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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2021 in all areas

  1. It would cost more to make a quality revolver than something like a Glock I would imagine.
    5 points
  2. When asked, I always recommend a wheel gun for those of us that never see a range. Point and pull, that’s all they have to know.
    2 points
  3. Simple inflation. Rising cost for materials, labor, etc and so on. As far as I know, only Ruger has successfully created a polymer framed revolver and its butt ugly. Revolvers have gone up in price just like everything else. Then there is also the traditionalist view. Some folks just love the classic lines of a good revolver. Its just simple point and pull the trigger. No magazines, no safeties and no slide to rack. There's a quality and craftsmanship that goes into a wheelgun that no plastic fantastic could ever come near. Then there's the collectability of these fine old guns. Many die hard revolver fans just don't care for the changes made in the newer guns. MIM parts, two piece barrels and of course that damned lock. Older revolvers can often bring more money than the brand new ones of the same make and model. I collect Smith & Wesson revolvers and have a bunch of 'em. However, the 2nd newest revolver I own was made in 1996. It was one of the very last to still have the firing pin on the hammer nose. Very little S&W has made since then interests me at all. I do have one exception. My 2017 S&W 642. I wanted a lightweight J-frame .38 for carry. I found this at a really good price and its one of the few more current S&Ws without the damned lock. I also love the old Colts and have several of those. While the new Colts may be good guns. They've always been a bit too proud of that name when it comes to pricing. Bottom line: Why are revolvers so expensive? Because they're worth it.
    2 points
  4. There for a while, 10mm was available. Not, not so much.
    2 points
  5. Perhaps because more younger people are getting into buying firearms? Maybe looking for something they consider more simple and uncomplicated to operate? I know several women who prefer the revolvers to semi-autos, but would say they are in the minority choosing them. Don't know if you, or much of anyone will agree with this comment, but here it is. Revolvers on the whole haven't changed in pricing that I've seen anyway, for the last 15 years or so that I've been watching the wheel guns. Always went the semi-auto route until just around the century change. Seemed that all the big names, well the recognized names were 350-500, with the Colts seeming to be the exception. Seems that the Python/Snake Gun mystique had them on the leading edge of pricing. That was about the time I really started looking at wheelies. Since then, I think there's been a slow rise in pricing to the point that the sub 400 revolver is the exception rather than the rule. Taurus revolvers can still be had in that range, and the new Rock Island line are about Taurus pricing(at least the only ones I've seen.). I personally say that revolver prices have really been stable for so long, that any changes in the marked pricing is very noticeable. Then there's the new fears of semi-auto bans, 10 + bans, etc. I've talked to several people who are thinking the revolvers would be a "safe" entity in the coming times. Is that the last line of availability for us? Is that causing a rush on revolvers? I think so.
    2 points
  6. My cousin in Ga is the one who really talks up the Hi-Point carbines. He has several in different calibers, but raves the most about the 10mm. I was really tempted to go that route, but just didn't want to go into a caliber I'd have to scrounge for ammo.
    2 points
  7. My brother got on a '72 for his 18th bday, he did not take care of it, blew a cyclinder and put steel liners in. He kept it thru college then got rid of it. I also got one ('73) for my 18th BD, and was able to order it like I wanted since I knew I was getting a car for my 18th BD. I had to pay the difference between the base model and the GT level, which included a a 2 barrel carb, a big wide racing stripe down the center of the card, sport wheels and short throw 4 spd. I was "hot stuff". LOL Mine was Medium Bronze Metallic, white stipe, beige interior. Drove it all thru college and several years afterwards for my first job. NO AC, and had a tenacity to overheat, so I put an oversized radiator in it from a Vega with AC, and then had a bit of a problem with it running warm enough to get heat during the winter. A piece of cardboard behind the grill solved that for me. LOL Some moroon tried to turn left in front me and totalled the car in '79 IIRC. Loved that car, and still wish I had it. Don't see 'em on the roads anymore, just a few on the drag strips in pics. You could order a panel wagon with a 350 & 4 spd IIRC, some guy had one in my town, it would haul azz for sure. I had mine up to 110mph on the interstate one day, front end got so light I lost steering control and let off the gas. Front end came back down and I never did that again. LOL I've got one picture of mine sitting in the yard, and would love to have it back. LOL.
    2 points
  8. While I completely agree with you that there are people at the top of these movements or funding them from hidden boardrooms, those are the people manipulating the situation and the average citizen. Fighting them requires different tactics. Exposing them has marginal benefit, but choking off their supply of fuel (i.e. voters) has tangible results. To do that, it is often helpful to look at what is motivating the average voter to cast their ballot one way or the other. Typically we don't have to look much farther than a stop at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and start by looking at the bottom two layers. There is a reason why the Democrat party has historically passed policy that keeps poor people poor. They've also historically passed policy that keeps black and brown communities subjugated and dependent upon the government. The Left knows that it can generate a steady stream of voters, generation after generation, by simultaneously creating and fostering hopeless conditions while also acting as a savior by providing food, water, warmth and false promises of safety and security. After they nailed-down the most efficient and effective ways of doing that, the Left [Socialists is also an appropriate description] turned its sights on the middle and upper classes by focusing on the top three layers. Leftists and Socialists have worked tirelessly since the 1960's, at the very least, to infiltrate and dominate our systems of education and the entertainment industries. By doing so, they've made Leftist and Socialist ideals "en vogue" and then allowed the basic human needs of belongingness and prestige take over and suck people in. It's popular to be a Biden supporter even though a ton of them can't tell you what his platforms are or why they voted for him without referring to Trump or the Trump Administration. All they know is what pop-culture and popular society icons have spoon fed them: Inaccurate, outright lies, or not. I lump the media into the entertainment industry, by the way. I think we're all adult enough to know by now that the media stopped being in the "News" business a long, long time ago. At the very top of that pyramid you have the parasites of Leftist / Socialist culture. They're the ones calling the shots and profiting from it all. These are the politicians, the captains of industry, the social icons. These are the ones who fly around on private jets (government funded or otherwise), have fat bank accounts (while preaching about the 1%), and benefit by creating and continuing the cultures of addiction that subjugates the people who care most about the bottom two layers of Maslow's pyramid. Like all parasites, there really is only way good way to handle them. Choke off their resources. Choke off their supply of "food". Apply the poisons of truth and exposure, expose them to the purifying light of the sun, and cause them to die off. So, back to my original point: If you want to reach the voter, consider what motivates them. The vast majority of people who vote Democrat are good folks. They are your neighbors, your friends, your colleagues at work. They are the single moms and single dads who are trying to make ends meet, put food on their tables, a roof over their heads, and are praying to God that a paycheck is in their future somewhere. Reach those people. Help them find or create an alternative to the "free stuff" that the Left wants them addicted to. No person is more free than one who is self-reliant.
    2 points
  9. Inclusivity and education are huge factors. Indeed, the continued talk about "good guys with guns" and armed protests with militia is a losing proposition because it is translated as quite threatening to many people. Many folks don't want to live that way. Do you want people on your side? Help them and their causes - don't work to subvert issues that are near and dear to them. Stay clear of negativity. Quit demonizing "liberals" and others you may perceive as opposition. They merely have a different opinion and indeed, opinions can and do change (but not if you antagonize or marginalize) Be understanding and empathetic to those suffering the consequences of gun violence. Work to include others and teach folks the fun of shooting sports. I suggest finding ways to create "free" 2nd Amendment camps to bring in new young people and teach them safety as well as new skills. The Second Amendment belongs to all of us, like it or not, and it's best not to congregate in just one tent. That's my two cents...
    2 points
  10. Wasn't sure where to put this so sorry if in wrong place. Only choosing between these two for home defense. Hipoint carbine 9mm with laser or glock 30 with night sights?
    1 point
  11. Yeah, they had a fire. I called and was surprised I got an answer a few days ago. They said they was back open.
    1 point
  12. Just remember those caps are corrosive. I expect the strike anywhere match heads are as well.
    1 point
  13. I went to Gamaliel Shooter's supply today and almost no powder at all. At least about 2 weeks ago there was 7 or 8 different powders. Today maybe 3 pounds total. Nothing I could use. Sad.
    1 point
  14. The Corvair, along with Ford's Falcon and Chrysler's Dart and Valiant, were early efforts at building small, economical cars to compete with imports that were selling increasingly better in the late 50's and early 60's. By the time the Pinto and the Vega came along, this trend was over 10 years old. Neither of these cars were even as good as the ones the domestic manufacturers built a decade before them, let alone the crop of imports available by the 70's. Both the Vega and the Pinto were complete pieces of crap, with no redeeming features and among the worst cars made in their day. That's saying a lot, considering how poorly made most of the cars produced by the domestic manufacturers were during that era ...
    1 point
  15. “Stupid is as stupid does.”
    1 point
  16. I work with a guy who thinks you shouldn't carry a round in the chamber on any Smith and Wesson that has a hammer mounted firing pin. I've actually showed him how the rebounding hammer works, but still can't convince him.
    1 point
  17. Now that is true and I forgot about the extra machining verses the polymer .
    1 point
  18. Ironically, universal background checks would not have prevented the Parkland shooting, yet the Post-Dispatch editorial board lists such checks as a “rational” response. In fact, universal background checks would not have prevented the overwhelming majority of mass public attacks that occurred over the last decade, because the attackers acquired their guns at retail via background checks. I think we all know what "Rational Response" thaey really want. This is simply a stepping stone.
    1 point
  19. Green Mountain made their name known first in muzzle loading barrel blanks of all sorts and sizes. Alot of competition BP shooters used them. They were inexpensive yet would shoot with any of the more expensive barrels. Then they started making octagon barrels for cartridge cals and the quality was not lost in the transition. I still have a tapered octagon .429 groove barrel waiting for a Marlin 1894 receiver to drop in my lap some day. The quality of it is as good as any eye can tell. They are all air gauged to standard industry specs. For the money, you can't go wrong.
    1 point
  20. I wouldn't risk it. You should bring one of the safes, half the guns, and half the ammo to my house. I'll store them all for free in my climate controlled basement with a concrete floor. I'll even exercise the guns for you regularly. At least until you run out of ammo...
    1 point
  21. I'm hearing very favorible things about the Hi-Point 10mm carbines too! I have 7 -10 round Hi-Point mags and one of those Pro Mag 15 rounders (which I will not use). I'd be willing to trade someone that wants to fool with the Pro Mag, for another Hi-Point 10 round mag, if anyone is interested in the Knoxville area.
    1 point
  22. This world has gone insane. If it gets to the point I have to reload primers I will just start buying big bore PCP guns and forget primers and powder all together.
    1 point
  23. Ah the smell of fresh vanilla. The most potent aphrodisiac in the world for me. A young lady I almost married back in my Cookeville/Sparta days wore something that smelled like vanilla. It was my weakness for many months. I followed her around like dog chasing a rabbit. lol To this day, I cannot smell anything of vanilla aroma and not think of her.
    1 point
  24. In today’s current climate let’s just say I’m not divulging any kind of or weather or not I actually have any home protection.
    1 point
  25. Early German anti-aircraft gun with spotlight attached
    1 point
  26. I have a Ruger PC in 40 caliber. Have had it for years. It is a hard shooting carbine and I have enjoyed it. I keep it for a house gun. It is very accurate at 50 yards, but opens up a bit at 100. For what it is made for, it is adequate. My carbine has 2 15 round mags and I purchased 2 extra.
    1 point
  27. Not to belabor the point too much, but bear with me. In 1997 if you only had 10 mags and a preban mag was $100+, then rebuilding magazines was a reasonable option. In 2020 when you can buy single magazines for as little as $10-12, or have 100 magazine cases drop shipped to your house for $8-900, there’s no reason to spend the same amount on rebuild kits. Don’t overthink it, just buy more mags. This is mostly focused on AR mags, but Glock mags are cheap and readily available right now as well. Most damage that renders a magazine unusable is to the body itself. It isn’t the follower or spring wearing out. It’s the body cracking, denting, or feed lips deforming in some way. Buy more mags. If you have guns with expensive mags, buy one or two as you can. If they’re out of stock, set up alerts with the various retail sites. (Gunmagwarehouse.com) Buy more mags.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. We do our absolute best on TGO to put the best face forward, welcome all manner of diversity in our members, preach that the 2A is for everyone, bequeath the love of responsible firearms use and ownership to the next generation and motivate folks to do their individual yet massively impactful "small part" by voting for Pro-2A legislation and legislators. For years the number of us who are willing to do what @TripleGGG described and write and call and email and petition the lawmakers to preserve the Second Amendment has been an abysmally low percentage compared to the overall tally of people who have bought guns during the same period of time. People prefer the convenience of writing a check or keying credit card numbers into a website to send the NRA, GOA, 2AF, JPFO, TFA and FPC off to represent them. While TGO's population may be very different and out of the norm, I know in my gut that most gun owners, at large, want to outsource the work because it takes too much time to make phone calls, send emails, write letters, and visit politicians in person to ask them to represent us according to our wishes, our values and our interests. But these same people will spend countless hours on the Internet scouring the buy/sell/trade pages for a new gun or stand in line, in the rain, for an hour before a big-box retailer opens just for the slight chance they might get to buy some ammo. Gun owners will spend HOURS on the Internet arguing with each other over terminal ballistics, whether a shoot they saw in the news was "good" or not, or whether open carry is a good or bad idea, but they won't spend a half hour sending emails or making phone calls. We, the supposed 2A Community, have obsessed over the wrong damned things year after year. We've voted for representatives from the political party that is not only renowned for pushing gun control but makes it a speaking point for their platform and openly TELLS us what they want to do to the Second Amendment, because "Orange Man bad". We've voted for independent candidates who didn't have a chance in hell of getting elected, splintering the vote for the candidate who could've, and rejoiced in taking the moral high ground while just a little further downhill the ground we bought was eroding out from under us. As a whole, the 2A Community sucks at defending the cause we supposedly care about. We suck at making it mainstream because it's more fun and edgy to strap a rifle across our chests and scare the soccer moms watching a gun rights rally from the sidelines. We suck at making it inclusive because we don't want to welcome the gays or the blacks or the browns or the atheists or the Muslims to our table. We've forgot that welcoming isn't just an adjective but also a damned VERB. And so, we've lost ground. Countless times we've lost battles in this war to preserve an essential Civil Right because we can't agree on the specifics and don't understand that a good-enough plan executed NOW is better than a perfect plan executed NEVER. We are so independent and libertarian in our thinking that we've become near-sighted and unable to see past what's good for us as individuals and see what's good for our community. We haven't made the Second Amendment palatable, let alone relevant, to the undecided centrist voter because we don't consider that they are more likely to vote against a cause that isn't important to them if pop-culture tells them it's evil, bad and scary and they don't have anything else to go on. We've pissed away opportunity after opportunity to educate, inform, evangelize and expand the 2A Community. We've even pissed away chances to defend it, ourselves, by just making phone calls or pulling the correct lever at the polling booth even if it felt a little like being a "single issue voter" at the time. I really hope we've still got a chance to save the Second Amendment. I think we do. But it's time for the bull#### to stop. We've got to be more present, more polite, more professional, more compelling and absolutely light up the phone lines and email inboxes of not just the politicians we've voted for but also the ones we've voted against. If we live in their district, they represent us - like it or not. We need to remind them, without threats or bravado, that they work for us and this is what we, their constituents, expand and demand from them: NO MORE GUN LAWS. DEFEND THIS CIVIL RIGHT. If we can't do this... we've asked for it and it isn't going to just blow over. They're going to come for your guns and if you refuse to comply, you will be forced into poverty from the fines levied, be sent to prison, or worse. The game isn't over, but it's absolutely underway. Get in it.
    1 point
  30. MACV-SOG fighter late in the Vietnam war
    1 point
  31. I have well over 100 emails and untold phone calls, etc just since the election. If you are sitting on your hands doing nothing then you have no right to complain or act surprised. Kinda like the ammo situation. And if you think playing nice, being reasonable or any decent thought processes are going to work then you've already lost. We've been at war for a long time. Many just don't want to a accept that fact. If you think Trump is who was hated you've not been paying attention. This group hates me and any other 2A defending, conservative, patriotic citizen. And I'm not talking just about the Democrat party.
    1 point
  32. https://congresslookup.com/ Simple tool to look up the info to contact your Rep and our senators. Here's a copy/paste (please edit it so they see different messages) that you can use as a base if you'd like: Hello Senator, I am writing to you today to inform you that I stand with the Firearms Policy Coalition and hundreds of millions of gun owners across the country in firm opposition to President Biden’s statement on February 14th calling for an egregious violation of our constitutional rights and civil liberties in the arbitrary banning of firearms and firearm accessories. It is a disgusting violation of the U.S. Constitution and an infringement on my and millions of other’s fundamental right to keep and bear arms. It puts bureaucratic officials in charge of whether we can exercise our inalienable rights and I strongly encourage you to oppose any such measures. I am also incredibly offended and alarmed by the language in HR 127 Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing Act and believe that to be another incredible overreach of government that will directly put at harm hundreds of millions of law-abiding citizens across the country and violate the protections offered by the U.S. Constitution. I would like to know if you have heard of this act and what your thoughts are, as well as let you know that I expect you as my Congressional representative to actively stand out against this act in order to earn my vote, or else I will be looking for another candidate to support in the next Primary. Sincerely,
    1 point
  33. Hey y’all, keep the focus directly on the 2A. To that end, we all need to keep the pressure on all of our Congress critters and ensure they know that any action against the 2A will result in electoral consequences. Don’t threaten to vote for their opponent in the general. Even in TN most seats are safe due to gerrymandering. Threaten to find and support a primary challenger who supports the 2A. As an example, a Republican Rep will never beat Steve Cohen in Memphis, but a pro 2A democrat might strip him of his seat in the primary which is the real election for that seat. Time to get smart and get to work.
    1 point
  34. I recall being told by TGO prognosticators that we that believed he would immediately start pursuing gun control were in a bubble and he had more important matters, healer in chief, children back to school, whoop covids ass, and gun control issues wouldn't come until the mid terms. Sounds to me like he wants it NOW
    1 point
  35. I don't think any state has rescinded constitutional carry, but most, if not all, that do have it have a permit process for reciprocity with other states. Reciprocity is the only reason I would keep my CCP, just in case I have to go out of state for any reason.
    1 point
  36. 90-degree version of the Sturmgewher
    1 point
  37. Ma Barker The Barker–Karpis Gang
    1 point
  38. Come on out and play with the big boys.
    1 point
  39. If he gets into a fire fight, and lives to wish he had one more round, then he'll be a believer.
    0 points
  40. It’s starting to sound like a Khyber Pass ammo factory around here.
    0 points
  41. Rip Van Winkle in the house.
    0 points
  42. That's is a very generous offer and I appreciate that! I dont really need any, maybe a few more AR10 pmags. It was more to take advantage of the rare Midway discount if they had a good price on em. You know how it is, I dont need that...wait its on sale. I blame my wife for getting me to start thinking that way.
    0 points
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