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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2021 in all areas

  1. We do not have a Conservative anything related to our TN legislature. If I could construct in your minds a meme, of a relay team of runners, consisting of Jimmy Naifeh, Beth Harwell, Glen Casada with Cameron Sexton being the final leg, I would do so and maybe I could then improve the consideration of the voters in Tennessee that the stuff hitting your shoes is NOT rain water...
    3 points
  2. In very rural southern middle TN and just switched today from Spectrum (aka Charter) cablemodem rated for 200Mb/s (nomally see about 125 down and 11 up) to JTM fiber and am currently getting 885.91 down and 818.96 up with a ping of 1ms.
    3 points
  3. I am all for early warning, specially for high winds and tornados, but it seems that the weather people cream their shorts when this stuff develops. They take over programing and keep repeating over and over their dire warnings about the possibility of damaging weather conditions for what seems like hours. It gets to the point where you start to ignore the information, even when you are in the supposed path. I would much rather they come in during a commercial, do their spiel, then go away, or drop it to a corner of the screen like some do. I get it, job security and all, but there has to be a happy medium. During tornado warnings, I can see going at it full bore, but when it's just a watch they need to back off a little.
    2 points
  4. Thank you for your work on this and keeping us informed.
    2 points
  5. I know a park I can point you to, but the city might take offense. I would be glad for the reduction of duck crap on the walking trail. lol I have been hit wanting to buy stuff several times by members that joined minutes ago. Many barely post a full sentence and never come back. If they can't bother to come back and respond tp a PM I am not sure why they bother joining. I did have a guy a couple years ago join, buy a mag off me, and never came back. Transaction was smooth, but he was in AZ if I remember. Part of what makes sites like this good though is that you have somewhat of a gauge of existing members. New members just have to put a bit of effort in to get involved. I was the new guy not that long ago too, but I feel it was totally worth investing some time to post and build up some reputation here. Much better dealings here than Armslist for sure.
    2 points
  6. I just moved to Tennessee from Colorado and have some extra pistols that I'd like to get rid of. Now that I'm no longer locked in an apartment there are things that I'd like to purchase. I told the guy that offered it was his, pending no felonies and no DV's. Same with the guy that posted the riding mower. I don't have thousands of extra dollars lying around after moving and buying a brand new house to spend on the new items I need for the house, so I'm trying to finance them by selling or trading things that I don't use often. Retire Army, if you have any other questions about my intentions please feel free to send me a PM and I'll give you my number do we can discuss them.
    2 points
  7. 1910 Packard, well guarded, in Mexico
    1 point
  8. “The Memphis City Council approved a resolution opposing a state bill that would allow residents to carry a gun without a permit.” Jeez, it’s a local resolution showing lack of support for what the State is trying to do. They’re not proposing a local ordinance. No need to cut and paste the entire TN State Code.
    1 point
  9. Thanks for Lonesome Dove! RIP!! Larry McMurtry, Pulitzer Prize-winning ‘Lonesome Dove’ author, dead at 84 | Fox News
    1 point
  10. I find the Wrangler carpenter style shorts (& pants) very comfy, and wear well. I prefer my clothes on the loose side so I'm not all bound up when sitting, etc., or mowing the yard, yada yada yada.
    1 point
  11. Yep, they decided that DSL was out-mode'd tech that they didn't want to deal with any longer so they effectively pulled the plug in situations like mine. Didn't matter to them that I couldn't be a broadband customer due to no existing or planned rural infrastructure, and even for wireless I had to track down my own one-off solution. Carpe diem Elon....
    1 point
  12. Reminds me of the days of Bob Lobertini all the time predicting snow on Channel 5. Many people swore that he was paid by the grocery stores to improve milk and bread sales.
    1 point
  13. My question is who is the person behind the curtain everyone (legislators) keep alluding to as not allowing us to enjoy all the 2nd Amendment? What power is granted this individual, or cabal if it be, by the Constitutions of the State and Union to deny your your Right to arms clearly enumerated by the Constitutions, and in light of the McDonald v. City of Chicago decision where the 2nd was incorporated against the state by the 14th? Would each of us feel ill treated if these miscreants decided to limit us each to one nostril to breath with, seeing as to how they have determined themselves to be the final arbiter of how much of anything we can have, oxygen in the atmosphere being another thing our Creator gave us? Not on point possibly but consistent I think...
    1 point
  14. This was the second time this week we were all supposed to die yet nothing but some rain. Anyone who’s 30 or older ever remember school being canceled because of a thunderstorm?!
    1 point
  15. I prefer Propper https://www.propper.com/?CAWELAID=120277770000078567&CATRK=SPFID-1&CAAGID=111723080047&CATCI=kwd-361681881019&CAPCID=461164110239&CADevice=c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjPaCBhDkARIsAISZN7TSA3d3B7-F1Wik7k6msHs2WvR_bLuCUyYpoTevzsY5M2-GMS6---saAjgxEALw_wcB They last for years and have big pockets. One feature on some of their shorts that I really like is a concealed pocket within the back pocket that contains and hides my Taurus Slim 9 in a pocket holster while still allowing easy access.
    1 point
  16. That makes sense since the hog really isn't fighting back. And the bear only pounced because the hog was already hurt.
    1 point
  17. Yah, and sometimes there's other issues. One reason that we went ahead with the rural home purchase near Portland, TN back in '16 was that the owner worked-from-home via DSL. Not thrilled with DSL but figured it would be the best we could do and was workable. Well, when that owner closed her account, turns out she only had phone & DSL service at all because she was grandfathered in when AT&T had bought out the local provider. So when we moved in, that was all shut-down. Had to scramble for a solution. At least these days looks like there are more options in that area, and hopefully rural TN in general.
    1 point
  18. Thanks Mac. Yep, that's the rub indeed. Fortunately, some developers - a rare few so far, actually 3 that we've found from Old Fort up to Townsend! - are arranging for fiber internet in their developments. The search continues...
    1 point
  19. "JTM Broadband is a family owned business that was started by two brothers who wanted to create a more reliable Internet network in their rural community." Great to see local SMB solutions step up to fill the gaps. Finding options like this is often only accomplished via word-of-mouth or luck. The latter was our case with the hot-spot solution.
    1 point
  20. It’s a shame that this bill is the “best” the supermajority can deliver. While this bill is a disappointment, I am disgusted that my supposedly “100% pro-second amendment” state senator voted against the bill in its entirety. Having seen his votes in other matters, I am not entirely surprised. He is not what he claims to be, but I suppose most politicians are the same.
    1 point
  21. Welcome to the new members. I just passed my 7th year here on TGO and I stay around for a lot reasons...all of them being examples of this just being a great place to hang out on the internet. I'm all for new folks joining the site; especially if they're paying for the privilege as a benefactor. And while I'm not much of a buy/sell type through here compared to some, I'm also a-okay being someone's first transaction partner. If they're minding their Ps and Qs as they get the lay of the place, not trying to make themselves out to be the best new member in the history of ever, and don't have anything giving me reservation...no issues doing business if it suits us both.
    1 point
  22. Back when my sons were young and I was a Boy Scout Leader (1988-2000) our troop did two special camping trips each year. One each to teach and earn the Rifle and Shotgun Merit badges. We started weeks before with classroom work at the regular weekly Troop Meetings and finished with a weekend of live fire. I taught the classroom part several times. Even 20 years ago I had to spend a good portion of the class dispelling anti-gun propaganda that had been taught to them. The course wasn't just safety and function, but also included the 2nd Amendment and history of firearms. The boys were eager to learn and every one earned their Merit Badges. These two camping trips were the biggest of the year as many fathers and even mothers on occasion wanted in on the fun.
    1 point
  23. Honestly...for me it was initially from being bored. The only other online forum type activity I'd ever been involved with was the Tennessee Civil Society. Points awarded for knowing it, attaboy for having been a member and friends with the man behind it all. LOL I was referred here by another on TCS as it went down. Was extremely intimidated when I got here. Lots of smart, well heeled guys; and I was s piddling, out of a job guy with big medical issues. Wasn't even sure I'd be around for long. Both figuratively and literally. But still here. It's been quite a ride, with only a few bumps along the way. Wouldn't have missed it for at least 20 bucks.
    1 point
  24. I have 2 hearing aids, furnished by the VA, so no cost, thankfully. The first ones I had were the little in the canal type. A royal pain in the ass to use. Hard to get in & out, volume control almost unusable. Finally quit using them. Years later, I got the newer version ( behind the ear & little cone inside the ear. these worked really well. I have a newer version of that now. The ones you se on TV, I believe, just basically amplify, with out all the extra bells & whistles. Noise reduction, directional hearing, etc. You kinda get what you pay for. The good ones run several thousand $$$$. Bottom of the list is $29 at Walmart. They do work, up to a point. I used on temp. when one of mine quit. This may not have the answer you were looking for completely, but hopefully it will help some. Good luck, Larry
    1 point
  25. I still say if “the package” goes under water it will never be recovered unless someone is really, really lucky. Way too many variables to make it a successful plan.
    1 point
  26. I just joined today, if I saw a good deal I’d make an offer to buy. If it’s a FTF transaction I’m not sure why anyone would be scared. It’s not like it’s gunbroker where you mail in a money order. Hello all by the way!
    1 point
  27. It’s not uncommon for folks to join specifically for the purpose of buying or selling an item. Sometimes they even stick around and become valued member of the community.
    1 point
  28. I don't buy or sell with anyone who has no reputation points, and I'm confident others here take the same precaution. I think it's fine for new folks to get involved in the classifieds if they pay to become benefactors, but I just feel better dealing with someone who's been around a little while. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  29. I don't listen to the tripe either, I read the transcript, that's bad enough. I despise communist's & those that support them.
    1 point
  30. I read that the Park folks suspected the boar had been hit by a car
    1 point
  31. It's not the "schools" job. It's the job/responsibility/duty of Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, Big Brothers to teach these things to their sons & daughters.
    1 point
  32. Pretty sure they do teach a modicum of gun safety in schools...they are bad, if you see something say something, shelter in place, panic.
    1 point
  33. I'd like to see weapons safety/familiarization classes offered or required in high school.
    1 point
  34. Deuce Bigalow! You wouldn't want to work from your home.
    1 point
  35. Proverbs 23:4-5 4 Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness. 5 Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.
    1 point
  36. I can't speak for the other services, but in the Marine Corps boot camp EVERY recruit spent two weeks on the rifle range where the first week was safety, marksmanship, and dry-firing exercises, and the second week was live fire with the last day as qualifications. We were also familiarized with, and fired, the .45 pistol. Every year after boot camp, EVERY Marine had to spend a week going through it all again, and when you made NCO you had to qualify with the pistol too. The only time that you got to stop that process was when you got out of the Marine Corps or you qualified Expert 6 years in a row. Then there was safety training around machine guns, hand grenades, rocket launchers, artillery, etc. Hell, I got more safety and weapons training in the Marines than I did as 6.5 years as a LEO! With all that safety training, weapons training, and live fire some Marines still did stupid that got them or others hurt or killed. We've even seen certified firearms instructors have NDs including shooting their selves in front of their classes.
    1 point
  37. You said constantly supervised. That means a so-called "superior" watching over me 24x7x365. That didn't happen.
    1 point
  38. Um, no they aren't. Most of my time while in the Marine Corps I had no "superior" anywhere around me.
    1 point
  39. Slight stretch for old guns and I did hammer a few cap rolls but I really like stuffing one of these full of caps.
    1 point
  40. TN has had a 'permitless carry' provision for several years that applies to your vehicle. It is an extension of the Castle Doctrine. Applies to firearms, not specific for pistol. Has nothing to do with hunting. You may have some confusion with the provision that applies to carrying a handgun while hunting if one has a permit.
    1 point
  41. TCA 39-33-106 (a) (16) Handgun means any firearm with a barrel length of less than twelve inches (12²) that is designed, made or adapted to be fired with one (1) hand
    1 point
  42. Haha, guilty as charged, I'm no doctor. I also didn't give any medical advice. I attempted to clarify a point in the discussion: the mRNA gene therapy being pushed as a 'vaccine' is anything but. Its hard to have a cogent conversation when people misuse language. Can't have a talk about sports cars with a prius owner that thinks its a sports car. Its simply not possible if everyone doesn't agree on the language? That's why this whole debate is useless, we're talking passed each other by not understanding what we're saying to each other (due to ignorance or misuse). The advice I offered is about life, not medical in nature. You probably shouldn't inject yourself with something put together by the same people who have publicly stated they want you dead.
    1 point
  43. https://wreg.com/news/memphis-city-council-passes-resolution-opposing-permitless-carry-in-tennesse/ MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Memphis City Council approved a resolution opposing a state bill that would allow residents to carry a gun without a permit. Cosponsored by City Council members Chase Carlisle, Patrice Robinson, JB Simley, Jr. and Dr. Jeff Warren, the resolution said the proposed legislation would endanger the “health, welfare and public safety” of those in the city of Memphis. Memphis Police Director Michael Rallings, District Attorney General Amy Weirich and Memphis mayor Jim Strickland have all said they oppose the measure. More than 55 Memphians have been killed this year, which is well ahead of last year’s record homicide number of 332. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, who is a supporter of the bill, has argued that allowing more law-abiding citizens to carry guns would make Tennessee safer.
    0 points
  44. If there's that much concern I can't imagine what's going to happen when I try to find places to duck and goose hunt
    0 points
  45. Yeah...me too...perfectly normal...
    0 points
  46. For what it's worth - from someone who does this for a living - the payoffs associated with examining your assumptions on this end of your decision making paradigm likely far outweigh worrying about how to hide your stuff.
    0 points
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