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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2021 in all areas

  1. We are simply seeing things we simply have never seenin our lifetime. " Tombstone " is becoming the norm where it had been tamped down for over 120 years. If the adults don't take the local and state gubts back over, even in places like Knoxburg, everybody may be carryin ARs, AKs, n Shotguns along with their pistolas wherever they go... The adult political class of both flavors is gonna have ta quit coddling this trash n come down on em to restore the peace. This spate of treating these gangs of hoodlums like " patriots " and slappin their wrists for criminal acts and intimidating folks they dont approve of needs to be over before Charles Manson's war begins... leroy...
    4 points
  2. In Caryville they call that crowd "beer run"
    3 points
  3. Think of an AR upper receiver or that of any other similarly constructed firearm being serial numbered and regulated as an actual firearm...just to get started.
    3 points
  4. 2015 is officially the year of the AK for me. This year alone I have purchased two Century (CAI) "Iraqi Contractor" Romanian WASR 10's, a 2013 production Century (CAI) Romanian WASR 10, Century (CAI) Romanian RPK AES10B, + a Yugoslavian N-PAP DF. I have another Century (CAI) "Iraqi Contractor" Romanian WASR10 + a Century (CAI) Romanian Draco AK pistol en route to my FFL as I write this. As you can see, I am a fan of the weapon system through + through. At the present moment, I am debating the purchase of a Arsenal SLR107FR but I am stuck on if I should pick the variant with plum furniture or all black. Decisions, decisions! Without further ado, I present to you my humble selection of AK's. [URL=http://s640.photobucket.com/user/986S/media/87D88D49-740E-4783-B68B-8A4CA2016FE8_zpsftdi9kt5.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s640.photobucket.com/user/986S/media/BAB2AEBE-BA71-4470-A10E-71AB3A88ABB6_zpsfb6iglvc.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  5. If he doesn't get brought up on criminal charges I'll be shocked.
    2 points
  6. I have a few Lego Star Wars sets for sale. I’m really trying to raise money to get a Ruger MK IV .22 pistol. All sets are new sealed in the box and have been discontinued. Prices are or best offer and willing to bundle them all for $230 Battle on Takodana $60 Rathtar escape $100 Defense of Crait SOLD Imperial AT-Hauler $100
    1 point
  7. I've heard reports of Federal 22 auto match (325 rd boxes) starting to show up in Wal-marts in various states.
    1 point
  8. Has anyone posted Shakey Graves?
    1 point
  9. I agree, because they would have to have congress change the statute, because the ATF can't pass any laws themselves, if they try to, it will quickly be challenged and they then run the risk of having that precedent they want to avoid.
    1 point
  10. I'd be way too embarrassed to do this pic!
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. To this comic I would say no, the best way to tighten an oil filter is to not remove it. That's what most of the former jiffy lube employees I know have told me....
    1 point
  13. Another DIYer here. Basically, if conventional and synthetic are available in the weight you need, either will work just fine. Neither will harm your engine. The difference is mostly in longevity. Dino oil needs to be changed every 3-5K and you can push it to 7500K in some cases especially if you are real easy on the engine and you're not running it in the hotter weather. Synthetic is good for ~7500-10K on the low end. In some engines, the manufacturer recommended intervals is as long as 16K or more between changes. My older engines call for 3K intervals but I do them with synthetic at 7500-10K or 12 months whichever comes first. The internals are still clean, no sludge in the valve trains and shiny smooth cylinder walls all around. As pointed out above, many current engines require 0w-x oil and that's only synthetic. Not all filters are the same, either. Fram sucks. Napa Gold and Wix are identical and some of the best you can get. Mobil1 and Purolator Boss are also pretty good. There are plenty of YT videos where folks have cut some open and it's crazy how much the quality varies from one brand to the next.
    1 point
  14. Yep. First step is to teach everyone not to point guns at others. I've been lucky enough to have avoided all the protests and strife, but a bunch of folks have probably been packing all along.
    1 point
  15. I’m not offering opinions with regards to whether the guy with the NAA revolver was justified or not. That’s not really my place, or something I feel qualified to do. while I do agree with your statement that it would be a good thing for those on the left to become more pro 2A, I believe it isn’t so cut and dried in situations like this. While I have no issue with armed protests, The tactics being employed here present a problem. BLM demonstrations have a history of getting out of hand with participants engaging in mob violence. With that sort of background engaging in aggressive and confrontational behavior while armed creates a situation where someone may be more likely to feel their life is in danger and employ deadly force. Even if you agree with BLM, and I do have a lot of common ground with them, you have to admit that that sort of situation is a complete powderkeg just waiting for a spark.
    1 point
  16. I haven't seen the video, so I can't comment there, but this guy is pointing the gun at people. It's one thing to display weapons, it's another matter to point a gun at folks. I was raised to never point a firearm at anything unless you were going to shoot it. It's actually a good thing BLM is packing because sooner or later liberal/progressive folk will realize the 2nd Amendment is there to serve everyone.
    1 point
  17. The video I saw also shows Mr. Fancy pants motioning with his left hand to the crowd to come closer, but you can't see his right hand.
    1 point
  18. https://www.foxnews.com/us/louisville-restaurant-patron-gun-blm-protesters-kentucky-derby Here's a fella who thinks 5 is sufficient.
    1 point
  19. They said some of the BLM protestors had guns so I think he has a pretty good case of pulling it. Then again, we know how logic fits into the equation most of the time. I bet the others were justified even if he wasn't of course.
    1 point
  20. More need to stand up to these thugs.
    1 point
  21. By the way, Nemo, I dig the Jason Dea West tune. Reminds me of John Denver in a good way and Brandi Carlisle, too. I tend to lean a little farther toward the highlonesome sound, so I'll see your "Mountain Air" and raise you some "bitter brew." I suggest headphones, volume up, and KY bourbon or TN shine in hand. (Bear with the ambient noise - worth it.)
    1 point
  22. Not sure on trimming alone. It’d probably cost $2k to cut it down if not more. I will say with the size of the tree I don’t imagine any amount of pruning is going to save your gutters.
    1 point
  23. Ammo simply equals opportunity. If you only have 5 rounds then you only have 5 opportunities to change the behavior of how ever many persons that need their behavior changed. Also pistols are simply harder to shoot accurately under stress than rifles or shotguns. Assuming that we might degrade 25% under extreme stress (some way more and some way less dependent upon recent relevant training and level they have internalized that training ) then we may not have 5 HITS to distribute among the bad guys. So it is pretty imperative that if we are going to roll with a limited capacity gun then our skill needs to make up for the deficiency in capacity. Especially when the trends are toward about half the time there being more than 1 bad guy. And a revolver reload is not something we often see happen in close range gunfights. Typically it is over one way or the other with what is in the first cylinder (or magazine of an auto pistol) ....that means you are most likely going to win or lose with what is in the gun. I'd simply prefer to have more opportunities in the gun than less and a 10 -15 opportunity pistol gives more chances of stopping someone than a 5 or 6 shot pistol. Math is math and it does not take the day off. AJ mentioned Tom Givens. When Tom and I met back in Jan 2006 he was still carrying a 1911 and 2 spare mags. By Jan 2007 he had switched to a Glock 35 and 2 spare mags. I asked him why he gave up the old technology and he said that he was about 97% as good with the G35 as he was with the 1911 and that the 1911 was a "2 person gun" where as the G35 was a "3 person gun" and with the crime data in Memphis showing about 3 multiple assailant aggravated assaults per day he felt better with more bullets than less bullets. As for me all that time I was rolling with a G34 with 20 in the gun and a spare 19rd mag. I kidded Tom that it was really me that had pushed him over the edge to the dark side and the G35. So what does all this mean? Whatever you want it to. I have no ego investment in what anyone carries. But simply put more ammo means more chances to change behavior and less time reloading. Having to reload mid gunfight suck and having to do it one handed because you are injured sucks even more. So I prefer to have enough on board capacity in the gun to solve most problems short of alien invasion or zombie apocalypse without having to reload. But then I'm more concerned with the folks that don't choose to stop than I am with the "statistical average".
    1 point
  24. I’d rather have your rifle. I guess it depends on what you’d rather have. I imagine it’s about a wash value wise.
    1 point
  25. More for the list. Member: Jason411 Email: MerrillKieferxzq25@gmail.com
    1 point
  26. In some cases, say terminal cancer, advanced heart disease, etc, where someone was near death’s door, and then they contract covid and die, the complications of covid likely hastened their death. In those cases, I agree that calling it a covid death skews the data to a small extent. In these cases, maybe it would have been better to list the cause of death as cancer, or advanced heart disease, hastened or complicated by Covid-19. But today, obesity, high blood pressure, and other co-morbidities are managed so well that the conditions are not nearly as fatal as they used to be. Until you add a new complication like Covid-19. Then the body can’t handle the stress of fighting covid-19 and the other health issues and the patient dies. I would guess that if you looked at the death statistics of many more common illnesses (flu, pneumonia, bacterial infections, etc) you would find that in many cases, there were co-morbidites of the same kind we see with Covid-19 that made the illness more fatal.
    1 point
  27. The existence of a Co-morbidity does not mean the statistics are incorrect or they covid is not the cause of death. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, or are obese, but are managing those issues, and then you contract Covid-19 and subsequently die from Covid-19, they will list the co-morbidity. You were fine and dandy, and trucking along, managing your health issue until you got covid. COVID-19 is the reason you died. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-94-percent-covid-among-caus-idUSKBN25U2IO
    1 point
  28. A guy could pull a Derringer on me and I wouldn't want him shooting at me 2 times.
    1 point
  29. This was in memory of his father, Larry, who just passed!
    1 point
  30. I got a laugh out of the fact that S&W has been heavily promoting that they were going to unveil a new gun at 8 p.m. Eastern on March 15...and then Ruger announces the Max-9 several hours earlier, without previous notice. More choices are a good thing. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  31. I like Ruger!!! The Tritium FO sight is a nice add-on.
    1 point
  32. https://www.newsmax.com/us/firearms-leaked-atf/2021/05/05/id/1020281/ A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) document leaked by The Reload, could redefine which parts of a gun are considered a "firearm." The document, according to America's 1st Freedom, would change the federal definition of a frame and receiver as well as change federal marking requirements for firearms. According to the NRA-ILA, "The rule, if implemented, would completely upend the firearm industry by changing what parts must legally be considered a 'firearm' under federal law." The document in question, spanning 107 pages, also matches the title and bill number to a bill submitted to the Office of Information and Regulatory affairs in the third week of April titled "Definition of 'Frame or Receiver' and Identification of Firearms." The ATF's chief of public affairs, April Langwell, said, "I cannot confirm, nor deny, the authenticity of the document, nor can I comment on internal communications or deliberations on potential or hypothetical rulemakings." The new definitions stated in the document would make it possible for firearms to have more than one "frame or receiver," which is at odds with the federal controlling statute. The rule would also create a new marking requirement for particular Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL). The ATF said the law would significantly impact companies selling unfinished receivers--they would have to "adapt." Based on current marketing related to the unregulated sale of certain firearm parts kits, ATF anticipates that these non-FFLs would either become FFLs or would take a loss in revenue to sell a parts kit that does not contain a frame or receiver, or simply sell the frame or receiver, but not both," the document stated. The document went on to state the law could impact small firearm manufacturers. "ATF estimates the majority of affected entities are small entities that would experience a range of costs; therefore, this rule may have a significant impact on small entities." President Joe Biden has also nominated gun-control group advisor David Chipman to run the ATF. He stated told a congressional committee that, "Simply reinstating the 90s-era ban on assault weapons is not enough. Instead, we should regulate a broader class of firearms, including assault weapons manufactured before the law's enactment … while banning the future manufacture and sale of these firearms." If the document proves authentic, the rule will be published before May 8. Interested parties would have 90 days to comment on the proposal. All comments must include the documents docket number ATF 2021R-05.
    0 points
  33. Get a jeep... wait.. Dont get a jeep.
    0 points
  34. Well, that ain’t the only thing he got wrong that day.
    0 points
  35. I’m the video of the event, at least two of the BLM crowd were openly armed.
    0 points
  36. LOL! He looked like Danny DeVito with tobacco juice running down his chin. I wasn’t real jealous.
    0 points
  37. And today is Revenge of the Fifth
    0 points
  38. 0 points
  39. There is no pandemic just lies and manipulated numbers let see if your 75 and poor health you have a 99.8 percent recovery rate.but as long as they convence you of the boogy man they can stop you from going to church walking on the beach .having normal elections. Always one more shot
    0 points
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