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I'll post this link but there are hundreds of other sites you can find it from. Go search it for yourself and pick your poison. https://www.wtxl.com/news/national-news/fbi-armed-protests-planned-at-all-50-state-capitals-u-s-capitol If I were you, I would think twice or more before participating in any of these things. At best it is a fundamentally bad idea with horrible timing and terrible Public Relations optics being promoted by overzealous but genuine lovers of freedom. At worst it is a giant PsyOp being spurred on by people who want to decimate the Second Amendment. Either way, it is going to be used to paint gun owners as a threat to civilized society the moment ANY of it goes wrong in ANY state. All it is going to take is for one armed group to clash with the police or National Guard or for a report that an innocent was harmed by an armed protestor, and it will be used to ramrod unconstitutional gun restrictions through the Legislature at lightning speed and with the backing of a frightened public. Let's be honest about an inconvenient truth: Guns scare people who don't own them and don't use them. Hard stop. Accept it. I have spoken numerous times here and on the Shooters Nation Podcast about the need to be good evangelists of the Second Amendment by making gun ownership normal and less scary to people on the fence about it. I have told anyone who would listen that a gun is not a public relations tool, and that open carry -- especially at protests and rallies -- does nothing but further polarize an already scared and skeptical voter base against the cause. Regardless of how many times I scream it from the rooftops, there are always the loud voices inside the gun community who want to holler about "MUH RIGHTS!" or "YoU AReNt A TrUE PaTRIoT ArE YoU, YoU PuSSY?!" and who want to shout me off the stage and tell me to go to hell for insinuating that God, Jesus and Moses don't really want them carrying their AR15 to picket a government building or elementary school. Well, allow me to scream it from the rooftop one more time: If you were thinking about going to one of those events, for the sake of everyone else if not for your own safety, stay the F home. Don't scare the sheep. Don't give the salivating media the photo-op that they are this very moment sitting at their desks with enormous boners hoping you'll give them. Don't freak out your neighbors. Don't give the rest of us a bad name. Don't put yourself on some [other] government watch list. Don't be a useful idiot playing into the hands of people who want to destroy the 2A! If you want to do an ill-advised armed protest, do it a few months from now. Don't do it this month. Don't do it on Inauguration Day. Don't be a dick. This has been my TED Talk.11 points
USPS Tracking: 1. We have it! 2. Ain't got a clue? 3. Delivered!4 points
It takes only a tiny bit of forethought to realize that these are a TRAP and a perfect place/opprtunity for an Antifa false flag operation to take place. The protesters at the capital essentially got "rolled" by Antifa . That was who actually breached the building according to accounts from people I know that were there. All the conservative folks who go to work everyday and basically keep America humming along were completely played by people who protest and organize for a living. Once the building was breeched and the "regular guy " type protesters followed the armored and helmeted pipe and shield carrying Antifa agitators into the capitol building the stage was set for the "insurrection photo op". We have a very myopic view of things and think all the Antifa types are losers that still live with mom and dad but they are very well funded and very well trained in making political theater happen . So anyone who plans to go armed to a state capital to protest is most likely wading into a waist deep pool full of alligators. A state capital full of armed Trump supporters is a tempting target for Antifa to shoot up the place and blame it on the protesters.... If you think it can't happen then you have not been paying attention....4 points
One of the fatalities last week literally died of a heart attack after accidentally tasing himself in the nuts. Don’t be that guy that makes your family answer to that for generations to come.4 points
We as responsible and law abiding gun owners need to stay above this. We accomplish nothing by acting out. We will give the anti-gunners all the reason in the world to paint us as bloodthirsty gun nuts hell bent on terrorizing our fellow citizens and furthering their resolve to strip us of out 2A rights. We have everything to lose and nothing to gain.4 points
USPS is currently in the middle of a perfect storm. Covid-19, still backed up from the holidays and an idiot Postmaster General appointed by Trump last summer. As soon as Louis DeJoy took office, he immediately instituted "cost cutting measures" that have done nothing but damage USPS. He stopped all overtime, removed many sorting machines and public mail boxes. He changed many work policies. the biggest being that any mail still in the sorting room at the end of the day was to be left until the next day. As a result, the back log has built up something terrible. Many people believe Trump appointed DeJoy for the sole purpose of wrecking the USPS before the election and mail in voting. Not to mention that DeJoy owns millions in stock from other carriers that are the direct competition to USPS. If Biden does nothing else, I hope he fires this azzhole. Despite all of that, USPS is still and always has been the highest rated government agency in customer satisfaction. They move millions of pieces of mail every single day. And most of it goes off without a hitch.3 points
No, there's plenty of idiots who just can't resist the urge to dress up in their camo and armor, carry their AR decked out with every known accoutrement and attachment, and parade around trying to draw as much attention to themselves as possible. Unfortunately, there will always be a number of nutcases mixed in with the normal bunch of over-dressed Weight Watchers dropouts who are itching to begin WWIII and who will look for every avenue to kick off the festivities themselves. David is absolutely correct, this is a time to stay at home, keep a low profile, and not give the nutjobs and antis any more ammunition against gun owners and enthusiasts ...3 points
Look, I am really sick of this crap. Everything we have done lately has been designed to keep TGO available for all of us. Read this story: https://rantingly.com/godaddy-cancels-ar15-com/ This could easily happen to us. I am working NOW to set up a contingency plan. If you can't work with us on this, then get the hell off of TGO and go somewhere else. I can't fight THEM and fight you guys here.3 points
Just to let everyone know. Chip is in the hospital having trouble with his legs. Doctors still don't know what's going on just yet. He has a lot on his plate and I'm sure he would be thankful for prayers or well wishes or both. Thanks @xsubsailor2 points
I missed doing this when I joined. And I've had oral surgery Monday so have not responded to some of y'all. To newer members I've missed welcome. To all of the new residents hope you enjoy our state! I love it so much I suffer through allergies for 3 seasons of the year.2 points
A boxer dog named Dexter is going viral for leading his blind canine companion, Ginger, safely down a flight of stairs, according to a video. The video showed Dexter using his body and the wall to safely guide Ginger down the stairs without falling. He patiently stopped on each step, waiting for Ginger to catch up before moving on to the next step. The kind dog looked back repeatedly to reassure his companion, and both dogs began to wag their tails once they reached the bottom of the stairwell.2 points
2 points
I was just fixin' to post this. I saw it on another board. Yeah, a lot of folks seem disappointed that Colt may belong to a European company. However, its better than going to some huge conglomerate holding company that will just rape it and dump the leftovers. CZ is a gun company and a darn good one. Hopefully, they will keep making Colt firearms here in the USA. Heck, maybe we'll finally see a blue 2020 Python.2 points
Hopefully we don't have to resort to that backup URL ever... but it's now ours if we have to.2 points
Of course, but the real stats will be if folks who had it or took a vaccine come down with it again. And if so, in what frequency. Etc. That's what I meant re "won't know for a good while". - OS2 points
I forgot to come back to this. I bought a Vortex Razor II-E in 1-6 with MRAD reticle. Totally pleased with it!2 points
I have a very close friend who is inside that arena and he has said the exact same thing. And when I say inside, he had been over planning security for inaugurations etc in the past and still does boots on the ground for certain events.2 points
I don't know about laundering, but they're an excellent way to rid oneself of extra disposable income ...2 points
2 points
Yeah I'm sorry but I don't believe this at all. Everyone arrested so far has had social media accounts or other info that has proven this to be false. It's an attempt at misdirection by people that don't want to be held accountable for the actions of a few.2 points
2 points
Since my wife and I were part of an early cluster in Nashville (early march) we ha e been part of a Vanderbilt Study which involves regular blood work. We were tested for anti-bodies in July, 4 months after were were infected. I was positive for anti-bodies but my wife was negative. She was sicker than I was. Luckily neither of us were too sick.2 points
2 points
In the last month-2 years NRA for wife-1 extra year for me. Upgraded my TGO membership to Lifetime Benefactor. Renewed GOA. Joined MSSA-not cheap.2 points
FedEx/UPS have easy ways to hire temp workers to handle surge times...the USPS has government hiring burdens and union contracts, though they do make allowances for holiday season workers. Outside of that, they have a normal staffing roster like any government agency. You're never going to see a fast response to peaks from them, and that's okay...their set up to be a steady provider of a service outlined in the Constitution, not a flexible private industry. If you want the business solution, go with FedEx/UPS...just be ready to pony up more money.2 points
We had many packages shipped via USPS shown picked up but waited weeks, a few over a month sitting at some regional postal facility. The wife had a neckless that was almost 2 months in shipping. I had some ram for a PC that took 6 weeks. My understanding COVID has hit them very hard.2 points
I remember a few years back I was asked to come help someone with a computer issue. When I got there, they had two rolodexes on the desk. One was their phone book and the other was all of the websites that they like. Instead of bookmarks or favorites, they had been writing down the URL on a rolodex card and filing it away. I took the opportunity to introduce them to the bookmarks and favorites of their browsers.2 points
2 points
I think it odd that the FBI is now observing things, did they wake up from their nap??? I saw similar warnings about the protests on late night news/opinion shows last night.2 points
So, I’ve been playing with my nods a bit since I last posted. Haven’t had any real opportunities for night shoots yet, but I gotta say that driving under them is a blast. I’ve changed up my helmet setup a bit and added some multicam wraps to them. Also got my night fighting rifle finished (minus the can held hostage by paperwork) so here how things look as of now.2 points
It isn't just 2A that is being attacked. It's 1A also. The left is attempting tp squelch any opposition and strip our only means of resistance to overbearing government. How many times have you read or heard that the response would have been different if it were B L M or Anti fa? And yet the MSM is pushing the capitol officer's death is under investigation with no mention of the unarmed white female protester's shooting being investigated. Had it been one of the members of their protest groups it would be the top story. Add in the capitol police opening doors and welcoming the Trump supporters in and see what conclusion you come to. Lastly, I do not believe we need to engage in show of force armed protests. Taking up arms should be a last resort in any case as we preach in self defense. Ask yourself at what point do we stop backing up. I have my own line in the sand that reflects my current physical condition but have no doubt that if my fellow citizen is being unjustly attacked I will render assistance.2 points
Don't feel bad. I had to ask my wife...what's a bookmark and how do I do it? She looked at me like I was an idiot. Felt like it when she told me. Add it to you Favorites list. In my defense, I'm old and not a tech person.2 points
2 points
It does seem strange that the FBI is the only one , thru all 50 states, that got wind of this. No leaks in any of the 50 states? Not likely.2 points
2 points
One of the reasons for requiring the use of headlights after dark is so that other drivers can see you.2 points
It’s the end of an era, that’s for sure. That said, I can’t be mad at all. This has the opportunity to be great for both companies.1 point
1 point
That's all any of us know, or at least knew earlier today. Brownell's owns AR15.com now. I wonder if they were able to put some muscle behind getting the AR15.com name restored by GoDaddy since it seems the registration is still live with GoDaddy at this time. Brownell's hadn't issued a statement about it earlier either.1 point
1 point
1 point
I did not think about this while I was doing it I have drove around my house with just my nods on and truck blacked out. I would like to try it with IR lights because I would have to imagine it's very much like daylight. I used mine to fish one night, pretty cool working a top water at night and seeing fish blow up on it.1 point
1 point
That headline appears to have evoked the reactions that they intended. Just like the actions of a bad apple among the overall community of "gun owners" shouldn't be used to paint the rest of us with a wide brush, I think we ought to try to give other groups of people the same benefit of the doubt.1 point
i predict the same number of people that showed up for storming area 51 will show up to this.1 point
The NRA needs your donation too Erik. After all, we have to keep Wayne properly dressed, chauffeured and well-rested from his vacations in order to keep him and his cronies out of jail ...1 point
Yes. It was interesting this was permitted in the first place. I'm not certain guns -n- politics is a good mix1 point
1 point
THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE!!!!!!!! Sorry to be late on this, but I will chime in. First, I hate the "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle Doctrine" monikers, mainly because every state's laws are different and the caselaw develops differently. Nevertheless, people tend to lump them all together because they use the same words or names. To the OP, lots of good analysis so far. However, under TN law, I do not believe flipping the bird is being an aggressor in the situation (certainly not smart and should be avoided, but doubt it rises to the level of "provok[ing] the other individual's use or attempted use of unlawful force" -- that's the TN definition). Yes, on some level, you are "provoking" a reaction, but I don't many people would say that jumping out of the car and beating on the window (much less, opening the door to get to you) would be the reasonably expected result of flipping the bird. Obviously, a Prosecutor could make that argument and a jury might agree, but the idea of provocation is premised on the idea of reasonably equivalent force (i.e., you punched him, he swung back and you pulled the gun to stop the fight). Where things are getting more complicated is the ever-changing environment of what constitutes reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury. The past year has created many new situations (certainly more frequent) and there has been a good deal of discussion in legal circles about what now constitutes that reasonable belief to justify self-defense. I would have said a year ago that someone attempting to break into the car would almost certainly justified pulling the gun (and using it, for that matter). Today, it is more questionable. Some of us would say, "I am more concerned now than ever" because we've seen it. However, on the flip side, we've seen videos of all sorts of encounters that looked very dangerous that did not end in injury at all. So, there's where the complication arises. There are two (2) things that concern me in the OP's situation: 1. the perp did not have a visible weapon and did not appear to be reaching for one until OP pulled his gun; and 2. the act of pulling the gun (not shooting, but just pulling) is a criminal act unless justified. I only point out #2 to remind everyone that even pulling a gun has to be justified. I point out #1 because it goes to the issue of "reasonable belief." Because this was in a very public place, there were likely many witnesses. Some may see the situation very differently, particularly when asked "did you think the perp was threatening death or serious bodily injury?" We tend to focus on our own belief (and rightly so because the statute says to do that), but in real practice, the witnesses will have a very real contribution to what the jurors think about your "reasonable belief." Unfortunately, none of those get to go through all of those thoughts in the heat of such a situation. Had I been the OP, I fear I would have pulled the trigger. It amazes me he didn't. Glad for him he didn't, but I wonder how many of us (under the conditions described) would have been a patient in pulling that trigger. Overall, I applaud the OP in his handling (at least AFTER he flipped the bird -- don't do that :)). In this day and age, avoid confrontation as much as absolutely possible. Sometimes you can't, but as a gun owner, you HAVE to avoid it until you can't. The cost (even if you aren't prosecuted) is too high.1 point
1 point
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