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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2021 in all areas

  1. I bought this at a gun show a few years back. It came with a set of stag grips. I finally located original style grips for it. This was no easy feat. In case anyone isn't familiar, this is a Smith and Wesson Heavy Frame Target Model, also referred to as a Bekeart Model. I'm not sure the year of manufacture, but it is roughly 100 years old, and chambered for 22 Long Rifle. I've always wanted one of these, but never thought i'd actually have one.
    4 points
  2. We're starting to see more promising data from the vaccine and how it's working on the new strains of COVID-19 we're seeing. I get a daily news update from the NY Times and here is what they sent me this morning. All five vaccines with public results have eliminated Covid-19 deaths. They have also drastically reduced hospitalizations. “They’re all good trial results,” Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University, told me. “It’s great news. In the official language of research science, a vaccine is typically considered effective only if it prevents people from coming down with any degree of illness. With a disease that’s always or usually horrible, like ebola or rabies, that definition is also the most meaningful one. But it’s not the most meaningful definition for most coronavirus infections. Whether you realize it or not, you have almost certainly had a coronavirus. Coronaviruses have been circulating for decades if not centuries, and they’re often mild. The common cold can be a coronavirus. The world isn’t going to eliminate coronaviruses — or this particular one, known as SARS-CoV-2 — anytime soon. Yet we don’t need to eliminate it for life to return to normal. We instead need to downgrade it from a deadly pandemic to a normal virus. Once that happens, adults can go back to work, and children back to school. Grandparents can nuzzle their grandchildren, and you can meet your friends at a restaurant. As Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, told me this weekend: “I don’t actually care about infections. I care about hospitalizations and deaths and long-term complications.” By those measures, all five of the vaccines — from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Novavax and Johnson & Johnson — look extremely good. Of the roughly 75,000 people who have received one of the five in a research trial, not a single person has died from Covid, and only a few people appear to have been hospitalized. None have remained hospitalized 28 days after receiving a shot. To put that in perspective, it helps to think about what Covid has done so far to a representative group of 75,000 American adults: It has killed roughly 150 of them and sent several hundred more to the hospital. The vaccines reduce those numbers to zero and nearly zero, based on the research trials. Zero isn’t even the most relevant benchmark. A typical U.S. flu season kills between five and 15 out of every 75,000 adults and hospitalizes more than 100 of them. I assume you would agree that any vaccine that transforms Covid into something much milder than a typical flu deserves to be called effective. But that is not the scientific definition. When you read that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was 66 percent effective or that the Novavax vaccine was 89 percent effective, those numbers are referring to the prevention of all illness. They count mild symptoms as a failure. “In terms of the severe outcomes, which is what we really care about, the news is fantastic,” Dr. Aaron Richterman, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Pennsylvania, said. What about the highly contagious new virus variants that have emerged in Britain, Brazil and South Africa? The South African variant does appear to make the vaccines less effective at eliminating infections. Fortunately, there is no evidence yet that it increases deaths among vaccinated people. Two of the five vaccines — from Johnson & Johnson and Novavax — have reported some results from South Africa, and none of the people there who received a vaccine died of Covid. “People are still not getting serious illness. They’re still not dying,” Dr. Rebecca Wurtz of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health told me. The most likely reason, epidemiologists say, is that the vaccines still provide considerable protection against the variant, albeit not quite as much as against the original version. Some protection appears to be enough to turn this coronavirus into a fairly normal disease in the vast majority of cases. “This variant is clearly making it a little tougher to get the most vigorous response that you would want to have,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said. “But still, for severe disease, it’s looking really good.”
    4 points
  3. The appropriate response to that bill will include tar and feathers
    3 points
  4. As others have said, important to remember that the reasonableness of your actions will be judged by people who aren't scared, who didn't just wake up to the sound of a stranger in the home, and who don't have loved ones in the next room. @ Raoul - My wife and I were living in a low-end apartment 15 years ago and were both off work and asleep in the bedroom about 2 pm. She shook me awake and whispered "There's someone in the house." Maybe seven seconds later I had grabbed my 1911 from a drawer and heard heavy footsteps in the hall. Someone rattled the locked bedroom doorknob from outside the room. I sounded off with "Get out or I'll shoot," racked the slide, and aimed at the door. Immediately I heard footsteps running away. Stupidly I opened the bedroom door and followed the sound. I made it out the front door in time to see a guy start his engine and drive away faster than I would have thought a pest control van can go. Afterward I had a huge adrenaline dump, figured out what had happened, felt angry, felt frustrated... and was very relieved I hadn't fired through that bedroom door. About two days later the apt. leasing office admitted to me that they routinely gave keys to a local pest control company to send contractors inside units (with no prior notice to residents) and spray for bugs during the day "while residents are at work." Suffice to say, we moved. There's a lot about it that I could have done better. But no one got hurt.
    2 points
  5. Some folks might be better off not thinking or opining on the dozens of ways such a situation could go.
    2 points
  6. This is a complete ban on guns. It takes 6 months to get a psychological evaluation now. Imagine everyone getting a gun signing up. Of course insurance isn't going to pay for it, so how much does one or two psych evals costs?
    2 points
  7. The point of passing a law like this is to create non compliance. (SMASH) "Looks like you've got a tail light out...." "We've got to pass the law to see whats in it!" If anyone suggests The Constitution something something I'm going to smack them....
    2 points
  8. I had been looking to start a processing center to extract CBD due to the incredibly low prices for raw materials. The insane amount of farmers jumping in the past 2 years thinking this was going to be an instant bump in profits caused prices to bottom out. I had heard it was mostly due to a lack of processors, but looking more into the data, there's a significant drop in demand on the retail end. Surprisingly, retail prices haven't come down yet. I believe retail could drop prices 20% or more and increase sales significantly. I also believe the biggest reason for the drop was the FDA crushing any advertising on products where the benefits were listed. If its not in the name, like "soothing salve" or similar, most folks don't realize what the product could do for them. Further, the FDA prohibits any information as to amount required to achieve effects the customer needs. I'm not talking about sensitive people getting high on trace amounts of THC, but the effects of the CBD. So when someone walks in to try a CBD product, like edibles or tinctures, they have 10 different concentrations to choose from. The staff are not supposed to say which amount to buy or how much the customer should take. Customers have to figure out that on their own. That makes it sound like snake oil to just about anyone that hasn't done a lot of research, and the price is prohibitive to trying it out. There is a pharmaceutical drug on the market that is just CBD. It's listed as for seizures. The concentration is over 1000mg per dose. If you get a 1000mg bottle of tincture at a shop of a reputable brand, expect to pay well over $100. And you would have to consume the whole bottle to get the 1000mg dose. I'm not saying you would need that much to affect your ailment, but you may. I have heard that other countries, especially those where THC is legal, has a higher demand since most farms are dedicated to THC production rather than CBD. If you can get into exporting, your friend may get his sales back. I'm not sold on topical treatments where oils need to be absorbed through the skin and into the affected areas. I tried one once, i did not notice any affect other than the menthol. That's my opinion based on my research. just my 2 cents.
    2 points
  9. I used the "angry" face as I agree and the actions make me mad.
    2 points
  10. I’m no expert either but I think the market is definitely over saturated. Seems like you can’t drive a mile around here without passing a CBD shop or seeing/hearing an ad for one. I also believe big retailers are getting in on it as well
    2 points
  11. I'm certainly no expert on this, never tried it, etc. From what I see, hear, read, it is well oversaturated. Seems to be a stand on every corner, roadside, store, online. Just my $.02
    2 points
  12. States need sanctuary laws to protect us from the feds
    2 points
  13. If you think it will not pass then you are fooling yourself, it will probably go. Things are not the same they were 4 years ago.
    2 points
  14. I hope we are not underestimating what these people are capable of.
    2 points
  15. These are my first suppressors. I had a total of seven suppressors in jail. I purchased these at the end of August and they were approved in December. It took them an additional month to mail the stamps. Hopefully the other four will be here soon. I’m a little giddy right now. SiCo Osprey9, Dead Air Mask .22 and Surefire Socom SPS 300
    1 point
  16. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/127/text?r=17&s=1 Federally mandated insurance, expensive, and managed by the FedGov (some $800 per year). Psychological evaluations by state-approved psychologists for approval to purchase firearms. Those evaluations are extended to family members (including former spouses). Prohibition of person-to-person transfers. Prohibition of standard capacity magazines. From the FPC.
    1 point
  17. That’s kind of what I was getting at. Of course, at the time the robber probably doesn’t know you are a law abiding citizen, all the knows it somebody is pointing a gun at him and may shoot. That’s really they only thing that is keeping him from running off. Just seems like a lot of things could go wrong. Probably your best bet is to pull your firearm, the robber backs down where you are no longer in fear for your life, and you just tell him to get out of there. I’ll admit, I’d probably have a hard time doing that, but I’ll also admit I have problems doing what is best sometimes, especially right after I thought somebody was trying to do me harm. It’s really easy to talk about what you should do on a Internet forum, and we should know what to do and try our best to follow those rules. It all gets fuzzy though when things are happening fast, and you get into that “fight or flight” mode. Sometimes we start fighting when we should be flighting.
    1 point
  18. That’s different if the threat is still there. But what I was saying was that even after having the gun on you, if the intruder has turned and left, if you then grabbed your gun and shot him, possibly in the back, you might have a hard time defending the action. You might still be scared, and still feel threatened, but in actuality the threat has at that point likely ended in the eyes of the law.
    1 point
  19. Who says the .45 ACP can't bring down big game?
    1 point
  20. Rep.Sheila Jackson Lee-has tried this one every year for at least 10 years now-she just rinse and repeats.
    1 point
  21. Yep, and seriously injured her bank account as well. Will in all likely hood have plenty of time to think about it sitting in a cell.
    1 point
  22. Shouldn't/are not allowed to legally shoot someone who is stealing property, here in TN, and not presenting a deadly threat. She is in serious trouble. Has ruined her future, any way you slice it.
    1 point
  23. That woman needs education on "shoot, don't shoot" decision making. I hate a thief, but don't think they should be shot
    1 point
  24. No but I did get in on AMC last week. Not enough to really hurt me if it drops but if it soars like GME I would be happy. The reddit guys are convinced that GME isn't done climbing yet. I've enjoyed their commentary. Several of them have used their earnings from GME to do charity work.
    1 point
  25. Jeez, Louise! Those stinking Texans! I wonder if there's an ounce of seriousness in proposing this bill, or if it's entirely a show to get a few of those Bloomberg dollars. Either way, it's an abomination that such a bill could even be introduced. I see there are no co-sponsors, which means it has no chance of getting any consideration, but it goes to show ya what some in our government would do to us.
    1 point
  26. I Drove up about 10AM Saturday with my friend. Saw the line around the building and went to Harvey's instead. Bought a Springfield TRP Operator. Good day.
    1 point
  27. That was my opinion also till a friend was visiting that messed her ankle up and it was suggested she use the external CBD to reduce pain while she healed and she swears by it so we picked up a small jar of the salve and my wife used it first on her knees and was amazed at the relief. I tried it on my wrist with similar results. We don't use it a lot but it is nice to have around. Our second batch we bought in a roll-on container and that is much less of a mess. A friend takes in orally and says it helps but we have not see a need for that. He was on some fairly strong pain medicines and it has helped wean off them. He says it is not as good but it helps.
    1 point
  28. Saw this on Amazon.. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WC7FR75/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_H0H70C8VAF4EY9T727WW
    1 point
  29. On the 10/22s it really depends on how they are customized as to their value. A base synthetic stock rifle is inexpensive, where full custom rifle can be a couple of grand. Just the Kidd 2-stage triggers in my 10/22 rifles cost more than a basic 10/22. That's one of the great things about Ruger 10/22s. There is a plethora of options and accessories available.
    1 point
  30. Arrived Saturday morning at around 8:20. Line was around the building. Sat there for an hour, line got longer. Left. Came back at 8:30 Sunday, parked and was about 50th in line. Ammo prices were for the rich or uninformed. Found a couple of Ruger 10-22's that I was interested in. I really liked the one till I looked closer at the tag, $1100. Next one had about the same upgrades but $650. the others were stock ranging from $400 to $500. Went back to find the one for $650 and it was gone. Oh well. Found a couple of mags for brothers S&W, another mag for the UZI, Sight Mark reflex sight, ultra light bipod and 12 gauge buck shot at $2 a round. One guy asking $25 for 5 rounds . Went looking for 6.5 bullets for reloading but not a one. got crowded around 11 am. Prices seemed to be anywhere from 20% to 50% above what I was able to order online 6 months ago. Primers from $100 to $130 a thousand. Still have some money in my pocket, lol. I drive a pickup truck
    1 point
  31. I was there about noon time and CS is pretty accurate about the show. All tho by that time, the ticket line was about 15 people. A real cluster in the front of the show but thinned out to not bad further back. One guy had some 15-20, cases of PMC TAC 5.56 going for 18.95 per box. I was hunting for a SAA in 357 and found only one Uberti for 700, while there were a number of 45's in the upper 400 range. I passed on any buy there. I did however get a deal on a barreled action TC 22 classic for 80 bucks off a private table. I'm going to fit that into a M1 carbine stock I have laying around. All in all a pretty good show with a clear showing of bizaro pricing on the most wanted items list. And I saw that white Tesla also, My son pointed it out. If your a bit concerned about catching Covid, don't go. Masks dont do much any way. If its in the air, its on the items tabled. I didnt go there to keep my hands in my pockets if I see something I might want.
    1 point
  32. Personally I find it helps me sleep. Now keep in mind that I'm A man of a certain age who came up in the 70's and enjoyed that decade immensely. But....I have found that a CBD gummy or 2 at bedtime does work for me. YMMV
    1 point
  33. Alvin York achieved fame by using an M1917 rifle.
    1 point
  34. We were informed in n uncertain terms that CBD use did not guarantee a failed random drug test, but could do so, and f t did, we have no recurse. That’ll keep me away from it.
    1 point
  35. Me too. Fewer than 10 times though. But I'm hedging my bets even more now, especially with the apparently more contagious strains coming into play. I'd really be pissed if I croaked so close to being able to change the odds big time by getting dosed. (I have more than one chink in my anti-virus armor btw). - OS
    1 point
  36. I have been going in and out of buildings without two masks (gasp!) for a year now and have somehow survived.
    1 point
  37. Yep that one got me to. The govt will never want to give public access to that database. This also makes it become a privacy issue, not just a gun registration issue. Also the part that every one has to have a psych evaluation.
    1 point
  38. I won't share the site here. But the file is out there. You should familiarize yourself with deterrence distributed.
    1 point
  39. You can defend yourself and your loved ones from risk of overwhelming and imminent bodily harm. You're not obligated to retreat. You're not permitted to prevent theft of property with deadly force. IANAL.
    1 point
  40. Armoured Machine Gun Carriers 1914
    1 point
  41. @Erik88I have been here longer than you so I am well aware of how things work. Facts are a lot like statistics now. One can make them fit about any narrative they want. I can decide for myself what “facts” to believe or not. Facts nowadays aren’t “the sun is hot”. We are at a crossroads in our country about what is free speech and transparency. Before someone says this is a private site, I understand that. It would seem that if we want to limit discussion on a gun forum to a narrative only a few decide are worthy of discussion we have already lost. Prove them wrong. You can say they won’t listen. You can’t change that. Simply shutting down their opinion isn’t the right way to go about it in my opinion. My opinion doesn’t really matter I suppose but I don’t think I am being out of line.
    1 point
  42. By participating in these forums, we agree to abide by the rules set forth. That is That. On the subject of backing up what someone said they heard, I do agree it is up to the reader to do the research. SOMETIMES rumors are the only truth you will hear before a law is on the books. I thought that is what the 2A forum was for, so we could stay abreast of what others heard. We certainly cannot trust any single source any more, the more input the better. Just remember we are all in this together and maintain decorum. Don't insult your comrades in battle, they are watching your back. If they err, be nice and try to lead them to see it for themselves. If you can't do that, just let it go as you would with any good friend.
    1 point
  43. I'm not sure it matters. What matters is what the staff decides. If there is one thing I've learned after being here 11 years it's that TGO is not a Democracy. I hated David's decision to shut down politics but I'm going to respect his decision like he asked. I think what they are trying to avoid now is misinformation or speculation which is exactly what was in the thread that MacGyver locked earlier. The next 2-4 years are going to be full of people constantly speculating and worrying about pending gun control. We've been down this path before. If folks are going to start a thread I don't think asking them to list a source is really that crazy of a request. I wish this was still true. I really do.
    1 point
  44. And we know that some folks thing that their delusions are facts.
    1 point
  45. Going to a gunsmithing school like i did is the best way aside from being an apprentice in a full service shop with a established gunsmith. When I went to the Pennsyvainia Gunsmith school (18 months full time) back in 1979 the first section of schooling was learning machine operations by making a precision machinist square and a wide variety of various smithing tools and fixtures. Some guys simply didnt have the ability to form metal into the specs of the blue prints we were given. They were quietly asked to cancel their schooling so another person waiting for an opening could attend. I find it difficult to think I could learn from books the fine points of gunsmithing. A hands on instructor will cut to the chase if your screwing up a lathe threading operation or cutting into wood grain in the wrong direction. Thats not to say books And vids are worthless but would take a much longer time to understand the right & wrong way. I remember a friend of mine got some books like you want to do and he asked me where do I put my thread cutting tool when I go to put threads on a barrel shank. I told him what they told us in school, Just below the center point of the barrel or live center point. He snapped back, wrong... the book says dead center. What the book didnted tell him is, its far more accurate below the center line because you never run the risk of setting the cutting tool too high above the center line. If even a tiny bit above, you run the risk of the barrel force pinching the tool into a chatter cut. And that will destroy a clean barrel thread. Back then there was only one Gunsmithing book we were required to buy and that was GUNSMITHING by Roy F. Dunlap. The book cover all the gunsmithing opperations needed to build custom sporting/target rifles in the traditional sense of wood and blued steel. Also an extensive how to on National Matching the M1 Garand. In its day, it was the most comprehensive & meticulous Gunsmithing book available by an acclaimed master gunsmith. Whay ever you do, be skeptical of Youtube gunsmithing. Some of those guys on there should stay in the basements. Moving foward, be ready to probably screw up some of your own guns before you practice on others. Tools and machines is another issue all together. I'd be utterly lost without them. Good Luck
    1 point
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