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Does your wife have access to the storage device that will hold your can? If so, you are both in violation of the NFA. The trust allows you both to possess without issue.6 points
One of my students was involved in a shooting in his home. It was a 3 person home invasion in the middle of the day. Three guys armed with pistols force his kitchen door open and start into the house. My guy is coming up the hallway with gun in hand to investigate the noise when the door comes off its hinges and the three barge into the kitchen. He ends up killing the first guy and the other two bolt for the exit. They left the getaway car running on the street and threw the guns into the car and ran away. The police show up and take his statement, look at the evidence and hang around until around midnight when they all packed up and left. He did not spend one second in jail nor ever see the inside of a courtroom. When told about her son's demise the mother of the dead robber asked if he was robbing a business or a residence. They told her it was a residence to which she replied "I told that fool never to rob houses that it was safer to rob businesses because nobody is going to fight back"...... A big part of the reason my guy slept in his own bed that night was that he did not clam up and act like a film noir gangster saying "I ain't sayin' Nothin' till my mouthpiece gets here". That is what guilty people are counselled to do by attorneys who have experience defending guilty people. That is also how YOU initially get listed as the offender instead of the victim. It is best to give a limited statement - something like "That guy right there tried to kill me with that gun right there and then say you will be willing to cooperate and answer further questions but would like to have an attorney present ". You need to make sure it is on record that YOU are the victim...not the other way around which is what often happens when YOU refuse to say anything at all.5 points
So let it be understood, Marco Rubio is a tyrant. Just like the rest of them.5 points
Just a heads up and most should know this, but Palmetto state armory has Magpul P-mags for $12.30 and free shipping if you buy 5+. I don't want to hear anyone saying in 6 months or 6 years that nobody alerted them to this fact. You can also buy aluminum mags for $11.99. Simple if you snooze you lose.4 points
You are welcome. There is more to it with all of the inheritance stuff and whatnot but that has all been covered to death and I'm sure you are aware. The access thing is something that I think a lot of people overlook.4 points
Picked her up on here a couple of months back looking like this.... I picked up a bargain priced 1896 small ring stock on ebay (i'd love to say I did it with the intention of modifying the inletting, but honestly i'd had a couple of bourbons & screwed up....) It arrived yesterday & i set to work the gouges, chisels & rasps. Now she looks like this: I have the bolt with an old guy in Wisconsin getting the super short knob replaced with a traditional, butterknife handle. Once that's back it's going to Terry Walden to have scope mounts fitted. This has been a super simple-ish, classy, cheap project & the ol' gal is going to end up being my antelope, deer & coyote go to.3 points
IMHO, it's been that way for some time now.3 points
The style of stock & checkering is a real sweet combo on that rifle. Looks like one of those that you just want to pick up and play with it for a few minutes. Hope the spoon handle turns out nice. I made a couple up from hot forging the original, adding some weld to the end and then pear shaping the spoon. This was the last one I did about 9 years ago. Adds a really nice touch!3 points
I've been there. I've buried two children under the age of three. If you ever want to talk to someone who's gone through it and survived it, let me know. Until then, you and your family will be in my prayers. Doctors are well educated and often pretty smart, but God has the last word.3 points
I'm working on it. Only so much money to go around. Any members of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership? Learned of them while researching 2A years ago.2 points
I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to those of you who responded to this thread. I'd also like to bump it in case anyone missed it the first go around. It would appear that TFA is doing some great work for us here in Tennessee, and I have expectations that we will get constitutional carry this legislative session. We have a couple of members here who work tirelessly for our gun rights via this organization and do not ask for recognition. I do think they could use your support at this time. Also, TGO is a valuable resource for gun owners in Tennessee. We should be grateful it exists. I would ask those of you who frequent this site and benefit from it to consider becoming a member if you aren't already. It may be free to you, but it definitely isn't free to keep on the internet.2 points
Macon County did. My wife and I were there to witness it. So was a bunch of other Macon County residents.2 points
2 points
That's why you give a "limited statement". There's a big difference between saying just enough to guide the investigation vs going into so much detail that you say conflicting things that get used against you vs saying nothing at all and letting them put you in jail while they try to figure out what really happened. The limited statement is the happy medium where you say just enough to assert you are the victim and point out pertinent evidence before it gets missed or disappears. Larry Hickey spent the better part of 3 months in jail and 2 years of his life with his case hanging over his head before his 2nd trial ended in another hung jury largely because he initially didn't say anything and evidence that would've easily proven he was telling the truth about the encounter and his assailants were lying about where the confrontation took place was missed and lost.2 points
I am right handed but shoot left. I never thought about it until the DI chewed me out for not raising my hand when he asked for lefties. The M-16s then needed a brass deflector, so brass wouldn't end up on your arm, which it did, still have light scars from getting 38/40 (double feed) in my quals. Still don't do anything special, and never had any issues. I tried using lefty rifles, but they feel strange to me, probably because I'm not a lefty, so I use my right hand to charge the weapon.2 points
I built a leftie AR years ago. It was in fact more expensive to do so, and I also imagine parting with it would be more difficult. It is also a side charger which didn't help the cost either. I included pictures of both the rightie and the leftie that I built. They are virtually twins with only minor variations where required. The upper receiver is a leftie variant. You'll also need a leftie bolt variant to go with that. Beyond that, pieces and parts were the same as a rightie. I did splurge on some optional ambi parts such as the selector switch where I felt it made sense to do so. Many of the ambi parts options where a little dubious in nature so I skipped those but to each their own. If you have any questions, I'm happy to provide any answer I can remember.2 points
I will say that it's time for everybody to quit fighting. The enemy is in DC. And we ALL need to realize it.2 points
How many people here would still punch the Rubio ticket if given the choice between him and (insert any Democrat)? My guess, 95%. That's why I'll preach for having more than 2 parties until I die.2 points
It is getting to the point there are no Politician's that are trust worthy-whether it's Republican's that sell out or a Politician runs on grounds they are a Republican and the minute they are elected they sell us out.2 points
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XM. Gotta have a tune on. I prefer to read over podcasts. The weirdness that's me I guess.1 point
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I have about a hundred metal magazines. I also have spent a long time in the military though.1 point
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I've not started loading for .45 ACP yet but, soon. I've been looking at a lot of load data for it lately. I would think that 6.5 gr. would be good. I don't think that's a max load and should be decent pressure. I'll use Herco at first, once I get started. Maybe some American Select too. Good luck.1 point
Okay I will straighten this out-2nd Amendment good-1 point
I just discovered this podcast and am really enjoying it. It is politically oriented, but not in any sort of partisan manner. Anarcho-Christian podcast Evaluating the relationship between the Christian and the state. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/anarchochristian-evaluating-relationship-between-christian/id1339744391?i=10004006121101 point
Yes we should. I'm done. Delete if you want.1 point
Danger ! Danger ! Danger ! I feel this thread hitting the rumble strip1 point
They are all useless. No doubt about that.1 point
We’re moving close to verboten territory here, but what I think the important lesson is that we must hold all politicians feet to the fire. No party is a lock on being a defender of the 2A.1 point
1 point
I’m a lefty, but don’t see the logic in a left handed AR. They would be harder to sell and more expensive to build. I’ve yet to have a brass problem with them. An ambi safety is handy however. I am glad to see left handed components available for those who want them.1 point
It's over. But relax folks. If you read the rules, the winner won't be announced for at least a week and maybe more. But I'm patient.1 point
Ok, now you have me in tears...but a good kind. Whether you believe it now or not; God has blessed you and your wife. You chose to care for one of his special children. That alone makes you special in the Eyes of God...and hero to me. You no doubt have had times of intense pain, but I bet you've also had a father's pride in taking this child and putting her in a loving home and caring for and raising her. Again, you are a hero, a special person. A chosen one. I believe this with all my heart. I am a sinner with little accomplished in my life that I could be proud of or call good works. You have this. I can only imagine the pains and the strength it has taken for you in this task. But you took it on, out of love I'm sure. For that alone you are Blessed by God. Pray my friend. Pray for you daughter, your family, and for yourself. Be strong. As strong as you were when you began this journey. Your reward will come. I know not when, nor how, nor in what form...but it will. Remember this. You have family here to call upon. God Bless and Keep you all.1 point
They're feeling bold these days. Makes me worry a little about cutting off the NRA. I haven't sent them a penny since Wayne's shenanigans were exposed. We may need them before it's over.1 point
1 point
Add another RINO to the list of politicians we need to primary out of office.1 point
Yeah, Greg I hear you. I have to wear them all the time at work. Along with safety glasses. It sucks.1 point
Ok. So I will sell 4000 rounds to the TGO @ $0.30 to buy the AR. 3000 rounds at $0.80 to the general public to make $2400 for taxes now I have a decent AR and 7000 rounds of 5.56 NATO for no out of pocket expense. Plus hopefully some happy TGOers who got some inexpensive ammo.1 point
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Yep, there is a button in the foregrip push fw and lock semi, push back and lock it's in pump.1 point
I agree, but my opinion is worth little, the odds he will spend time anywhere but possibly a more mental care ward, are slim I think. I have unfortunately, had to see family and friends in similar care facilities. How he was allowed, or hid a weapon in such a situation is really strange. Even in assisted living units, I'd darn near guarantee a quiet search is done on possessions. My father-in-law was in one for a short time and had his pocket knives taken.1 point
I want to say it was 1912 or 1914. Cant remember but its an early one. ***EDIT*** 1911 year model1 point
alleycat72, my heart breaks for you and your family. My "opinion" you should get some good Christian counseling for yourself and family. There is comfort to be found there, even in a tragic situation, if you are open to it. Get a Bible and read 2nd Samuel chapter 12. Pay close attention to what David said in verse 23 of chapter 12(I shall go to him). Also you can see how a father can overcome tragedy. Drinking is not the answer. Said a prayer for you all this morning. Praying you all may find peace with your situation. One who puts his trust in God can/will find peace with death. I won't mislead you, doesn't mean this will be easy. The ones left behind has the hard part. Only thing I know to help you alleycat72. Again, So sorry for your plight. I can get you a number, of a Christian to meet with you in Columbia, only if you are interested. I will drive to Columbia and talk with you myself. I live in Murfreesboro and would be glad to talk to you. Send me a PM. I hope/pray I can get your response. Life is hard, sometimes. With God's peace one can bear it. Do not mean to be callous here.1 point
I have a bit of everything, except Ham, but will rectify that I think. Hardware may become critical and it is a good idea to be prepared, but our electronic comms are already being compromised, we all joke about it but I am sure we have all had ads sent to us for things you have asked about, searched, or even in some cases just had a verbal conversation about. If they can get that info, nothing else is safe. I do not think they will just cut us off, at least not at first, they want to listen in, which they can't do if they cut our comms. So the first thing is to secure your comms. I am slowly moving away from Google, Gmail, yahoo etc, and have even removed Chrome. Here is where I have landed so far, in case some of you want to check them out. I don't do facebook or twitter but I listed some alternatives, read they were ok, but who knows unless you get on there and check it out, review them here if you already have or do so later. First is a faraday bag, keeps signals from getting in, and getting out for phones and Laptops/tablets. Free eMail: Tutanota secure encryption in transmission and while at rest. Based in Germany so part of the 14 eyes compact, but even if they do give access to the alphabet units, the encryption is pretty tight. Protonmail, same as above but based in Switzerland; but there are some reports that the CIA may have been involved in their early years so I use it as my Spam email, used only for non official uses like shopping sites. It also supports good encryption so there is that. Browser: Brave, seems to be much more secure than Chrome, and blocks many of the various site tracking features as well as pop-ups. It also does a great job at importing bookmarks and even some passwords. Passwords: Lastpass, password manager; it can be accessed from an app (any platform), or on the web and they all sync so it is updated after each addition or edit anywhere you access it from. It incorporates itself into Chrome, and Brave, probably Internet Explorer/ Edge too, so fills in your username and PW for you so you can use strong passwords without worrying about forgetting them. Reading about the Dark Web probably wouldn't hurt, which is just going around the DNS servers, which can be compromised. using a different browser with encryption matching the one the site uses, such as a TOR browser. People have been using this to communicate in closed societies such as Russia, NK, Iran etc., it's not just about Silk Road and drugs. News: One American News Network (OWN) Newsmax Book of Face, Twit ,Replacements MeWe Gab Parler Our Freedom Book Freedom Book Youtube replacement, 2A and 1A friendly: Full30 Rumble Anyone have any others, list away.1 point
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