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I'm locking this topic for three reasons: 1. TGO David just locked the general politics forum 2. A political article by a person with one post is likely designed to spread the reach of the article as opposed to contributing to the community. 3. Politics is a participatory sport. You cannot expect that things will stay the way they've always been - you have to get involved to help create the community you want.10 points
They are just going to get run out of Texas when the locusts have completed their migration.4 points
It really pisses me off that the Confederate Battle Flag has been turned into a symbol of hate. I happen to be proud of my Southern Heritage, but I don't dare show it without people judging me wrongly. Another thing is the Celebrate Diversity thing. Be proud of your heritage, family history, national lineage, etc. Except of course if you happen to a Southern, White American. In that case its perfectly acceptable to discriminate and automatically assume that person is a racist, anti-government idiot. Equality is for other people.4 points
They pick that flag because they are ignorant rednecks who know nothing of history. As far as "treasonous secessionists" goes, where does it say a State cannot secede from the union?3 points
He doesnt have a right to carry that flag there... he doesnt have a right to even be there. That is why he is in jail.3 points
No. It used to work great but then the plug-in became very, very buggy and I think even caused issues with the main site. It hasn’t worked in years.3 points
My hometown has had a lot of new out of state residents move in over the last 10 years. When manufacturing jobs leave because the bunny huggers don't like paper mill smoke or ore mining is bad for the environment they like to shut you down. In moves what we used to call Flat Landers and ruin it for the local citizen's. My Son's FIL has owned family land for near 100 years-down at the end of the road-in move's the new guy at the other end near the highway and starts calling the local Sheriff's Office and complains about the other guy shooting and he can hear it. This continued for awhile until the Sheriff got sick of the calls and having to go out and check the commotion. The Sheriff finally told the new guy to either shut up or move back to Chicago-3 points
They've been doing this for years. Its called "i completely effed up the city i lived in so I better just go move out to the country!" A little while later..... "we need to raise taxes because the road i live on has fading stripes! And im scared to death of all of my neighbors because I hear shooting (even though I've never met them) someone dooooooo something!"3 points
I do want to note that this will be the third "road rage" post within a week or two on TGO. I really do believe that in the mix of COVID, election/politics, social media, all very heavily intertwined with paranoia, fear, and conspiracy theories, a lot of people are on edge more than they've likely ever been and as such reports of road rage and similiar events does not surprise me in the least. I initially considered posting about it but decided against it. However, after seeing other somewhat similar posts I decided it was important for me to do this. I was out running errands about a week ago. It was shortly after 5:30 PM and I decided to grab a few beers before heading home. I stopped at the convenience station, grabbed the goods, and waited in what seemed to be a decently long line for probably 5-10 minutes. I remember not speaking to anyone in the line, but instead watching outside two men assisting a young lady with her old, old F O R D pickup. I was pleased to see they helped her get it started rather quickly, and all seemed right in the world. After checkout, I started to leave. Generally speaking, from this gas station, I can be home within 3-4 minutes. There is exactly one red light and then three additional intersections before I am in front of my driveway. Fast forward about 2 minutes. I'm sitting at the first intersection after the red light. There is a single vehicle in front of me at the stop sign. I quickly notice this driver turned 180 degrees around, facing me and generally looking rather wide eyed at me. At the time, I didn't think much about it other than it seemed odd considering this guy should have simply turned left or right instead. I concluded he either thought he knew me or someone else, or had a case of the heebee jeebies. So, he turned left and I turned left. He sped up rather a bit and I generally thought all was well. As we neared the next turn (for me) off the main road, I was hoping I'd see him continue straight. Well, last moment he threw his turn signal on and turned the same direction. Since I was going home and didn't want to go anywhere else, I turned too. This is a country road with residential houses alongside. He pulled approximately a few hundred yards up that road and stopped the vehicle. I quickly realized that something was about to get interesting as he exited the vehicle towards me. I'm a rather caring guy. There are, potentially, legitimate reasons for approaching another driver. Maybe he needed help, or saw something on my vehicle that needed addressing. That is all certainly possible. I made sure to leave a lot of room between my vehicle and his. I also left the vehicle in D with my foot on the brake. I also I slightly cracked my window as he was waving his arms and yelling at me. I missed what he said initially, so I asked if he could repeat what he said. It's been a week, but I'll paraphrase to the best of my ability. Hey, I want to know what your problem is. What do you mean? You've been following me ever since I left the store up there. What's your problem with me? Sir, I'm just trying to get home. Where do you live? I don't need to tell you that. I knew you didn't live on this road. You need to get out from behind me. You need to go on right now. So, at this point, I carefully but quickly just passed him and kept going. I was very afraid that he would attempt to follow me and had plans on diversion, but he very speedily turned his truck around and went the other direction. In hindsight, he may have very well been in front of me a place or two in the convenience store. I'm sure in his mind, I made eye contact with him once in the store, followed him out of the store, and was going to follow him home for some sort of mischief. I'm mostly sure he was either certifiably paranoid or on drugs of some sort. But, I didn't care to get to know him, anger him, or stick around much longer than needed. The whole encounter was probably 10 seconds. My point? Deescalation is always the preferred method of handling conflict. Even though he flew off the handle immediately I treated him with respect and called him Sir. Had he given me the chance, I would have simply apologized for anything that I had done and assured him I stopped at the store for beer and was headed home to my family. I could have verbally disputed with him, I could have upped the game by cursing/name calling. I could have acted big and tough by acting in threatening manners. At the end of all of it, I just wanted to get home to my family without incident and drink my beer. Be careful out there folks.2 points
I'd prefer hillbilly since my family settled in the hills on the lower plateau. That family is Irish on one side, English and Cherokee on the other. In modern slang terms I'm a damned yankee since I was born in Toledo, Ohio.2 points
They are not "rednecks" as Patrick Huber labeled them in 1995. They are just ignorant. from WV Public broadcasting: Mingo County native, Wilma Lee Steele, is one of the board members for the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum. Steele is a retired art teacher. For her the passion of sharing this history started from telling young activists about the history behind the word "redneck" and the red bandana. Striking miners tied Red Bandanas around their necks during the march on Blair Mountain.2 points
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Limos, custom tailored wardrobes, exorbitant salaries, private jets and European vacations are expensive. They need every dime of those donations to keep up the appropriate lifestyle for Wayne and Co. Edit: At least Russian spies still work cheap. Maybe they can hire some more of those ... Translation: We have no intention of cutting off the money spigot for our vaunted leader.2 points
A few weeks ago Outdoor Junction in cookeville had large rifle primers for $79.99. As I have said many times, you don't have to control the guns, just the ammo.2 points
The best advice I can give anyone who's concerned about the ever changing local political climate is to get involved in their community. As many here have admitted to the "text rather than talk" won't get it done. If you don't show up and voice your opinion and choose a passionate email instead then you better be prepared to lose your argument. I saw it first hand 20 years ago in my county when someone didn't like "lean to's" for a dog house. That led to wanting to tell me how I kept my yard 20 miles out in the country. I showed up as well as a lot of other "passionate" residents and it was tabled and eventually buried. Doesn't work every time but to this day when I see one of the proponents of the proposed resolutions he still remembers me2 points
I never said it wasn't. I just said the idea that doctors and researchers would withhold viable medical treatments to make more money is laughable. Our advancement in cancer treatments alone in the last 20 years is a herculean effort. Have you seen this country lately? No one needs to withhold anything to ensure high demand for medical care is sustained, we eat, drink, and drug our way into plenty of need.2 points
I can't speak for to the particular model, but I have a RIA in 9mm that wouldn't feed HP ammo. I suspect it was because the previous owner attempted to polish the feed ramp and messed it up. I contacted RIA and they told me to send it to them. The turn around was pretty quick and the customer service was great. Most importantly, they actually fixed the issue.2 points
Jeff Foxworthy had a routine where he mentions this tendency somewhat obliquely. I'm paraphrasing, as I don't have the audio in front of me, but basically his point was "southern folks are as intelligent and accomplished as other groups. The difference is that we can't seem to keep the most ignorant among us off television". There's probably something similar going on with the Confederate flag, and other aspects of southern heritage ...2 points
E4, I totally agree. Their tracking system is as useless as teats on a boar hog. I'll say it again, I long for the day when they shut USPS down & let it go private. BTW, it doesn't matter how much cheaper USPS is, if don't arrive when it's supposed to.2 points
Is this a serious question? Ever heard of HPV vaccine? It’s gonna save millions of women from cervical cancer in the coming generations. “Cancer” isn’t just one thing. It’s hundreds or thousands. As the husband of a physician it’s pretty offensive (not really I don’t care what y’all do or do not believe) that people think that cures would be suppressed for money. They amount of universal collusion it would require to keep that farce going is virtually impossible. Much like the idea that Covid-19 is a ploy to manipulate humanity. I just don’t believe that many people can all agree to follow the same plan for such a thing to be successful2 points
Buy it cheap and stack it deep is really good advice. Of course, people with little foresight and a poor understanding of economics will call you a hoarder, but that's OK. While they're wailing and gnashing their teeth, you'll have ammo ...2 points
Sounds a great deal like my family tree...except I gots none o' thet damn yankee blood on me. Jest a buncha Cherokee injun blood!1 point
My first thought was why have they not moved out years ago. A couple years back at NRA I talked to a Virginia based Zenith Firearms exec, nice lady by the way, about how they needed to move to the free state of Tennessee. Less than year later I noticed a pic on their website of her at the podium trying to talk the legislature out of passing numerous gun control bills. Didn’t work. I have a lot of respect for companies like Magpul. Gun control environment went south in Colorado and they wasted no time in moving to a free state.1 point
They were all flying on Lookout Mountain last time I was there. Oddly enough the stars and bars we see as the Confederate battle flag was the Tennessee battle flag, that is why I liked it, that and I've always been a rebel.1 point
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You're on land taken from Indians. You should be ashamed of yourself. You support the murder and relocation of indigenous people. You're ancestors are probably the ones that gave infected blankets to Indians. I mean,...... if we are making assumptions and all.1 point
1 point
Oh, I'm sure. In my hiding child analogy, I still expect the kid (NRA) to get the whoopin' they're trying to hide from. This is going to end up needing a federal court (maybe even the SCOTUS) to get involved in.1 point
1 point
ummm, his taxes paid for the capitol and the first amendment. That is ALL I have to say about that1 point
They pick that flag because they are still wishful of the time in which they were able to hold people in bondage. Nothing else makes any sense. There are plenty of years before or after to celebrate "heritage" yet for some UNKNOWN reason the 4 years in which the treasonous secessionists had their way before being smacked back into line seems to be their favorite period to love... why could that be?1 point
I’ve read a lot of restructuring statements in my day. The “we’re filing bankruptcy” sure was buried in a lot of fluff. They’ve continued to take in tons of donations via fundraising. It’ll be awfully interesting to see what plans the judge will approve.1 point
Welcome to TGO from Macon County. We country folk were prepping when prepping wasn't cool.1 point
Powder Valley has Small Rifle Primers Available Now! They are asking $37.00 for one 1000 case. They are only allowing one to be purchased. Of course they will ad Hazmat and shipping. https://www.powdervalleyinc.com/product/winchester-small-rifle-primers-1000/1 point
sounds like comic book speculators on ebay. as soon as someone is mentioned or set to appear in a move or tv show some c lister charaters first appearance shoots to the moon even though for decades it sat in the dollar bin.1 point
Be proud of the generation before the rebellion?1 point
1 point
Why does carrying a Confederate flag make him an idiot?1 point
well one thing i wont run out of is Chicken Eggs... Dang hens have hit a laying spurt. One of them is dropping a double yolker a week, the poor gal . Shouldnt run outta of deer meat either. Bullets.... well depends on how many "purgers" come in my yard.1 point
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It seems like a lot of our idiots come from Delaware now.1 point
My buddy and I built illegal CW transmitters so we could send Morse code at 15 watts or so the three blocks between our houses. We didn't know we needed licenses, and I know that every TV in town was pulsing and clicking with every character we sent. It was fun for the short time until my dad figured it out. I think he was pleased I was able to build the transmitter, but not so much that I actually used it.1 point
It would be interesting - and I don't have time to do it this afternoon - to post a chart of GDP or the S&P500 or whatever metric you want against control of the government. I expect what it would show is that the economy is largely going to economy and doesn't particularly favor unified government. The 4 biggest drops of any of our lifetimes (1929 crash, S&L bust, dotcom bubble, and the 2008 recession) have all officially occurred on Republican watches - but that's kind of disingenuous to make that argument. Just like the economy under Trump has benefited from some of Obama's policies - Bush too took the hit from some of the rails coming off during Clinton. Etc. Standard disclaimer - The stock market is not the economy - please don't take investing advice from me or anyone else on the internet - unless it's about Bitcoin in which case I know what I'm talking about - consult your financial professional.1 point
1 point
I understand everyone's anxiety and I'm not immune to the situation, but at this point I've decided wtf. I'm pretty much hunkered down and have been for months. Freezers are stocked, ammo supply is good. Where I live may not be immune to discord, but its pretty low key. I can start social security at any time or if it actually gets that bad take what I need. I'm old and whatever happens, happens. We just all need to take a deep breath and hope the Donald can sit tight. As for congress, it seems to be living up to my every expectation.1 point
I'll post this link but there are hundreds of other sites you can find it from. Go search it for yourself and pick your poison. https://www.wtxl.com/news/national-news/fbi-armed-protests-planned-at-all-50-state-capitals-u-s-capitol If I were you, I would think twice or more before participating in any of these things. At best it is a fundamentally bad idea with horrible timing and terrible Public Relations optics being promoted by overzealous but genuine lovers of freedom. At worst it is a giant PsyOp being spurred on by people who want to decimate the Second Amendment. Either way, it is going to be used to paint gun owners as a threat to civilized society the moment ANY of it goes wrong in ANY state. All it is going to take is for one armed group to clash with the police or National Guard or for a report that an innocent was harmed by an armed protestor, and it will be used to ramrod unconstitutional gun restrictions through the Legislature at lightning speed and with the backing of a frightened public. Let's be honest about an inconvenient truth: Guns scare people who don't own them and don't use them. Hard stop. Accept it. I have spoken numerous times here and on the Shooters Nation Podcast about the need to be good evangelists of the Second Amendment by making gun ownership normal and less scary to people on the fence about it. I have told anyone who would listen that a gun is not a public relations tool, and that open carry -- especially at protests and rallies -- does nothing but further polarize an already scared and skeptical voter base against the cause. Regardless of how many times I scream it from the rooftops, there are always the loud voices inside the gun community who want to holler about "MUH RIGHTS!" or "YoU AReNt A TrUE PaTRIoT ArE YoU, YoU PuSSY?!" and who want to shout me off the stage and tell me to go to hell for insinuating that God, Jesus and Moses don't really want them carrying their AR15 to picket a government building or elementary school. Well, allow me to scream it from the rooftop one more time: If you were thinking about going to one of those events, for the sake of everyone else if not for your own safety, stay the F home. Don't scare the sheep. Don't give the salivating media the photo-op that they are this very moment sitting at their desks with enormous boners hoping you'll give them. Don't freak out your neighbors. Don't give the rest of us a bad name. Don't put yourself on some [other] government watch list. Don't be a useful idiot playing into the hands of people who want to destroy the 2A! If you want to do an ill-advised armed protest, do it a few months from now. Don't do it this month. Don't do it on Inauguration Day. Don't be a dick. This has been my TED Talk.1 point
Just to clarify. Gunbroker isn't crazy. It's the bidders. Marlin was sold and some of their rifles are in short supply so the entire line gets a bump. Think of it from a new gunner's view, a non-enthusiast to say. You've heard Marlin was sold, some of their products are hard to get, others are desirable due to higher quality, lever guns have seen a resurgence in popularity. Add in the new person wants something non offensive to the rest of the non shooters and the powers that be and prices go up. there are still deals to be had if you know how to look. I have noticed a higher level of price gouging on ammo from GB but if you want top dollar you want to get your product in front of as many eyes as possible.1 point
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