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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2021 in all areas
4 points
We all know what's coming from Washington. Many Counties in TN have already passed 2A Sanctuary resolutions. However, I'd like to get a movement going to have the entire state of Tennessee declared a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary. I think that with a little nudging from the citizens that this could be done. It won't stop the feds, but it will send a message that we want no part of their BS. I sent e-mails to my State Senator and Representative today. I strongly urge everyone here to do so and encourage all your friends to join in too. The time to speak up is now.3 points
More than once when I’ve sold to strangers I took along someone to stand back at a distance.3 points
If we're within $1000, I call it good. They're not holding too much of my money and anything I have to pay, that money is in my control. Regarding new and shifting tax brackets; 3 year ago, our gross income increased about $4000, our tax burden increased about $3600 YoY. Not much incentive to make that extra money...but hey, we rich folks are fortunate and greedy.3 points
3 points
110 pieces of 6.5 Creedmoor brass, one fired thru gas guns. Some case openings have deflector flat spots. Minimal to no ejector swipes. 200 to 300 pieces of 556 / 223 brass, once fired. Sorry never counted, they barely fit in a quart ziploc from a couple range sessions when I thought I would start reloading.3 points
The police are not idiots. They will be able to tell pretty quickly if the gun story is a lie.3 points
alleycat72, my heart breaks for you and your family. My "opinion" you should get some good Christian counseling for yourself and family. There is comfort to be found there, even in a tragic situation, if you are open to it. Get a Bible and read 2nd Samuel chapter 12. Pay close attention to what David said in verse 23 of chapter 12(I shall go to him). Also you can see how a father can overcome tragedy. Drinking is not the answer. Said a prayer for you all this morning. Praying you all may find peace with your situation. One who puts his trust in God can/will find peace with death. I won't mislead you, doesn't mean this will be easy. The ones left behind has the hard part. Only thing I know to help you alleycat72. Again, So sorry for your plight. I can get you a number, of a Christian to meet with you in Columbia, only if you are interested. I will drive to Columbia and talk with you myself. I live in Murfreesboro and would be glad to talk to you. Send me a PM. I hope/pray I can get your response. Life is hard, sometimes. With God's peace one can bear it. Do not mean to be callous here.3 points
3 points
Sad story. You can do gun deals arranged online, but you need to exercise some selectivity (buyers from TGO are generally a trustworthy group). Don't do deals at night, and meet in a public place like a gun store parking lot or a police dept parking lot (several depts maintain places for Craig's List transactions and whatnot). I'm sorry for this guy and his family.3 points
Don't say I never did anything for any of you ax murderers Good luck. If anyone here wins this, you better share! https://www.brownells.com/.aspx/bapid=698/ClientPage/super-barrel2 points
Someone said to me earlier, "He was my first movie star crush. He could sing and dance, looked good in a suit, and genuinely hated Nazis."2 points
Ah, the soulless AR. I'm in your club. Good news, if I win, many rounds would be for sale to TGO members and NOT at parking lot prices!2 points
I too have suspicions, but I will reserve them. The victim here was a 22yo kid. He very well could have been naive enough through youth and inexperience to place himself in such a bad situation. I know I ended up in a lot of sketch situations at that age. Time will tell what the truth really is here.2 points
Thanks all. There's a local cell-phone store that's a PagePlus vendor and I went there and asked for something that would work. The nice young lady at the desk did all the transfer stuff, and the new phone seems to work.2 points
If McMaster-Carr doesn’t have it, I’d stop looking and just spring for the one from Winchester.2 points
2 points
The proper approach to this question and others like it isn’t “what can I do?” It should always be “what must I do?” Whether in your home or elsewhere. So the question isn’t “can I shoot this person,” the question is “must I shoot this person to defend my life, or the lives of others from imminent harm.” If that’s your operating position, I think the odds of you actually being in a position to shoot anybody are pretty damn low, and facing legal trouble over the shoot well below that.2 points
One never knows. Look at the woman shot and carjacked in Hermitage this week. Thugs are everywhere, watch your backs. I also am always armed and normally have backup when meeting strangers. Not a 200 yard sniper mind you but backup none the less. Haven't been on here long but already "know" some of you guys.1 point
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1 point
I got my call from the Murfreesboro VA and have an appointment for next Saturday.1 point
That's essentially what happened. My wife basically doubled her income last year but we only paid in an additional $1,500 in taxes over the previous year. I assumed the payroll software would account for this but apparently not. Prior to this, we had it just about perfect where we got back a very small amount. I'm modifying our W4's to have additional money taken out each paycheck. It was a good life lesson I guess.1 point
I see you caught my ploy to turn you steel and wood guys to the polymer dark side. So much for my jedi mind tricks.1 point
I can usually get a couple hundred thousand miles per set of tires. That said, a set of tires runs me over $6k.1 point
I put a set of Goodyear Kevlar ATs on my Tacoma in November after the previous set last 65k miles with no issues at all. Super happy with them. Great tire. Right at $800 OTD. I think there was a rebate I sent in later - maybe $100?1 point
Alleycat, I sent a prayer up for your little girl and your family. I will second Pop Pop's suggestion. I can't imagine your stress level brother. I do know alcohol isn't a solution, it is only a crutch. I know I used to use it and it doesn't help. You can pm me and I will give you my phone number to call at any time. I won't preach to you I promise. It took a long time for me to realize we can't do this "job" on our own. I believe every man and woman needs a couple of REAL friends they can call on at any hour of the day and just listen or help us. Praying for you and your family. Mac1 point
1 point
I don't have family. I have work & I have this. I already put in 15 hours a day at work......1 point
May God's healing hand touch your daughter as only he can. May his peace flood your heart to help with this unfathomable pain.1 point
The post by Hozzie is excellent information. Having built a couple of custom 10/22 (mostly Kidd classic builds), I can state that chasing accuracy on a 10/22 can be an expensive hobby. As jpx2rk stated, the Fedderson barrels can be excellent. My avatar is my first 5 rounds shot through a Fedderson stainless barrel at 25 yards (note - 20 rounds were fired through it by another shooter before me). While the Brimstone triggers are great for the money, I'm a huge fan of the Kidd 2-stage triggers. I don't think there's a better trigger on the market for the 10/22. I agree with Hozzie that the Bergara B14-R is a fantastic rifle. After putting in a TriggerTech Diamond (adjusted down to 4 ounces) and trying some different ammo to see what it likes, it's easily a "one-hole" rifle at 40 yards. I haven't really had the opportunity to stretch it out at the local range yet due to health issues.1 point
I've always met in a public place. I'm always armed. My buddy is always on a sniper rifle 200 yards out with a clear shot because he can't shoot for s÷*t.1 point
Why would you let complete stranger in the backseat of your car at night? Now, your drug dealer, that might happen1 point
Their toggle action that they acquired with the Summit acquisition is such a neat action.1 point
I am also interested in the responses. I am interested in one of their summit rifles in 17 HM2. Of course they are very proud of these things.1 point
1 point
Just laid down $830ish for some Bridgestone ATs on my Taco yesterday, they said I saved over $100. Much cheaper than the Goodyears they replaced, but as with everything else related to the oil industry I too think they will go up, it's just how much that is the question.1 point
You’ll have to buy a phone that’s compatible with whatever network they’re riding on. As such, it’s probably worth buying from their vendor. Was the Kyocera an old flip phone? If it was, it might be worth checking Amazon or EBay to see if you could just purchase the samE model.1 point
1 point
As others have said, important to remember that the reasonableness of your actions will be judged by people who aren't scared, who didn't just wake up to the sound of a stranger in the home, and who don't have loved ones in the next room. @ Raoul - My wife and I were living in a low-end apartment 15 years ago and were both off work and asleep in the bedroom about 2 pm. She shook me awake and whispered "There's someone in the house." Maybe seven seconds later I had grabbed my 1911 from a drawer and heard heavy footsteps in the hall. Someone rattled the locked bedroom doorknob from outside the room. I sounded off with "Get out or I'll shoot," racked the slide, and aimed at the door. Immediately I heard footsteps running away. Stupidly I opened the bedroom door and followed the sound. I made it out the front door in time to see a guy start his engine and drive away faster than I would have thought a pest control van can go. Afterward I had a huge adrenaline dump, figured out what had happened, felt angry, felt frustrated... and was very relieved I hadn't fired through that bedroom door. About two days later the apt. leasing office admitted to me that they routinely gave keys to a local pest control company to send contractors inside units (with no prior notice to residents) and spray for bugs during the day "while residents are at work." Suffice to say, we moved. There's a lot about it that I could have done better. But no one got hurt.1 point
That’s kind of what I was getting at. Of course, at the time the robber probably doesn’t know you are a law abiding citizen, all the knows it somebody is pointing a gun at him and may shoot. That’s really they only thing that is keeping him from running off. Just seems like a lot of things could go wrong. Probably your best bet is to pull your firearm, the robber backs down where you are no longer in fear for your life, and you just tell him to get out of there. I’ll admit, I’d probably have a hard time doing that, but I’ll also admit I have problems doing what is best sometimes, especially right after I thought somebody was trying to do me harm. It’s really easy to talk about what you should do on a Internet forum, and we should know what to do and try our best to follow those rules. It all gets fuzzy though when things are happening fast, and you get into that “fight or flight” mode. Sometimes we start fighting when we should be flighting.1 point
A friend sent me this video. I wish more people from the "majority" would stand up in city counsels the way this fellow did. I'd like to shake his hand. 1960767221_COMEHELLORHIGHWATER(2).mp41 point
Got some 45-70 ammo(20rds ) somebody gave me . If someone needs it . First pm gets dibs you pick it up in opry mills mall area ,Donelson1 point
1 point
As always, this is NOT LEGAL ADVICE!! The confusion typically comes from the fact that there is no "hard and fast rule" here. Someone who forcibly enters and has no legal right to be there creates a presumption that you (the rightful occupant) are under a reasonable fear of death or grave bodily harm. That presumption can be overcome by the facts, though. For example, an intruder forcibly enters, is completely naked, and falls asleep on the couch. You walk into the room some time later and find him there. The fact that the intruder meets that presumption definition does not give the occupant the right to shoot him. Under those circumstances, the presumption is overcome by the facts. It would not be reasonable to be in fear at that point. Yes, if you change the facts or add facts, that could change the result. But that's the point. The facts will dictate what is allowable as self-defense. The classic example of a self-defense presumption is you hear glass break in the middle of the night. You get up, see a dark figure and fire at that figure. Under those circumstances, the shooter is presumed to have been in reasonable fear. The shooter would not have to prove that fear was reasonable at trial. If the prosecution can prove that the fear wasn't reasonable, the presumption is overcome and a conviction is possible (maybe even likely). The only thing the self-defense presumption does is change who has the burden of proof at trial. In either case, the facts matter. So, change the facts even slightly, you can get a different answer. As a general matter, it still comes down to reasonableness. If someone forcibly enters the house but you have any reason NOT to be in reasonable fear, don't shoot. Just because a person is in your house is not a get out of jail free card.1 point
Forcibly breaks in knowing I am home. He or she ain't selling Amway or recruiting for the Latter Day Saints. As a reasonable person, this is an unreasonable action which could lead to a violent altercation. Strong words or putting myself at the mercy of a criminal is not reasonable. I choose to end it quickly with as much force as necessary. If the presence of my weapon causes him of her to turn and run, that is an excellent result. I'm also not likely to attempt to clear my house from my second floor bedroom if victim of an intrusion. No kids or other family members to worry about.1 point
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