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Well lemme see here.... I'm sitting there having dinner and suddenly a rowdy crowd of protesters appears and is backing me up against a wall and screaming in my face. Yeah, I'd think it would be reasonable to feel threatened enough to go into self defense mode.9 points
And if I were him I'm thinking I wished I had a bigger gun. I imagine he was heckled about that.4 points
Maybe he intended to shoot them if they continued what they were doing or followed through on something they had threatened. There isn't enough video available to fully understand the incident. At what point is it ok to point a gun at someone? Cooper's rule mentions not pointing your gun at anything you are not willing to destroy, but that's not the same as not pointing "unless you were going to shoot it." If you never point a gun at someone unless you are going to fire, there would be a lot more police shootings. How many crimes are avoided by some civilian displaying or pointing a gun at a bad guy without firing a shot? Some practicioner may be able to wait at low ready or even remain holstered and deal with an immediate threat, but not everyone is able to put that off. This guy does not look like a practitioner, but that doesn't disqualify him from being able to defend himself.3 points
Hey guys in East TENN. There was a break in in Athens, lawn and garden shop, got 60+ pieces of 2 cycle stuff, please watch out for anyone selling NEW sthil stuff. I’m not sure of what else but I know weed trimmers, chain saws, hedge trimmers (I think on the last one). Not sure of all the brands but I know some sthil. if you run acro anything you can pm me here or call me four two three seven four five nine one three three.2 points
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You should also look at the Springfield XD-M. I bought one when it first came out, great gun. I much prefer the feel in hand when compared to the Glocks, at least the 20 and 29SF of which I owned both. just another option.1 point
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Five Yard Roundup shot cold (first thing I shot- no warmup) Today 5/6/21 . Score was 98 / 100 Five Yard Roundup is shot from 5 yards and is 4 strings of fire. #1 From concealment 1 round #2 From Ready 4 rounds #3 From Ready 3 rounds Strong Hand Only #4 From Ready 2 rounds Weak Hand Only Par time for each string is 2.5 Seconds. Pass or Fail on the time and then calculate the score on the target.1 point
I've used a lot of Fram too. No problems so far. I sometimes buy filters at work. Fleetguard brand.1 point
What’s wrong with a Fram filter? I’ve used a bunch of them through the years. Never had an engine problem due to oil or filter.1 point
If they got that much equipment, it was a pro job. I bet it’s already in a container heading overseas. I hope they had decent insurance.1 point
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I imagine his friends are giving him crap about it right now. And his response is probably something along the lines of “it’s not stupid if it works!“1 point
Though no lawyer, I believe the accepted standard is "reasonable person." Would a regulation reasonable person have felt sufficiently threatened in that situation to draw and aim a firearm?1 point
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The federal government has actually dropped cases against objectively bad people because they were worried about A judgment setting precedent. The way the statue reads, split receiver guns do not have a single part that meets the legal definition of firearms. Whatever they do here will result in litigation.1 point
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To this comic I would say no, the best way to tighten an oil filter is to not remove it. That's what most of the former jiffy lube employees I know have told me....1 point
I don't have a Glock 20 anymore, but I loved the pistol and the round. I think it is definitely the best option out there. I know that there is a lot of love in 10mm in the 1911 world but for some reason I feel like research lead me to the fact that the 1911 wouldn't handle the really hot loads of 10mm. I could be misremembering. Either way, definitely look at what ammo you are buying because a lot of the factory stuff on most shelves is loaded to about .40s&w levels.1 point
I’m not offering opinions with regards to whether the guy with the NAA revolver was justified or not. That’s not really my place, or something I feel qualified to do. while I do agree with your statement that it would be a good thing for those on the left to become more pro 2A, I believe it isn’t so cut and dried in situations like this. While I have no issue with armed protests, The tactics being employed here present a problem. BLM demonstrations have a history of getting out of hand with participants engaging in mob violence. With that sort of background engaging in aggressive and confrontational behavior while armed creates a situation where someone may be more likely to feel their life is in danger and employ deadly force. Even if you agree with BLM, and I do have a lot of common ground with them, you have to admit that that sort of situation is a complete powderkeg just waiting for a spark.1 point
https://www.foxnews.com/us/louisville-restaurant-patron-gun-blm-protesters-kentucky-derby Here's a fella who thinks 5 is sufficient.1 point
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They said some of the BLM protestors had guns so I think he has a pretty good case of pulling it. Then again, we know how logic fits into the equation most of the time. I bet the others were justified even if he wasn't of course.1 point
If he doesn't get brought up on criminal charges I'll be shocked.1 point
So far, I've never been in a civilian firefight, but have been in plenty in Vietnam. There is no such thing as too much ammo. Just because there was only 4 or 5 rounds fired this time, doesn't mean that will always be the case. Funerals these days are much more expensive than ammo ( if you can find any ). Like many things gun related, it's a personal choice. If you're comfortable with a six shooter, have at it. If you need 15+ to feel safe, do that. FWIW, I carried 400 rds for the M16 + 18 rds for the M203 Grenade launcher. Sometimes, I was a bit concerned with that. JMHO1 point
Exactly! I’m under no illusion of being a gunfighter by any means, but I do value the opportunity to have a fighting chance. I believe a can do attitude, situational awareness, and the willingness to go through with what needs to be done will most often trump your count of rounds available. If I were really expecting trouble, I would first prefer to be elsewhere, and if that failed, I would want a rifle.1 point
Thanks everyone for the information and help. I'm gonna get one and practice in the yard first then move on to the water. Thanks all !1 point
Take a look at a EAA Witness. They are a very high quality semi auto and often fly under the radar in terms of accuracy and function.1 point
Looks like a scaled down Hickok45 range. Very nice.1 point
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Nice cartel! Here's a few more variants for you to acquire: Bulgarian Ak74 folder, Polish folder, Egyptian crutch folder and Yugo M72 Rpk1 point
Well if the thing about guys with big guns are true, he may be packing some heat. LOL0 points
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You can get just the songs and not the back and forth with the DJ or whoever it is that is man crushing on him that drags it out.0 points
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