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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2021 in all areas

  1. Fresh corn tortillas - much like fresh flour tortillas - shouldn’t even really be compared to their packaged cousins.
    4 points
  2. Since I’ve been on the subject of food trucks, there is a taco truck in town around the corner from my daughter’s school in Alamo that I’ve been meaning to hit up for a while. My wife and I did today for lunch and discovered that we have been wasting a lot of time by not going there. Chela’s Tacos in Alamo has some seriously legit tacos.
    4 points
  3. I understand that everyone is not from Knoxville and Knox County, so i'll try to provide a bit of background. The movers n shakers in Knoxville and the surrounding area have a long history of not giving a damn about anyone but themselves... There have been 3 notable race episodes in Knoxville, two of which ended badly for the black citizenry, the third wuz the Christian-Newsome murders that armed every whitey in Knoxville and the surrounding areas. Back to the first two episodes. The first was in 1919 or 1920. The national guard was deployed with brutal effect. The second was the sixties era " Freedom Rider " incidents which i witnessed as a young man. The KPD came down on peaceful demonstrators like a ton of bricks. They did, in fact, demonstrate police brutality. The perpetrators of the freedom thing were run thru the courts and kicked around pretty well... A serious message was sent. As to the black community in general; the modus operandi " up to now has been to isolate it, leave it alone, and to contain it, with a good dose of " stay in your neighborhood and we'll leave ya alone -- let it spill out, and we'll do bad things to ya ". That was then, this is now... I think the over arching theme is the same... The rhetoric is a bit softer now. That said; I think the minute the "we been wronged- we gonna burn " elements of the black community threaten the moneyed class or the merchant class in knoxburg, there will be hell to pay. opinin leroy, the amateur historian...
    3 points
  4. I know an appliance repair guy that had his own shop. Real nice honest guy and business. He said if you ever find one of the old washers and dryers from the 70s or 80s thst still run KEEP THEM. The old ones that had one motor and a belt with manual knobs . He said they will run like an old Honda or Toyota and if they ever do break, they are easily fixed.
    3 points
  5. You didn’t ask - but I might square away the I/we thing before I contemplated making any major life decisions. The cash offers from corporate buyers isn’t limited to the big cities. It’s increasingly everywhere. There’s not a lot of kicking the tires in this market. You’ve really got to be ready to move.
    3 points
  6. If they are fresh made with real masa that's one thing but if they are those store bought bag of bowel blockers then hard pass. It's like corn jerky lol
    3 points
  7. It is an AK-47 in 5.45x39mm caliber. That's all I got.
    3 points
  8. A lot of fussing on here about fast food, but a lot of the places went downhill when they were bought out by large corporations. For instance, I used to love Taco Bell's food in the 70's, but when they were bought out by Pepsico in 1978 their quality of foot started going downhill and never came back. The same thing happened with KFC.
    3 points
  9. Had a buddy point me to this. I apologize, thank you for bringing it to my attention. I don't get to visit the site as much as I use to. I'll go correct the website. GoDaddy migrated our email few months ago and the old info@ is no longer routing. Dropped the landline as well just have my cell. michael@lawenforcementsalestn.com will reach me if you still need help. For those who I haven't seen in a while, I hope you all have been doing well. thx!
    3 points
  10. On this site I must be in the minority as I seen nothing wrong in what he did to restrain an uncooperative perp. Arguably, the fault lies more on the bystanders who created a hectic scene and had the LEOs on the defensive to keep them back, if the scene had been more controlled, they may have noticed the medical distress faster, probably dies anyway, but they would have started CPR or something. The POS died of an OD, period. A sad day for justice, and will have repercussions for years to come, as no sane person will put themselves in that situation by becoming, or staying, a LEO in this environment.
    3 points
  11. For me, the Taurus TX22 wins the best 22LR for the money.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. I've been watching it now for over an hour. He also had an extended magazine in his backpack. This DA is about as professional and thorough and we could hope for. I've found her to be extremely credible during this press conference. The kid had a history of violence both with his GF and with law enforcement. He brought a gun to school, he pulled and shot and police, and they returned fire. One shouldn't expect any other outcome. The community should be ashamed of how they jumped to conclusions.
    2 points
  14. That might be a factor, but if you're like me you were a teenager or young adult in the 70's, a time in every man's life when he will eat practically anything and think it's good ...
    1 point
  15. Thanks Raoul. Heres hopin this all dies down. leroy...
    1 point
  16. Appliances are like cars. I will wager the new 2021 model of your choice will be in the junkyard before my 1993 Z-71 is, why you ask. Because I can FIX this one, this new crap was destined for the junkyard!! A 1963 would be an even better option.
    1 point
  17. I have never had a GE appliance but LG is on my never buy again list. The compressor went bad on warranty. They sent their guy out to the house and agreed. Yep, the compressor is toast. They said they don't fix them they just check them to confirm for the company. Charged me $100 for the service call to confirm the compressor was bad. LG never fixed it after 3 months of haggling. Luckily the manager at Lowes got tired of their stalling too and gave us a new Whirlpool at no charge. He said LG was always a problem to deal with. I need to check with my brother to see what make his beer fridge in the garage is. His inlaws bought it sometime in the 50's and it's still keeping his beer cold.
    1 point
  18. Yeah these new ones are like Replicants on the old movie Blade Runner. They have a built-in expiration date and buddy they break quick!
    1 point
  19. Very true, but they are much better at it now.
    1 point
  20. Run forever and easily fixed doesn't generate repeat customers ...
    1 point
  21. That's it.^^^^ AK varmint rifle.
    1 point
  22. I believe the term is "take what we can get"... I agree, however this is a pretty big step forward. It flew under the radar and as as such did not get a lot of scrutiny, or, it would have been killed. Plus we had some friends who pushed back against the attempt to kill it. There are good people in the House, the Senate is a whole 'nuther help line. We did get did get this one through though and I am grateful. This bill mandates that the criminal charge has to be settled before a civil case can move forward, and if there was no crime, no civil suit can proceed. As it stands now you have to prove your innocence to get a chance to recoup your legal expenses. NO LE agency is going to help you do that, they have a hard enough time trying to prove guilt on criminals. And by the way, no mention currently about lost wages, jobs or divorce, or the necessity to plea one caste (criminal or civil) to afford to fight the other or, the use of that plea to facilitate a decision on the remaining one. This is a big deal for self defense...
    1 point
  23. GE was once one of the most fabled manufacturers on the planet. They made everything. Like so many companies - one of which your wife is intimately familiar with - their management team decided they could make more in financial engineering than actually making product. They were wrong. It's a shame. That capacity is really hard to get back. We had a similar experience with two top of the line GE appliances that were in our house when we bought it. Both the washer and the dryer continually had problems. When I would repair it - every time it was like it was the person on the assembly lines first day on the job or their last day on the job. The quality control was terrible. There were literally zip ties that were so tight they ate through the wiring with the vibration of the machine. I don't know that I could be talked into another one. That said, the best oven I've ever had was a contractor grade gas range/oven from the mid-nineties. That thing held temperature more consistently than any oven I've ever owned since. It probably didn't cost $150. I'd love to have it back.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for noticing and responding! I'll reach out using that email in a bit
    1 point
  25. Actually, it doesn’t really tweak the sound at all. It provides about as clean of a signal between the record and your headphones as possible. What it does do is allow me to isolate the channels in the mix. As a homeless in or it doesn’t have a lot of utility for me, but for somebody in the studio it’s very valuable.
    1 point
  26. Yup. Usually 11a-2p on Friday and 11a-3p Saturday & Sunday. They do pop up locations every now and again during the week as well around the area.
    1 point
  27. To add-The Politician's in this Country do not help to squelch the unrest- Partnered with the Media they are directly contributing to the unrest. Can we say Waters-AOC-Mayor Frey-and the like of this bunch make's things worse not better. Maybe these Politician's should be the one's on trial.
    1 point
  28. You should definitely make Caracasville at the Farmers' Market your first ones. You'll be hard pressed to find a better example. If I recall, Friday - Sunday lunch hours.
    1 point
  29. I had a "be notified" request in at Midway for when they had some nickel plated 357 Starline brass come in. I check my e-mail when I get up and then again around 6-7. Notification came in at 11:00 am and it was, of course, gone by the time I checked my mail in the evening but at least they received some Starline. Maybe they are catching up.
    1 point
  30. Didn’t everyone do stupid things when you were young ? The difference is some of us didn’t get caught.
    1 point
  31. Arepa’s are delicious.
    1 point
  32. I only read the first page of this thread, but now I’m hungry! It’s after midnight here in the east, but I think Steak N Shake is still on Covid hours .
    1 point
  33. Menu photos making me hungry. But what's and Arepa?
    1 point
  34. Chris Cypert of Citizens Defense Research and I teamed up for this video on making the 911 call in the event of a range injury or accident.
    1 point
  35. I'm kind of impressed your company would care enough to track down post on local forums, half way around the world to correct misinformation. May have to take a look at a Girsan.
    1 point
  36. I completely agree. We have an excellent DA that doesn’t play around. That kid and everyone around him is the only reason he died on a ####house floor.
    1 point
  37. I wish this red state could manage to pass one comprehensive gun bill that would fix all issues at once. The way our HCP is only a defense against charges of going armed is ridiculous. Also it being a crime to carry past a gunbuster sign is also ridiculous. Also why cant this bill prohibit completely lawsuits that were deemed legal by the legal system? Why cant a red legislature with a red governor do this right?
    1 point
  38. Every small town used to have a dairy dip. They had wonderful burgers for the most part. I miss those. There’s still a Dairy Burger in Hermitage Springs, TN. If you’re ever up this way, give it a try. It’s like a trip back in time.
    1 point
  39. The Knox County DA has been giving a very detailed press conference the past couple of hours, including video evidence, laying out the entire timeline and events leading up to this shooting. There will be no charges filed against the officer that fired. The shooting was an utterly chaotic situation. Being this is a gun forum, the kid had a Glock 9mm of some kind, KPD still appears to be using SIg P220's
    1 point
  40. so sh*tburgers will be even more expensive?
    1 point
  41. There is no way what Chauvin did was acceptable. He got what he deserved. That being said, I agree with this statement. The events yesterday in Columbus OH are a great example of this. We've entered a new era where no matter what the circumstances are, if a black person is killed by police it immediately leads to protests and outrage. Don't even wait for the facts to come out. Celebrities were tweeting about it and folks like Ben Crump immediately jumped at the chance to get involved. I couldn't believe how hard the cops had to tip toe around the issue in the press conference yesterday. They had to go on and on about how tragic it was that a girl was killed after she began stabbing other girls. We have her on video going after people with a knife and folks have made her out to be a victim. No one showed a single shred of sympathy for the other girls that were being attacked with a knife. Bring on the social workers. Let's disarm the cops and see how it goes.
    1 point
  42. As a former LEO and martial artist who has used neck restraints countless times, I agree with the verdict. Once the suspect is cuffed and prone you release the restraint - period. With Chauvin's experience, he knows this. I watched the video screaming at Chauvin to get off his neck. He's getting what he deserves, IMHO. I don't think that the officers behind him are responsible, but the one who could see Floyd's face and clearly hear his pleas should be charged as he was indifferent to the situation.
    1 point
  43. Y'all might like this book... https://www.amazon.com/Mayday-Aircraft-Crashes-Great-Smoky/dp/1572331542 Interestingly, Jeff Wadley was my wife's youth pastor when she was in high school.
    1 point
  44. I clearly state that the gun caused the accident belongs to another brand and has no relation with Girsan Firearms. Please be informed that this gun is SAR9 belongs to SARSILMAZ company, not to Girsan. Please see the attached document.
    1 point
  45. I recently purchased a Rock Ultra in 10mm and with tax it ran me into the better part of $700.00. And this price seems to be on a fair average-if you can find one anywhere-I waited till Shoot Point Blank had them back in stock.
    1 point
  46. I have owned a G20 for about 4 years and I am extremely pleased. The 10mm round is very powerful, as you well know and it takes self-defense and protection to another level. I got it primarily for hip carry while riding my horses in the wild. Sort of like the soldiers of WWII in a jeep with a 50 cal mounted in the back, ha. About a year ago I had the slide milled to accommodate a Trijicon RMR. Then I added a heavier spring and a KKM barrel. Those chanfes just took it up to another level. Yes, I would like to own a 1911 platform in 10mm, too (perhaps the Kimber) but for pure serviceability and shooting fun, you can't beat the G20. Enjoy yours...........
    1 point
  47. At least he was wearing as mask or it would have been alot worse!
    1 point
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