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Finally dig this out and shot it today. It is almost magical! It makes me look like I can shoot a revolver.6 points
There’s not enough info for anybody to really offer a solid opinion. The circumstances of why your father’s background check was ultimately denied, and a detective was involved in ensuring the return happened make all the difference in the world. Considering how sticky those types of legal issues can be, I wouldn’t recommend broadcasting it or seeking advice about it over the Internet. The closest I will come to offering a real opinion is this. That gun is no longer new, and is no longer worth the same as a new gun at full retail price. If your dad is a prohibited person, and aware that he is a prohibited person, which I don’t understand how he wouldn’t be aware if he is, he should consider himself lucky for getting off with only a $180 restocking fee. (For The record, I don’t believe the concept of a prohibited person is just. One has either paid their debt to society, or they should be in jail. Free citizens should be treated as whole citizens and retain their rights to self-defense.)4 points
The 2A is all about defending against a Tyrannical Government, if it were only 10 of them then yes, 10 rounds would do, but alas we all need at least 100 round drums.4 points
Reguardless of all these conditions, the gun shop owner released the gun with less than an APPROVED background check. I owned a gun shop and there was no way I was gonna take responsibility for a conditional approval. Gun shop owner released the gun and I feel (call Dr. Phil) bears an equal responsibility for the situation. He could eat that restocking fee. Outstanding child support or an accusation of assault will trigger the same legal action. If your father has no reason for this denial, tell him to do the APPEALS paperwork to challenge the denial. Most are overturned. At least he will have a reason for the denial. Sometimes it's something really stupid that caused the denial.3 points
You join a gun forum 13hrs ago, and this is what you post.3 points
I don’t think he needs to he in the White House, but here we are. Gun control is akin to racism and poverty. No way in hell the want a solution to these problems. They only want something to campaign on.3 points
i know the prices are high compared to 2019 but they have come down from their highs. 556 was hitting 1.00+ per round and 9mm was .80 cents per round late last year as far as ammoseek was concerned, thats when i stopped buying. i wont even touch gunbrokers for any ammo auction or BIN. at least their has been a reduction instead of a steady increase. it will either come down further or this is the new base line prices.2 points
Well, if I was uninformed on a matter and looking for answers, I’d find someplace where I could ask the question and folks might be informed enough to answer. It’s why I joined a forum centered around vinyl record collecting when I had some gear questions. It’s why I just joined a discord server centered around the ATAK/CivTAK software. I hope he sticks around and learns and gains a greater understanding of why things happened the way they did.2 points
Damn idiot, she might have hurt someone. Hope she gets the book thrown at her.2 points
There, I fixed it.... Biden had become a “national embarrassment” in the United States.2 points
Agreed. It's not a good day when a high government official starts telling you which civil liberties you need and which ones you don't. I suppose according to President Biden's logic a ten-round mag rule would only last until some criminal uses that equipment to shoot 10 people. At that point Biden will determine it is "just wrong" for me to own those too and will say a 5-round mag rule is our only salvation...2 points
I'm surprised to hear you say that. I would be really concerned about who gets to decide if a person should be admitted to an asylum and what the criteria is. Seems like it would be easy to abuse. My turn to go conspiracy theorist. Imagine them throwing people in asylums if you have political views deemed to be too extreme. Isn't China the one doing reeducation camps? I'll pass.2 points
I bought this at a gun show a few years back. It came with a set of stag grips. I finally located original style grips for it. This was no easy feat. In case anyone isn't familiar, this is a Smith and Wesson Heavy Frame Target Model, also referred to as a Bekeart Model. I'm not sure the year of manufacture, but it is roughly 100 years old, and chambered for 22 Long Rifle. I've always wanted one of these, but never thought i'd actually have one.1 point
RIP sir. Thank you for your service & sacrifice... https://newschannel9.com/news/local/charles-coolidge-chattanooga-honors-remembers-local-war-hero-this-week1 point
One of the miraculous things about the internet is that no matter what your opinion or point of view is that somewhere out there is an "expert" who will support your own previously drawn conclusions. It doesn't matter if you follow main stream thinking or if your opinions are somewhere out on the edge of the galaxy. Its simple enough to find "data" from "accredited sources" to prove your own opinions. After all, its on the internet, so it must be true.1 point
There are actually 3 Democratic senators who are on record as of April 12th who are against eliminating the filibuster (Manchin, Sinema (Az) and Leahy (Vt)), while another (Cantwell(Wa)) hasn't formally stated an opinion yet. There's little impetus for any of these 3 to change their mind, as by refusing to go along with changing the Senate rules they have effectively made themselves the most powerful sitting members of the Senate. In order for any Democrat bill to pass, these senators' demands must be met or the bill fails ...1 point
That's simply not true. Some of the worst shootings in history happened while Trump was in office. 2018 amd 2019 were particularly horrific. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States1 point
Wolf and Tula, like other manufacturers, make a variety of types and loads on ammunition. Wolf Gold, which is their brass-cased variety, is generally considered about as good as anything made domestically by many people. On the other hand, as greg pointed out, some guns don't seem to run reliably on steel cased ammo, however many Comm-bloc surplus weapons feed steel case ammo with no problems and some seem to even prefer it. Ammoseek is normally a good resource for finding in-stock ammo, but lately supplies sell out so fast that by the time their bots list it, it's already gone. Some stores don't allow their wares to be listed on Ammoseek and similar sites, Aim Surplus is one. Your best bet for finding supplies is to be on everyone's mailing list and be prepared to move quickly once the email blast goes out. Once the current shortage is over, remember the lessons learned and "but it cheap and stack it deep" as the saying goes so you won't be caught short-handed the next time we have one of these "sky is falling" runs on ammo ...1 point
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Wolf and Tula make reliable and reasonably accurate ammo. Many folks don’t like steel case ammo for several reasons, but the ammo shoots find. What you have to consider is what purpose said ammo will be used for. Hunting ammo will be different from benchrest competition ammo or plinking ammo. Short answer is anything commercially produced for the chambering of your rifle or handgun should reliably go “bang”. I’d steer away from handloads of unknown origin.1 point
I sometimes carry my larger framed guns at the 4 o'clock position in an OWB holster. I know I'm putting on weight when the grip irritates my fat roll in that area. I most often carry my Sig 365 at appendix position in a Stealth Gear Ventcore holster on a good leather gun belt. I like the hybrid aspect of the kydex/nylon holster material. I can put the holster in the washing machine and then let it air dry. I also like the belt clip. I have found on many kydex holsters the belt clips are too big or too rigid to allow for minor adjustments due to change of body position. On my Stealth gear holster I removed one of the two screws on the belt clip to allow the clip to swivel while not sacrificing any retention on my belt. In the appendix position the gun is at a place my hands naturally fall. This allows for not only rapid presentation of the gun if needed but also allows me to quickly get a hand on the gun to keep it pressed into the holster if someone were to try to disarm me. Another plus of this position for me is that when sitting, such as when driving, I can still easily access the weapon while wearing a seat belt. No need to remove the seat belt nor to twist and contort my body to retrieve the gun from the 4 o'clock position. The other issue I have with the 4 o'clock position in my vehicles is that the base of the magazine/grip digs into the upholstery. I don't want to mar my seats with wear through that constant pressure and abrasion. I found 3 o'clock position to get in the way of the seat belt and put uncomfortable pressure on my hip after a while as well as digging into the seat as already mentioned. 2 o'clock position keeps my from reaching into my pocket when standing and has the barrel end of the holster digging into the top of my thigh when seated. With the appendix position I find the holstered Sig 365 to fall nicely into the crease between my thigh and groin which is created when seated or raising my leg while standing.1 point
I'll also mention that small of back position often leads to muzzling anyone nearby as the gun is drawn. Also not a readily defensible position for weapon retention.1 point
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/20/all-remains-sane-calm-here-rural-america/1 point
Vague story, perfect for a dear Abby submission.1 point
Meh, it must not be illegal to falsify a 4473, otherwise Biden Jr, would be in jail. I think there is more to it, because the Detective would have to put me in jail before I paid for their mistake.1 point
Is dad legally able to own a firearm or not? Did dad falsify the 4473 form?1 point
I agree that he spent too many words "axe grinding", but I thought that his overall thesis was valuable and telling.1 point
Thanks goodness that no one was bodily harmed. However she has harmed us all who owns firearms, in this day and time we did need this!1 point
I believe she absolutely SHOULD go to jail for that.1 point
I agree with @No_0ne. Once available, try as many brands as you can, in the bullet weight of your choice, for reliability and point of impact with your sights, on your chosen gun. The twist rate of your AR (5.56) should direct you to bullet weight ranges. I have a preference for Federal handgun ammo. But Federal, Winchester, Speer, Hornady, Remington (and several others) make quality ammo. Maybe they'll be readily available again... one day.1 point
Most of the time you'll find that different guns seem to run better on different ammo. This question comes up a lot, and there never seems to be much agreement on it. Experiment with as many different loads as you can with your particular firearm and make the determination yourself for whatever arms you normally shoot. That being said, given the present circumstances with ammo availability, if you're short on supply you might consider just settling for whatever you can find at a price you're comfortable with ...1 point
The President doesn't want you to have mags that hold more than ten rounds. I don't think this is really news. As I recall, he (and many others in the Obama administration) was saying things like this 9 years ago, when he chaired the committee Obama created after the Sandy Hook shooting. That ultimately resulted in nothing being passed by a Democrat controlled Senate. I suspect the same results now ...1 point
I thought we'd been told not to comment on the state of the world, mankind, god, or anything else that doesn't involve being numb and shooting at targets. Since I'll probably get smacked....see ya later1 point
1 point
It doesn’t matter if his firearms were seized under some sort of red flag law, which Indiana does have. If you have not been adjudicated as a mental defective, you have the ability to purchase at an s FFL.1 point
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There are some things worth paying for that might benefit society. I suspect that giving people access to mental health treatment may be one of those things. Whatever we're currently doing isn't working.1 point
I think you touched on the key here. Something along the lines of at least two family members in conjunction with consultation from a mental health professional being able to make this call. Lots of checks and balances will have to be put in place top to bottom throughout the entire process and treatment phases. But the current method is untenable and I believe has a severe degrading influence on society as a whole1 point
I understand the concerns, but our current method of dealing with the mentally ill by allowing them to end up on the streets until the commit serious enough crimes to warrant prison time isn’t working. As a society we shifted the responsibility of dealing with the mentally ill from medical professionals to police. That’s been terrible for everyone. The sick most of all.1 point
There are people that belong in asylums and those that don't. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. My mom and grandmother both worked at a Mental Hospital when I was growing up. There were some things that weren't great, but if you ask most anyone that worked there, the people in it needed to be there. It is less about the people there and more about the policies and procedures applied to those people. I think that can absolutely be improved without much argument from anyone. Like anything, we know much more today that we did 30 years ago when many of these institutions were phasing out. Erik, to your point, you are correct, I am not interested in higher taxes to fix this issue. We don't need to raise taxes to do it. We need to stop spending money on stupid #### that provides zero value to the US or it's people and put that money into things that do help us. Our government has enough money to do a lot of things, they simply choose not to. I think the bigger issue which will never be solved is the exploitation of tragic events. It's all about money as is everything else in life. These news organizations in many ways glorify these terrible events and give people who are already on the edge the view that everyone is being wronged in some form or fashion and people need to stand up. Ultimately, I am willing to accept that bad things are going to happen. You hope they don't happen to you or someone you care about, but at the end of the day, life goes on. If you think there is a fix for any of this I have some ocean front property in AZ to sell you.1 point
I really do believe we need to bring back the asylums. While they absolutely had problems and needed reforms, they served a valuable societal role. In the zeal to address the abuses that went on within them, I believe that the baby was thrown out with the bathwater.1 point
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It's a contract. Either party can amend it before signing. Strike out the part you don't like. If the other party signs it after you made changes, then the changes are part of the contract. If they cannot accept the changes, you can accept it as-is or look elsewhere.1 point
Carrying behind the 3/9 line can often lead to printing when bending over. Along with that, small of back is the one position I would recommend be avoided at all costs. Besides danger to back if one end up falling backwards, it requires such an awkward reach it’s just not a viable location for defensive carry.1 point
You'll probably accumulate a bucketful before you settle on one you like! Even getting recommendations is challenging because what suits me may not suit you.1 point
Ya know, I get the idea and where you're coming from @leafinthewind. The problem is thats a very naieve view of how the world IS. Take off the rose colored glasses man. Most people are a$$holes! We're talking about ammo, not food! And despite the trend in society at large, nobody reading this is in imminent life threatening danger. You can argue wether action A is morally permissable, but nothing in this life is obligated to follow your definition of moral (regardless of the consensus). If someone charges price $###.## for a product and someone else pays it, why are you even in the conversation? The internet is a fascinating place because nobody ever gets punched in the mouth. You can flame people about any old thing that chafes you the wrong way that particular morning, and never have to atone for it (case in point!) I learned a looooooooong time ago to write out missives just like yours, and then delete it. Does nobody any good, least of all you. What you're doing here is essentially arguing that capitalistic pricing of ammunition is amoral. GTFO. You'd rather live in a country where the goobermint dictates what a 'fair price' would be? We have those places, you can go. If two private parties want to exchange goods and/or services its none of my damned business. Period.1 point
I thought on the thread you were referencing, you asked us what we would do. That made me assume you wanted our opinions. I really don’t understand the point of this thread.1 point
All the laws I've seen talk about Citizens and Permanent Residents. A conditional status does not grant you permanent residence. (Otherwise you wouldn't need to go back for another interview to get the conditional status removed, and a get a new and proper Permanent Residency card). You're more like a temporary resident until the conditional status is removed if your condition is satisfactory (for example, still married to a US citizen). Unfortunately, I don't have that temp card anymore, nor my first Green Card (which was pink I believe... the second was white, and the current is green). Still got the old I-688B though. Gawd, what a horrible picture. Not like the current one is any better though... Anyway, if you can't wait until the conditional status is removed, contact an attorney to find out for sure. But I'm reasonable sure that you'll have to wait.1 point
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