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I'm not sure how everything is a conspiracy with some if you. Maybe stop watching people like Sidney Powell? Once you have one mass shooting, it's not uncommon to motivate another person to do the same. For whatever reason, we had almost no mass shootings last year compared to previous years. I was thankful for that.7 points
Without getting too overtly political, you know the mainstream media outlets are very disappointed about this particular development.5 points
Happiness ranks ahead of money on my list, assuming of course there’s enough money to cover necessities.4 points
Once again, none of the constitutional carry bills have any effect on the permits. They simply remove the necessity for one for a citizen to carry in the state. The permits all remain intact and with all of the requirements. This will only affect the carrying of a firearm within the state of TN.4 points
For those that wish to get or keep their permit, sure, why not. But there should be no prerequisites for anyone 18 or over to be able to exercise their inalienable rights. If the Government wants the age to be 21, so be it, but everything else should go to 21 as well, including serving in the military. Seems to me if someone is old enough to die for their country, then they are old enough to carry a weapon for self defense.4 points
3 points
So about the bill... It passed out of the House Finance Ways and Means committee after basically zero conversation about the financial impact of the bill.3 points
We have another active shooter while such aggressive gun legislation is being pushed through. Not being insensitive to the victims, just suspicipus of the timing AND amount of media attention it gets. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/active-shooter-reported-grocery-store-colorado-boulder-police/story?id=766144882 points
I've been working from home for the past year, it's more like going to work in pajamas, waking up 10 minutes before I clock in, and sitting on the couch with a lap top. I'll quit if we go back to "normal".2 points
This is all within the same company. The retirement is fantastic and worth more than the pay. Even after my death, my Wife will be well taken care of. Nongovernmental job, so no tax dollars.2 points
You might also want to figure in the cost of heart problems and depression on top of the cost list. My last stress induced heart attack cost me almost $125,000. I worked 32 years in a high paying, high stress job. I too could have made it just fine on less money with the same company.2 points
In Special Ops we had a bunch of live fire, heck in our assessment course we fired hundreds of rounds a day. We are the "Tip of the Spear" and still have stupid incidents, so training doesn't prevent stupidity. But we are not talking about folks that will carry a gun for a living here, we are talking allowing people to exercise their rights to self defense. Nobody has to ask permission to post stupid things on the internet, even though many will see legal and life altering consequences due to it, including those under 18. If we were discussing having a licence to post on a forum or other social media many would, rightly, be up in arms about it.2 points
2020 sure wasn't a "stay at home" year for some killers. But I too can honestly say that I don't recall most of these, probably only covered locally and a blurb by national MSM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2020 2020 date City State Dead Injured Total Description September 7 Aguanga California 7 0 7 A shooting at a large marijuana grow house left seven people dead.[185] June 4 Valhermoso Alabama 7 0 7 Shortly before midnight authorities responded to a home fire. Once the fire was extinguished seven adults were discovered dead by gunshot wounds.[457] March 15 Moncure North Carolina 7[n 1] 0 7 Seven adult members of the same family were killed in an apparent murder suicide and were discovered after reports of shots fired.[557] June 11 Monroe Louisiana 6[n 1] 0 6 A mother killed her neighbor, and four children aged 12, 8, and 5-years-old and a 5-month-old infant, before committing suicide in a murder-suicide.[437] February 26 Milwaukee (1) Wisconsin 6[n 1] 0 6 Milwaukee brewery shooting: Five people were killed when a gunman opened fire at the local Molson Coors Beverage Company campus, where he had been employed. Afterwards, the gunman committed suicide. December 25 Atkins Arkansas 5 0 5 Five females aged between eight and fifty; three were children, were found killed by a family member. Police believe it was domestic related.[20] December 22 Meridian Mississippi 5[n 1] 0 5 Four individuals were discovered killed in three separate homes after wellness checks were called for them. The perpetrator died of a self inflicted gunshot wound.[22] July 29 Elyria Ohio 5[n 1] 0 5 A man killed his wife and three children, aged 12, 10 and 6-years-old, and then himself in an apparent murder-suicide.[288] April 27 Milwaukee (3) Wisconsin 5 0 5 Five people were killed in a home, aged between 14 and 41, with a child being uninjured in the violence. Police are treating the incident as a matter of family violence.[521] March 15 Springfield (Mo) Missouri 5[n 1] 2 7 A shooter killed four people, including a police officer, and injured two others, including another police officer, before committing suicide at a gas station.[556] January 24 Vanceboro North Carolina 5[n 1] 0 5 A man shot and killed his wife and three children, aged between eight months and four years old, along with the family dog. He then killed himself.[607] December 20 Mayfield Kentucky 4 0 4 A wife, husband, and two children were fatally shot inside of their home.[23] December 13 Elkview West Virginia 4 0 4 A family member discovered two parents and two children, aged 12 and 13-years-old, killed in their home. The killer was reportedly a third teenaged child of the family.[28] November 30 Palmer Alaska 4 0 4 A man was killed, and shortly later a woman and two children; aged 10 and 7-years-old were killed at a home. An additional child was found uninjured in the home.[42] November 3 Henderson (1) Nevada 4[n 1] 1 5 A man shot and killed three people at an apartment complex before being shot dead by police. A fifth person was taken to a hospital with gunshot wounds but the condition of the person was not yet known.[82] August 15 Belleville Michigan 4 0 4 Two men and two women were killed in a home, with one of the women killed identified as the shooter's former fiancée. The shooter boasted about the killings on social media and text messages before being arrested.[252] July 7 Paterson (2) New Jersey 4 3 7 In a late night shooting, four people were killed and three injured. Officers suspect the shooting was retaliation by people recently released from prison.[339] July 4 Chicago (20) Illinois 4 4 8 Four people are killed, and at least four more were injured at an outdoor gathering in Englewood when four men opened fire into a crowd. No suspects have been arrested.[363] May 17 St. Matthews South Carolina 4[n 1] 1 5 A mother and her 15 and 12-year-old daughters were shot and killed by her husband who wounded another daughter before killing himself in a murder-suicide. Another daughter was uninjured and ran for help.[502] February 20 Orlando (1) Florida 4[n 1] 0 4 A man killed his wife and two children before killing himself.[579] February 5 Indianapolis (1) Indiana 4 0 4 Four people were fatally shot on the Northeast section of the city. The victims are three males and one female and their ages are unknown yet. No suspects have been identified or arrested.[593] February 1 Union Parish Louisiana 4[n 1] 0 4 A shooter shot and killed two members of a family and a friend of one of them inside a house. A third fled through a window uninjured and alerted the authorities. The shooter then committed suicide.[597] January 17 Grantsville Utah 4 1 5 Haynie family shooting: Four people were killed and one was injured after a teenager allegedly fired at his family at their house. He was charged with four counts of aggravated murder, one count of attempted aggravated murder and five counts of illegal discharge of a firearm.[614]2 points
I dunno. We had Marines putting live rounds in M-16's that had the BFA attached. In my battalion we had a Marine with a M-16 loaded with live rounds shoot a Korean woman while he was riding by in a truck on maneuvers. It's the old saying, "You can't fix stupid."2 points
You said constantly supervised. That means a so-called "superior" watching over me 24x7x365. That didn't happen.2 points
It's a good start. But the TFA will never be happy with a bill. If they pass it, there won't be any reason for them to exist and they won't be able to fear monger to make you give them money anymore.2 points
Good point. I'm sure by definition we had mass shootings last year. But we didn't see the sort of high profile shootings like those that have occurred this month in GA and now CO. If we did, I missed them. I only mentioned that because I remember thinking last year that it had been a while since we saw one and if anything, you would think more angry people would have lashed out last year during all the COVID stress.2 points
I broke and watched a bit of the YT vid. What the hell is the current impulse to pull out your phone and video or livestream instead of calling 911, providing aid, or evacuating????? I guess he wanted to up his YT views. Then scared away someone trying to provide aid to a downed victim. Depends on your definition of mass shootings and where you look. Many places list a large number of multiple injury or death shootings during 2020, but most never made it to the national news. Granted, if you read through them a lot seem to be more gang/drug violence, murder suicides, and such than what is typically considered a "mass shooting" but that has not stopped them from being covered before. The media was just busy covering the pandemic since it garnered the highest ratings. Otherwise a lot of those would have made the headlines. This is the reason I watch very little news anyway. When I do, I avoid either far side of any debate. No idea who Sidney Powell is. My distrust is pulled from a lifetime of watching powerful people nudge things to get them to move in they way they want. Financial markets and legal matters are just 2 of them. Then the media has its own agenda to get ratings. I just get tired of being treated like a mushroom.... Fed sh!t and kept in the dark...2 points
2 points
In my experience its closer to around 97% and it is definitely not welfare for me. And seeing as how my school regularly has students in the class that do not NEED to take the class, it shows me that there is some tangible benefit to someone. If I had my way, the class would require much more than the current requirement. But the state sets the curriculum. We are not allowed to change even a slide or a word on the test. They set the shooting standard. We spend as much time on the range doing dry work as we do live fire because we deal with so many students that have never touched a gun before. I am an instructor in ECP classes and I support constitutional carry. I recommend to folks that they get training. But I'm not their daddy. I ain't making anyone do anything!2 points
https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8?q={"search"%3A["hr+8"]}&r=1&s=1 Think it will pass? 210 co-sponsors, of note the equivalent bill from last year had 232 co-sponsors. I notice Cohen and Cooper are both on the list. GOA have a nice tool for sending emails.1 point
I had a couple minor installations recently that I was hesitant to tackle by my myself, one on an AR and one on a pistol, so I took them to Greenbrier's Guns & Leather. Jeff Walle did both while I waited at very reasonable prices. Admittedly, these weren't major gunsmithing projects, but after this, if I did have a major issue, Id take it to him unhesitatingly. He seems very skilled and as a bonus, interesting to talk with.1 point
I can only echo what everyone else has already said. I've been taking firearms to Jeff since the mid 80's.1 point
Now, once again, the gun did it. I must have the laziest dang guns in existence. They sit in controlled environment 24/7 doing nothing. There is always plenty for them to eat and others to play with. They make me take them out to play on a regular basis and constantly talk me into buying others. Im beginning to think it's a people problem, not a gun problem. Hang on boys there is no telling what is gonna shake out of this one.1 point
I think that's exactly what he was saying. It's all orchestrated by Democrats to drum up support for more gun control and we're idiots for not realizing it.1 point
I am getting the impression he means that these are some how fake or that someone is convincing multiple people to go and kill random people in public places. These people can then be tried, convicted, and sent to prison for life if not given the death penalty. This is all so that politicians can call for gun control. Maybe I am wrong in what he is suggesting.1 point
Me neither. I had a 1911 that had problems for decades and escaped several gunsmiths. Jeff fixed it in minutes for free.1 point
1 point
1 point
I suspect that a major reasons you didn’t hear anything about mass shootings last year are threefold. 1) Trump. The election sucked up all of the air out of the room. 2) The pandemic sucked out what air was left after talking the election. 3) With the political situation being what it was, it was known that nothing was going to get done. So the focus was on changing the political situation so that if the opportunity arose again, something could get done. * not even trying to, or opening a window to discuss the merits of the political points, just stating them as what I believe are the contributing factors to why we didn’t hear about mass shootings in 2020.*1 point
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/03/23/mass-shooting-biden-calls-congress-pass-background-check-bills/6965613002/ What impeccable timing! I swear we have a few members who couldn't see a hammer if someone was beating them over the head with it.1 point
Additionally, I never ever said the permit courses adequately train individuals but it is a start....and unfortunately a start and a finish combined for way too many.1 point
That's essentially every 2A lobbing group I belong to. I get daily emails from the FPC about how the gun apocalypse is coming. They won't admit it, but for fundraising purposes they love having the Democrats in control.1 point
Um, no they aren't. Most of my time while in the Marine Corps I had no "superior" anywhere around me.1 point
Rather than oil, follow the example of most military storage facilities around the world and pack them in grease. It's a myth that long term storage of rifles like Mosin Nagants and others were stored in cosmolene. Cosmolene was (is) used almost exclusively by the US, other countries mainly used grease - i.e. plain old axle grease. It works very well as a rust preventative, and is much less likely to leak. Regardless of how you pack them, water intrusion will always cause damage, I would think carefully about storing anything underwater that I wished to be functional over many years. Pack your guns in grease, store them away in a secure location. After all, that method worked reasonably well for the millions of surplus WWII weapons the CommBloc comrades packed away 70 odd years ago against invasion by the evil, imperialist Western nations ...1 point
Yea, I am sure no 18 yo soldiers will die due to supervision, smfh. https://spacecoastdaily.com/2018/05/vietnam-veterans-memorial-totals-58267-names-including-33103-18-years-old/ https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/cnsnews-database-104-women-33-18-year-olds-among-iraq-wars-casualties1 point
Will S&W now come out with a Shield Plus EZ, with the higher capacity magazines paired with the easy to rack slide.1 point
Yes, EVERYONE should. Even those who do not own firearms and especially those anti gun nuts. How can you argue against something you know nothing about? (they sound like idiots to those who know)1 point
that is the attitude all trainers should have. I think students would be better served with basic handgun operation and safety. Requiring classes is unconstitutional and yes, I will keep repeating it.1 point
1 point
1 point
I took the class today with Randy and AJ and have to admit it was a very serious topic that terrified me. Randy and AJ did an amazing job introducing us to different trauma care techniques. I think our whole group really had a lot of fun learning. We started the morning learning about life threatening injuries and how to treat them. We reviewed different tourniquets and bandages and tested them out on each other. Then we went outside and put our training to use. Randy shot a perfectly good pork roast, but it was a brilliant way to demonstrate how deep a gunshot wound could go and how much gauze it takes to fill it. We did a little live fire (at targets not each other) to simulate a realistic scenario of having to treat ourselves in the field. Randy an d AJ were amazing instructors and we had a really awesome class. Looking forward to more classes at Windrock Shooting Range.1 point
Moderate Democrat? LOL....In Washington? LOL.....that bird’s extinct.1 point
Grand Torino and gr8smiles are as two good reasons to be a member as I can think of. Where else can you buy such nice things for such fair prices? My hat's off to these two fine members. Somehow, I've so far avoided buying any of gr8smile's offerings, but I just know it's coming.1 point
I'm reved up and ready for season to start. Headed.to Wyoming, South Dakota and Nebraska for Merriams in May.1 point
The ConCarry bills only remove the necessity to get a permit. They do not affect the permit system that already exists. The permit will still be there for those that wish to acquire one.1 point
Keeping & Bearing Arms is a Right not a privilege. If you believe in the Constitution there should be no howevers. Politicians have constantly usurped our rights with controls & stipulations for the "common good or for the children." Living in Freedom has so many rewards & very few risks.1 point
Even if we pass Constitutional Carry we will still need to retain our HCP enhanced-the only way to carry legally in the States that are reciprocal with Tennessee. Nationally I see a snowballs chance in Hades to succeed.1 point
with all that is going on? Yes and we will all be getting around on flying unicorns.......1 point
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