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So far, I've never been in a civilian firefight, but have been in plenty in Vietnam. There is no such thing as too much ammo. Just because there was only 4 or 5 rounds fired this time, doesn't mean that will always be the case. Funerals these days are much more expensive than ammo ( if you can find any ). Like many things gun related, it's a personal choice. If you're comfortable with a six shooter, have at it. If you need 15+ to feel safe, do that. FWIW, I carried 400 rds for the M16 + 18 rds for the M203 Grenade launcher. Sometimes, I was a bit concerned with that. JMHO4 points
I don't feel unsafe carrying my Kahr that's 7+1 but I recently got to handle a Springfield Hellcat and now I want one.4 points
As alluded to previously. It isn't always about how many rounds your mag holds as it about how well you can shoot under stress. I haven't been in a gunfight, but shot a lot of USPSA, IDPA and ICORE and most folks don't realize if the crap hits the fan it won't be like at the range punching holes in paper. A BG or lots of BG's could be firing at you. I see guys that train tell us to run around for 10 minutes or so and get our heart rate up, then grab your gun and see how well you put hits at 15 yards. Just look at the stats of LEO's shooting they have a low hit factor most of the time. Trained LEO hit their target less than 30% of the time. So let's say you have a 15 round mag, 1 in the pipe your hit factor would be 4.8 times. So a 6 shot revolver goes down to 1.8 times. And seeing how you can't shoot a 0.8 round that equates to 4 times and 1 time. I shoot and carry both revolvers and bottom feeders, a revolver will most certainly get locked up by various things, a primer backing out some, any type of powder residue, and it sometimes takes a pretty good knock on the cylinder to get it open. Like others said better to have it and not need it. The comment about racking the slide on a shotgun to scare away a BG is a myth, these crackheads that just broke into your house are jacked up, so never give away your position if you haven't been located. As the pistols on my nightstand don't have a manual safety, they won't even hear a click! If it gets out of hand an 870 is within reach as well.3 points
In my personal experience, I have felt the need for a handgun twice. Luckily, on both occasions, the mere act of drawing and taking a defensive stance quickly deescalated the situation. Both times, had I been forced to fight, I seriously doubt I had the skill or ammunition to prevail. Surprisingly, at the time, I did feel I had the commitment and determination to give it one helluva try.3 points
We’re really in the money on strawberries. I wintered some, and they’ve really taken off this spring.3 points
Had my second shot today. The coffee at the office tasted like crap. But then again, it could have just been bad coffee. I’ll report if I have any negative effects (other than a sore arm). Obviously I don’t have a problem with the vaccine. I do trust science, and I do think folks should get the vaccine. But as Allycat72 said, it is a personal decision. I will not fault anyone for deciding to either wait for more data, or for deciding to not get it all together.2 points
I've always been a proponent of carrying plenty of ammo. As was stated several times above, better to have it and not need it than need it an not have it. I carry with 15+1 in my EDC and an extra 15 round mag on my person. Also keep several loaded extra mags in my bag along with a box of ammo and a maglula in there as well. Not to mention a NY reload. Doubt very seriously I'll need any of it, but you never know. I worry as much about a zombie apocalypse as i do about everyday threats, lol. Seriously, there is a very real threat of a EMP type situation occurring, whether it be a solar flare or a nuke. If I am miles away form home when it happens, it'll be a long walk home, possibly through dangerous territory. I figure extra ammo may come in handy.2 points
I'm certainly no expert and have never been involved in a shooting. However, JMHO I think a lot of this high capacity stuff is fantasy from wannabes and tacticool operators who think all out war is gonna break out in the streets at any minute. Think about it. When was the last time you actually heard of a gunfight going more than maybe 3 or 4 rounds? Now gangbangers routinely empty 16 rd magazines at each other. How many hits do they get? I remember here in Memphis maybe 15-20 years ago, a guy was attacked at a local mall. Victim pulled his own gun and shot the BG 16 times emptying his mag! Pumping about half into the BG after he was already down. Yep, the victim paniced and just kept shooting. It was ruled a good shoot eventually, but for a while there it was touch and go just due the number of rounds fired. The defender was almost toast by his own doing. I've been carrying a gun for about 30 years now. The vast majority of the time my carry gun held between 5 and 8 rounds. I do carry a reload, but I've never felt under gunned. Again JMHO, but I think if you actually were confronted by 20 BGs, once that first shot was fired, they'd scatter like a covey of quail.2 points
Situational Awareness. Depends on where I'm going, what time of day, what the social climate is, etc. Some days it's just my 7 round Kel Tec P32, some days my Para P14-45 with a back-up. If I lived in certain areas of the country I wouldn't go out without an AR and a pump 12ga. I just purchased a Taurus 608 and it's the only revolver in my collection at this time, so no, 6 isn't enough LOL2 points
BE WARNED: SCAMMERS ARE ACTIVELY WORKING AGAINST THE GUN COMMUNITY ON TGO AND OTHER INTERNET FORUMS IN THE BUY/SELL/TRADE AREAS. Folks, lately we have seen a significant uptick in scam attempts that go like this: You post an ad for an item for sale or wanted. A scammer contacts you about the item you are selling or looking for and offers to put you in contact with a friend or relative in Texas or some other state. Throughout the whole thing, your Spidey Sense is tingling and telling you it seems suspicious... because it is! We strongly recommend that you stick to dealing with local Tennessee residents only and that you use forms of payment that are guaranteed, secured, and cannot be retracted once the sale completes. For example, you don't want to sell someone something via Venmo or PayPal, only to have them reverse the charge later after they have possession of what you were selling. TGO remains a great place to buy and sell privately, but please be cautious and smart. And please do not hesitate to report anything suspicious to us! On behalf of myself, @MacGyver and the moderating team - thanks and be safe.1 point
Nah. You keep it for a spare. I'd hate to ruin a spare net that you could use. Thanks much though !1 point
My first 12g was a Maverick 88 defense model with 18.5" barrel. Bought it used but I don't think it had ever been shot. When I got into Sport Clays I picked up a used 26" barrel. Used it as my only 12g for several years till I found a deal too good to pass up on a 500 with nice wood, I think 28" barrel. The Maverick is now exclusively my home defense shotgun unless a group of friends go with me to shoot clays and I need a loaner, then I put the long barrel back on. Shot a lot of clays and squirrels with the 88. The 500 is a better quality gun but the 88 does what it is supposed to do and I have recommended it to several friends. If it is a toss up, pick the safety you like better or what you can afford. Most all 500 accessories are interchangeable with the 88.1 point
I have a Maverick 88 defense and a 590. I like the Model 88 just about as well as the 590. And the Maverick 88 cost half as much. Academy gets the Maverick 88 Defense model in fairly often for about $199.1 point
Not in the least. The safety on the maverick sucks, but in my opinion the safety on the 500 sucks & at least the 88 can't skin your thumb! They're both solid, workhorse shotguns. They rattle for a reason & the reason is good. You can't get one wet, dirty or cold enough to seize it up. I have an 88 for pigs in areas that centerfire isn't allowed & mostly home defense. It's got an ATI adjustable stock & a cheap red dot & with slugs & #4 buck, it's more than accurate enough out to 50yds.1 point
From what I gather this is normal for all the vaccines. I did Novavax and experienced similar.1 point
Exactly! I’m under no illusion of being a gunfighter by any means, but I do value the opportunity to have a fighting chance. I believe a can do attitude, situational awareness, and the willingness to go through with what needs to be done will most often trump your count of rounds available. If I were really expecting trouble, I would first prefer to be elsewhere, and if that failed, I would want a rifle.1 point
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A guy could pull a Derringer on me and I wouldn't want him shooting at me 2 times.1 point
I carry as many rounds as comfortable depending upon what I'm wearing and the environment I plan on being at. That may be anything from a .380 LCP to a full-size M&P with 17 round mags. Usually a Shield and now a Shield- Plus. But I always want to have an additional mag. I believe that shooting under less than ideal circumstances, fighting off an attacker, shooting from different positions, ie retention, the possibility of a malfunction warrants having an additional magazine available.1 point
I'm not getting the shot. My wife has 27 nurses and 3 got the shot. No one should be forced to take the shot and no one should be ridiculed for taking it. As with most all thing, the decision should be left up to the individual. Your position is sound. Now the government will call us fools while also calling the the people who took the shot foolish.1 point
A buddy of mine had a saying. "People are the craziest people I know."1 point
Never has been. Minimum 12 rounds in a carry gun. I carry nothing smaller than 15 rounds.1 point
No I took and drilled holes through the bones and blew the marrow out with compressed air. Then let it dry in a borax/salt mixture.1 point
I love fresh vegetables, but hate garden work. Luckily for me I have a couple of very good gardener neighbors who are always looking to be rid of excess crops!1 point
Got some work done in the pasture garden Sunday. Planted taters, squash (3 kinds), beans, cotton, peanuts, and 3 kinds of melon seeds. Probably have to replant half of it, but I enjoy the time in the dirt. Frost got my first round of beans, too. Hopefully blackberry winter skips us this year. 2nd set already popped!1 point
Im ok with whatever ya are comfortable shooting; ya just have ta know how to shoot n have the mindset to shoot... I carry a 238 and/or 938 because they are thin n easy to carry when im in relatively safe territory.. Out on " the frontier " the big pistolas ride along. I like the at least two gun idea:... " The quickest reload is a second pistola "... leroy...1 point
1 point
The only Taurus I've ever owned is a 605 stainless. It's a pretty smooth little gun.1 point
Not only should he be arrested for Treason, a tall oak tree and a piece of rope should also be applied.1 point
1 point
I feel for ya @gregintenn! "Youth is wasted on the young"... <sigh> As I've posted before, we use raised beds here in suburbia. We added a bit more this year and we now have the equivalent of six 4x8 ft and one 4x4 ft beds plus a 2x8 ft bed. We've already planted Sugar Snaps in one bed and they're growing well. We have Swiss Shard, salad greens, and Zucchini coming up in another. Our onion sets are doing well, as are our Yukon Gold potatoes. My okra seeds have broken ground in the 2x8 bed... probably too early, but I have plenty of seeds. We had planted some bush type green beans in two of the 4x8 beds, obviously too early as we had 2 days of frost to freezing temps Thursday before last...needless to say I had to replant the green beans. We plan on putting out a few tomato plants and some cukes this week. We are limiting ourselves to only 3 tomato plants this year as we still have 10+ quarts of tomatoes vac sealed in the freezer and I've already used about 30 quarts making marinara sauce this past year. I just want some fresh eating tomatoes. We really hope to have a good crop of cukes this year as we have a kick-ass recipe for Kosher Dill pickles and already a jar of grape leaves on standby (for crispness). Some pickled okra would be great too! I'm hoping we're past the cold snaps. I reckon we'll see.1 point
I love revolvers. I think the .38 Special and .357 magnum are some great versatile rounds but, 5 or 6 rds. ain't real exciting. Only thing with autos, is they throw brass around.1 point
I think a 12 gauge is great also, but I don't want to give away my position. Pumping a shotgun is good for throwing cold water on guys that want an excuse for discontinuing their bravado, but for someone that means you harm it's not a good idea.1 point
KNOWN SCAMMER ACCOUNTS The following accounts and email addresses have been banned from TGO for attempting to scam our members. Member: JuWon Email: juwonalex2@gmail.com Member: AlbertZip Email: zmatthew1922@gmail.com Member: Jason411 Email: smithja908@gmail.com Email: MerrillKieferxzq25@gmail.com1 point
Dark oil doesn't necessarily mean its ability to lubricate the engine has been degraded. It means its doing its job and picking up contaminants.1 point
I've said it before and I'm saying it again: Those people are stealing. No one is entitled to the fruit of someone else's labor. Someone spent time and money to provide that service to the gun community. Whether you like them or their practices or not, they get to set the rules for their service and the rules are that people pay a fee to sell or trade. It burns me up that people think this sort of petty theft is OK. I also question the sanity of dealing with a seller who will steal a few dollars from a business. If they're willing to rob the website of pocket change, are they going to be more willing to rob me of a couple hundred dollars in a parking lot when I go to meet them to buy the gun? Are they going to be more willing to misrepresent the quality of the item or hide something about it that I will later wish I'd known about in advance? Probably so! If a person is willing to steal from someone else, there's no reason to assume they will suddenly be honorable with you. It's probably dying, at least in part, due to the fact that they don't enforce their policies very well. As people freeload off of them, it deprives them of operating capital. Without operating capital, a business eventually shuts down because they can't pay their employees, pay their bills or make a profit. They aren't running a charity.1 point
I’d say here, But it’s also got a paywall for the classifieds. This is one of those moments that I think it’s appropriate to remind folks of an immutable law of the Internet. If you aren’t paying for a service, you aren’t the customer. You’re the product.1 point
I had this big long response, but we all have our own lives to live, just be safe, be smart and remember God loves us all. It thank the Lord for another day, every day.1 point
Agreed this should never have been politicized. Doing so gas destroyed confidence and divided us as a nation. Demanding and browbeating people into taking a vaccine is just so wrong. It is a personal decision to be considered with ones own doctor, or not. I no longer fly so that does not concern me but requiring proof of anything from U S Citizens to exercise freedom is unlawful and unethical. kind of like testing, fees and such to vote or own and carry firearms. Hope you do well with this vaccine and with your leukemia.1 point
I spoke to a pharmacy tech today at Walgreens and she said their appointments have dropped significantly and they have more covid vaccine than they know what to do with. I gave up trying to get my parents to take it. They'll have to live with the consequences but I also respect their decision. I'm ready to lose my mask though. I think maybe 10% of members are still wearing a mask at my gym.0 points
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I am not a trained gun-comedian, but here are a few punchlines: Did the SHTF? Was that a constitutional carry colostomy bag? Wait until the Bureau of Tobacco Alcohol and Feces gets wind of this. Who let Kid Rock in?0 points
And bucking the trend as usual: I've always thought six in a revolver is plenty, and revolvers are darned near jamb-proof. And I often carry a .45ACP with 7. I've always thought that THE perfect self-defense weapon is a pump-action 12g. Anyone who hears that distinctive ker-chunk and keeps on coming deserves what will happen next. Hard to conceal, though.....0 points
Back when I was young and good at shooting handguns, I carried a 10mm with 8. I was relying on my skill at shooting targets. Now that I'm older and quite a bit better at shooting, I run 19 rounds in the mag.0 points
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