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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2021 in all areas

  1. I hate to tell you, but the ammo may cost more than the firearms!! Nice looking pup btw!! Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.
    4 points
  2. Just like a mass shooting...only different. The media sucks!
    3 points
  3. East Knoxville has pretty much been " Little Chicago " for about the last year or so. There is evidently gang war goin on that has its epicenter at Austin-East. These kids have been killin each other n takin potshots at everybody else for several months. The real tragedy is that the neighbors, the PoPo and the current " city mother " and " PoPo Czarinia " seem to be powerless and relatively unconcerned about it. SIGH. watchin leroy.
    3 points
  4. Maybe, maybe not. Knoxville is not Memphis or Nashville. We are not used to this kind of violence, especially when it is centered around one school.
    3 points
  5. Facts ? we don't need no stinkin facts !
    3 points
  6. One male juvenile dead, one school resource officer wounded. Hardly a “mass shooting”. Not trying to make light of a bad situation now that the facts are coming out and as there have now been five kids associated with Austin-East high school shot and killed this year.
    3 points
  7. Yesterday, I attended the most valuable and humbling class imaginable. I knew that “Fighting Inside The Box” by Norsemen Training and Consulting Group http://www.norsementcg.com was going to be very challenging, but it far surpassed my expectations. It was obvious that a lot of thought and planning went into this class and the instructors were absolutely phenomenal. We began with about an hour of in classroom instruction and safety discussion. There was a lot of thought provoking conversation around defending yourself and others. Prior to entering the safe training area outside, we went through a triple check procedure and our firearms were flagged through the barrel and ejection port to indicate they were clear and safe. Next, we learned and practiced some very up close maneuvers. It was very stressful having a gun (even though it was triple checked for safety) pointed at me and equally uncomfortable for me having to point mine at a friend/classmate. I have been trained for years to never point a gun at something I did not intend to kill. That is a very powerful lesson and took a bit of time to overcome. I really questioned several times during class if I should even be carrying knowing the tremendous responsibility it is. You must be very cognizant about who and why you are shooting. Who is behind the attacker and is the attacker indeed a deadly threat to you or a loved one? As the class progressed from dry firing, role playing, and simulations, we progressed to live fire. I was amazed at how badly I did when the targets were moving unlike anything I have encountered in the monthly bug (back up gun) match at www.windrockshootingrange.com. I have been drawing from a holster for close to 5 years now and have taken several classes. During the stressful drills where I need to draw and move and shoot at the same time, I couldn’t even remember how to hold the gun! It was extremely eye opening to me how much I didn’t know and how much practice I still need. At the end, we did some really intense force on force scenarios with airsoft guns. My scenario was walking up on a man holding a gun on another man and they were screaming at each other. The guy begs me to shoot saying “help, this guy is going to kill me”. I just froze, even knowing it was a toy, the chaos and a gun pointed at someone scared the crap out of me. (It is not like watching movies, that is for sure). Then the guy holding the gun says he’s the police while the guy with his hands up is yelling that he is going to kill him. Instead of running for cover, I stood there like an idiot with my hand on my gun and my mind went blank. After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to articulate and asked to see a badge. Sure enough, it was an undercover cop trying to make an arrest. I saw the badge and retreated. It really made me think about what happens in real life when people legally carrying guns think they are helping but don’t know the full story. The whole class really opened my eyes to the stress, confusion and thought process that you would go through if a deadly force situation presented itself. I learned that I need a lot more practice and training, but this class was an incredible experience and I am so grateful Norsemen Training and Consulting Group is offering such real life training at www.windrockshootingrange.com. I also wanted to mention that safety was emphasized the entire day. The class size was kept small and even called in a 3rd instructor during the most complex maneuvers. They were all extremely knowledgeable and did an incredible job. I can’t wait for part 2! I understand there is a second class in May since this one filled up so quickly. If interested, contact Eric at Windrock Shooting Range!
    3 points
  8. Oh yeah. I got a puppy too!
    3 points
  9. The gang activity in that high school is shocking. The feuding and shootings are not uncommon. I’d wager this young man was on the hunt for a rival. Sad waste of young life. Glad the office wasn’t more critically injured
    2 points
  10. I met a guy last week that was excited because he bought 1000 rounds of 9mm for $750... As long as people continue to pay those prices we're going to be stuck in this situation a while.
    2 points
  11. Oh, I know. The Knoxville news was reporting a mass shooting earlier without waiting to get at least some semblance of basic facts verified.
    2 points
  12. Knoxville Dept of Health did, at least through the one I wound up at, ET Children's Hospital. - OS
    2 points
  13. Ladies and gentlemen I am here to BRAG! I have the greatest wife ever. I just purchased two new to me Taurus handguns this evening from Gunbroker. So y'all know I overpaid on these. No matter, I've wanted these two since they first came out and that isn't the topic. I forgot that GB is now charging tax on out of state sales so the total was over what I expected. She didn't complain, when I stopped bidding on one she said the total wasn't bad for two pistols I wanted. She is a saint, these are not "needed" purchases like what I bought last year. These two were purely wants. and now I have to find .357 ammo. Anyone have a suggestion on how I slip that one in?
    2 points
  14. Missed one opening day, rushed the shot and shot over him. Got one this morning. Always good breaking the new gun in on a decent bird. He had a 10in beard and 1in spurs. Nice bird Henry and glad the new shotty is working out.
    2 points
  15. I recently had a fellow member of the State Guard mention needing primers. I let him have a 1000 for $35 -the price I had paid when I bought them. I did the same for someone needing .22 earlier this year. I could have easily made a few dollars, but it was some of the excess I had accumulated during times when prices were reasonable. As I'm not shooting as frequently as I did in the past, my supply will last until I don't need it. I didn't purchase with the idea of reselling. I just didn't want to ever be caught short of what I need.
    2 points
  16. Yeah, yeah..I know. I just need to be fact based and not knee jerk reactionary. Makes it easier for me to go to war on their battlefield so I can cause trouble in their house, if you get my drift. I'm too old to tilt at windmills.
    2 points
  17. To answer the last question first. I do firmly believe that Jesus Christ will return before I die!! I would prefer to have no political parties. I think they are the problem. I would like to be able to choose from among several candidates for president or other positions based upon their competence, love of this country and leadership skills. That might be a step in the right direction, if we had an honest media. I don't want the media's slant, all I want is the news in a truthful manner. Quite alot to ask for huh??
    2 points
  18. Missed one opening day, rushed the shot and shot over him. Got one this morning. Always good breaking the new gun in on a decent bird. He had a 10in beard and 1in spurs.
    2 points
  19. I've read the articles, searched the web and I still can't find a straight answer. Exactly where can can an enhanced handgun permit holder carry that a citizen can't under permitless carry? Exactly where is permitless carry not allowed? I know about parks and greenways, but where else? I found and understand all the rules and qualifications for permitless carry. But nowhere do I find any specific information on where it is or isn't allowed. I really think this needs to be cleared up before someone accidentally gets themselves into trouble.
    1 point
  20. If you are doing it because you love a particular breed of dog it’s okay. If your doing it in hopes of making some money you will probably better off picking up aluminum cans to recycle. Some of my close friends did Yorkies for a couple of years and gave it up. Another friend of mine has breed dogs for thirty years and apparently does okay. He started with Jack Russels and has done Great Danes for a couple of decades.
    1 point
  21. Pfizer is 21 days, Moderna is 28 days. Those are the minimums, a week or two or even longer doesn't seem to make a diff in studies so far. - OS
    1 point
  22. I've seen a "letter" reportedly from Winchester floating around the interwebz...so take that with a grain of salt. But in that "letter" Winchester stated essentially that ammo will see a price increase of 8-10%, components 10%, and primers an increase of 25% starting in May (as best I can recall). I have no reason to doubt this. I'm just glad to see some availability out there for the folks new to our addiction, errr passion. It must be daunting for the new shooters. I'm in good shape myself and will barter or trade if needed, and certainly help out those I choose to help. But having been a shooter during the Clinton era ban and all that has followed helped me lean toward the preparation side of things...and I encouraged my friends to do likewise. Most did.
    1 point
  23. Lewis. The round post above the '797' is where the pan magazine mounts. The Vickers is a modified Maxim and is belt-fed. It doesn't look quite right to me. It might be a movie prop.
    1 point
  24. I fully agree condition and originality are the very essentials of pricing. I am not looking for advice sight unseen ...... just seeking a “forum expert” who is knowledgeable, willing to take a look at photos that I would send, and then offer their honest opinion. KahrMan .... thank you ...... I will be forwarding photos of the Sweet Sixteen this evening. Wayne
    1 point
  25. Well, I guess I can cap this thread off now. I got my2nd Moderna Vaccine injection on 4/9. All went well and I left after obligatory 15 minute observation period. Although I don't really think I was watched, just sort of shoved off in a chair and told to wait until time to go. Anyway, late Saturday afternoon, I started feeling a bit off. Joints aching, headache, and generally weaker than usual. Not bad enough to run to ER, but wife was concerned. Sunday was a bit worse. Had several just plain old deep bone aches. Tylenol and CBD creams helped, but not much. Pretty much like we were all told...flu-like symptoms. Fast forward to this morning. I feel pretty good. Aches gone, at least those new ones. lol Head feels better, and I don't feel dizzy or a bit queazy as earlier. Injection site on my arm is a bit sore. A bit swollen and red still, but fading. Overall, I guess I'll live a bit longer. Still looking out for that 3rd eye to appear though. Wife still says its a No for her. I say her choice unless mandated by Uncle Joe and his pals.
    1 point
  26. I have a Swampfox Blade on a M&P15-22. I wouldn’t use it for anything else.
    1 point
  27. Absolutely. And I would add, in reference to the OP's post, my (primers, ammo, etc.), my choice. What I choose to do, or not do with my stuff is my business. I'll buy, sell or give away at my discretion, without asking for anybody else's opinion, permission or forgiveness. I'll also accord everyone else the same privilege without ranting on the internet about their choices ...
    1 point
  28. Most of these stars are anti the common people having guns. I might have a little respect for some of them if they would refuse to use guns in their movies.
    1 point
  29. I know a few who do that, the guy you got your dog from and a couple others. Its a business for him and a hobby for the others. They make some cash as they have fairly high rent dogs, registered dogs. The puppies go for 2-3x what you paid. They also have kids to help with the work. It'll occupy nearly all your time for 8 weeks. Mallagators can be difficult to home. Not everyone has the time, place, or disposition to deal with one. Without papers, I think youd be hard pressed to make much money.
    1 point
  30. You cannot drive on a sandy, rocky road/trail with 2 flat tires, especially when they're both on the same side. A jacked up Jeep won't get far, and a stock Subaru sure won’t either. They were experienced in the back country and had supplies. They knew where they were going and left a note to tell others. Perhaps they though they would meet others there.
    1 point
  31. It would make an excellent starters pistol or train bird dogs with it. I love the back story. Those are the best. That bluing may be paint. Very nice.
    1 point
  32. There are many people that are Anti Gun to hear them talk that all own a gun. Many Democrats preach about being anti gunners that own a gun and many own several. Those like Pelosi and other politicians are the ones that do the most preaching about gun control are surrounded by people protecting them with guns. It's easy to be against owning guns when you are surrounded by people protecting them with them!! Then there are actors like Liam Nieseom (spelling) that is totally anti 2nd Amendment but uses them in about every movie he makes in Hollywood. I won't watch any of his movies. I will watch all of the John Wick movies because Kennan Reeves is pro 2nd amendment and will say it openly when asked. I'm sure Hollywood would not use him but he draws to much money in all his movies. Dianne Feinstein admits she has a carry permit and owns and carries a gun yet votes to keep lawful Americans from owning them! Typical Democrat!!!
    1 point
  33. There are enough dogs in this world. The fact that you are looking at this as a simple business should be enough to tell you what you need to know. Please don’t.
    1 point
  34. I wonder if it's safer in that scenario to stay with the vehicle. You would at least have shade and it's easier to find than a human. Side note, my wife actually got me one of these for my birthday. I'm still researching all it does but I do know a few things. 1) I can text with people. 2) it has an SOS button I can hit if I get hurt or break down. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/561269
    1 point
  35. It's Saturday night. Time to rock.
    1 point
  36. There’s a lot of confusion, not to mention interpretation. If a fella smarter than me wants to come enjoy with an easy to read chart listing the online, the enhanced and permitless carry and the rules for each one, I think it’d be a great resource! I’d like to se something in a chart something along the lines of the left column listing the ways to carry and places to carry etc, and the next 3 columns listing the types of permit, with appropriate Check marks as appropriate. Wouldn’t really be hard to do fir someone who really understands thus mess. Anybody?
    1 point
  37. I look at it this way, right or wrong. If you sell your stash at market prices, then that is between you and the buyer. But, if you purposefully clean out the LGS or other sporting goods store at normal prices just to turn around and sell them at market prices then you are a douchbag. You are not adding any value to the sale whatsoever. You just took away someone's opportunity to purchase at near normal (cause it's going up everywhere) just to line your pockets.
    1 point
  38. I’m good Dirtshooter, it’s just that the first part was the qualifying part of the second part....anyway, if you believe a 2 party system is the biggest problem, what would be the fix? Surely you don’t want a 1 party system, even though I do believe that’s where we are after the last elections with first time ever illegal voting changes that happened in swing states. In addition, the democrats are planning changes that will forever keep them in power. Mass mail in voting is nothing short of fraudulent voting. All the dems here can say what they want but even the democrat party said this just a few years ago. Anyone that can’t see that just doesn’t want to or they agree with it. One more thing, it’s very common for folks to believe major events are not going to happen in their lifetime whether its socialist/communist takeover or the return of Jesus Christ. Either one can drastically change a persons life.
    1 point
  39. I've got good news and bad news: The good news is, we're not of this dying world and it's not meant to be our home. We're just passing through. The bad news is that we're still called to be salt and light to it so we have to make a go of it while we're here. Any time some Leftist tells the world how much they hate me and my Christian brothers and sisters, I just smile and remember that Jesus said that they would and that they hated Him first. That tells me we're on the right path even if it's getting darker around us and the path sometimes harder to see.
    1 point
  40. Looks like he did a good job on refinishing that old Colt. Enjoy it and shoot it every now and then.
    1 point
  41. I’ve done worse, for less.
    1 point
  42. I got one right off the roost Saturday morning. Came in with 4 jakes. This morning ran one off the roost. Didn't know he was there, because he never gobbled. Heard a couple more but, way off.
    1 point
  43. Called one in for my brother on Saturday and he bagged his. Now its my turn!
    1 point
  44. I had the Sentinel attached to my Hellcat. The glass cracked from a slight impact that it took while still in the holster. They're fine for a range only, but not something to trust your life on.
    1 point
  45. Just thought I'd drop this here. My wife's and my daily carry guns. Mine is a Glock 19 MOS w/ an RMR on a C&H mount. Hers is a P365 with custom slide milling. The milling service was purchased through a GunBroker auction for $50 with the refinish. We both carry appendix and couldn't be happier with our setups; (I use a Sagax Lux 2 holster and she uses a Tulster Oath). We both have bad astigmatism -- the 507k is much crisper than the RMR. She tried the SwampFox first, while it had the best auto-brightness sensor I've come across, the dot looked like a Christmas tree to both of us. It was unusable. Anyone still on the fence about these things needs to jump off and get one. Just try a few out first to make sure they work with your vision. They are amazing additions to most any pistol.
    1 point
  46. I have been seeing a lot strutting around here in the mornings. I am getting excited.
    1 point
  47. Here is mine BHP. Was my father's and was passed down. Serial dates to 1961. It's got character. Quite a bit but shoots great. Just let me know and you are welcome to shoot it. I'm up in Macon County often given it's only 15 minutes from the house.
    1 point
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