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I now officially have a kid smarter than me! He graduated this afternoon with a BA in engineering from TTU.11 points
I'm very forgiving of when people can't make a scheduled appointment. I'm not forgiving if they don't communicate it. Life happens and I understand that, but a text, DM, or email takes but a moment. Like putting your grocery carriage in the space for them instead of leaving it to hit another car, it's one of life's little decency tests that everyone should pass.4 points
If the deal was arranged here, leave negative feedback. That’s the easiest way to ensure others are aware of the person they are dealing with.4 points
Thank you for the responses and advice. He finally got back to me. He totally forgot. He wanted to reschedule but I told him now or don't bother me. He arived an hour later. All good. Now for the other two people, I guess I will forget them. If their number ever pops up I will let them have an earfull. Thank you again. Felt good to vent abit.3 points
The entire government is doing exactly that right now. They are like crab lice. They exist to make more crab lice.3 points
Most folks don’t value your time the same as they value their own. If it happened here, by all means, leave a negative feedback. I find the feedback system here very useful for evaluating whether I want to deal with a particular person or not. It takes a while to amass a good reputation and only a moment to destroy one. Just be factual and accurate. Do not let emotion help write the feedback.2 points
Oddly, I cannot follow the front sight on a big bore revolver. Hard as I try, it just disappears for a split second when then gun fires. You were correct. I wasn't correctly following through. I'm hitting the center now. I just need to figure out a way to program this into my brain long term. I'm sure that means a lot of shooting. Thanks to everybody for the help.2 points
if you set a day and time that's as good as your word. Be there! Unfortunately, if they don't show, there's not much you can do about it. If you both belong to the same forum, I guess you could leave negative feedback if available. But I doubt if a post calling him out would fly. Personal attacks not allowed. I've had a couple of no shows over the years. One guy actually did have something come up. He apologized later and we rescheduled. The others never replied to my messages. Never heard from them again. All I could do was be pissed. Were you buying or selling? Buyers almost always show up. But occasionally, stuff happens. Sellers sometimes get a better offer, blow off the deal already made with you and won't to tell you. To me, that's dishonest.2 points
I’ve bought so many IWB holsters that I got tired of spending money. Bottom line is none of them work for me. I’m 6’ 2”, 180 lbs. I just stick with OWB, and can conceal it good enough, with a coat in the winter or a untucked shirt in the summer.2 points
I'd ask them what happened and if the answer was BS I'd post feedback as such. In this day and age with virtually instant comms via text, ghosting somebody is incredibly rude.2 points
Is there a place to post someone's number warning people about the guy not showing up? This is the third time that it has happened to me in the last 2 months from different people. A place and a time is agreed upon. I show up and tex the person that I am there, color and make of vehicle but get no responce. They do not respond to texes. I grew up where a person was only as good as his word. What do you do in similiar situations?1 point
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Physics...6-8 lb rifle with a 3-4 lb trigger pull, vs. a 2lb gun with a 6lb trigger pull causes inherit difficulties.1 point
YEAAH..!!! Congratulations to " All Ya'll "... My 32 year old is a TTU BSME grad..! TTU is a great school... leroy...1 point
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Congratulations to all of the family. I am also a TTU graduate (71', 74'). Could not have picked a better university.1 point
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Hey congrats! TTU and UT Martin are hands down the most underrated programs in the UT system.1 point
Congrats to the grad and his parents!! Now you can pick his brain for those questions you can't find the answer to. LOL1 point
Jamie I am totally with you on the dread of what components if/when they become available again will cost us. But the bright side is no matter how expensive they get, it will always be more affordable than factory ammo.1 point
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Congrats Man!!! My son graduated on 5/5/21, virtual at UAH. BS Aerospace Engineering, graduate classes start in the fall...1 point
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Good points all. I agree, especially with @Grayfox54. Ubiquitous guns, but produced in low volumes for the past few decades as there was the financial incentive to produce a greater volume. Those of us that actually shoot .38 spl and .357 to any degree tend to cast and reload those rounds. I shoot my .38's weekly, but I shoot 9mm 10:1 or greater. I handload all of my target ammo. While I am fine on components for the foreseeable future, I dread what the replacement costs will be down the road for powder and primers. We, as a shooting community, are under fire from the left more vehemently than I can recall for the past 40 years. With our current political situation the possibility of more difficult and expensive access in the future is very real. Things change, I know. But I still dread what it'll cost to replace what I'm shooting and the stores I now have. It'll be some time before that's a concern for me, but the eventuality is there. Couple that with a fixed income and, well it sucks... I did pick up everything I need to start casting over the past couple of Black Friday sales. As soon as I finish the long list of remodeling tasks my Missus has for me I'll start the casting. For now I'll remain focused in my practice sessions and maybe include more .22 LR as was already mentioned. I'm certainly working more dry fire than I was...so that's one positive to come out of this mess.1 point
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After reading that my butt hole hurts, as in we are about to be screwed, what a crock of BRAVO SIERRA!!!1 point
Not any change here. I learned my lesson from a previous administration.1 point
I’m good. I have a safe full of loaded mags .223, .300BO, .308, .22, 9mm, .357 and ammo cans stacked deep elsewhere. I only have a reasonable amount of .45, because I no longer carry the caliber. It’s for my purdy 1911’s that rarely see the light of day. I plan to start burning off a lot of .22 now until things settle down.1 point
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After enduring several shortages of ammunition, I began a practice of purchasing additional ammo each time I went to the range. At current prices and availability that no longer is possible.1 point
No change. Buy when cheap and stack it deep. That gets you through the lean times.1 point
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The way I look at it is that I wouldn't want that itty bitty gun pointed at me any more than a biggun.1 point
I love it Brother..! Ya got ta admire the style..! admirin leroy...1 point
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Am I the only one who thought "man, Hershel cleans up pretty well"?1 point
"Louisville has seen a surge of violent crime. According to police statistics, murders, rapes and robberies were up more than 81% above the five-year averages in January and February. This followed a 2020 where police retirements and resignations were at a five-year high after Taylor's death. Approximately 15% of the police force left during that time." Starting to sound familiar in more and more cities lately.1 point
Synthetic is all I use in my vehicles. My work vehicle just turned 410k miles. One owner, I change it every 10-15k miles. I made that decision after having a couple samples tested by an oil analysis. That's about the range I felt comfortable pushing it too. Good oil and a good filter and let it ride.1 point
I also carry AIWB with a Tier 1 Axis Elite. P365XL with an optic. I would not consider myself fat, but not skinny (5’11”, 185). It is the most comfortable for me. And I feel it is the least likely to imprint. Or at least I can see if it is. i have carried IWB at the small of my back. Very comfortable, but the last time I did, while wearing a sport coat, my wife commented that she could see an imprint.1 point
You'll probably accumulate a bucketful before you settle on one you like! Even getting recommendations is challenging because what suits me may not suit you.1 point
I have, and occasionally still do carry on a couple of different locales. The reality is that you’re going to just have to figure out what works for you by trial and error. No way around it. I’ve got a gut, but primarily carry AIWB with a sidecar. Pistol at 12/12:30. There is a comfort penalty, but that’s where I prefer it. It doesn’t work for everyone. I have carried at 3:30/4 o’clock. Anything further back, while generally concealing ok, just feels too far back to get to quickly and efficiently. A quality holster and a quality, dedicated gunbelt are a necessity if you wish to carry well. Without those two items, be prepared for a long struggle until you eventually drop the coin you needed to drop in the first place.1 point
She really should have been using synth oil and fancy filters.0 points
Well if the thing about guys with big guns are true, he may be packing some heat. LOL0 points
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