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  1. Her ability to deflect political stuff and just serve the people of Sevier county and the state at large is so polished that no amount of money or training could buy it if you wanted it. She is as good a patron saint as Tennessee could hope for. She deserves a statue. I hope they’ll honor her wishes and wait until she’s gone.
    6 points
  2. Trying really hard to respond in a way that isn't snarky. People on this very forum celebrated when RBG and McCain died. Both sides are nasty these days.
    5 points
  3. She’s one helluva business lady. I admire that. She avoids controversy by steering clear of politics. A lesson that should be learned by other entertainers.
    4 points
  4. The thing that’s interesting to me about Dolly is how she really does seem to thread the needle and avoid controversy. With someone of her status, I expect that’s due to three things: 1. A very specific focus on staying out of those topics and situations. This is a craft, and she’s good at it. 2. To that end, she’s almost certainly cultivated a team of people around her who she’ll listen to and can tell her, “You know what? Take a pass on that one.” I can think of a lot of celebrities who could take lessons on this one. 3. She’s probably honestly just good people. This just can’t really be faked - at least not for long. I expect she’d fit in just fine at any of our dinner tables. There’s an old story about her breakup with Porter Wagoner and the court full fights that went on for years after that where he basically tried to destroy any career she might have thereafter. But fast forward a bunch of years to when he was bankrupt in the late 80’s. If my memory serves me correctly, she basically bought his old studio out of foreclosure and gifted it to him. That lady has never forgotten where she came from. I hope folks will say the same about me if I make it to her age.
    4 points
  5. I can’t say I’ve ever been a big listener. But as the parent of three children, I can’t think of anyone who’s actually done more for the children of this state. My oldest is 14, and I think she was among the first group to be a part of the statewide Imagination Library - where if you’re not familiar any child in Tennessee can receive one book a month in the mail addressed to them at no cost until their fifth birthday. We’re an affluent family that read to our children every night - but man did my kids look forward to getting those books in the mail. They’ve of course outgrown most of them - and though we’ve set some aside to keep and pass down - we’ve passed a ton more along to refugee groups and mission points we support. I’m certain there’s some kid in Haiti or Tanzania who knows the Little Engine that Could or Llama Llama Red Pajama because of Dolly. My wife teaches in a exceptional education in a school that is extremely diverse - both racially and economically. I can say that for some of the kids she works with - those are the only books they had ever owned. She’d get their vote.
    4 points
  6. While I like his explanation of what 41F is, that does not (in my opinion) cover very much of the benefits of a trust. Yes, many people used trusts before 41F mainly for the benefit of avoiding fingerprints and passport photos. But there are many benefits of using a trust that have nothing to do with tax stamp application process. That video doesn't address those, likely because it was not intended to state "why a trust is no longer the benefit it used to be." That majority of benefits still exist and really the only one that disappeared with 41F is avoiding the fingerprints and passport photo requirements. I have run into many instances where having a trust would be highly beneficial beyond the issue of getting the tax stamp. 1. Possession by Trustees - this has been covered many times, so I won't go into detail here. However, I am personally aware of several instances in Middle TN where someone has come into contact with LE (traffic stops, call to DCS, etc) when the individual tax stamp holder was not present, but the NFA item was. This could be particularly important for individuals who travel regularly and leave the NFA item (i) in the house with someone else (like a spouse) or (ii) in the possession of someone else (which happens regularly with deployed military personnel). 2. Passing NFA Items to Younger Generation - this has been covered and I won't go into detail here. 3. Simplicity after Death - a will typically works, but does your will deal with the possibility of a beneficiary who is not legally eligible to possess the NFA item. You might be surprised how often this happens. Also, NFA items cannot be easily divided, so if you have (for example) 3 NFA items and 2 beneficiaries, who gets what? NFA trusts generally take care of this issue. 4. What if You become an Ineligible Person (temporarily or permanently) - This one has come up several times. An older gentleman had a WWII battlefield "trophy" he registered with the ATF in 1986 (no trust, though). A few years ago, he had a conservator appointed over him, making him ineligible to possess firearms. Since he hadn't passed away, the NFA item could not just be passed on to his son (who obviously wanted it). In addition, the gentleman's conservator could not legally possess it, either (and she wasn't "gun friendly). The item had to be destroyed or sold. Similar issue has arisen in several divorce proceedings lately, with the husband having an Order of Protection issued against him. When that happened, husband was ineligible and there was no one to take possession while the Order still existed. Several people have had to sell or destroy NFA items under these circumstances. If a trust had been in place, the ineligible person could have been removed as a trustee and another trustee could have possessed the item. These are just a few of the odd circumstances where a trust is better than individual ownership. We would love for the previous benefits to still exist, too, but there are still many benefits of a trust.
    4 points
  7. I don't think comparisons of this site and others (left or right) are apt. A higher standard of decorum is a good thing about this site. We should hold ourselves to it here without regard to the rest of the internet. The vitriol of left or right isn't my vibe, so I think that's why I keep coming here. Even if I don't feel compelled to celebrate his career, I've enough compassion to have a thought for Rush's struggle with cancer, along with his family and their loss. Cancer is a horrible thing for someone to endure in their final days, also hard on the family and friends. Good thoughts are free, so I'll run some up.
    4 points
  8. Dolly is a great woman but I simply don’t understand the recent obsession with her. She does not deserve a statue or bust, lol, of any kind. She is STILL ALiVE. She does have the class and humility so lost on most these days to realize that.
    3 points
  9. We got ripped off in Knoxville. Nothing in East Tennessee.
    3 points
  10. We should open a "Bubba" museum. That rifle would have surely been worthy of it's own display. Looks awesome now, though.
    3 points
  11. I don't know a good way to measure it, but we got a pretty good snow/sleet/rain.
    3 points
  12. I’ve seen a few more reports of child fatalities and near fatal accidents around the state. Be careful y’all. Don’t mix powered vehicles with sleds and take extra caution around formerly liquid bodies of water. I also had a friend slip on the ice and break his shoulder and now he will be out of work for 3-4 months. I grew up in this (dad was stationed in South Dakota for 8 years) so I’m not telling y’all to be terrified of the snow and ice and stay inside. Go out and make memories with the kids and grandkids! I’m just reminding y’all to take extra time to consider the dangers of the the “hey y’all, watch this” fun. Stay safe, y’all.
    3 points
  13. I don't recall anybody here telling them to "rest in piss" or that they were glad they lived long enough to get cancer. There's really no comparison between the two sides.
    3 points
  14. I recently picked up 2 new Westinghouse Dual Fuel 9,500 running watt generators. Both fired up on the first attempt on both gasoline and propane. These produce a lot of power for the money, and have really nice features like electric remote start, and a built in battery charging system, to keep the battery nice and fully charged when not in use. Much like guns and ammunition today, generators are selling like crystal meth in a low income housing project. They're getting very hard to find in stock, and at a good price. Between the fires out West, the hurricanes and flooding in the South, and now with the recent snow and ice storm in the Midwest and Northeast, supply is outstripping demand. A lot of people who were on the fence, and thinking about buying, are now scrambling to buy one. I bought these 2 last December. So far we haven't needed them here.... Yet. But I fire them up every few weeks, to make sure they're ready to go if and when the time comes.
    2 points
  15. Once again, Dolly proves that she’s likely the best human being currently on the planet https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2021/02/18/dolly-parton-declines-proposal-to-build-a-statue-of-her-on-the-tennessee-capitol-grounds/ This is borderline political, but I think it is neutral enough to pass muster.
    2 points
  16. Last time I was there, at least half the rides were down for maintenance. It is clean, but no cleaner than Holiday World, and over twice as expensive. I’ve never been to Six Flags in Georgia, but was amazed how nice the one in Virginia is. I guess what I’m trying to say is that Dollywood is a rip off. In the interest of full disclosure, I feel the same way about most everything in Sexier County.
    2 points
  17. I don’t know what goes on in the rest of the state, but I know here in Nashville it’s managed by the local chapter of the United Way. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me to find that the legislature had provided funding or anything like that - I’ve yet to find a politician that won’t try to co-opt a good program to their benefit. But,I know we’ve donated in the past, and the tax statement we’ve gotten at year end has come from the Imagination Library/United Way.
    2 points
  18. You have no idea what I'd do for that pistol, but I damn sure wouldn't carry it!
    2 points
  19. Savage 1907, Government Model .45 ACP
    2 points
  20. My kids have all received/receive the Imagination Library books. They look forward to and love those books. They’re each going to have those sets saved and given back to them when they bless us with grandchildren (when they’re grown ass, married, adults.) Dolly would get their votes too. This conversation reminded me that I had been planning to make a donation to the Imagination Library. You have the ability to direct it to your local affiliate, so Crockett just got some more money in its fund.
    2 points
  21. It’s all right. Everyone is entitled to be wrong.
    2 points
  22. She deserves something. That there's a girl who parlayed a little talent into success and never forgot who she is or where she came from.
    2 points
  23. Or just nature's way of cleaning up the gene pool a bit ...
    2 points
  24. I got this from TFA this evening. Mr. Harris has a very interesting take on this issue. February 19, 2021 Follow TFA on MeWe – we are discontinuing updates to Facebook and Twitter Share this update from the TFA Website News Posts You likely keep hearing the phrase that Tennessee should become a "sanctuary state" particularly now that Biden-Harris are President and the Democrats control Congress. There is a strong argument that Tennessee should not aspire to be a "sanctuary state" but that it should have higher aspirations and purposes. First, the 2nd Amendment and 10th Amendment are express prohibitions on federal (and now state) infringement of the right of citizens to keep, bear, possess, use, own, carry, practice with, etc., any kind of "arms" that a soldier would want or need or that would be useful in a military or militia engagement. Second, and in contrast, Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution expressly authorizes Congress to regulation immigration and naturalization. The original terminology "sanctuary" state or more often city arose, if I recall, from progressive, Democrat, socialists areas where people decided that they would hide, shelter, aid and abet criminals who were illegal aliens. As such, these individuals and governments that aided them were trying to block enforcement of laws, regulations and/or order in an area where the Constitution expressly gives Congress authority. Indeed, those"sanctuary"advocates should have been criminally prosecution for obstruction or facilitation but the federal government did not do so - a separate soap box talk. In contrast to the immigration issue, the Constitution expressly prohibits federal infringement relative to "arms". Therefore, a state or local government refusing to enforce or aid in the enforcement of such federal laws, regulations or orders is not a criminal "sanctuary" act. NO! It is to the contrary the express duty of such states and local government to raise the shields of the 2nd and 10th Amendments to block unconstitutional and ultra vires federal laws, regulations and orders over issues where the Constitution itself prohibits federal authority or action Consequently, it is constitutionally inaccurate to characterize 2nd and 10th Amendment based bills as "sanctuary" bills. They are not. They are not acts to frustrate the legitimate constitutional exercise of federal power. They are acts by Sovereign States to shield their citizens from unconstitutional federal activity. We must stop using the term "sanctuary" in any context to reference the citizens' fundamental right to arms and the constitutional prohibition against government infringement of that right. John Harris Executive Director johnharris@tennesseefirearms.com Joining and supporting TFA is an investment in the fight to restore our constitutional rights and to fight against politicians who are willing to sell their votes and your rights to whichever business interest gives them the most money! TFA Website: www.tennesseefirearms.com TFA PAC: www.tfalac.org MeWe - https://mewe.com/join/tennessee_firearms_association
    1 point
  25. Misogyny runs rampant. Really...you guys hate Dolly?
    1 point
  26. Nope. Has been in production continually since introduced.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Thanks, buddy, I'm good, only stayed in one day, been to Lebanon today, no problems.
    1 point
  29. What’s the point in having one if you’re not going to use it? Go out and do some snow driving!
    1 point
  30. Here is a few pictures this morning in Bartlett, TN where I live.
    1 point
  31. I have a two portable units like yours but different flavor. Also have a transfer box wired to run the ground floor of my house. While they have not been needed for emergencies at my 20, they have done duty during the flood at my parents and just recently at my sister's after the last tornado. Plus I use them on the farm for various duties. I start them every month with a load for 30 minutes each session and don't run ethanol fuel. Looking to add an up grade to a more permanently installed solution now that I'm older and we just installed an lp tank out here in the country. Saving up the coins now but I'll always keep the portables though. edit; Have since added 24k LP Generac whole house/barn and it's been used twice since installation. Once for almost two hours one cycle, so yeah, it's a nice thing to have. Still have my gas burners.
    1 point
  32. Wrong ! Python was built off the Officers Model Match NOT the Trooper. This is a common misconception among many enthusiasts.
    1 point
  33. I've had primers go off when using a Lee Loader, and while it made it jump, it didn't do any harm. I'm going to have to check back in a day or so and see if anyone bought the guy's stock of blanks. I'd have to be pretty desperate to go to so much trouble.
    1 point
  34. We're right on the edge of where heat pumps work acceptably in the winter. A well insulated house with good windows and a relatively new heat pump will be fine during a normal winter. When the polar vortex hits, heat pumps struggle so gas is the way to go. All else being equal, I'd choose gas heat. But newer dual fuel units are worth a thorough look.
    1 point
  35. Some of the newer theormostats don't have this option anymore, as many of the current heat pumps pretty much do this switching automatically. Like everything else, adding some microprocessor capacity to the current generation of heat pumps allow the unit itself to choose how heat is generated, based on many factors to deliver the most efficient output. In older units, "emergency heat" was an owner option, in severely cold weather you could choose this and shut the compressor off entirely, as opposed to it trying to run even when the strip heaters were doing all the heating. These "smart units" perform this task on their own, thus no real need for switching it manually ...
    1 point
  36. Agree. I hate it when one accident like this turns into "No one should ever do this again and it should be illegal" talk. We did a lot of dumb things when I was kid growing up in Illinois where at that time we did get plenty of snow. 99.9% of the time, nothing happens. That .1% or less is unfortunate, but bad things happen every day. That's part of life.
    1 point
  37. The original Colt Trooper was the gun the Python was based on. Same action and quality with just a regular barrel. Those are now high dollar collectibles as well. The later Trooper MK III an MK V were completely different guns. I have a MK III. While it is an excellent revolver, it ain't a Python.
    1 point
  38. I'm not convinced local law enforcement will choose to ignore new gun laws. It's going to vary a lot by city. I just got an email from FPC saying they won a lawsuit over right to carry in PA in which they had to go up against a Sherriff there. "In late November, Allegheny County Sheriff William P. Mullen, the County of Allegheny, and the Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) closed their Firearms Division, which accepts, processes, and issues licenses to carry firearms, completely preventing anyone not licensed from exercising their Second Amendment rights outside their home. FPC Law, FPC’s legal action arm, took immediate action to prepare and file the lawsuit, which challenged the de facto ban."
    1 point
  39. Wow. That's a lot. When was the last time Nashville got that much snow? We haven't seen that much in Knoxville in a very long time.
    1 point
  40. Oh Gary, you optimist !
    1 point
  41. I'd probably be happy with natural gas heat as it blows much warmer air out of the vents, but I live out in the sticks where propane would be the only option. I'm out on the propane.
    1 point
  42. Yessir, good eye! Sears Model 52. I considered changing it the safety for a winchester, since there are no markings on the action, but I figured it made it just different enough that folks might question it. That's a damn good catch, XT!
    1 point
  43. Well, they order arrived. Ordered late on the 10th and have it in hand on the 17th, they are of course OOS now, but they do have other stuff.
    1 point
  44. It's already a war. Just not a gunfight. The federal government only has so many resources. And, forcing tens of millions of people to do anything is a tall order, most likely way more than they can tackle. This is going to be interesting to watch.
    1 point
  45. Hey, you forgot the token Hispanic! I can see both sides of this; on one hand I am all about getting more people into the shooting sports, self defense and defense of our Constitution. But at the same time, I can see making them feel the pain of exercising one of our basic rights due to the people they put into office making it so. Maybe if they start seeing what we have been made to put up with all these years, then maybe they will start to see what the consequences are when they vote the way they do.
    1 point
  46. Those were her exact words. I’m making up for thirty four years of spending everything on children. I’m having my second childhood. Now I’ve got to get some of those cool items you have.
    1 point
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