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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2021 in all areas

  1. All of the recent scammer activity on TGO and other big gun forums uses the same tactic: A new "member" registers for an account and immediately sends a private message to legitimate members of the community with an alleged off-site, out of state contact, who either has the item they want to buy or is wanting to buy the item they have to sale. To date 100% of this activity has been fraudulent. In order to make it harder for these scum to operate in the shadows, I am considering the following changes to TGO: Placing all new members into a category that forbids them from being able to send a private message until X-Number of days have passed since registering, or X-Number of posts have been made in other areas, or some combination of the two. If a person wants to bypass that restriction, they can buy a Benefactor subscription, at which point we have a way to track them down if they do something illegal. Otherwise they participate by providing meaningful content for a brief period of time, after which they can send private messages. What do you all say about this plan?
    16 points
  2. My dog is a better person than most people I meet! Smarter too.
    4 points
  3. As bad as some of you feel about this, it is much better than abandoning the animal somewhere. We have had many dogs abandoned in the area of my house that's in the country.
    3 points
  4. RIO GRANDE, 1950 John Wayne and his son Patrick
    2 points
  5. Shows how much the us infrastructure needs to be updated. Power, fuel and roads all need major work. Tons of unsafe bridges and barely serviceable roads. Old and weak electrical grids that are vulnerable to nature and outside forces. Over dependence on a few places for fuel needs that cripple entire sectors if something happens. I dont give two ####s what side of the isle you say you are from, we need a MAJOR infrastructural overhaul NOW.
    2 points
  6. Now I bet some idjit wrecks on the old bridge and jacks it all up.
    2 points
  7. That's a lot of trucking about to get rerouted if this is a thing.
    2 points
  8. Just the two in Memphis. The one I referenced is between Missouri and Tennessee. And then there’s another one of wee bit south between Arkansas and Mississippi that isn’t too big of a detour. Now, if you were just needing to go from Memphis to West Memphis, your hosed. My routes go over much longer distances so I can start gradual shifts north or south and only add a small amount of miles to my trip to route around Memphis.
    2 points
  9. Ouch! It seems Ayn Rand’ “Atlas Shrugged” is coming to fruition.
    2 points
  10. I hope our pipelines and grid infrastructure will get a little more hardened. I used to work with a lot of pipelines monitoring them for corrosion and they have pretty much went to computer automated valves that a few guys in a control room in Houston or wherever can open and close valves. I personally wish they would keep some manual control valves in place. If the thugs hit more that 1 pipeline at a time it would be very crippling. Cross your fingers they get this worked out before the weekend.
    2 points
  11. Here is the finished rifle, thanks for all the kind words. Sorry Greg, I am keeping this one, you know how hard it is to find a correct handed rifle.
    2 points
  12. When I was 14 before I knew of much about real guns, we had a guy that rented from us. One day I see him walking down to the pond out back and he was caring a Carbine and a plastic pail. Curious about it, I ran down back and caught up with him just as he tossed the pail out in the water and proceeded to put 30 rounds into it as it sunk under the surface. That was my "Holy Crap" eyes bugging out moment of rapid fire baptism. After that, I wanted to know all about guns. The US M1 Carbine, Love em or hate em..... they are an icon of history, mine included!
    2 points
  13. I learned a few things in SERE School, one of which was to "Go Ugly Early". That was in reference to using what you could find in the field to survive and save the rations for when you couldn't find anything and were in dire need. I do this with my reloading supplies, I cast and reload to shoot and save my commercial bullets for hunting and SD use. I have very few commercially loaded rounds left, but those too are put aside. I have plenty of, and continue to add to, reloading supplies, if I were to reload everything I have I wouldn't need to reload for the rest of my life unless SHTF. I have a full combat load for each of my weapons, I just reload what I will use in the near future and leave the rest as components in case I need or want to do any trading or selling as I do not/will not sell any reloads.
    2 points
  14. Just an update on the ongoing saga. The ATF called me back after I mailed everything that San Bernardino County sent me, evidently it's not enough as it doesn't address actual the actual charges listed? The charges listed were either dropped or plead down to some minor stuff and so it show's a different charge I guess. I've sent fingerprints and a request for a full background check from the CA DOJ and I asked the representative from the ATF to please keep the file open until we hear back from them. This is way out of my wheelhouse, but I'll keep after it and update when I can.
    2 points
  15. Sounds like you are in an ideal situation. I’m not yet in that situation, but once I’m there I think I would load enough to shoot 4-6 months at a time, or to survive the first couple waves of zombies, and then load more as needed. Worse case scenario, if you ever needed money for any reason you could easily sell off the components, or once you’ve passed if your family isn’t quite as into shooting as you they would have a much easier time selling the components than your loaded ammunition. I’m only 40, but a lot of my gun/ammo purchases at this point have ease of future resale in mind, as my kids just aren’t anywhere into it like I am. For probably the last 10 years anytime we have gone into a store that sells ammunition I have always bought a box (if they’ve had any) and often tell my wife and kids when they roll their eyes that I’m “investing in their future” or “investing in precious metals”. Whatever route you go, don’t feel guilty that you are in your position. You are there because you’ve built yourself a life that provided you the means to prepare for “whatever may come” and you’ve obviously had the foresight and discipline to do just that. I for one salute you, and am trying my best to emulate.
    2 points
  16. Hello, I am a new forum user, so if I am responding to these incorrectly please let me know. Unfortunately, I come from Iowa and there is never a possibility for expungement. But, one can not dwell on the past, only move towards the future. In response to my criminal record I am neither embarrassed or ashamed to share it. At the age of 18 my parent's rightfully kicked me out our home in the winter, I was inclined to break into a used clothing store and steal clothing along with money that was in a purse display. Now, I must say that although I thought I was extremely bright in the moment, it was proven that the life of crime was not for me. There is nothing more embarrassing than waking up in a pile of used clothing and having two police officers laughing at the absurdity of it. It only took one time. The store owners wanted to hit me with everything they could and now I have four felonies for burglary. Yes, I believe that I deserved what I received for a sentence, but I would be lying if I did not say it leaves me frustrated at times. I do not believe my crime fits into the categories of violence, drugs or firearms. Although I am happy spending the rest of my life using only archery equipment, I do miss the ability to hit a target at more than 40 ft lbs. Oh to be young, unintelligent and have a lack of being able to perceive the future. In response to your officers thoughts on felons owning firearms, they are wrong. According to the ATF one should only go by the definition of a antique firearm and be careful in those regards. It is also impossible because of explosive regulations for me to posses black powder. Each state is a minefield of regulations as is the federal government. I am a pyrodex or nothing man that knows to not to use primers and only use percussion caps. No. I am not a child molester or rapist and am quite sure we would both handle them the same way.
    2 points
  17. I adopted my GSD on February 7, 2020. I wasn’t prepared either. I wasn’t prepared for the unbelievable level of love that he has for us. And I wasn’t prepared for the absolute, complete, total, deep rooted love I have for him. Even my wife, who has been cold and indifferent toward animals, is head over heels for him. We weren’t prepared for that either. In other words he is absolutely one of the very best things that has ever happened to us. He is no less than a full fledged family member, and he is loved and protected as such. For the life of me I cannot understand how people can consider a pet as a disposable fad to be abandoned or disposed of after they have been used. Pets do not deserve that kind of treatment and in my opinion it takes a special kind of trash to do that. But these days this stupid society is packed full of very special kinds of trash.
    2 points
  18. Kids aren't supposed to be fads either but there sure are a lot of people who pump them out because they're "cute".
    2 points
  19. I'm kind of impressed your company would care enough to track down post on local forums, half way around the world to correct misinformation. May have to take a look at a Girsan.
    2 points
  20. Not really a "Hunting and Fishing" topic, unless you're the bear, but it is wild critter related. Story here.
    1 point
  21. Pets are not supposed to be fads. Reports of a troubling trend have begun to surface across the country of large numbers of people returning pets that they adopted during the pandemic. Apparently, as things begin to return to normal, people are realizing that they may not be as prepared for the pet as they thought they were. Shelters across the United States are seeing higher than average rates of returns, the BBC reports. About a year ago, these same shelters saw a spike in adoptions as people faced lockdowns due to the pandemic. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/pets-adopted-pandemic-returned-record-numbers-report
    1 point
  22. A few weeks back I ran up on a deal on here for a Savage 110 LH. Being a correct handed shot I jumped. It was a barreled action with out a stock. Another member was looking at the action as well, he went looking for a stock, in the mean time I bought the action. I have meet the other member in the past, we talked about the action, he turned me on to an OEM stock. I have been fitting the stock in what little spare time I have. Today I striped off the old finish, sanded with fine steel wool, and started to rub on tung oil. In the 2nd pic is another stock I picked up to play with. The finish on the OEM stock is a bit ruff.
    1 point
  23. That’s how I wound up with a lot of my dogs when I was a kid. Dog shows up tired, hungry and lonely. Well buddy you got a home now.
    1 point
  24. I like to keep a good supply of loaded ammo handy, but also like to keep a good supply of assorted reloading supplies handy as well. I like to try new loads. Also, sure as I loaded thousands of rounds of something, there'd be something I decided I didn't like about that particular load.
    1 point
  25. It was very common “back in the day” to delink belts of .50 ammo to shoot out of the Barret M107. The one exception to this was the slap rounds, for this exact reason. The M2 with its crowned barrel had no issues with them of course, but the M107 with its muzzle brake had known issues, and it’s the only round that I know of that was prohibited for use in the Barret. I recall there was even a picture up for awhile in our arms room of a left handed shooter that had been injured to the right side of his face from a catastrophic failure that had occurred after shooting a few slap through his Barret. There were also instances of spotters being injured by the shed petals deflecting back at them. Possibly another contributing factor at play in this instance would be the higher pressures that the SLAP rounds needed to achieve the velocities required for effective armor penetration. I don’t recall exactly but I recall there was a substantial muzzle velocity difference between the SLAP rounds and the standard FMJ round used in the Barret, something to the tune of 1,200fps difference. Thankfully the guy in the video lived to tell the tale, and if nothing else it will hopefully spread the word and prevent others from this same dangerous mistake. It’s wild how we can get in our own bubble sometimes and think these things are just common knowledge/sense to everyone.
    1 point
  26. VERY interesting read! Thanks for sharing that. It makes me wonder why MSM hasn't been providing the full story. Instead we get "news" articles and opinion pieces that belittle us for even daring to think that the virus could have been manipulated by man. I don't agree that function gain testing should be banned; I see great value in it. But I do think there should be international protocols on what can be done and total transparency to international oversight by qualified scientists. Unfortunately, as the article points out, scientists who don't toe the political line now risk loss of funding and ostracism. I suppose everything is political, but science should be the least political of human endeavor.
    1 point
  27. You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to load 'em..... .
    1 point
  28. They won’t be back online until the weekend at the earliest. So, it’s worth getting gas sooner rather than later. There are a lot of resources being marshaled because of the critically - but this stuff takes time. We’re dealing with sophisticated attackers these days. We’ve seen them recon networks from the inside for months. We’ve seen backups infected and deleted. With SCADA access, it’s possible to cause actual physical damage. This is the real deal - and likely the tip of a larger iceberg. It’s the kind of stuff that leads to kinetic responses.
    1 point
  29. I could not read the story, my blood pressure would go up to much. Some people just suck!!!
    1 point
  30. I believe all of us are smart enough to see a scam when it happens. The idea of minimum number of posts before sending a PM is OK.
    1 point
  31. Keep it as your retirement fund.
    1 point
  32. I now officially have a kid smarter than me! He graduated this afternoon with a BA in engineering from TTU.
    1 point
  33. It's terrible the way people consider pets to be disposable. We wouldn't let ours go for anything. Though I had forgotten how hard puppy training is. Ours are part of the family and are treated as such.
    1 point
  34. If you don't need it loaded, sit on it. You can always load as needed, and or sell if needed. You're in great shape. We all should be so fortunate. JMHO
    1 point
  35. As John Prime said...some people ain't people....
    1 point
  36. If he has a hunters safety certificate from a different state, he's good in Tennessee. No need to take Tennessee's course.
    1 point
  37. https://thebulletin.org/2021/05/the-origin-of-covid-did-people-or-nature-open-pandoras-box-at-wuhan/ We should not be funding, and should very likely ban function gain testing.
    1 point
  38. I can't help on all of your questions, but here's this: 1. It is legal for a felon to hunt with bows and with antique (black powder) arms and to take hunter safety courses in Tennessee. You can take the course online: https://www.tn.gov/twra/hunting/hunter-education/online-hunting-education.html 2. I don't know anything specific about western Tennessee but I know that the firing range at Long Hunter State Park does not require a background check to shoot on the range. I assume it follows the same rules as all other state ranges. But I'd be careful not to handle anyone's modern firearm while on the range. 3. No help here; I'm in Middle Tennessee. Stay clean and straight, and good luck to you. I applaud you for wanting to stay within the law. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  39. I call that non-sense, in that they have NO sense. I may shoot less, shoot .22 and pellet guns, but I refuse to pay stupid prices. I thought the last go round in '08 I had seen some crazy stuff, but this out does it. I have seen 30-30 for over $4 per round, SPP at $325 plus shipping, plus lots of common ammo go for crazy prices. I really feel sorry for the new gun owners that for whatever reason age etc, they didn't get to enjoy the cheap prices of yesteryear. I know things will never be as cheap, but hopefully one day this storm will pass and some normality will return.
    1 point
  40. I’d like to see some of these states, counties, or any other jurisdictions passing 2A sanctuary feel good resolutions and laws actually stand behind their citizens that might run afoul of current and future ATF regulations. That’s not going to happen either.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Be still my beating heart! Gorgeous!
    1 point
  43. Got that one dried out and mounted up. Never did a mount like this before and must say I think it turned out pretty good. I've always just mounted the fan, beard and spurs but this will be my go to mount from now on.
    1 point
  44. I'm sure that's next, they are getting desperate to continue giving shots, commercials on the radio, TV, probably print too, saying no appointment necessary, no line, no waiting, no priority restrictions, etc. They aren't making as much as they hoped on this I guess.
    1 point
  45. I wonder if it's safer in that scenario to stay with the vehicle. You would at least have shade and it's easier to find than a human. Side note, my wife actually got me one of these for my birthday. I'm still researching all it does but I do know a few things. 1) I can text with people. 2) it has an SOS button I can hit if I get hurt or break down. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/561269
    1 point
  46. Bunnies and squirrels won’t be able to tell the difference.
    1 point
  47. Load it all together. How much difference would it make? Sounds like picking fly chit out of pepper to me.
    1 point
  48. That's going to be a tough one. #7 shot is .10" and #6 is .11"
    1 point
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