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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2021 in all areas

  1. We're going to start blowing the bridges any day now...
    6 points
  2. It seems Tennessee is all full up right now. We can add your name to our waiting list if you'd like.
    5 points
  3. Heck, at this point they're probably ready to be done with us, too.
    4 points
  4. In my experience its closer to around 97% and it is definitely not welfare for me. And seeing as how my school regularly has students in the class that do not NEED to take the class, it shows me that there is some tangible benefit to someone. If I had my way, the class would require much more than the current requirement. But the state sets the curriculum. We are not allowed to change even a slide or a word on the test. They set the shooting standard. We spend as much time on the range doing dry work as we do live fire because we deal with so many students that have never touched a gun before. I am an instructor in ECP classes and I support constitutional carry. I recommend to folks that they get training. But I'm not their daddy. I ain't making anyone do anything!
    4 points
  5. Having grown up in the area, I have to agree with this. The farther you get from civilization, the poorer it gets. There are less job prospects and less industry. Land is cheap, if you can find someone willing to sell. It is beautiful land for sure, but now you are in an area where folks haven't been off of the mountain in years, if ever. They don't welcome strangers. That is why there is no true high speed internet in that area, it is too poor. It is too sparse. Hell, there isn't even cell reception in a lot of the places out there. Communication companies won't see a return on their investment, so, well, they don't invest. No industry and no one with money. It breaks my hear every time I go back to visit. To the OP, I don't know your budget, but look at some of the smaller towns just outside of Knoxville or Chattanooga, anything along the I-75 Corridor. I have a buddy I went to school with that owns a fairly successful Real Estate company out that way, he specializes in the area. East Tennessee Properties, 423-453-5722. He might be able to help you in your search.
    3 points
  6. Memphis is doing something right. You don’t here people from New York or California or Colorado saying, “you know, I think I’m gonna move to Memphis.” Could be a br’er rabbit sort of thing, I guess. I am, and will remain long on the place.
    3 points
  7. Cool find. Bill Ruger made drills before firearms.
    3 points
  8. Hi everybody. I recently moved ( escaped ?) from bay area / California to Knoxville. So far I was pretty busy with relocation / kids and schools / work etc. And only now it looks like I finally got some time I can spend on myself. Pretty common situation... I brought some stuff I could not use in Cali in hope to start shooting again more or less regularly. I prefer long range shooting, so planning to check if I can visit ORSA. Do you know if I can just stop by and apply for membership? I saw on their website that it needs to be sponsored by a current member, but unfortunately I know nobody in this area. I appreciate any advice, thank you in advance.
    2 points
  9. Thought I'd share my Winchester Repeating Arms Meat Grinder No. 12:
    2 points
  10. This hadn't occurred to me until I saw this meme. Now I really feel old.
    2 points
  11. Y’all can say what you want about Memphis all you like. Our corner of the state ain’t getting filled up with Yankees. Y’all, sorry, y’inz or youse can enjoy the new dialects ‘round them parts.
    2 points
  12. If Memphis ends up underwater or in Arkansas, that’s just the price we pay for freedom.
    2 points
  13. Have you spent much time up in that area? It's a beautiful part of the state but it's extremely poor. We go hiking/camping/off-roading in that corner near Ducktown and there is nothing there. It's hard to even find a grocery store in some of those towns. I understand wanting to get away from people, but you may want to try and be a bit closer to Chattanooga. I don't think you will find fast internet in most of that area. I wouldn't want to live there full time but it would be nice to have a cabin there.
    2 points
  14. I got the trigger in good shape. I'm just struggling to get anything resembling accuracy. You're probably right, Mike. I just need to take it for what it is rather than throwing a bunch of money at it.
    2 points
  15. This reminded me of an article I read several years ago in Backwoods Home magazine. Great magazine imho. The article was written by Charles Wood. He buried a Ruger Ranch Rifle and several thousand rounds of .223 ammo (and related gear) and retrieved them after 15 years. Mr.Wood goes into pretty fair detail of the process and the article has some interesting observations as well. https://www.backwoodshome.com/bury-a-gun-and-ammo-for-15-years/
    2 points
  16. I knew someone who had something similar - I'm not sure if it was this one exactly. It changed the pattern of the shot stringing as the barrel heated up. I wouldn't say it improved accuracy much. This was on one of the old straight barreled ones - not one of the newer tapered barrels. At the end of the day, you're changing the barrel harmonics - but I don't think that's really correcting the problem inherent with those barrels getting hot.
    2 points
  17. Better question, Who has not hit a whole roll of caps with a hammer?
    2 points
  18. We have another active shooter while such aggressive gun legislation is being pushed through. Not being insensitive to the victims, just suspicipus of the timing AND amount of media attention it gets. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/active-shooter-reported-grocery-store-colorado-boulder-police/story?id=76614488
    1 point
  19. Once again, none of the constitutional carry bills have any effect on the permits. They simply remove the necessity for one for a citizen to carry in the state. The permits all remain intact and with all of the requirements. This will only affect the carrying of a firearm within the state of TN.
    1 point
  20. Aloha8, you will just have to come and look with your own 2 eyes. There are some really nice places out in the sticks, some have nice neighbors some have crack shacks and meth labs. But most anyplace has those nowadays. Just take a few 3 day weekends and start searching, although there are lots of nice pretty areas such as Gatlinburg, well it also has 4 million plus visitors on the roads, so you have to take all the things into consideration. Pm me if you want a few tips. Most anyplace in Tennessee will beat the rat race in Hotlanta!!
    1 point
  21. He wants to be able to say "no, really" when people take him to task about his claim that all his guns sank in a boating accident ...
    1 point
  22. Yes, EVERYONE should. Even those who do not own firearms and especially those anti gun nuts. How can you argue against something you know nothing about? (they sound like idiots to those who know)
    1 point
  23. that is the attitude all trainers should have. I think students would be better served with basic handgun operation and safety. Requiring classes is unconstitutional and yes, I will keep repeating it.
    1 point
  24. I do not cafe where y’all from or where y’all move to in TN. Just please behave y’all’s self, and welcome to TGO.
    1 point
  25. I had a guy come in once and wanted me to throw the kitchen sink at a newer Stainless mini. He bought the (smaller) port bushing kit and strut and was still in the 2+ inch area with his reloads. I cant find the pictures of my mods but it was a 3 item attack on the way the metal vibrates in the synthetic stock he bought for it. I milled a vertical shoulder to the very back edge of the receiver and bored a hole directly under it on that shelf on the stock. Made a 1" pin that went into the hole and milled a 90% L shaped recoil face into that pin. Epoxied the pin in place. The very rear of the receiver now had a sold steel footing and recoil shoulder in one. Then the front of the receiver gets a horse shoe shaped aluminum pillar glassed into the stock that touches on the left and right of the front leading edges of the receiver. Now the receiver has a 3 point metal bed. The trigger housing frame is bedded also and every thing made to be rock solid once the guard is snapped in to lock up. Then the for end tip get a spring loaded bedding under the tip ferule that puts constant tension on the gas block in a push forward manner that helps with heat expansion that makes the barrel longer with heat up. Now I never saw the actual results of all this one of a kind bedding on his mini but he claimed he was getting 7/8ths inch groups 100y with it off his reloads. And from the way he told it, I would tend to believe a guy that sounded happier than a pig in s**t! So I would say a mini can be made to shoot relatively well if you have an extra sink laying around
    1 point
  26. Everyone should seek training. Not just inexperienced shooters. You don't know what you don't know until you learn what you didn't know and now you know.
    1 point
  27. Thanks....not been there before but they aren't too far drive-wise. I only need bullets (for awhile). Wonder if they have a weekly shipment "day"? I'll give them a call sometime this week.
    1 point
  28. And that is how it should be, when I got my permit, I went to a class to see what they would cover, legality wise, even though I could have used my military training to avoid the class. I do believe that those who are inexperienced with weapons seek training, but that should be up to an individual to make that decision.
    1 point
  29. I bought Berry's 9mm at Reloader's Bench a few weeks ago. They had a decent qty on the shelf but not pre 2020 quantities. They had Berry's 30 caliber rifle as well the day I bought the 9mm but I don't remember the weight.
    1 point
  30. Reloader's Bench has had powder off and on. Bought both BLC-2 and H110 there recently. They had 8lb jugs in limited quantity as well as 1lb. I have purchased small and large pistol at Sportsman's Warehouse for regular retail prices. Missed out on the small rifle they had by a hour or less. They also had some magnum (small pistol) but no match/benchrest rifle. Projectiles are getting easier to find but still hit or miss.
    1 point
  31. An 8" x 5ft pipe is about 1.75 cuft in volume. Water weighs 62.4lbs/cuft, so the pipe and its contents must weigh more than 109 lbs for it to sink. 1000 rds of 5.56 in an ammo can weighs about 30 lbs, so you'd need about 3600 rounds plus a couple rifles to sink the pipe. You also suggested to fill it with oil, which is lighter than water. So you'd need more weight to overcome the buoyancy of the oil.
    1 point
  32. Kind of like I love that IBM made M1s for the war effort. @221 Fireball Looks like Mr. Ruger might have had an idea where he wanted his business to go.
    1 point
  33. The new cable type of guard rails are a lot less expensive and easier to install, If you look at the video, the cable system did initially stop them from getting into the median when they sideswiped the rail. Only when they over-reacted and drove head-on into the guard rail did it give. It appears that the car hit one of the poles directly which snapped from the force. i just bought a new 2020 Hyundai Tuscon (SUV) this month that has Lane Keep Assist. It works surprisingly well and likely would have kept this accident from happening.
    1 point
  34. We would fold 10 or so and put them in, what fun!!!
    1 point
  35. If you desire water storage, I had an idea. Build a duck house that floats in the middle of the pond and is anchored. Have pvc pipe as part of the "raft". Few people are gonna wade or swim out to that and even fewer are gonna dissassemble it looking for guns. Think this maybe. Could even possibly just mount pvc underneath it. Makes things easy to locate for retrieval.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Added a reflex sight to my S&W 41. Used some .22 shorts to sight it in my garage.
    1 point
  38. I caught this single car crash on my dash cam today. This person was almost certainly on their phone and it nearly killed them. Does anyone know the purpose of those cable style guardrails they seem to be switching to? This sedan went right through it like it didn't exist. A note about the quality, the video quality was downgraded when I moved it to my phone. It's much better on my laptop.
    1 point
  39. I took the class today with Randy and AJ and have to admit it was a very serious topic that terrified me. Randy and AJ did an amazing job introducing us to different trauma care techniques. I think our whole group really had a lot of fun learning. We started the morning learning about life threatening injuries and how to treat them. We reviewed different tourniquets and bandages and tested them out on each other. Then we went outside and put our training to use. Randy shot a perfectly good pork roast, but it was a brilliant way to demonstrate how deep a gunshot wound could go and how much gauze it takes to fill it. We did a little live fire (at targets not each other) to simulate a realistic scenario of having to treat ourselves in the field. Randy an d AJ were amazing instructors and we had a really awesome class. Looking forward to more classes at Windrock Shooting Range.
    1 point
  40. That's why I like this site, you learn something new.
    1 point
  41. Its seems now that the antis are pushing for a waiting or "cooling off period" on the purchase of firearms. They claim that if the Atlanta shooter had had to wait to get his gun that this tragedy wouldn't have happened. One way or another, the antis are gonna try to use this to their advantage.
    1 point
  42. To be clear, this a Shield, right? I didn't think they made EZ versions of the regular M&P line. If so, I've seen a lot of the Shield EZs (380) in my classes. They seem to be okay for what they are. They are definitely easier to teach people how to load a mag. My issue that I don't think they are intended to be the workhorses that most people would like. I expect that they will have a limited life in comparison to their regular shield siblings. Of course only time will bear that out.
    1 point
  43. Just took the MP EZ 9 out and ran 20 rounds of Federal 147 gr Hydra Shock JHP through it. It fired them all with no problems. The price on the box was $20.00 for 50. OH, the days of yester year. Those 20 rounds would be 40. + today. So far the EZ is eating everything. It is a fun pistol to shoot and carries quiet nicely in a Comp Tac Minatour IWB holster. Been wearing it around the house and while doing yard work. Need to run several mor through it to make sure it is reliable. Plan to carry Rem Golden Saber 127 gr bonded in it.
    1 point
  44. I understand your concerns, but I think the permit system is a false sense of security. Lets face it, any idiot can pass the HCP class. Shoot, when I took mine we graded our own papers, and as long as nobody got shot at the range you passed that part. I do think that when a cop runs your license or sees your HCP and sees that you are a HCP holder it eases their mind a little, because it tells them right away that you at least can pass a background check.
    1 point
  45. Looks like a scaled down Hickok45 range. Very nice.
    1 point
  46. This is my range, known as Magaland. It’s in Dekalb County near Center Hill Lake. It’s only 5 acres, but it’s mine, it’s paid for, and it’s fun
    1 point
  47. Here's a 3 shot 1000 yard group shot from my 300 WSM. The next target is a 5 shot from same rifle at 1k a couple days later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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