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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2021 in all areas

  1. Update... My activities on TGO lately have consisted largely of lurking just because typing with one arm tied behind my back wasn't all that enjoyable. That said, I am now able to be a lot more verbose with my.... hands... so I'll be a little more present now. Geez, that just sounds weird as I read it back to myself. I met with my orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he was pleased enough with the progress that I've made over the past two weeks that he implicitly advised against surgery at this time. A few days ago I shed the sling just because it was driving me crazy and applying too much tension on my opposite shoulder and side of my neck, and the doc was completely unconcerned about whether I kept using it or not. We did a few range of motion tests, all of which I passed, and also a few strength tests. I should note that these were not the Feats of Strength that Frank Costanza advocated for during Festivus. They did lead me to air some grievances though. The final verdict was that it wasn't a severe sprain or a minor tear, but that I had really messed it up pretty good. It's not a complete tear but it's a solidly good one. It is also healing on its own and I have retained a nice amount of utility with it despite the injury. I just have to be mindful of how much I use it and pay attention to what hurts and avoid those activities. Anyway, I guess the good news is that I'm on the mend. The bad news is that I won't get any superpowers like Col. Steve Austin, my childhood hero on The Six Million Dollar Man. So lame.
    3 points
  2. I picked up 2000 CCI Large Pistol Primers at Sportsman's Warehouse in Southhaven, MS for $44.50 per thousand and a 1000 CCI Small Pistol Primers at Bass Pro for $54.75 in Memphis last week.
    2 points
  3. One is looking at an initial atty retainer of 20k plus if arrested for felony. Got that laying around? This is BEFORE trial; multiples of that if it actually goes to trial. Plus bail money! As I mentioned, I am switching from USCCA to CCW safe. They actively participate in evaluating your chosen attorney. They are ran by experienced staff. One also has to be concerned about appeals and civil proceedings. Not all options cover those expenses. Education and avoidance are your best defense, and not just what you think you know from the internet.
    2 points
  4. A FAL is a great project! The old thumb hole CIA Imbel guns are one of the very last sleeper deals to be had since only the FAL fans in the know realize the top quality Belgian lincensed receivers live in those ugly ducklings. I got my CIA thumbhole L1A1 off GB for just under 800 bones some 3 or 4 years ago. I like the real wood look so went with that. I put a FAB Defence grip on the gun since the picture and really like that upgrade. Have fun making it "yours"!
    2 points
  5. One of my totin guns is an old Ruger Vaquero sheriff stoked with 12.5 grains of 2400 behind the old 173 grain hard cast .358 dia swc stuffed in 38 special cases. If ya like 357 cases, use 13.5. These loads mimic the old 38 special hi speed loads for about 1100 fps... Powerful and accurate in a big frame pistola... leroy...
    2 points
  6. Love my 686! Purchased new around 1986. I recently chronoed some loads for it. 158 gr Hi Tek coated SWC bullets from Hoosier Bullets & Training AA#5 8.0 grs average velocity 960 fps AA#2 5.9 grs average velocity 1020 fps I don't have the chrono data handy, but I've used 6.0 grs Unique for 158 gr LSWC as my original .357 handload when I first purchased that revolver. I too like H110 and 2400 for Mag loads... but I'm running a bit low on those particular powders and 158 gr bullets at around 1000 fps won't beat you or your revolver up. Congrats on a great revolver!
    2 points
  7. VERY nice! Navy seal grey is a hard color to come across too. One note tho... Not a biggie because nothing is hurt. Typical crash point when folks put scope mounts on without using the Sage modified handguard. Look at the very end of the mount where it is riding on top of the handguard. That interference is why the whole mount is riding uphill. The mount is not and cannot be secured into the receiver grooves properly like that. Needs to be modified. Several choices: - mill/file down the first four rungs of the handguard pic rail to clear. - mill/file the bottom of scope mount to clear pic rail rungs. - Order Sage handguard for scope mounts that comes from factory. - Buy a taller or shorter mount that clears the handguard. - Find a detachable Sage cantilever sight base. Hope that helps. Smoky
    2 points
  8. Good story before we leave guys. I wrote here about James Druery, "The Virginian" befriended our grandson 3 years ago at a meet and great with James's fan club in Gene Autrey Oklahoma. James passed this year, and Cody stills cries every time he hears George Strait sings the song, "The Cowboy Rides away". They played that song and showed the video at close of James's funeral. Cody always called him, after the restaurant incident where James came across the room and called out "Is That Cody," then he walked up to Cody's, and his aunt's, table and hugged Cody. Cody has Downs Syndrome. Everyone in that very busy restaurant stood and clapped and started chanting 'The Virginian," "The Virginian." James was 82 years old then. Cody tells me, all the time "James Druery was my friend." James gave Cody several autographed pictures and allowed Cody to spend time in his booth at the meet and great. His fans even recognized Cody, from a picture my daughter posted, on their interned possey web site, of Cody dressed in a cowboy hat and outfit that looked like the Virginian's. The fans fussed over Cody the whole 2 days. James even invited Cody to eat at James's (The Bossmans) turned out to be (COVID) final dinner table with his fans. Cody sit directly across from the Virginian, and James told Cody, and the whole table, Cody was his most special guest. Cody truly was James' friend from that day forward. Well James is Berried in Amarillo Texas, and L/w we will be taking Cody to say good-by to his friend James Durery. We have not told Cody, but want it to be a surprise. There won't be a dry eye in our party if we can pull this off. Every time Cody sees a rainbow, in the sky, he tellls us, "My Friend James Durey is smiling." I tell you Cody was James' true friend, more than James ever knew. Edited to add Video; Hope it works for you https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=youtube+the+cowboy+rides+away+video+george+strait&qpvt=youtube+the+cowboy+rides+away+video+george+strait&view=detail&mid=FBC59699F8343FA37096FBC59699F8343FA37096& Watch the video that follows. We will be singing Amarillo by morning on the way
    2 points
  9. Just wondering if anyone knows of any sites or places I can keep an eye on to grab one of these. Gunbroker is ok, but for some reason people seem to over price their rifles there (guessing because of the pandemic). Armslist is a joke now as well, and here, well I like it, but these aren't exactly common rifles, and I don't think a single one has shown up here for sale (using search). So anyone got an idea of other places besides gunbroker to keep an eye out on? PS, I'd rather buy than build one (cheaper in the long run to just buy used). PSS...mods if this isn't the right forum, I apologize, and you can move this where ever is correct.
    1 point
  10. My wife forced me to stop at Wal Marche this morning, and I wandered through the firearms section. They had four 100 round boxes of 12g #8 at $25 per. I bought two, even though I don't really need it. I guess I'm officially a hoarder now.
    1 point
  11. We are beginning to get ready for our upcoming RV trip, with family, to the Grand Canyon/ Zion Nat Park, and surrounding area. Two of our daughters, and their families, will be going with us. One is driving out with us in their RV and the other is flying into Las Vegas and renting a car then driving to meet us in Grand Canyon Village at the Campground. Be 11 of us total. This will be a large trip as our family will be with us for 16 days, then leaving us out there. We, L/w will be going on from there, if we feel like it. Will probably try to leave St George UT, go to Salt Lake City then on across Idaho, and then onward across Oregon to the coast around Eugene and Coase Bay. Will then go to Northern Calif, Crescent City, to see the Redwood Nat Park. Then begin plotting our return trip to Middle TN. We have 5 or 6 weeks to make the trip. being advised the Parks are crowded this year as everyone seems to be shedding the Virus blues out of doors. A trip of a lifetime for me. Hope to stop and smell the roses along the way. We should be leaving on the 26th of June. This trip will most likely be our last big one as my age is creeping up on me.
    1 point
  12. Got plenty in Clarksville. Selling some. PM me or check my listing for more info.
    1 point
  13. I only have 110,000 of them, not sure if I could spare any.
    1 point
  14. I like the slogan that the FPC has started using. “F*** you, No!”
    1 point
  15. And that my friends is just a sample. That is why nobody ever has and doubtful ever will land troops for a ground war on this Republic. They don't have the balls.
    1 point
  16. I'll buy your Lg pistol primers for what you paid for them. PM me.
    1 point
  17. I've been wanting a 627 Tracker 6.5" 7 shot for awhile now but, nobody has them right now.
    1 point
  18. It'll just make me want a machinegun I can't afford
    1 point
  19. Yeah if you want to sell your first born and a kidney. I'm about tired of the gouging that's going on. I believe a person needs to make a profit, but these prices are ridiculous, I was on Gunbroker just looking and 5000 Small Pistol Primers were going for $995 - $1500 with four or more days left in the auction. It's cheaper for me to buy ammo than reloading components nowadays. If I had any believe me I would help you out and it would only cost you a( big toe) just kidding but if I did I'd offer them to you for what I paid for them, I guess I need to sell all my LG Pistol Primers and I could retire comfortably, or buy more guns.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, I've said for years I'm going to go, and with this one being the last, I'm going to do it.
    1 point
  21. The last role I remember him in was Shooter. One of my favorite movies and I thought he did a very good job in that one.
    1 point
  22. Copy that pop pop. You are correct, I wouldn't want just any Criminal Defense attorney, either. I should have clarified. Most have also just defended actual criminals as people like those of us who are forums like this don't go around getting into trouble. But I would want someone who understands what is legal when defending one self. Gun, knife, bat, open handed, whatever. So what one can do in these situations is far more important knowledge than general firearms law. I would probably reach out to Dana McLendon first. I know he has a lot of experience, is active in the gun community and I believe he is at least in USCCA's network. I cannot recommend enough that everyone read Andrew Branca's book at the very least. Following his blog for awhile would help in addition. He dissects actual events so you can see where you would actually stand in real life senarios. In our current environment there are a lot of people that would love to make an example of a nice juicy gun owner. We already see it happening around us.
    1 point
  23. This isn't just a Memphis hub problem. This has been happening everywhere in the US. This is the tracking info from a recent purchase. June 4 - Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility - Santa Barbara, CA June 10 - Arrived at USPS Regional Facility - Anchorage, AK June 11 - Departed USPS Regional Facility - Anchorage, AK June 14 - Delivered In/At Mailbox - Memphis, TN
    1 point
  24. If you look in the background of the pic with Tom and me shaking hands you can see the targets. If I understand your question, all the targets we used were the same but they do make that target in at least 3 variations where the shapes are in different locations and have different numbers. You can see them here..... LE Targets Discretionary Command Targets
    1 point
  25. And note that some 357 loads require magnum primers and others do not. Pay attention to your reloading manuals, as always.
    1 point
  26. I have the 7 shot Taurus 627 Tracker with a 4” ported barrel. It’s a cream puff to shoot with 158 gr JSP .357 rounds!
    1 point
  27. Glad it worked out. [I got into this conversation at the end.] You don't EVER want to get anywhere near even the hint of a scent of a notion of anything that can go however remotely into a straw purchase. If that goes wrong, your life is messed up. And it's so much easier for the good guys to mess with you than actually catching a real bad guy..
    1 point
  28. I agree with your premise, but there are attorneys that seriously specialize in this stuff. I would say ---talk to two attorneys and you'll get at least three opinions. I have a law degree. That doesn't qualify me for anything. It just means I know a whole lot about a bunch of stuff that probably doesn't matter to almost anyone. This group of us has more specialized knowledge than any average attorney, as in WAY more knowledge. We put way too much faith in the "get the opinion of an attorney" concept. The average attorney has NO IDEA about firearms or any of the issues surrounding them. So unless you can engage a an attorney specialist in this field, you're wasting your money. If you just hire Joe Bloe, or Jane Bloe you're just paying for them to get (barely!) educated. IMHO
    1 point
  29. Thank You for all the replies but some else bought the gun before he could, so it all worked out.
    1 point
  30. If it were my sale Id consider the friend the legal buyer. Deal with him as you would any other buyer.
    1 point
  31. I'm not a "black" rifle genius. I own one AR15. That said, I'm not fond of the stock either but the rest is clean looking, not overdone. My idea of a pretty semi auto is a Browning. Saw a nice one in 30 06 Saturday. your rifle isn't ugly, this is...and I'd still take one.
    1 point
  32. I have a BOS form I like to fill out when buying or selling. These days you can't be too careful. I like to keep track of where they came from and where they went. I'd have the guy who picks up the gun do the paperwork as he will be the actual buyer. You can prove where it went and what he does with it after that is none of your concern. Of course this isn't legally necessary. Just a CYA measure just in case.
    1 point
  33. For those not familiar with the drill a word of explanation might be in order..... The Casino Drill was created by Tom Givens as a way of practicing accurate shooting at speed, target discrimination, reloads, and thinking with gun in hand. The target is 6 numbered shapes that are shot in order with the same number of rounds as the face value of the target. That is shoot #1 once, #2 twice , #3 three times etc . That adds up to 21 rounds. You NORMALLY start with 7 rounds in the gun, seven rounds in a spare mag, and 7 rounds in a second spare mag. (21 rounds) . And par time to "pass" is 21 seconds. So 21 rounds and 2 reloads distributed among 6 different targets in 21 seconds. When you first do this drill that accomplishes all of those things it is designed to work. But as you shoot it more and more and become accustomed to it, it simply becomes a race to the pre determined #s where you will reload and then you just shoot the correct number of rounds left on that target after the reload (3 on #4 and then 1 on #5 after the reload ) and your time is largely effected by whether your reloads are smooth or not and whether you have any misses The having to think is really curtailed by "knowing how to play the game" . Now there are a few ways to make it difficult again... You can make them shoot it starting with #6 and working backwards, or you can make them change the #of rounds in the magazines and instead of loading them 7 , 7, 7 you load them 6 , 7 , 8 or any other combo of such. Since this was an Instructor level event and everyone there has probably shot it more than once in the past (and some probably practiced shooting it leading up to that weekend) Tom had us shoot it COLD (first thing at 8AM Sunday morning with NO WARMUP) and load mags with 6 , 7, and 8 rounds and then mix up the magazines so that we did not know which was in the gun and which were in which mag pouch. This brought the "randomness" of where to reload and kept you from just racing to the predetermined reload positions without having to involve any mental effort on WHEN to reload and how many more shots were needed on that particular target after the reload. As John Hearne mentioned... Once the reloads became random there wasn't anyone turning in anything close to a 10 or 11 second time. (Incidentally the record for the Casino Drill is something like 10.33 ) . So there it is . It was shot cold - no warmup- 1st thing in the morning . We loaded magazines with 6 , 7 and 8 rounds, mixed up the mags so we wouldn't know which were in the gun and how many rounds were in which mag in which pouch and we shot it 1-6 on the numbered shapes.
    1 point
  34. Everyone should have a .357 mag in their collection! Congratulations on getting a great one!
    1 point
  35. The .357 magnum was born out of a desire to get more power out of the .38 Special. In 1930 S&W introduced a cartridge called the .38-44 High Velocity. This was simply a .38 Special loaded to current .357 velocity. In 1935 S&W was concerned about heavy duty ammo being used in cheaply made guns. So they lengthened the cartridge case 1/10th of an inch so that it wouldn't seat fully in a .38 special chamber and the .357 Magnum was born. Other than being just a tad longer, All other dimensions are identical. Yes, .38 Special can easily be shot out of a .357 Magnum. However, the .357 is too long to work in a .38 Special. The .357 Magnum is the "Jack of all trades" in the handgun world. You can shoot anything from light . 38 Wadcutter target ammo to 180 gr full house magnum hunting loads. In the 1930s Daniel Wesson hunted everything in North America, including the big bears, with a .357 Magnum just to prove its effectiveness. For defensive use, the full magnum 125gr HP loadings have been rated the #1 man stopper for many years according to several studies. That's one of the reasons why a great many LE agencies went with the caliber back when revolvers were still king. When reloading, the same bullets work for both calibers. However, don't try to push hard cast lead bullets over about 1100 fps as it can cause serious leading. I don't recommend swaged lead bullets at all. My favorite powders for full power loads in the .357 are W296, H110 and 2400. My own pet load for the .357 is a hard cast 158gr LSWC over 6.0 grs of W231. This is a mid-range load that I've chronographed at 1100fps. Wonderfully accurate in all my guns, doesn't lead the bore and is pleasant to shoot.
    1 point
  36. Titegroup might work good for .38 loads but, if you want full power .357 loads, slower powder like 2400, H110, Win. 296, Blue Dot, IMR4227, etc. I've loaded a thousand or more, .38 Special with Herco. Loaded some .357 too but, it's not the best for full power loads. There's a lot of good cast bullets available(or once was) that will work good. I like 158 gr. swc or flat point. As far as defense loads go, about any 125 gr jhp or similar weight will work.
    1 point
  37. I fished Watts Bar last night and caught 12 Bluecats in a few hours. Caught some drifting channel ledges and dragging in back creeks. Nothing big, biggest was 12lb. But during the spawn that's how it goes. Bluegill, Shad and Skipjack was the bait.
    1 point
  38. *** UPDATE *** Received my 03 FFL in the mail today. Thank you DaveTN for that suggestion, I now know exactly what the holdup was - the BS domestic charge my ex-filed and the DA dropped but the disposition didn't show up. A couple of back and forth letters, phone calls, and e-mails with the lady from the ATF and we got it all squared away. Now... curious as to what will happen when I buy a modern firearm. Another denial from TICS? I am going to send TBI/TICS a copy of all my paperwork, not sure if that matter or if it will help, but in any event any denials should be quickly overturned I would think. Much thanks to everyone who had helped and supported through this mess!
    1 point
  39. I think people worry way too much about printing. I wear a G17 OWB with most of the times just a untucked tee covering it. Sure it prints, but nobody notices. 90% of people just don’t pay attention to their surroundings, and the other 10% most of the time just assume it is a phone case or something (I have a belt phone holder that prints just as bad). I’ve had police officers (people that are trained to notice such things) at church not notice I’m carrying. I know because we’ve talked about it. The reason you stand in front of the mirror and it looks bad is because your eyes are trained on it.
    1 point
  40. My guess (and there is no way to know) is that someone bought that, swapped it out and returned it. Amazon didn’t actually check it and placed it back in stock so you got the bunk item.
    1 point
  41. I have put in some comments asking for ruling to be withdrawn. Maybe if they get enough it might help. A mute point at this time if you have a braced weapon or not. This ruling is a serious hit on the 2nd Amendment and is only the beginning. Much more so than the previous Bump Stock ruling. I always regretted not writing my elected representatives, ATF and the President on that one even though personally I did not think much of Bump Stocks.
    1 point
  42. Yep, he does good work.
    1 point
  43. Good fishing on priest today. Took my kids down to paddle the creeks. I fished while they played. 25ish assorted panfish. 2 largemouth. 2 smallmouth. Decent catch for as much noise as they were making.
    1 point
  44. My fishing buddy and I had a great day today. Great conversation and great company. The peanut butter N crackers washed down with ice cold Coke was delicious. The weather was perfect. The Hiwassee River was clear and cold. The crowd did not show up and I only saw 6 folks out fishing. A light breeze kept us cool when the sun got high. I did not loose one Rooster Tail all day. My waders didn’t leak and I didn’t fall in . We got a late start and didn’t get on the river until 9:30. The fish quit biting at 9 so we didn’t catch a thing......BUT......My fishing buddy and I had a great day today. Lesson learned: It ain’t always about the fish!!
    1 point
  45. BE WARNED: SCAMMERS ARE ACTIVELY WORKING AGAINST THE GUN COMMUNITY ON TGO AND OTHER INTERNET FORUMS IN THE BUY/SELL/TRADE AREAS. Folks, lately we have seen a significant uptick in scam attempts that go like this: You post an ad for an item for sale or wanted. A scammer contacts you about the item you are selling or looking for and offers to put you in contact with a friend or relative in Texas or some other state. Throughout the whole thing, your Spidey Sense is tingling and telling you it seems suspicious... because it is! We strongly recommend that you stick to dealing with local Tennessee residents only and that you use forms of payment that are guaranteed, secured, and cannot be retracted once the sale completes. For example, you don't want to sell someone something via Venmo or PayPal, only to have them reverse the charge later after they have possession of what you were selling. TGO remains a great place to buy and sell privately, but please be cautious and smart. And please do not hesitate to report anything suspicious to us! On behalf of myself, @MacGyver and the moderating team - thanks and be safe.
    1 point
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