. I definitely plan to go next year. That’s a nice little community right out of Nashville. Everyone was friendly. I noticed no one left amy trash lying around.
    2 points
  5. If you haven't heard this song, give it a listen. Toby pretty much tells it like it is. THANK YOU to all service men and women who served and protected us while we were sleeping in our soft warm beds!!
    2 points
  6. This is a silly thing to have a problem with. First of all, the shake-awake feature really should be considered a "Sleep If No Movement" feature. The purpose of it is to take what is already an incredibly long battery life for most modern red dot optics and extend it even further by hibernating the emitter when the gun is in storage. You don't WANT the optic going to sleep when you're carrying it, IMO. Second, the battery life of modern dots except for the first generation AimPoint Acro which suuuuuuucked, is measured in thousands of hours... MONTHS... at mid-level brightness. We survived without so-called shake awake for years on Trijicon RMRs. We still do and even without them running out of battery unless we're just negligently stupid about not changing batteries on a schedule. I have six RMRs and a host of Holosuns. My RMRs have never run out of battery because I change them every six months. Easy peasy. Lastly, Trijicon already produces an RMR that uses dual-illumination like what you're asking for. No one uses them*. *That I know
    2 points
  7. James Yeager has been vocal regarding his views on red dots on guns intended for serious use duty/CC (he doesn’t like them). Scott Jedlinski invited him to take his RDS instructor class at Royal Range. It’s a long video, about 90% of it is class instruction. Lots of valuable information in the video.
    2 points
  8. I do too. I also like night shooting. This is my Charles Daly HiPower that I purchased from a member here. I had it milled to accept a Holosun 507k and had him install the Dawson Precision rail that’s designed for the 1911 and Surefire X300V-A. Then cerakoted black. This gun is a total one off I’ve never seen any other one modded like this. I can’t wait to get it out under NODS.
    1 point
  9. At moms now with family from K town, good times. Happy Fourth
    1 point
  10. I am fortunate. I’m not a real social guy, and the folks I’ve met on TGO I count among my closest friends. Many thanks to David who makes this forum possible, and the moderators who make this forum tolerable. Happy birthday America! May God bless you all.
    1 point
  11. Same to you Doug, and all the great folks on TGO
    1 point
  12. Same to you Bersaguy. And like gregintenn said, this weather is perfect. Heading out today and tomorrow to do some shooting and help a new shooter with his new AR. Everyone be safe and have a great one.
    1 point
  13. Thank you, sir, and the same to you. We’ve had a wonderful weekend thus far. Hope you’ve had the same. You couldn’t ask for better weather.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I haven't read the previous posts but I'll say this. COMFORT RULES !!!! My Ruger LCP holds 6+1 and I carry one in the chamber so that's 7 rds. This gun is thin and small. It fits in my front pocket with ease in a pocket holster by DeSantis. Lets be honest , when your wife or husband wants you to go to the store to grab something at an unexpected time like while you are working on something or mowing the yard , I don't want to put on my thick gun belt and load up a leather holster. I love big guns and carry them like a G21 , G17 , 1911 , and so on . But the ease of the small LCP at the last minute of the wife telling me to make a grocery store for ice cream is perfect. If in doubt carry a spare mag. It's like wearing body armor. If it ain't comfortable you ain't going to wear it. I wore the same POS vest for 5 years because I didn't want to complain and stand out as a complainer but after 5 years I said the hell with that and I got my new vest cut the way that it fits my body , my workplace sent it back to the company twice for cuts. Bottom line is that if a gun isn't comfortable carrying it then you more than likely wont carry it all the time. A gun with a small capacity is better than no gun .
    1 point
  16. This was a bit more of a high brow and family oriented affair than the one you described, but I’d have enjoyed that one as well. If you’ve never seen Leroy Troy play his “agitator”, don’t cheat yourself!
    1 point
  17. And it’s all Gran Torino’s fault.
    1 point
  18. He’s been zapped. Thanks to everyone that reported and messaged about him.
    1 point
  19. I got one on my Staccato P DPO, that I carry daily. It's a great optic in my opinion especially when it comes to changing out the batteries you don't have to remove it. I've got probably 500rnds down it without a problem.
    1 point
  20. Here's another one. Rickops sent me a message to call someone in Ohio.
    1 point
  21. Not an expert here, but a recent convert after a LOT of study. I've got a Holosun 507k-x2 Green on my EDC Sig P-365XL and the same model in red on my backup XL. I haven't put whole lot of rounds with them yet but I have shot them several times and I am impressed with how my shooting has improved. I was concerned in making my mind up, that my shooting, other than recreational, would be up sudden and up close. I didn't see how a RDS would help much in those emergency situations when point and shoot is most likely called for. I think the realization that just because i had a RDS on my guns didn't necessarily mean I couldn't still point and shoot, or even co witness the iron sights. The 507k, while it replaces the rear sight, has a notch that lines up pretty good with the front sight. I've tested this at the range and I've found it to be as accurate as I am, plus, I could still point and shoot. The Xray front sight on my Sig is bright enough, even in daylight, to acquire it through the holosun. I don't think it slows me down any at all. Speaking of speed, using the RDS does slow me down a bit right now as I'm not used to it. I've already noticed improvement and expect to improve more as I practice.
    1 point
  22. Jagerwerks is one of the industry leaders in slide milling/optic cuts and they’re actually running a special right now on optic cuts (for 4th of July). https://jagerwerks.com Another nice option like David mentioned is the Agency AOS system. Basically much higher quality than the factory Glock MOS platform so you won’t be limited to one optic footprint in the future.
    1 point
  23. That is quite a project, but I like the end result. You do great work.
    1 point
  24. I do worry about uninformed or uneducated folks deciding to use deadly force to protect their property. It seems like that is/was often depicted on TV and in movies. Someone is stealing a car or some other piece of property and the owner pulls their gun to stop them or shoot at them. IRL (at least in Tennessee) someone is going to jail, and it is not just going to be the thief.
    1 point
  25. Looks like a fun project!
    1 point
  26. Oh for the days of the Full Moon Bluegrass Festival. Not the one that was at Percy Warner Park, but the one back in the 80’s on the farm off Old Hillsboro Road. Those were some good times and GREAT music. John Prine would even show up on occasion.
    1 point
  27. After using cheap sale and flea market paint I started buying my target paint from https://www.rangestore.net. Target Paint has a higher percentage of pigment and covers faster. It cost more but covers faster, so goes further. Several of my heavy use targets was getting ruts under them from deflected bullets. I tried mulch but it turns to dust fairly fast. I then found rubber mulch and it holds up well, just rake them back in place once in awhile.
    1 point
  28. Nice, maybe you can get him some company on the wall this season.
    1 point
  29. Figured it was time for a family portrait.
    1 point
  30. We’re just now starting to get ripe tomatoes. Deer keep the peas topped off. Have gotten a handful of cucumbers. The green beans are just now begenning to produce. Yesterday’s rain helped, but it could have used more. I see a couple of corn stalks starting to tassel. My squash and zucchini look awful this year. I didn’t know you could screw them up. I’ve thinned out the deer and coon population by one each. I need to get busy on them.
    1 point
  31. I think this is related to the fact that really good barbecue is specifically about a really good pit master. It's like asking Picasso's kid to carry on painting like their dad - it's just not going to be the same. Any restaurant with BBQ on the sign ought to be able to do reliable, decent pork shoulder as sort of table stakes. But, two things will kill it - one is a pit master who doesn't eat, breathe, and love the art of barbecue. Second, and directly related to the first - the moment you open that second location you've got a heavy lift that's going to be hard to do reliably. It's just hard to scale good barbecue. That's undoubtedly why the best barbecue is in single location restaurants in places where the rent is lower.
    1 point
  32. Congratulations! That’s a nice buck!
    1 point
  33. Well after a 10% first responders discount and a $30 off clearance price I found a cheap but well known and well made pistol for $359 ! Pretty good score in my opinion. I have the same pistol in. 45acp and it's great. Enjoy the picture. I will give Taurus a chance later when problems seem to calm down and cease or level out. Until then check out my inexpensive but reliable $359 pistol. S.A. discontinued these but its new old stock .
    1 point
  34. Almost forgot, it got new G-10 grips as well.
    1 point
  35. That’s weird. Not in a bad or good way, just weird.
    1 point
  36. I just heard that the Knox County Sheriff’s dept. will start having a free class the last Saturday of every month to help people understand what exactly permitless carry means. More details to be released next week. That is the kind of service more LE agencies should start providing as the misunderstanding about what this all means is astounding.
    1 point
  37. It would if your cover garment slid up and an officer decided you were open carrying. https://www.floridacarry.org/news/54-florida-gun-owners-still-face-arrest-and-prosecution-for-innocent-exposure-of-handguns
    1 point
  38. The california state line will never see my foot cross it. There is nothing there I need or want to be involved in.
    1 point
  39. Please don't let that drive you away from making a deal with a newer member (like me!). Those kinds of scams are designed to get you to send a money order or prepaid credit card off, never to be seen again. The couple of deals I've made here on TGO have been face-to-face or mailing to or from an in-state address. I agree that the scammers suck and I think they should be beaten within an inch of their lives, but it's fairly easy to figure out what is and isn't legit. And if in question, don't do it.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. I've been carrying my Staccato P DPO in a TENICOR AIWB Holster for about 3weeks or so, and it took me a little while to get used to it I put a foam wedge on it, and that helped out greatly.
    1 point
  42. Just thought I'd drop this here. My wife's and my daily carry guns. Mine is a Glock 19 MOS w/ an RMR on a C&H mount. Hers is a P365 with custom slide milling. The milling service was purchased through a GunBroker auction for $50 with the refinish. We both carry appendix and couldn't be happier with our setups; (I use a Sagax Lux 2 holster and she uses a Tulster Oath). We both have bad astigmatism -- the 507k is much crisper than the RMR. She tried the SwampFox first, while it had the best auto-brightness sensor I've come across, the dot looked like a Christmas tree to both of us. It was unusable. Anyone still on the fence about these things needs to jump off and get one. Just try a few out first to make sure they work with your vision. They are amazing additions to most any pistol.
    1 point
  43. "Oh yas. That there's yer juvenile version of the Cotton headed Rattlemouth is what that is. I've seen em bite their own tail so they roll down hill like an hoop. They'll swim clear across a lake to climb in your boat off a branch & steal your wallet & boots, so they will! Rear up to 6 feet off the ground & bite a grown cow inna face. Killed it dead as a wedge before it even took a breath. They come in about 90 different patterns & sizes too! " *every Southerner, when asked about literally any snake, ever.
    1 point
  44. Rickops got the hammer early this morning. We admins would like to thank him for playing. (not really)
    0 points
  45. 0 points
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