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Somewhere out there is a meme about executive order abuse, regardless of which POTUS is doing it. A few of us have been complaining about this no matter who was in office and I recall being told to hush. I wonder how quick these new E.O's will be challenged.7 points
In addition, some of us decried the banning of bump stocks when it happened and warned that it was setting a very bad precedent but we were told to sit down. They shouldn’t have ever been approved in the first place. They were a toy. They had no real legitimate use. When we said it wasn’t about the bump stocks, but the way it was done. No attention was paid. Well, here we are. Thanks, Donald!6 points
The Second Amendment was written to protect us from this but people tolerate the gradual erosion of our rights the same way a frog will tolerate the gradual increase of heat of water until it's too late and he is boiled to death.4 points
3 points
Y'all... these things have been going on since the beginning of time. People have been murdering each other since Cain smashed Able's skull in with a rock. The difference today is that the Leftists who run the media have an agenda and they are so close to succeeding that they can taste it. They are foaming at the mouth to report every single gun related act of violence that happens anywhere other than Chicago, Illinois right now. It's hype time. It's crunch time! They've languished for this moment for decades and they're almost at the finish line. They will report every gun crime they can just to push it to victory. We're ####ed, because most people are sheep and most people are just soaking it all in and thinking the thoughts that the Leftists want them to think.3 points
I have one of the Rhom RG 10s. Mine is a .22 Short only. I bought it for giggles for $20 and a no name set of plastic AR takeoff furniture. I probably paid too much. lol I have shot it, but I would say I had stouter feeling cap guns as a kid. My barrel even wiggles a bit. Since yours has family history, I would say that trumps any money. I would suggest you write up the info on it and store it with it so future generations can appreciate it. When my Dad cleaned out my Papaw's house he found guns he had never seen, but has no idea if they were war bring backs or just something he bought at the flea market.3 points
I really don’t care. I was hesitant about doing it and frankly, resent the whole situation and the need. But I did it anyway. Other people’s paranoia and freedom issues are theirs and theirs alone.3 points
This can't be stated enough. I haven't lost a thing. I won't be giving up anything and I won't be going to jail. Whatever happens from here is not decided by me but I will certainly be the one to decide how it is going to end.3 points
Yep, my call for people to end the practice of Slacktivism and put their own skin in the game. It was a great idea and maybe some folks did it, but the sad fact you are a rare bird if you do. I have very little faith in any political party. I identify as a Constitutional, Christian Conservative. There isn't a party that represents me anymore.2 points
2 points
Well, I have part 1 of the mRNA experiment coursing though my system now. I already feel my DNA being rearranged can see that tracking chip moving around in the veins closest to the skin like a mole moving through the yard.2 points
I am afraid of the water, so everyone knows I ain't lost anything in a boating accident. If it is time to "lose" them, then it's time to use them!2 points
Does that mean you’re awake and paying attention to what’s going on instead of sleeping like it seems everybody with an R next to their name has done for the last four years? That is how it works isn’t it? People seem to only care about the battle for the Second Amendment when a Democrat is in the White House. As long as people continue to play their little partisan games, our rights will continue to die a death of 1000 cuts.2 points
Signed today. TFA says that they are waiting on the AG opinions on a few matters but that's about specifics details and not overalll legality.2 points
2 points
I'd also put berms around or floor drains under the major water appliances. If your water heater or clothes washer springs a leak when you're not home, there's no reason it should flood half the house. An ounce of prevention....2 points
Don’t get me wrong, I was unhappy about what Trump did, but I don’t think Biden’s announcements today would have been any different without the bump stock debacle. I do tire of folks (not directed at you) who claim to be pro-2A, but supported a guy who is obviously after our guns over a guy who was a smartass on twitter and made what appears to be an uncalculated bonehead move against bump stocks, but was overall much friendlier to gun owners than the current regime.2 points
They aren’t irrelevant. But the excuses that gun owners continue to make for Republicans that take action harmful to our cause is the reason why lasting gun control has long been, and will continue to be enacted under Republican presidents.2 points
It was how it was done. By using executive orders to instruct the ATF to change their ruling and declare something that clearly did not meet the definition of a machine gun as a machine gun It’s set president to do that with nearly anything. It wasn’t action taken by rule of law, it was imperial fiat. If you do not see how that relates to the executive actions taken today by President Biden, it’s because you’re choosing not to.2 points
I had a situation one time changing a water heater where I turned the water off at the street, cut into a line, and found out that the water company's valve was broken and wouldn't close all the way. Water came pouring in - slowly - only about a gallon a minute - but it was a giant headache. SharkBite made a permanent customer out of me that day with their slip couplings. And, from that day forward, there's not a place in my house that can't be isolated and drained if the need arises. It probably cost a couple hundred bucks and an afternoon to retrofit. But, the goodwill it's saved me over the course of my marriage was totally worth it.2 points
I can't speak for David, but after seeing his initial response bout going for the C&H plate. I did as well and it was a wise, if not costly choice. It sits a bit lower, has a "recoil" shelf at the front and uses threaded post to get a better thread engagement for the optic. I have the Walther plate as well and would work just fine, but the C&H "mil-spec" is much better.2 points
2 points
Phew, I feel safer already. I didn't really care what they were anyway. As I have said before, I'll simply be a criminal when the time comes. The way it's going I will have more rights at that point....... Oh yeah, I'm a white male. Scratch that.2 points
Some of these orders affect me directly. Some people like to make comments about boating accidents. I don’t have a boat, and I ain’t lost ####.2 points
1 point
As long as ammo keeps selling as soon as stock cones in, primers are gping to be scarce. The ammo makers are not going to sell 100 priners for $5.99 when they can use them in their own ammo that sells for a lot more.1 point
I do know someone who got to have fragments picked out of his hand because he just had to shoot the old rohm .22 his grandad kept in his tackle box all those years. Luckily he shot the .22 first because he had a .38 from his grandad too.1 point
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1 point
That holster is the PHLSTER Floodlight. It's made for PHLSTER by the folks behind some of my favorite gun-specific holsters, Henry Holsters. The advantage of the Floodlight design is that it's fairly universal for a wide range of guns since the weaponlight itself is what provides the retention. I also have a holster for the PDP without any light whatsoever from Tenicor called the CERTUM3, and a holster for use with the TLR7 from Texas Holster Solutions, called the Pierce. I'll post a pic of it below. I also have a TLR7 holster coming from McKinaTec but I haven't received it yet so I don't feel comfortable recommending it sight-unseen. Texas Holster Solutions "Pierce" Let me talk about that Surefire X300UB light and PHLSTER Floodlight holster some more, though: I am using that light and holster combination for several reasons. First, the X300UA light puts out 1,000 Lumens in a beam pattern and light temperature that really throws some illumination on a target. It's 1,000 usable Lumens and that can mean the difference between a bright light that just blinds you behind the gun, or a bright light that lets you identify a target and what they're holding from quite some distance away. Daytime, night-time, indoor, outdoor. Second, the longer holster honestly conceals BETTER for me and reduces the "hot" spots (pain points) that shorter Kydex holsters can cause when worn inside the waistband. Think of that long holster as being the keel fin on a sailboat, and your belt-line being the water-line. The extra length beneath the belt-line keeps the holster from wanting to shift around or "roll" at the belt. I can wear this thing all day and barely notice it. A shorter holster eventually starts to dig into my leg and cause a "hot" spot that rapidly makes it miserable once it begins. @Smith hit on some of the reasons to go with the C&H plate already. I will add that the C&H plate is precision machined whereas the Walther plates are cast metal. I've seen more than one person post that their Walther plates didn't fit perfectly flat in the pocket on the slide until they took a honing stone to them and flattened the bottom surface of the plate. Yeah the PPQ M2 mags work with the compact but are too short for the 17rd full size. Enjoy that gun and the second one you're going to buy too.1 point
So glad some of youse guys are getting it, especially some I know personally. Once I was two weeks past the second Pfizer dose, I felt fairly confident that my personal risk became near zero for serious illness/hospitalization/death. But even though the science seems to be showing that vaxed folks have very high probability of not being infectious period, I still would be reluctant to be closely associated with any one not vaxxed, as I just couldn't abide the thought that I caused someones illness or death, however slight that might be. Including some of you "younger" folks, as this UK variant is now hammering pre-geezer folks too. - OS1 point
Bump stocks are idiotic and I would never own one, but I’m all for keeping them legal because it potentially adds another obstacle for gun grabbers to un-do before they get what they want. However, I don’t see how banning them somehow paved the way for Joe and the hoe’s schemes. I doubt they need some precedent to proceed with whatever they have planned.1 point
I have the new full-size on order and it'll be here tomorrow. I'll have some pics of it soon. As for the auto, that's only in full size right now. Honestly, the Axis lock on the non-auto makes an automatic practically pointless in my opinion. With minor adjustment to the T-10 pivot screw you can get the sweet-spot where the blade doesn't have any wiggle to it but will flick open with barely any effort, if not open/close by gravity only. I took the blade and brass washers out of my Mini, cleaned the blade and pivot thoroughly and applied some better oil to it, and polished both sides of the washers on a 5,000 grit water stone to smooth them out. That knife opens effortlessly.1 point
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1 point
Windbaggery for " The Children of Lower Estate "... watchin leroy...1 point
1 point
Ghost gun - its what Bill Murry used in Ghost Busters1 point
With as much rain as we've had I'm a little surprised the fire is able to spread like that.1 point
Well I got the shot around 1215 yesterday. I felt perfectly normal until around 10pm when I tried to go to bed and realized I had a mild fever. If I had taken their advice and eaten some Tylenol I probably would have slept ok. I didn't get much sleep but aside from that and a sore arm, I feel pretty normal today. CVS was very efficient. The entire process took around 30 minutes and half of that was waiting after the shot to make sure I didn't croak.1 point
Once this is all over, I’d sure love to be able to read a brief summary of what has actually changed. Right now, I find it difficult to keep up with.1 point
I have two 10mm pistols, a Dan Wesson Bruin and a Springfield Armory TRP Operator. Both have been excellent pistols. My only issue with them is finding ammunition.1 point
Our gun laws here in Tennessee are starting to remind me of the obfuscation the ATF uses. How in the world can anyone expect the average NON HCP citizen to understand what and where they can legally carry? The state has committed a disservice to Tennesseans by calling this 'Constitutional Carry'. As a 'gun guy', many of friends expect me to be able to give good advice on this crap, and lord its hard to keep up, lol. If anyone has the time and knowledge, it would be useful to create a downloadable chart that depicts in easy to read columns, the places and what one can carry with one column being HCP holders and the other being the co-called Constitutional Carry persons. I don't understand it enough to do that.1 point
I don't agree with "hate crime " bs, but people murder for all kinds of reasons. People murder their loved ones and believe they love them the whole time. Moms do the murder/suicide thing because they want to be with their children in the after life. Serial killers usually have a trigger that makes them want a victim. They don't necessarily hate them. At most they are indifferent to them, or believe they have a connection with the victim. Sometimes they just hate people. They are all varying degrees of crazy.1 point
I’m not fired up about anything brother. I just stated my opinion. I’m learning that nothing outside of my household is worth getting worked up over. My anger changes nothing. It’s wasted energy.1 point
I did a thing last week. Believe it or not, I haven't been able to make it to the range yet. Which is just as well as I decided to switch optics and put a closed-emitter Holosun HE509T on it instead. Thankfully I ordered both the mounting plate for the 509T as well as the RMR-footprint plate from C&H Precision Weapons a week or two before I had ordered the gun. Now I am just waiting on the 509T to arrive. No sense getting one red dot sighted in when I'm going to switch to another! Wasting ammo like that is 2019 type of thinking; not 2020 thinking where you begin to consider whether you should reclaim your bullets and smash them back into shape as best you can after you shoot them at things.1 point
Made it to the range today and it is a pleasure to shoot. Very consistent and grouped tight.1 point
1 point
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