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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2021 in all areas

  1. I've got good news and bad news: The good news is, we're not of this dying world and it's not meant to be our home. We're just passing through. The bad news is that we're still called to be salt and light to it so we have to make a go of it while we're here. Any time some Leftist tells the world how much they hate me and my Christian brothers and sisters, I just smile and remember that Jesus said that they would and that they hated Him first. That tells me we're on the right path even if it's getting darker around us and the path sometimes harder to see.
    9 points
  2. I would take that money and buy an air gun.
    4 points
  3. I really don’t care. I was hesitant about doing it and frankly, resent the whole situation and the need. But I did it anyway. Other people’s paranoia and freedom issues are theirs and theirs alone.
    4 points
  4. Yep, my call for people to end the practice of Slacktivism and put their own skin in the game. It was a great idea and maybe some folks did it, but the sad fact you are a rare bird if you do. I have very little faith in any political party. I identify as a Constitutional, Christian Conservative. There isn't a party that represents me anymore.
    3 points
  5. Me either. However, I wouldn't be inclined to be PO'ed at how anybody chooses to price their stuff. I subscribe to this maxim:
    2 points
  6. If the Republican Party remains spineless, we are doomed to a socialist future.
    2 points
  7. I would not pay $250 for $30 worth of primers. I fact, I would not be very kind at all to this fella.
    2 points
  8. Missed one opening day, rushed the shot and shot over him. Got one this morning. Always good breaking the new gun in on a decent bird. He had a 10in beard and 1in spurs.
    2 points
  9. If you don't need them, pass. Let this guy rip off somebody else. I can only see people in dire need resorting to such extortion. I certainly wouldn't have any part of it. While I doubt that prices will ever go back to what they once were, I have no doubt that the supply will eventually catch back up and prices will go down.
    2 points
  10. Y'all... these things have been going on since the beginning of time. People have been murdering each other since Cain smashed Able's skull in with a rock. The difference today is that the Leftists who run the media have an agenda and they are so close to succeeding that they can taste it. They are foaming at the mouth to report every single gun related act of violence that happens anywhere other than Chicago, Illinois right now. It's hype time. It's crunch time! They've languished for this moment for decades and they're almost at the finish line. They will report every gun crime they can just to push it to victory. We're ####ed, because most people are sheep and most people are just soaking it all in and thinking the thoughts that the Leftists want them to think.
    2 points
  11. Not sure I would shoot it at all. Cheesy revolvers are scary to me.
    2 points
  12. It sucks being stupid. If that’s the way “organized” shooting events are carried on then there needs to be a change in tradition.
    1 point
  13. I can't say that I've never done anything that stupid/careless/negligent. I won't say that I will never do something that stupid/careless/negligent. I will say that if, or when I do, I won't post pictures of it on the internet ...
    1 point
  14. You quoted me out of context. I said “if the Republican Party remains spineless”. I also think it may come down to how serious and faithful our armed forces are to their oath. Politicians sure don’t.
    1 point
  15. I grabbed some Varget should have grabbed some accurate #5 also last time I was there I got 200 primers.
    1 point
  16. Henry is that a Stevens 301? What gauge? I almost got another this morning. I set up on a point that drops off to a little creek. He came right up to the point. Full strut and then stopped and stretched his neck for a good look. I didn't have a decoy out and he didn't see anything. Let out 4 or 5 putts and skedaddled. There was 4 or 5 sapplings between me and him. I didn't notice them until the sun came up. Couldn't get a clear shot. He was there and gone in about 3 seconds.
    1 point
  17. I grew a boil on my butt. Does that count?
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I will say that the bluing is a little nicer than I expected. They seemed to get that right at least. The fact that it doesn't have any rust is also a surprise.
    1 point
  20. For the sake of expediency, let's just agree to substitute the word Reforms with the word Mitigations any time that Leftists promote something as a good idea. Supreme Court Reforms? Negative, Ghostrider. Those are Supreme Court mitigations. I sure am glad that Uncle Joe saved us all from COVID-19, though. Without him we'd probably be in... well... exactly the same place we are right now. Hey, work with me, folks. I'm trying to support the Party the best I can. They just aren't giving me much to work with.
    1 point
  21. They were made to shoot.....a few times. I'd hang onto it because it was in the family, but would choose something else for shooting. The cleaning tools are an interested addition.
    1 point
  22. I could be wrong, but that looks more like a display of Police captured weapons rather than a gangster showing off.
    1 point
  23. Williamson County Amateur Radio Emergency Services does classes every year. They have technician classes starting in May. They run it on Saturdays from 8am till noon. The classes can fill up quickly since they are cheap/free if I recall. Those interested in attending should contact Jack Cox via email at: ka4otb@comcast.net https://wcares.org/
    1 point
  24. You stated you didn't need them, as previously stated let him RIP somebody else off. Be patient grasshopper, they will come back in time. Take that $250 and do some driving, just saw a guy that bought lpp for $45/1k not cheap, but not $250 either. Wednesday I bought some 10mm brass and the man sold me 85pcs of NEW winchester primed brass for $13.00. Deals are out there, but so are ripoff artists.
    1 point
  25. I am with Mike,do not fire it. Make a display, lock and key shut, put the history on a card and display the pistol. Embellish the history with something like "She once fired off a few rounds to scare off a rabied dog".
    1 point
  26. As long as ammo keeps selling as soon as stock cones in, primers are gping to be scarce. The ammo makers are not going to sell 100 priners for $5.99 when they can use them in their own ammo that sells for a lot more.
    1 point
  27. Like I said, death from 1000 cuts. if you’re not actively working to regain the rights that we have lost when “your side” is in power, instead of just trying to make sure that it doesn’t get any worse when the other side has the reigns you’re not helping anything. Instead of swimming to shore, you are simply treading water until eventually the waves swamp you and drown you. I may disagree with @TGO Davidabout placing any faith in the Republican Party, but if you look back a couple years to 2018 and 2019 he was encouraging everybody here quit being slackers and get involved. So my point remains the same. It’s great everybody’s all riled up right now, but where were you for the last four years?
    1 point
  28. Is anybody else screaming in their head, gettem gettem?
    1 point
  29. Agreed. Permitless carry might be a better name.
    1 point
  30. true this is not constitutional carry. restrictions on WHERE and when and allthe other tripe. But it is a bite of the big elephant sandwich. remember, we didn't get here all at once, it took years, decades, to erode our freedoms. we won't get it back all at once either.
    1 point
  31. I don't think it's that bad. Essentially, if you can legally buy a gun, you can legally carry. That's good. I didn't have expectations going into this that a person under 21 could start carrying a gun. It's not a great bill, but a great step in that direction.
    1 point
  32. FWIW, I'm probably too old to keep up with this crowd. But, I'm cheering them on...
    1 point
  33. Well said, Garufa! That' pretty much my own position. I really don't need to elaborate any further than you have. Yes, I get my second shot tomorrow in my oncologist's office. My wife says she against taking it herself. We talked on it a bit and the result is that she's going to watch over me and see how I do before making a final decision for herself. I guess if I don't grow a third eye in the back of my head, or fall over convulsing...she might take one.
    1 point
  34. I have one of the Rhom RG 10s. Mine is a .22 Short only. I bought it for giggles for $20 and a no name set of plastic AR takeoff furniture. I probably paid too much. lol I have shot it, but I would say I had stouter feeling cap guns as a kid. My barrel even wiggles a bit. Since yours has family history, I would say that trumps any money. I would suggest you write up the info on it and store it with it so future generations can appreciate it. When my Dad cleaned out my Papaw's house he found guns he had never seen, but has no idea if they were war bring backs or just something he bought at the flea market.
    1 point
  35. Yet another in Texas today. [url=https://www.aol.com/news/police-multiple-people-hurt-shooting-210845646-222902596.html] Story Here [/url] This one seems to be a work place related event. Details are still sketchy at this time, but LEOs did say they believe the shooter was an employee. Any other year this sort of thing would make local news for a couple of days and quietly go away. of course with Biden starting his big gun control push, MSM is gonna milk these stories for all they can get. Personally, I think the Covid has a lot to do with these recent shootings. This last year or so has been tough on everybody. A lot tougher on some. I think some folks are starting to lose it big time and take out their anger and frustrations on innocent people.
    1 point
  36. That’s a neat piece of family memorabilia. My only advice would be to shoot it sparingly. The metal alloy on those wasn’t much more than basic pot metal. It’s really soft. It work until It doesn’t - and your options are pretty limited at that point.
    1 point
  37. https://tennesseefirearms.com/2021/04/bill-lees-hallmark-2nd-amendment-legislation/
    1 point
  38. Does that mean you’re awake and paying attention to what’s going on instead of sleeping like it seems everybody with an R next to their name has done for the last four years? That is how it works isn’t it? People seem to only care about the battle for the Second Amendment when a Democrat is in the White House. As long as people continue to play their little partisan games, our rights will continue to die a death of 1000 cuts.
    1 point
  39. It was how it was done. By using executive orders to instruct the ATF to change their ruling and declare something that clearly did not meet the definition of a machine gun as a machine gun It’s set president to do that with nearly anything. It wasn’t action taken by rule of law, it was imperial fiat. If you do not see how that relates to the executive actions taken today by President Biden, it’s because you’re choosing not to.
    1 point
  40. Let me see: The Justice Department, within 30 days, will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of “ghost guns.” Aint afraid of no ghosts; good luck trying to find these, and now that 3d printing of lowers have been proven, well, you get my point. The Justice Department, within 60 days, will issue a proposed rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act. Hmm, I wonder what the disabled Americans will have to say about this one? Would this fall under the American's with Disabilities Act?? The Justice Department, within 60 days, will publish model “red flag” legislation for states. SCOTUS needs to weigh on this clear violation of the 2nd, 4th, and 14th amendment. The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions. They wouldn't acknowledge evidence that would show more LEO intervention lowers crime now would they?
    1 point
  41. In addition, some of us decried the banning of bump stocks when it happened and warned that it was setting a very bad precedent but we were told to sit down. They shouldn’t have ever been approved in the first place. They were a toy. They had no real legitimate use. When we said it wasn’t about the bump stocks, but the way it was done. No attention was paid. Well, here we are. Thanks, Donald!
    1 point
  42. My wife gets her second dose this morning. I’m really thankful for that.
    1 point
  43. First time I heard this advocated for was many years ago by G. Gordon Liddy, of Watergate fame. Listening to his radio talk show one time, he was reporting on a story about an ATF raid on an innocent taxpayers home, and he mentioned that if that happened to any of his listeners, they should target the crotch area of the "ATF Storm Troopers" as he called them, since most body armor didn't cover that area.
    1 point
  44. Nice! Here is hoping your grandkids give it the same love and appreciation.
    1 point
  45. I don't think so, at least not for another 15-20 years and my generation dies off. Grumpy old men aren't nice to deal with!!
    0 points
  46. 0 points
  47. I got mine at Rick's Pharmacy in Paducah. They ain't equipped for embedding chips. They are gonna have to track me the old fashioned way... thru my iphone.
    0 points
  48. That might explain the itching in my right arm!
    0 points
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