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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2021 in all areas

  1. Got a call, this morning, from a lady I taught to shoot several years ago. I posted about her a few years back. Her husband died and she was terrified and couldn't sleep after dark. I took a 38Spl, her late husband had purchased for her years before, and taught her how to shoot the revolver and gave her self defense ammo to go with it. It helped her self confidence tremendously. She has since married again and living with her new husband. She called this morning and asked if I knew someone who would like some old ammo her first husband had bought several years ago. I told her my grandson shoots skeet and that he could probably use it for practice. She told me it had been stored in an air conditioned house and she had forgotten about it being in a up stairs closets and she wanted it gone. I went to pick it up this afternoon, and she had 12 Ga, 16 Ga, and one box of 410. In all she gave me 19 boxes of Federal, and Winchester shotgun shells. I offered to pay he for it, but she just wanted to get rid of it. She said it was too old to charge me for it, however It looks new in the original boxes, but is over 10 years old. Grandson will love the 12 Ga and I kept the 3 boxes 16 Ga and 410. Going to give the 16 Ga Rem 1148 to youngest grandson, in S Carolina, and he, and his dad will shoot the ammo. Grandson's dad called me and told me he purchased some 20 Ga ammo last week, and set him back 21.00 per box to hunt swamp rabbits with in S Carolina. Some days turn out good!!!!!!!
    10 points
  2. In 50 years, our grandchildren will look at our use of social media and it’s balkanizing effects in the same way we look at our grandparents who smoked 18 hours a day - sort of a “how could you not have known that stuff was terrible for you?” Hopefully its not preceded by “back before the war.”
    8 points
  3. I do want to note that this will be the third "road rage" post within a week or two on TGO. I really do believe that in the mix of COVID, election/politics, social media, all very heavily intertwined with paranoia, fear, and conspiracy theories, a lot of people are on edge more than they've likely ever been and as such reports of road rage and similiar events does not surprise me in the least. I initially considered posting about it but decided against it. However, after seeing other somewhat similar posts I decided it was important for me to do this. I was out running errands about a week ago. It was shortly after 5:30 PM and I decided to grab a few beers before heading home. I stopped at the convenience station, grabbed the goods, and waited in what seemed to be a decently long line for probably 5-10 minutes. I remember not speaking to anyone in the line, but instead watching outside two men assisting a young lady with her old, old F O R D pickup. I was pleased to see they helped her get it started rather quickly, and all seemed right in the world. After checkout, I started to leave. Generally speaking, from this gas station, I can be home within 3-4 minutes. There is exactly one red light and then three additional intersections before I am in front of my driveway. Fast forward about 2 minutes. I'm sitting at the first intersection after the red light. There is a single vehicle in front of me at the stop sign. I quickly notice this driver turned 180 degrees around, facing me and generally looking rather wide eyed at me. At the time, I didn't think much about it other than it seemed odd considering this guy should have simply turned left or right instead. I concluded he either thought he knew me or someone else, or had a case of the heebee jeebies. So, he turned left and I turned left. He sped up rather a bit and I generally thought all was well. As we neared the next turn (for me) off the main road, I was hoping I'd see him continue straight. Well, last moment he threw his turn signal on and turned the same direction. Since I was going home and didn't want to go anywhere else, I turned too. This is a country road with residential houses alongside. He pulled approximately a few hundred yards up that road and stopped the vehicle. I quickly realized that something was about to get interesting as he exited the vehicle towards me. I'm a rather caring guy. There are, potentially, legitimate reasons for approaching another driver. Maybe he needed help, or saw something on my vehicle that needed addressing. That is all certainly possible. I made sure to leave a lot of room between my vehicle and his. I also left the vehicle in D with my foot on the brake. I also I slightly cracked my window as he was waving his arms and yelling at me. I missed what he said initially, so I asked if he could repeat what he said. It's been a week, but I'll paraphrase to the best of my ability. Hey, I want to know what your problem is. What do you mean? You've been following me ever since I left the store up there. What's your problem with me? Sir, I'm just trying to get home. Where do you live? I don't need to tell you that. I knew you didn't live on this road. You need to get out from behind me. You need to go on right now. So, at this point, I carefully but quickly just passed him and kept going. I was very afraid that he would attempt to follow me and had plans on diversion, but he very speedily turned his truck around and went the other direction. In hindsight, he may have very well been in front of me a place or two in the convenience store. I'm sure in his mind, I made eye contact with him once in the store, followed him out of the store, and was going to follow him home for some sort of mischief. I'm mostly sure he was either certifiably paranoid or on drugs of some sort. But, I didn't care to get to know him, anger him, or stick around much longer than needed. The whole encounter was probably 10 seconds. My point? Deescalation is always the preferred method of handling conflict. Even though he flew off the handle immediately I treated him with respect and called him Sir. Had he given me the chance, I would have simply apologized for anything that I had done and assured him I stopped at the store for beer and was headed home to my family. I could have verbally disputed with him, I could have upped the game by cursing/name calling. I could have acted big and tough by acting in threatening manners. At the end of all of it, I just wanted to get home to my family without incident and drink my beer. Be careful out there folks.
    4 points
  4. This is an excellent point. One could possibly argue that maintaining health and fitness is patriotic, since it’s good for the well being of the country and can reduce an individual’s impact on society when a pandemic arrives by being less likely to get it and/or more likely to recover quickly. I’m no fitness fanatic or health guru, but I try not abandon common sense when eating and I can run five miles in less than 45 minutes. My blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol are good. I’ve had the virus and fully recovered without issues. I like my unvaccinated odds, but would probably have a different attitude if I were a 70 year old obese diabetic. I’m trying not to become that, however, and I wish more Americans would do the same.
    4 points
  5. If you hit a good number, be happy with your gains, you have to get off the ferris wheel at some point.
    3 points
  6. Not going to matter, that message will never change the opinion of the left or the way the MSM portrays this.
    3 points
  7. I'm glad both you and he made it home safe that day. Deescalation is always preferred to escalation. Again, I'm glad you made it home (as did he), but you were literally at any point one decision away from a shoot-out. Had he had a firearm on his person, he may have not needed to chamber a round and may have had a quicker response time than you. I highlighted the escalation performed by you in red. You needn't use inflammatory language, a simple "I"m very sorry" may well have ended everything on the spot. You claim to have pulled over to defuse the situation, which may very well have been your intent, but most of the time "pulling over" is purely meant for "settling the score". When you withdrew your pistol and chambered a round, that very well could have been seen as an immediate threat to his life. Had he shot you dead, it would have likely been his word vs the word of a dead person (you) who's vehicle was behind his. It would have looked like you followed him and pulled a firearm on him unless your family's lawyer could find video evidence. You considered driving around him out of the question out of fear he may "bash your car or impede you" but then directly resorted to presenting deadly force which could have left either or both of you dead. Insurance fixes cars, not blood drainage holes. Look, I understand that in the heat of the moment it can be tough to make the best decision. I just don't think you responded quite as well as you think you did. You mention being a "careful considerate" driver...that purposefully drifts into the lane in front of a car roughly two car lengths behind. Stay in your lane, I guess? Driving to the police station was your smartest move. Although I do wonder, in this situation, what would happen if the other driver phoned the police and told them you brandished a weapon. Go ahead, call me anti-gun, that's always fun. Here's a question, what is your exact motive for joining TGO and posting this thread? To get (or give) advice? I have a somewhat similar and very true story that happened about 1-2 weeks ago. I'll create a post as to not derail this thread.
    3 points
  8. I predict that in 5, 10 years, there will be some lawyer commercial saying "If you received the Covid vaccine in 2021, you may have a case" call 1-800-COVID21. Oh, and according to the freaking tv commercials every 5 minutes, HIV does have a cure...ish. https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/aids-hiv-medication Flu? Tamiflu and Xofluza come to mind, you know, for those times they guessed the wrong strain for the year. As to the cold, well, that's left to the Theraflu, Nyquil bunch...they got to eat too. Point is, if there is money to be made, they will get something out there, wether it works or not. But keep this in mind, there is more money in treatments, then there is in cures.
    3 points
  9. Is this a serious question? Ever heard of HPV vaccine? It’s gonna save millions of women from cervical cancer in the coming generations. “Cancer” isn’t just one thing. It’s hundreds or thousands. As the husband of a physician it’s pretty offensive (not really I don’t care what y’all do or do not believe) that people think that cures would be suppressed for money. They amount of universal collusion it would require to keep that farce going is virtually impossible. Much like the idea that Covid-19 is a ploy to manipulate humanity. I just don’t believe that many people can all agree to follow the same plan for such a thing to be successful
    2 points
  10. Isn't schizophrenia wonderful? I wouldn't have stopped but rather drove around him. There are way too many bat- crazy people out there these days.
    2 points
  11. Life member of NRA, 2AF, and here. Also a member of Illinois Carry, and SASS (Lt. John Dunbar) Just signed up for TFA, GOA and FPC. Thanks for the inspiration, Guys! Not much to feel good about right now, but this DOES feel good!
    2 points
  12. I looked at that gunbroker ad last night and it is a newcomer with no rating. I would have to be destitute to take advantage of my reloading community. I actually gave a friend 300 small rifle primers. However if anyone wants to pay me $0.25 per .22 round I have a few we can discuss. LOL I actually gave a guy 2 bricks of .22 for his kids. Be like state farm, like a good neighbor!!
    2 points
  13. Watch this video. Chad will share more than you ever wanted to know about AR fire control groups.
    2 points
  14. LaRue MBT is the best value out there. A couple of years ago I removed my SSA-E and replaced it with a LaRue....I have two of their 2 stage and one single stage now I believe, extremely happy with all. As for the install, it is painless. Only part that can really go wrong is the springs, so pay attention to the spring orientation. https://www.shootingillustrated.com/articles/2015/10/15/ar-lower-receiver-build-trigger-group-installation/
    2 points
  15. Isn’t that always the way of it? Despair and hope come skipping up the road hand in hand? Impossible to separate one from the other.
    2 points
  16. Me either. But, by the same token literally billions of people have been brought out of extreme poverty in the last 2 generations - in your and my lifetime. Some of the post WWII structures that are so popular to hate on right now have largely kept the continent of Europe largely peaceful for the last 75 years. Parts of it had basically been at war for the 500 years previous to that. So many diseases are treatable that would have been deadly or terribly debilitating only 75 years ago. Many of us have traveled farther in a day than our forefathers did in their entire lives. I could go on - but there’s reason for hope, too. The world and the people in it really are quite amazing.
    2 points
  17. Maybe I’m not always the optimist. I don’t like the odds on your last sentence.
    2 points
  18. There are diseases that have been eradicated in our lifetimes that killed millions of people because of vaccines. It’s late, so I won’t try to rank them - but if you were to make a list of scientific achievements that have most improved the human condition in the last 500 years - vaccines are in the top 5.
    2 points
  19. The flu vaccine has been around for almost 75 years, and is no more effective than around 60-70% at best, usually less, sometimes far less. AIDS virus was first identified 37 years ago, and there is still no vaccine at all. Not mention the common cold. So I'd opine that the Covid vaccine is quite the success. - OS
    2 points
  20. Technical debt is what happens when you choose the quick/easy route versus the correct approach in a software project. It almost always results in eventually having to significantly invest in reworking existing code to make further maintenance or extension possible. I've seen systems where I've recommend redeveloping from scratch due to the technical debt. They could have rewritten the application more economically than maintaining it.
    2 points
  21. Never escalate any situation, just not worth it in the end. Just put distance between you.
    2 points
  22. Here's what you want to buy. These are my best ideas after retiring from 40+ years of this stuff. I'm not going to elaborate on any of these, just Google them, then decide. You're on your own, because you're not paying me a dime! ATOM CRLBF EXPI FAN Wind energy. Imagine that. GDXJ GLD ICLN LIT NIO RIOT ***Buy, but at this point not much! It's a pure Bitcoin play. They make Bitcoins. Buy a little bit, if Bitcoin goes nuts, you're golden. SLV SILJ SPXU is a 3X ETF on the downside moving value of the S&P500. Important to have as a hedge. TAN Solar energy. Imagine that. That is all. Good luck everyone! Oh, and TSLA. It's probably the best play out there. I just can't bring myself to pay that kind of valuation. But I'm probably making a huge mistake. This may be one of the most world class companies of all time.
    2 points
  23. I don't have the patience to read this whole thread but I feel confident people are being scared by hyperbole and misinformation. I can understand why we don't trust the government on the surface as its failed us too many times but I don't think we should apply that skepticism to the point of folly. We you say "we don't know the long term ramification of this vaccine" you haven't researched it very much. This is not new technology, its acutally over 30 years old. They've been researching this vaccine mechanism for a very long time. "So why haven't we had this type of vaccine before now?", because thankfully we haven't had a widespread pandemic significant enought to warrant the human trials. Ebola, Zika, West Nile are all candidates but infections were not enough to be able to study the results (thank God, aint nobody want Ebola). The biggest concern with the vaccine is allergic response. Yes you will feel bad the day after, especially the second shot, but no you did not actually get COVID-19 from the shot. Its just your bodies immune system creating the defenses it needs to make you resistant in the future. The vaccine made it to production so quickly thanks to the 30+years of research before hand, without that it would likely not have happened. I can put my tinfoil hat on a empathize with those that are skeptical about the viruses origin and certainly how the government has leveraged us for its own gain to the determent of thousands of small businesses and personal finances across the country. But none of that leads me to a point where I don't want a vaccine. Obviously because I took one and get my second shot next Thursday and anxiously wait the opportunity to be "immuno-prepared" (i know that's not a word) for getting back to normal.
    2 points
  24. But they can sure deliver all those Democratic ballets like nobody’s business, can’t they? Joking aside, they are one of the poster children for the downsides of the crazy times we live in. i tried to talk a GB buyer out of selecting them to deliver a rifle about a month ago in favor of Fedex. But he wanted usps. It was lost for 2 weeks until it’s status changed to ‘out for delivery’. We were both relieved. 2.5 weeks for 2 day priority. My wife’s Kohls order from Black Friday shipped on 11/29, showed up yesterday. I’ve had an amazon order lost having never lost anything using usps in over 40 years prior to 2020 craziness. I’ve been avoiding them for the last 3 months, there issues are too well documented to have confidence until they get things back on track. the big change I’ve seen, and local po manager told me when I called on the rifle, is they have stopped scanning most intermediate events as policy to speed things up. And of course, let it be for at least a month as you heard. Hope your package shows
    2 points
  25. 1 point
  26. Renewed TFA and GOA, sent money to 2AF, NAGR and NRA. Already a life member here, NRA and 2AF
    1 point
  27. Best Wishes for him. Hope he's up and around very soon.
    1 point
  28. Sometimes doing the right thing works out.
    1 point
  29. I’ve just gone to waving and smiling at road rage idiots. If that don’t work I try blowing a kiss.
    1 point
  30. If any of you read for pleasure you may find the book The Mandibles an enjoyable read. It's fiction that opens in 2029 with an economic meltdown based on the USD being devalued by China and Russia. I thought it was a great read with a lot of parallels to what we see unfolding with regard to national debt.
    1 point
  31. It's a rather skinny road. Between that and the fact I was curious what he was about to say, I kept my distance with the window slightly cracked. Agreed on the last part.
    1 point
  32. People can be ridiculously triggered by seemingly innocent actions on your part. On my way back from Denver, I was pulling a trailer and generally stayed in the right lane. I would move to the left when approaching highway entrances with traffic, to give them time to merge. One such entrance, right after I passed it (seen no traffic) a guy comes around me and cuts right in front of me, within inches, with no traffic around us. I thought of honking and possibly flipping him off, but thought better of it as nothing good would come of it. Sometimes it's up to the sane ones to avoid/defuse the crazy ones.
    1 point
  33. Everybody's jiggy and some folks are jiggy and stupid.
    1 point
  34. I heard that Pelosi was making a statement that is was GOP members refusing to go through them and she fear for her life by them. Former President Bush made a statement "if you don't want to walk through them find another job!" It's easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback and make statements like that when you don't have to do it.........JMHO
    1 point
  35. Coffee cans, lots and lots of coffee cans.
    1 point
  36. Hey, report back on what the second booster is like. I think the more I hear from people I know, the better I feel about it. No one that I know, has had any serious reactions to it. The sore arm the next day seems to be the biggest complaint, I've gottne from friends and family that have had it already. That seems like nothing to me.
    1 point
  37. Good for them. If someone is dumb enough to pay that, so be it. There is such thing as a stupid tax and we are seeing it at work every day. That guy may take those 40 cent primers (*although it isn't over yet) and load some rounds and sell them for $2 a round. People are doing and buying all kinds of crazy things right now. I don't have an issue if people are setting their own price as a buyer on sites like GB.
    1 point
  38. I was just fixin' to post this. I saw it on another board. Yeah, a lot of folks seem disappointed that Colt may belong to a European company. However, its better than going to some huge conglomerate holding company that will just rape it and dump the leftovers. CZ is a gun company and a darn good one. Hopefully, they will keep making Colt firearms here in the USA. Heck, maybe we'll finally see a blue 2020 Python.
    1 point
  39. USPS Tracking: 1. We have it! 2. Ain't got a clue? 3. Delivered!
    1 point
  40. Well, the USPS tracking system is a complete joke. Many times I get a tracking number from it being created, but the tracking never updates. I get the package before I see its status change.
    1 point
  41. Dang Legion, I could have sworn you were already a TN Gun Owners member lol. Already an NRA member but I joined SAF, TFA, and FPC.
    1 point
  42. I'm a lifetime member of TFA, GOA, NRA and couple others I can't think of off top of my head. I also donate each year. It's going to take some big dogs in this fight so a bunch of us little dogs need to pony up. Do I agree with everything each organization does, no, but we will not do it alone.
    1 point
  43. Maglula UpLULA's are one of the greatest inventions ever. That ad however, is a bit suspicious. What they have pictured is not an UpLULA but some kind of knock-off and $20 seems too good to be true. They are available just about everywhere, but here is MidwayUSA's offerings for reference. https://www.midwayusa.com/product/2136952670
    1 point
  44. 1 point
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