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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2021 in all areas

  1. I can’t believe grown men are on a gun forum discussing the wearing of masks. Man up and live your lives, guys.
    4 points
  2. You should have followed the advice given to dial it back a bit. It was good advice. Come back in a couple days when hopefully you’ve heeded that advice.
    4 points
  3. I re-read my answer and sticking to it. The February issue of the Rangemaster Newsletter speaks to the use of lethal force. Can, may, should, must. Tom also highlights through the inclusion of this content, as an instructor, I am not a legal expert and to be cautious and aware when having these conversations with students and others.
    3 points
  4. The murderer fired the first several shots at the ground or in the air. And they still were hurling insults at him. The woman pulled out her phone and said she had it on camera. This had been a long ongoing feud but the fact that the folks just really could not grasp that he was for real and their lives were in danger boggles the mind. The couple did not deserve to die like that, but the story is coming out from the neighbors say that they were not innocent players in all of this. You never know who you’re dealing with and you never know when that psycho switch is going to flip. You just can’t go around pushing people because sometimes you find that you end up dead. ETA: This all relates to some of the recent road rage discussions we’ve had.
    3 points
  5. Just a heads up and most should know this, but Palmetto state armory has Magpul P-mags for $12.30 and free shipping if you buy 5+. I don't want to hear anyone saying in 6 months or 6 years that nobody alerted them to this fact. You can also buy aluminum mags for $11.99. Simple if you snooze you lose.
    2 points
  6. Picked her up on here a couple of months back looking like this.... I picked up a bargain priced 1896 small ring stock on ebay (i'd love to say I did it with the intention of modifying the inletting, but honestly i'd had a couple of bourbons & screwed up....) It arrived yesterday & i set to work the gouges, chisels & rasps. Now she looks like this: I have the bolt with an old guy in Wisconsin getting the super short knob replaced with a traditional, butterknife handle. Once that's back it's going to Terry Walden to have scope mounts fitted. This has been a super simple-ish, classy, cheap project & the ol' gal is going to end up being my antelope, deer & coyote go to.
    2 points
  7. The point of the mask is to stop YOUR droplets from escaping.
    2 points
  8. You absolutely should have, we're all glad you did. You don't have to bear this burden alone, everyone needs help sometimes.
    2 points
  9. You are a hero in my eyes for taking on such a challenge. I wish I had your bravery and strength, but sadly I do not.
    2 points
  10. The style of stock & checkering is a real sweet combo on that rifle. Looks like one of those that you just want to pick up and play with it for a few minutes. Hope the spoon handle turns out nice. I made a couple up from hot forging the original, adding some weld to the end and then pear shaping the spoon. This was the last one I did about 9 years ago. Adds a really nice touch!
    2 points
  11. The proper approach to this question and others like it isn’t “what can I do?” It should always be “what must I do?” Whether in your home or elsewhere. So the question isn’t “can I shoot this person,” the question is “must I shoot this person to defend my life, or the lives of others from imminent harm.” If that’s your operating position, I think the odds of you actually being in a position to shoot anybody are pretty damn low, and facing legal trouble over the shoot well below that.
    2 points
  12. The revised Adamas series of knives from Benchmade are due to launch in March and the new 275GY-1 is probably the one knife on my radar that I can genuinely say I am excited about. The new Adamas series is going to use the absolutely stellar CruWear steel for their blades which will address the rusting issue some folks had with the D2 tool steel used previously.
    1 point
  13. I had a particularly paranoid client this past week who required I wear two masks for my inspection. So I put a cloth mask over a N95 mask. First time wearing any mask that my glasses didn't fog up.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, Greg I hear you. I have to wear them all the time at work. Along with safety glasses. It sucks.
    1 point
  15. When I'm scalping this after I win it, I hope it's worth a whole lot more than that ...
    1 point
  16. You were special before you had co-morbidities
    1 point
  17. Essentially, I believe the shooter will always have to have an argument of or 'Burden of Production' that the shooting was in self defense. The judge does not have to accept that argument based of the amount of supporting evidence. In home shootings there is a much more favorable standing or lower bar to reach, but still must be made. Prosecuters try to avoid cases where there is strong evidence they will lose. The standard of imminent death or SBI will still apply in or out of your abode. The point on civil immunity does require the adjudication by the judge to be in play in TN.
    1 point
  18. I've got a lot of respect for you brother. Bless you.
    1 point
  19. Built off the alloy J frame 2004-2006. Its brother is the 431pd (hammered model) also in 32 h&r magnum. It IS a cataloged model despite what the shop told you and there was no "one" distributor, at least to my knowledge. I had them both at one time. Stout little backup or pocket carry. Im fairly certain they have not reintroduced this model but have no information to prove that. Hope that helps
    1 point
  20. This is just an FYI, read it this morning on my phone news.Now there are several people that have had Covid-19 and months later re-infected. Also so you know the vaccine does not keep you from getting it.
    1 point
  21. Does it bother anyone else the way reporters throw around the term “decorated” when talking about service awards that pretty much everyone gets as long as they don’t mess up? This video is an eye opener on many levels.
    1 point
  22. Unfortunately everyone has a breaking point. I suspect he had more than annoying neighbors on his plate.
    1 point
  23. I've tried all kinds of masks with and without the metal band and my glasses fog up with all of them. None will stay up either. I think my whiskers pull them down. I pull it up when I think I need to but I will pull it down when I need to see where I'm going or what I'm doing. I wear one at work (for three more weeks and I'm done!) and when I go into a store but they just don't seem to work very well for me, I'm really looking forward to not having to wear one very often.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for all the help guys, I really appreciate it! A couple of good friends have possibly found what I need & are going to mail them to me.
    1 point
  25. Ok. So I will sell 4000 rounds to the TGO @ $0.30 to buy the AR. 3000 rounds at $0.80 to the general public to make $2400 for taxes now I have a decent AR and 7000 rounds of 5.56 NATO for no out of pocket expense. Plus hopefully some happy TGOers who got some inexpensive ammo.
    1 point
  26. If you ever get close to Collierville, Memphis, call me and these are yours.
    1 point
  27. I've been at "50% complete" for years. I don't chose to answer the questions required to be "100% Complete". Everything works fine for me.
    1 point
  28. You should be good, if you paid for the membership. My screen still says 50% complete too. Never bothered. If you're still having troubles, there is a support forum you can post in and the mods will get back pronto.
    1 point
  29. you never know what is going to set someone off.....stay meek and swallow one's pride
    1 point
  30. I’ve been expecting this headline for years. It’s unfortunate that a young man lost his life, but this is a YT genre that needs to die. Shame that someone else had to first.
    1 point
  31. Bartering seems a good way to go to get ammo, trade one caliber for another. I'm good on everything right now except some 6.5 CM, but it is not a "need" for me. One thing I found rather strange..well, thinking about it not so much, but anyway, the rolls of caps for the toy guns have become unobtainium lately, most are either gone (OOS) or priced much higher. For those that may ask, they can be used to make your own primers. I expect a run on strike anywhere matches coming too, it is good to be prepared.
    1 point
  32. I don't have family. I have work & I have this. I already put in 15 hours a day at work......
    1 point
  33. It's disheartening, but unfortunately it looks to me the "New Norm", at least for the time being. Sad indeed. Thanks for posting the various links @The Legion. Like @RED333 posted. Even though the price is high it disappears quickly. It makes me appreciate what I have and at the same time feel bad for those that find themselves unprepared.
    1 point
  34. Just my $0.02, sounds like you have spent a LOT of time trying to find the screw, what could you have done with this spent time working on other things. My time is very valuable to me and my family, stop spending time trying to save a few dollars when you can spend the time with your family. After all you have found the screw.
    1 point
  35. If McMaster-Carr doesn’t have it, I’d stop looking and just spring for the one from Winchester.
    1 point
  36. Yeah, well I don't trust them either. Wingnuts to the left of me. Wingnuts to the right of me. Somewhere in the middle is the truth, but the Wingnuts wouldn't know the truth, if it ran over them with a Mack truck.
    1 point
  37. I think Chuck and Chip and A.J. and a few others have done a good job covering the answer but I want to touch on the above question. We don't pull our guns to threaten people. We pull our guns to stop the threat. If the threat ends at the draw or appearance of a firearm, it was a good day. If it takes being on target but the trigger never gets pulled, again, still a good day. But if it takes an empty mag plus a few more rounds, that's the amount of force we must use. Our goal should NEVER be to threaten anyone. Our primary goal is always the same. We use the actions and force necessary to STOP THE THREAT!
    1 point
  38. Just goes to show that when a person is given something for free (money), as opposed to working and earning it, they will foolishly spend and squander it with little or no care for it's real value.
    1 point
  39. I had typed out a response on this thread a few days ago, and before hitting that submit button the thought "I don't want to go on record saying that" went through my head, and I hit the back button instead.
    1 point
  40. Placed my first order for seeds yesterday for my 2021 garden. 30 days to receive.... Wowzers.
    1 point
  41. As always, this is NOT LEGAL ADVICE!! The confusion typically comes from the fact that there is no "hard and fast rule" here. Someone who forcibly enters and has no legal right to be there creates a presumption that you (the rightful occupant) are under a reasonable fear of death or grave bodily harm. That presumption can be overcome by the facts, though. For example, an intruder forcibly enters, is completely naked, and falls asleep on the couch. You walk into the room some time later and find him there. The fact that the intruder meets that presumption definition does not give the occupant the right to shoot him. Under those circumstances, the presumption is overcome by the facts. It would not be reasonable to be in fear at that point. Yes, if you change the facts or add facts, that could change the result. But that's the point. The facts will dictate what is allowable as self-defense. The classic example of a self-defense presumption is you hear glass break in the middle of the night. You get up, see a dark figure and fire at that figure. Under those circumstances, the shooter is presumed to have been in reasonable fear. The shooter would not have to prove that fear was reasonable at trial. If the prosecution can prove that the fear wasn't reasonable, the presumption is overcome and a conviction is possible (maybe even likely). The only thing the self-defense presumption does is change who has the burden of proof at trial. In either case, the facts matter. So, change the facts even slightly, you can get a different answer. As a general matter, it still comes down to reasonableness. If someone forcibly enters the house but you have any reason NOT to be in reasonable fear, don't shoot. Just because a person is in your house is not a get out of jail free card.
    1 point
  42. In Tennessee, people can justifiably use deadly force to defend themselves or others if they believe there is an imminent threat of death or serious injury. There is no duty to retreat from your home. Do you believe the intruder in your home poses a threat of death of serious injury? Then you are legally justified in using deadly force to prevent that death or injury. You cannot use deadly force to prevent the intruder from walking out the door with your 4K UHD television.
    1 point
  43. I guess I made a mistake selling a little over 3k rounds to a forum member for .06 a round last week and today. (Not a mistake) I had extra and they wanted to shoot their .22s. I just can’t bring myself to sell my extra on gunbroker for stupid prices.
    1 point
  44. So...free bacon for all benefactors?
    1 point
  45. I ain’t seen a hog that big laid out like that since one night when I got really drunk and....well never mind. We don’t need to go into that story. Congtats!
    1 point
  46. VZ makes a wide variety of revolver grips if you like G10.
    1 point
  47. Thank you all. You all are too kind. This is
    1 point
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