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  1. You did ask a legitimate, thought provoking question. Thankfully someone quoted it. The response was not personal. i’d wish you’d just put it back. The more stories like that the better. Doesn’t mean there’s ever going to be a solution but people need to know the reality.
    7 points
  2. I used to do that... Try to present cogent arguments in the comments section of my local tee vee news website. Noticed others as well. Then low and behold, they turned commenting off on their sites. Funny aye?
    7 points
  3. Seems to be the outcome was decided by the shooter. So be it. Until people in the communities decide they want different, this is what they are going to get. The fix has to come from within. That takes too much responsibility and commitment.
    5 points
  4. Just like a mass shooting...only different. The media sucks!
    5 points
  5. 6 cases out of 6.8 million doses is a case percentage of 0.0000009. That is very low. you have a greater chance of being struck by lightening which is 1 in 500,000 or (0.000002%)
    4 points
  6. It's Reddit. That pretty much sums it up ...
    4 points
  7. Ehhhhh, not so much. The idea of using government power to engage in guild protection actions and having any part in determining who is and isn’t a “legitimate” journalist sound a cure far scarier than the disease.
    3 points
  8. Life in section 8 is very different than in your regular neighborhoods, I grew up with friends and acquaintances in many a "jets" and lived right across the street from one. The problem is that when you get that many low income people all grouped up together, of any race as my peeps are Hispanic, you get crime and an us against them mentality. The government has tried to scatter those communities, but by then it has become a way of life for them and the crime spreads instead of stopping. The solution is to try and instill the values and work ethic required to succeed, but like others have said, it is something that needs to come from within, but the gov has worked hard at making them dependent on them and breaking up family units so there is nobody there to instill those values.
    3 points
  9. Then you didn’t see the story at the beginning. Not only was it mass shooting in the initial headlines, it was mass shooting all across the socials. I imagine the “if it bleeds it leads“ newsroom folks were quite disappointed when it turned out to be not what they were hoping.
    3 points
  10. As hard as traditional media is scrambling to hold onto their dwindling piece of the pie, I doubt that it will do much good. I'm convinced that they know it's crappy journalism. Get there first, even if it's wrong. If you are wrong, nobody will remember.
    3 points
  11. So many things when wrong. After looking at the map they hiked in a direction that appeared shorter to paved road but extremely rough terrain. I know making the right decision is never easy in the moment, but staying with the vehicle or hiking down the road they drive in would have been better options. 22miles even in extreme heat could be done. Wait for night fall and hike hard all night and you could be there before sunrise. They should have had more food and water as well as a mobile emergency device like Erik posted above. It’s easy to armchair quarterback this now but when you go to a place called “Death Valley” you HAVE to prepare to survive if the situation arises.
    3 points
  12. I went to the Rivergate Academy this morning, went to get a couple of accessories for my new pellet grill. While shopping I picked up an Otis Gun Cleaning Kit for my 9mm, I get in line and some poor fellow was trying to return something he bought. Well he was told that if he didn't have his receipt they were only going to give him a refund of half of what the item cost it was $30 total and they were only going to refund him $15.99, now to my check out experience. After he told them to shove it I go to check out, now I've been in line for 15minutes waiting on them to decide if they were going to refund his money, the check out lady starts to ring me up gets to the Otis Cleaning Kit and asks for my ID to buy it, well I lost it I asked her what she said cause I wasn't sure why she asked me for my ID. Well I'm probably not allowed back in there after I gave the manager a piece of my mind on how stupid it is to ask for ID when buying a gun cleaning kit. Oh well I won't shop there or any of their stores ever again.
    2 points
  13. She lost me when she started up with the whole "systemic racism", there is no credible evidence that this is the case, at least in how they portray it. Yes, there are a bunch of examples of racism, but to say it's "systemic" means we have policies in place that purposefully discriminate because of race. In fact, I'd argue that it is the opposite.
    2 points
  14. Residency is what matters. There are rare exceptions like folks stationed in the military can buy in their home of record and duty station location. I am always open to being corrected, but I don’t believe that it is legal for him to purchase and take possession of a firearm in Tennessee until he changes residency.
    2 points
  15. I follow a lot of news sources on social media. The first I heard of the "mass shooting" was from a friend in St. Louis that is in media, like a bunch of my other friends. Just clearing up that I didn't get it from a meme
    2 points
  16. Very little difference between the two these days.
    2 points
  17. I don't trust social media, but I also have no faith in the reliability or honesty of network news or print outlets. They are either producing click bait or have a political agenda.
    2 points
  18. My two cents. Section 8 may not be a bad solution, but it sure looks like it. The crime in those neighborhoods destroys everything around them. In most cases, good folks wind up fleeing because there isn't a clear solution. It's one of those things that makes me hate the government. I can't help but believe that it could be managed much better than feeding the problem. Keeping people at the threshold of poverty with no way up just begs for some crime. I don't know if there is any answer. I do know that they ain't doing it right today.
    2 points
  19. That's for sure, I never thought I would live long enough to see what's happening in this country. It's ridiculous what this day in age has come to, you need three different bathrooms so you don't offend anyone, then if you say anything about it or say anything else about anything in general, they want to stone you for it. Even going to Kroger's for groceries is a an adventure for me, it's hell getting old I guess this Cancer diagnosis I got has made me just sit back and take a good hard look at life, and I have to say it's unbelievable how some people just get on my last nerve.
    2 points
  20. If that's their policy, I won't patronage their stores even if they had buy 1000rnds get 500 free. I'm old and cranky, just about had enough of the stupidity.
    2 points
  21. It’s probably corporate policy and it’s ridiculous. It’s like having cashiers and greeters attempting to enforce mask mandates on the general public.
    2 points
  22. Always had good experience in Smyrna. Staff is always friendly and accommodating. I hope it's just the on store.
    2 points
  23. It was "Mass Shooting" everywhere on Facebook. It's icing on the cake for the gun control crowd.
    2 points
  24. I'm a big fan of the Athlon Midas TAC scopes. I have several of the Midas TAC 6-24x50 MIL and 1 of the Midas TAC 5-25×56 MIL scopes. I use them primarily for NRL22 and ELR 22LR (out to 500 yards).
    2 points
  25. It's possible that they will have something else. From what we have seen, the vaccine places get a batch of one kind. So, there may be a lag time. But, they are going to keep cranking it out for those that want it. Some people don't want it. And, the J&J news isn't going to help that.
    2 points
  26. THIS ^^ Unless you can change hearts Unless you can change the 'snitch' mind-set Unless you can change the drug/gang alure We will continue to morph into a Chicago/Memphis/Nashville situation
    2 points
  27. Or dying of general anesthesia: 1 in 100,000 Or dying from crossing the street: 1 in 556 Or dying in a car crash: 1 in 103
    2 points
  28. It should be noted that the pause is the system working exactly like it’s supposed to. Side effects get attention - and guidance modified if necessary. I personally hope the review will be expedited. This particular blood clotting issue - similar to the Astra Zeneca issue (they use the same delivery mechanism) that caused the pause in the UK is serious, but extremely rare. The number of cases detected is statistically below the background noise level for the population at large. Meanwhile, we’re still losing 750/day to the virus. There are no easy answers - but the messaging on this is going to be critical.
    2 points
  29. Yeah I hate people. It’s just like when “guns in bars” was passed. Drunk people have been having Wild West duels in the parking lots ever since, right?
    2 points
  30. "I like big bullets and I can not lie".
    2 points
  31. TGO ought to flood the media websites and social media with criticism. Just saying.
    2 points
  32. Made this the other day. It has links to each state that has reciprocity with TN. Some states don't list much, but this will get you as close as you can get to the right info if you need to research laws, regulations, etc., pertaining to carrying in other states that recognize TN Handgun Permits. States Recognizing TN Permits Alabama http://www.ago.state.al.us/Page-Gun-Reprocity-Law Alaska* http://dps.alaska.gov/statewide/PermitsLicensing/reciprocity.aspx Arizona* http://www.azdps.gov/Services/Concealed_Weapons/Reciprocity/ Arkansas* http://asp.arkansas.gov/services-and-programs/detail/concealed-handgun-licensing Colorado https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cbi/chpreciprocity Delaware http://www.attorneygeneral.delaware.gov/criminal/concealedweapons.shtml Florida* http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Divisions-Offices/Licensing/Concealed-Weapon-License/States-Recognizing-Florida-License Georgia* http://dps.georgia.gov/georgias-firearm-permit-reciprocity Idaho http://www.ag.idaho.gov/concealedWeapons/concealedWeapons_index.html#Do%20I%20have%20to%20take%20any%20classes%20to%20obtain%20a%20concealed%20weapons%20permit%20in%20Idaho Indiana http://iot.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2190/kw/ISP%20Firearms/related/1 Iowa https://www.legis.iowa.gov/DOCS/ACO/IC/LINC/Chapter.724.pdf Kansas http://ag.ks.gov/public-safety/concealedcarry/out-of-state-license-recognition Kentucky* http://kentuckystatepolice.org/ccdw/reciprocity.html Louisiana* http://www.lsp.org/handguns.html#recip Maine http://www.maine.gov/dps/msp/licenses/weapons_permits.html Michigan* http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1591_3503_4654-10957--,00.html Mississippi* http://www.dps.state.ms.us/firearms/firearms-permit-unit/firearms-permits-faqs/ Missouri http://ago.mo.gov/Concealed-Weapons/ Montana https://dojmt.gov/enforcement/concealed-weapons/ Nebraska https://statepatrol.nebraska.gov/media/10076/recognitionofconcealedhandgunpermits.pdf Nevada http://www.nvrepository.state.nv.us/ccw_changes.shtml New Hampshire* http://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/nhsp/ssb/permitslicensing/plupr.html New Mexico* http://www.dps.state.nm.us/index.php/nm-concealed-carry/reciprocity-agreeements/ North Carolina* http://www.ncdoj.gov/About-DOJ/Law-Enforcement-Training-and-Standards/Law-Enforcement-Liason/Concealed-Weapon-Reciprocity.aspx North Dakota http://www.ag.nd.gov/BCI/CW/reciprocity.htm Oklahoma http://www.ok.gov/osbi/Handgun_Licensing/Frequently_Asked_Questions/index.html#Q18 Ohio* http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Law-Enforcement/Concealed-Carry/Concealed-Carry-Reciprocity-Agreements Pennsylvania* https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/Media_and_Resources/Firearm_Reciprocity_Agreements/ South Carolina* http://www.sled.sc.gov/Reciprocity1.aspx?MenuID=CWP South Dakota* https://sdsos.gov/services-for-individuals/concealed-pistol-permits/reciprocity-agreements.aspx Texas* http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/RSD/CHL/Legal/Reciprocity/index.htm# Utah http://publicsafety.utah.gov/bci/FAQother.html Vermont http://ago.vermont.gov/divisions/criminal-division/gun-laws.php Virginia* http://www.vsp.state.va.us/Firearms_Reciprocity.shtm West Virginia* http://www.ago.wv.gov/gunreciprocity/Pages/default.aspx Wisconsin http://www.doj.state.wi.us/dles/cib/conceal-carry/reciprocity Wyoming* http://wyomingdci.wyo.gov/dci-criminal-justice-information-systems-section/concealed-firearms-permits/cfp-faq * Indicates the state has a formal reciprocity agreement with Tennessee (Note: Persons with a valid Tennessee Handgun Carry permit should contact any state for information on carrying such handgun prior to entering the state.) State States Not Recognizing TN Permits California http://oag.ca.gov/firearms/pubfaqs#10 Connecticut http://www.ct.gov/despp/cwp/view.asp?a=4213&q=494620 Hawaii https://portal.ehawaii.gov/ Illinois** https://www.ccl4illinois.com/ccw/Public/Faq.aspx Maryland https://www.mdsp.org/Organization/SupportServicesBureau/LicensingDivision/MainLicensingPage/LicensingandRegistration/Firearms.aspx Massachusetts http://www.mass.gov/eopss/docs/chsb/firearms/non-resident-application-2013.pdf New Jersey http://www.njsp.org/about/firearms.html New York http://troopers.ny.gov/firearms/ Oregon http://licenseinfo.oregon.gov/?fuseaction=license_seng&link_item_id=14705/ Rhode Island http://www.riag.ri.gov/index.php Vermont http://ago.vermont.gov/divisions/criminal-division/gun-laws.php Washington* http://www.atg.wa.gov/ConcealedWeapons/Reciprocity.aspx#.VOQgTfnF98E Minnesota https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/bca/bca-divisions/administrative/Pages/permit-to-carry-reciprocity.aspx ** Illinois does now allow out of state permit holders to keep their loaded handgun in their vehicle while in the state. Disclaimer: All laws are subject to change, so please visit the state(s) website you plan to visit to be sure your permit is recognized and so you know their HCP laws.
    1 point
  33. 700gr .458 prototype hp subsonic expander and 700 gr non expander.
    1 point
  34. Some folks want some power, but don't have the brains or skills to do the job. So, they create an imaginary problem that only they can understand and fix.
    1 point
  35. Found the go fund me page that explains the man died from fatal injuries trying to navigate the canyon to get to the road. The female ha da severe ankle injury require surgery. I simply think they made a bad navigation error and got in very extreme terrain and had a mishap. According to the timeline on the page if they’d stayed with the car they would have been found an entire day earlier. Assuming it had gas they could have even run the ac periodically to stave off heat trauma https://www.gofundme.com/f/emily-henkel-alex-lofgren-disaster-relief
    1 point
  36. ID’ed for a gun cleaning kit? Unbelievable !! (Hey, not you but the situation)
    1 point
  37. I get your frustration but there is a reason they say not to shoot the messenger. Check out lady, and even the store manager probably have zero decision making ability on that one. I'm sure that's a corporate policy.
    1 point
  38. With all due respect, I don't think criticizing news articles or other commenters who are reacting to a school shooting will do anything but push folks further away from the interests of law-abiding gun owners. Perhaps we should recognize the bravery and utility of SROs in protecting our children, instead? This was a textbook (pun intended) example of the role of the School Resource Officer in creating a safe place for kids to learn.
    1 point
  39. At lease there's room for improvement Austin East High/Magnet School in Knoxville TN - SchoolDigger.com
    1 point
  40. The "snitch" mindset is what I've told a friend and coach at one of the Knoxville schools everytime this comes up. Nobody ever sees anything apparently. I know when I was in school everyone pretty much knew who was in a gang, what gang, and where they registered on the worthless meter. Since I still live in the same county I grew up in I can tell you at least 6 of those same people are behind bars doing long stretches for stupid crimes.
    1 point
  41. Didn't you hear, their plan is to throw a bunch of money at the problem. Surely that will work. On a serious note, I'm not sure what they can and should do. It's not an easy fix.
    1 point
  42. The gang activity in that high school is shocking. The feuding and shootings are not uncommon. I’d wager this young man was on the hunt for a rival. Sad waste of young life. Glad the office wasn’t more critically injured
    1 point
  43. East Knoxville has pretty much been " Little Chicago " for about the last year or so. There is evidently gang war goin on that has its epicenter at Austin-East. These kids have been killin each other n takin potshots at everybody else for several months. The real tragedy is that the neighbors, the PoPo and the current " city mother " and " PoPo Czarinia " seem to be powerless and relatively unconcerned about it. SIGH. watchin leroy.
    1 point
  44. Trying to get the shots in Shelby County at the beginning was a total mess. But since the State stepped in about 6-8 weeks ago, its been a breeze. Quick, easy on-line sign up. Plenty of Vaccine, plenty of appointments and less than an hour to actually get the shots. I had no trouble at all getting both of my shots. It seems the problem here now is that although the system is running incredibly smoothly, people just aren't signing up. Only a small percentage of those eligible are actually taking the vaccine. County leaders are strongly encouraging people to get the vaccine. Also in Shelby County, the number of active cases is slowly creeping back up. But there hasn't been a major surge as some places have had recently. We were down to about 1,000 active cases a few weeks ago, but now up to 1451 as of today.
    1 point
  45. Congratulations on your bird. I had forgot.
    1 point
  46. Most importantly, the law sets anyone up with no permit to a police detainment, any time any where for an undetermined amount of time to do a back round check on at least the 8 points outlined in the TFA review. Whats more interesting is that a loaded handgun in your personally owned vehicle also puts you in jeopardy of a detention for back ground check if permit-less. If nothing else, this bill makes a stronger justification to get at least a CCP so you can "buy" an the exception & defense to a criminal charge of carrying a handgun with the intent to go armed in most locations. Thats all the clarification I need to know about this "gotcha" law. My enhanced expires in 5 more years at which point I get to throw more money at them for a life time one. End of story.
    1 point
  47. I would pay money to see that!!!
    1 point
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