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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Great minds... I've pocket carried my Kahr PM9 for at least a decade now, 6+1 with 6 more in another pocket. Probably plenty. But I never had quite the same secure feeling of my first 3 years or so with an XD subbie carried IWB. So got by Harvey's the other day, first time in well over a year, and surprisingly they had just gotten some Hellcats. Compared to the PM it is .5" longer, all other dimensions same. No brainer, jumped on it. Soon as my Alabama pocket holster comes in, I'll be doing 11+1 plus whatever spare I decide on (Springfield is making a 15 rounder now, so that might be an option). Also, though the Kahr is rather unique trigger which I don't hate, I do prefer the exact release point and short reset of the Hellcat. I do wish they had named it something a bit less bellicose sounding just for the PR of carrying in general, but whatever. - OS
    4 points
  2. Starting on July 1 at midnight through 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2022, you won't have to pay sales tax in Tennessee on gun safes or other safety equipment. Gun safes are defined as "a locking container or other enclosure equipped with a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or other locking device that is designed and intended for the secure storage of one or more firearms." A gun safety device can be any device that can be added to a gun that permits the user to program the firearm to operate only for specified persons designated by the user "through computerized locking devices or other means integral to and permanently part of the firearm." https://www.wbir.com/article/money/tennessee-tax-free-guns-food-back-to-school/51-12db1fd9-2680-44a4-9903-26115845186f
    3 points
  3. I called my local dealers looking for a Bad Boy and they was all on order. I came home with a Cub Cadet ZT1 54in, worked out a deal and got it for $3300 out the door. If it's anything like the M48 Tank I'll be pleased.
    3 points
  4. I have decided to do a lot of one-handed dry fire practice and maybe even some range time. I have gone the extra mile to ensure that I don't cheat on this by partially tearing my left (non-dominant) arm's bicep tendon, thereby requiring myself to be in a sling most of the time. Gentlemen, I do not skimp when it comes to practice. In all seriousness, I managed to nearly rip that sucker apart on Memorial Day by doing something I've done numerous times lately: Lifting a 4x8 sheet of plywood off of a cart and into my truck. Now, you might think that what should have caused injury was the sudden shifting of weight as that much money suddenly left my wallet all at once. And you'd be justified in thinking that. But the reality of it is that I simply didn't grab the wood properly, missed its center of gravity, and when I heaved it yawed and that was the end of that. I *did* manage to retain a hold on the plywood and heaved it up into the truck despite my injured arm. Because I'd no sooner leave an expensive sheet of wood on the ground for some parking lot pirate to pick up any more than I'd leave a box of ammo there. My parents didn't raise a complete dummy. Perhaps a little bit of one, as evidenced by this injury, but not a complete one. So, back to my single-handed dry fire manipulation.... who's going to join me? Just go ahead and gimp one of your own chicken-wings too and we'll get started.
    2 points
  5. The lead time for importing ammunition is years. It can take a year just to get the State Department to approve each shipment. And I'm sure the Biden administration has no interest in speeding it up. I'm sure that foreign manufacturers are VERY eager to ship as much as possible while prices and demand are high.
    2 points
  6. Bad Boy w a kawasaki engine, 54 in deck or better
    2 points
  7. My local taxidermist called today and said my deer was ready, been waiting to get him up on the wall. Anybody looking to have a quality mount done Byrds Taxidermy in Huntsville, TN is a good one.
    1 point
  8. https://americanreloading.com/en/264-midwest-powders They have five, ten, and twenty pound jugs of Midwest 264, which they say is similar to W 572 and suitable for .45ACP and .40. I've never purchased powder from them, but I've had good luck with quick shipping on projectiles.
    1 point
  9. Getting old ain't for sissies. I can also promise you, it doesn't get any better either ...
    1 point
  10. I fished out at the southern end of Priest on Saturday - was actually not too far away when the plane went down even though it’s so skinny back there I had no idea. I was in the kayak fishing for panfish on an ultralight rig. Really just out there to enjoy the weather. The bite was pretty good, though.
    1 point
  11. From that pic, the answer to your question isn't shooting it ...
    1 point
  12. My parents live in the woods. They went through a couple iterations of those perforated attachments, none them work very well and all just made it harder to clean them out. Dad finally gave in and had all the gutters replaced with the formed leaf guard type and they work. That said, the installer flaked out on them and they've had a terrible time getting the company to honor the warranty. They ended up having a local independent guy come redo the whole back of the house because the downspouts were too small and too far apart.
    1 point
  13. I bought a Hustler Fastrak about a month ago and I'm absolutely in love with it. The suspension seat is where it's at! Overkill for my 1.5 acres? Absolutely, but with proper maintenance there is no reason that it shouldn't last 25 years or more, which makes it cheaper in the long run than a consumer grade mower. I was actually going to buy a BadBoy but I didn't care for how I was treated at the local dealer.
    1 point
  14. I haven’t owned or shot a Girsan, but I have a Rock Island and can’t complain about it.
    1 point
  15. I installed the flat aluminum perforated guards about 3 years ago and they work well except in locations on my house where a high water velocity coming down the roof will wash right over the guard without going into the gutter. These are places where the roof is steep or where a downspout from a dormer or higher section of roof empties onto a lower roof. And I have the larger (6” or 8”, I don’t remember) gutters. In those locations I went back to the wire guards like in your photo. And I’m in W. Knox as well and used All About Gutters and was happy with them. You can Google them.
    1 point
  16. Here in Knoxville I paid $469.00 before tax for the .45, less for the 9mm. Word is getting out on these and price is creeping up.
    1 point
  17. Well put! Great question that has been debated probably since the first guns were invented. Heck, I bet before guns people debated how many arrows were enough. I pretty much go with "the gun you have with you is better than the one left at home". With that being said a full size auto with extra mag on your person is a good thing in today's times. Confidence in what you carry is important also. If it's a 5-6 shot revolver have at it. I think I've read before that most defensive gun use situations end without shots being fired.
    1 point
  18. Good suggestion. I have heard of that product. It has just been hanging on a wall as part of his Uncles war collection btw, turns out I did get a shot of the “mum”. Hope it is enjoyable eye candy for all:
    1 point
  19. I purchased the SDS pistols in both 9mm and .45ACP. Took them to range to break them in. Wow! They ran like butter. Not one failure to feed, stove pipe, or jam. For an inexpensive pistol, I’m impressed
    1 point
  20. Here ‘tis: JMS Gutter Jeremy Saunders (865) 414-8265 Jeremy09saunders@gmail.com Good luck. Bob
    1 point
  21. RE: "grips "... Lotsa folks ( .. including me ..) like these guys.. https://badgercustomgrips.com/smith-wesson/n-frame-boot-grip-round. leroy.
    1 point
  22. It was a long time ago. And he wasn't selling holsters then. But, I'll never be able to find it. I think it was in one of the Magpul Handgun videos. But when it comes down to it, everybody is responsible for their own Johnson. 3:00 OWB for me.
    1 point
  23. Hustler ... Pick one ya like... leroy.
    1 point
  24. I don't think you could get 3 bullets in a case, never tried it but think it difficult to say the least. I had a friend that did gunsmithing and he had a revolver barrel with 6 bullets stuck in the barrel, that some woman had shot. He took a band saw and cut it to show the bullets. Evidently they were very low powered. When I used to shoot USPSA matches we always were listening for a squib load and ready to yell STOP. As most of the guys reloaded it happened from time to time. Anytime you are shooting, especially at a range with others keep your ear tuned in to a pop instead of a bang. Be safe guys.
    1 point
  25. it is a great looking display, the neck on him is something!
    1 point
  26. She is very lucky. That momma had two Cubs with her. It could have ended bad.
    1 point
  27. I would say every creature inside that fence got really lucky they didn’t get mauled.
    1 point
  28. Deerslayer just noticed "your" distress flag. This country is indeed in distress. I was putting up a new Christian flag under our American flag and I asked the pastor if I could invert it, he chuckled and said better not, but we are under distress.
    1 point
  29. The precursor to one of if not the best pump shotgun ever made the Model 12. Basically the model 12 is an 1897 without a hammer.
    1 point
  30. Shipped some magazines to a TGO member in Nashville, I live near Memphis. I paid for 2 day delivery. The box went to Atlanta and tracing said out for delivery. It took 6 days to get to Nashville. If you ship USPS overnight it is either carried by FedEx or UPS. I'm retired FedEx so from now on, you guessed it!
    1 point
  31. The USPS has refused to deliver bullets to me on several occasions. I have no idea why anyone would ship anything that mattered via USPS.
    1 point
  32. I would like to see more pictures of revolvers without flutes especially in the classified section.
    1 point
  33. I called up a couple of its relatives
    1 point
  34. Perfect for reloading. 8 5 grains of Unique and anybodies hard cast 240 grain lead SWC in 44 mag brass or 7.5 grains unique with the same bullet. About 900 fps. No settin yourself on fire or developing arthritic wrists. Trust me. HEHEHE.. PS. Ya can cut the load .5 grains on either case n use 231 if ya like. leroy.
    1 point
  35. Got a couple of Gepehart Flat Triggers for my Staccato P's and C2 DPO that I'm waitng to come in from where I ordered it from. I fit one of them to my Staccato P DPO, didn't have much trouble at all. Took about 20minutes to get it fit and polish up the bow by hand, put it all back together and it passes all the safety checks.
    1 point
  36. I now officially have a kid smarter than me! He graduated this afternoon with a BA in engineering from TTU.
    1 point
  37. I don't feel unsafe carrying my Kahr that's 7+1 but I recently got to handle a Springfield Hellcat and now I want one.
    1 point
  38. I'm certainly no expert and have never been involved in a shooting. However, JMHO I think a lot of this high capacity stuff is fantasy from wannabes and tacticool operators who think all out war is gonna break out in the streets at any minute. Think about it. When was the last time you actually heard of a gunfight going more than maybe 3 or 4 rounds? Now gangbangers routinely empty 16 rd magazines at each other. How many hits do they get? I remember here in Memphis maybe 15-20 years ago, a guy was attacked at a local mall. Victim pulled his own gun and shot the BG 16 times emptying his mag! Pumping about half into the BG after he was already down. Yep, the victim paniced and just kept shooting. It was ruled a good shoot eventually, but for a while there it was touch and go just due the number of rounds fired. The defender was almost toast by his own doing. I've been carrying a gun for about 30 years now. The vast majority of the time my carry gun held between 5 and 8 rounds. I do carry a reload, but I've never felt under gunned. Again JMHO, but I think if you actually were confronted by 20 BGs, once that first shot was fired, they'd scatter like a covey of quail.
    1 point
  39. The antis seem to be forgetting one of the primary reasons for using separate, detachable box magazines is how quick and easy they are to change out. Limiting to 10 rounds might slow down the potential mass murderer by what? All of 2 seconds?
    1 point
  40. I don’t think he needs to he in the White House, but here we are. Gun control is akin to racism and poverty. No way in hell the want a solution to these problems. They only want something to campaign on.
    1 point
  41. Ouch, bro. You know there are easier ways to isolate muscle groups and improve your shooting skills.
    0 points
  42. As much trouble as Little Mike has cause me over the years, I'm not willing to walk around with a gun pointed at him. I'm with Travis Haley when it comes to appendix carry. Glock butt is one thing. Transgender by fire is another.
    0 points
  43. C'mon man! There's no need to hurl insults!
    0 points
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