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Anytime I can teach a new person to shoot, I do it. Their political beliefs don't matter. We need more people in our camp, not less.11 points
So, i'm a pig hunter. Rabidly so, in fact. I prefer hunting hogs to just about anything else on the planet. I've hunted them in 8 states & on 3 continents. But tonight I did something I never ever thought i'd manage. I. Shot. A. MONSTER! I have to add, this was completely free range. No lodge, no fences, no pay-to-play & it was here in middle TN.... just a straight up hand to God feral hog. I've seen big pigs before. The kind of hogs that really get your blood pumping, but in 12 years & probably thousands of hours of hunt time I've never, ever seen a pig like this. 12 FOOT, running neck shot with my .300blk.6 points
You and I have completely different opinions on what makes someone a lost cause. I have very good friends all over the political spectrum. Friends I would do anything for and they would do the same for me. To answer you question, you don't have to sacrifice 500 rounds of ammo. Take them shooting and bring a box of 50 rounds. I would spend more time making them practice handling the gun. Dry fire. Loading/unloading. Snap cap practice etc. One can adapt their methods of teaching to fit the current situation. BTW, I took a friend shooting recently who voted for Biden. He text me this morning and asked if I would accompany him to a gun show in a few weeks. Not everyone is a single issue voter.5 points
He also seems to think it's a bad thing that a semi-auto, particularly AR-style rifles, will hold up to rapid fire. A lot of us have purchased that style of rifle specifically for self-defense. He argues that an AR isn't good for self-defense, but I choose to make my own decisions when it comes to the safety of my family and me.4 points
Fresh from California here, you sir are wrong. They will attempt to chisel, hammer, poke, scrape, and eventually demolish your gun rights ASAP.4 points
I don’t think politics have ever come up when speaking with someone interested in learning to shoot. After taming my excitement, we talk about their needs and expectations, then set a date. The new shooter is usually friends or family so I start them with dry fire on my iTarget.4 points
I own three Gransfors Bruks axes. They’re handmade Swedish purpose built axes. They come shaving sharp - which can be strange/dangerous for anyone who’s only ever used cast hardware store axes. Not only are they perfect tools, they’re works of art. I’ve got a large splitting axe, a small forest axe, and a wildlife hatchet. They’re more expensive than a Fiskars (which is actually a completely fine axe for everyday needs) - but your kids will fight over them.4 points
Cool thanks, and in turn I'll let you in on a secret. If I was a single issue voter Trump wouldn't be my guy, he isn't any great friend of the 2A enthusiast.3 points
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3 points
If you're going to be stupid, you'd better be tough!3 points
Parlor is toast and the 1st amendment is right behind I’m sure. Amazon shut them down and kicked them off of their server as of tonight I believe. I wonder how long until forums that don’t fit the democrat ideology will follow? Silencing your opposition is the first step to the end of freedom isn’t it? Biden and the democrats are sure working hard to “bring us all together” aren’t they?......sounds more like a big “OR ELSE” is in there somewhere.3 points
Extensive amount of information in this. Mostly accurate, but the writer's evident bias towards semi-auto rifles doesn't sit well with me. He comes across as much a firearms control person as any I've read. His assumption that we need more arbitrary regulations and NFA control are not for me, and I think many here if you read it.3 points
Well maybe we have different opinions or maybe they are not so different. I would definitely spend a lot of time with an unloaded gun first. Since I am a competitive shooter and have trained a few shooters, I may be thinking in terms of how to make them proficient vs. a simple introduction, but someone going to permit class will probably need more than 50 rounds under their belt. Whatever the case, I agree that a raging liberal who owns guns is better than a raging liberal who doesn't. However, if I take them to the range and they continue to gladly vote for people who want you and me to be felons tomorrow because of what we have in our safes, I feel that my efforts were fruitless.3 points
With all the crap on their plate you think this will be the first priority? You should get out more...2 points
1. I’m just anti Trump, not pro Biden. I’m sincere in my belief that Biden/Harris will have too much on their plates to start their administration off toying with gun owners. 2. I don’t believe gun control stops crime. I do believe that talking about gun control puts a lot of money in peoples pockets. When I said we, I meant any person in possession of a gun. You can’t be a mass shooter without a gun. I do believe that anti gun politicians have their constituents on their behinds as much as pro gun politicians catch hell for not being stronger in their stances. So the politicians will perpetually be whipping up their sides. Gun control is bad business for both parties, but business is booming when it comes to both sides scaring people. 3. I really don’t care who is feeding Biden oatmeal. Most of the politicians on both sides are being spoon fed cash by lobbyists, so for the puppet masters and politicians it will be business as usual. I’ll let you in on a secret, some people have other priorities and expectations from their politicians than 2A issues. If you are fortunate enough to be a single issue voter congratulations.2 points
Without a doubt. David has said a lot of true things, but this is at the top.2 points
That Machete order looks...dumb. Here’s my recommendation. It’s officially GlockSpock certified. IV V VI Rogue One I II III Solo VII IIX IX The Mandalorian It sucks that you have to watch 11 movies just to be able to fully appreciate the best Star Wars content to date, but this is the way.2 points
2 points
I liken it to teaching someone to drive but with more consequences. Tons of parallels with new drivers, rules, safety, and car selection. When you get someone who questions, its an analogy they can relate to. I avoid politics for the most part, outside emphasizing I expect them to examine current laws and how it effects their plans or intended use, keeping mindful that they are subject to change. I don't think you can effect most basic views as they are set as they get older, so that is pointless and a frustration to both parties. However I do ask, why they want to own a gun and their motivation if they are older. You have to access how open they are and willing listen to the voice of reason and experience. This is especially critical with family. Like spouses, familiarity leads to a tendency to discount advice or assign more credence to that of acquaintances. Those who are married I am sure can relate. Its a fair question. I don't judge the why, as much as it helps decide what their influences were, and how best to approach method and instruction.2 points
Buy it cheap and stack it deep is really good advice. Of course, people with little foresight and a poor understanding of economics will call you a hoarder, but that's OK. While they're wailing and gnashing their teeth, you'll have ammo ...2 points
And everybody should watch the Star Wars saga at some point in their lives2 points
You mean I have to be a grown up and choose for myself whether or not I want to read / engage a poster, without someone moderating that viewpoint or censoring it all together, or telling me what is a good or bad things to say / read? No Thanks!2 points
I think they can. I taught two women (friends of my wife) to shoot when both had previously been anti-gun. Both had fun shooting at and popping balloons, like you'd set up for a little kid, and I think the heavy emphasis on safety impressed them both. If and when you take those new folks spend some time on safe handling before you load a round, make sure they understand how careful we "responsible gun owners" are, and give them a way to be successful in their first outings. Big targets, short ranges. And keep an eye on them! No matter how much you preach safety, a newbie is likely to need some reinforcement. I'm not entirely convinced all those new gun sales went to new owners. I'm pretty much always in the market for something interesting, and I can tell by the postings here that I'm sure not alone in that.2 points
I personally believe a lot of people who never owned one went out and got one for HD when the SHTF on the left coast and chants of defund the police turned into officials reviewing how much they could cut back in their city. Then we had a spell of destroying stuff all over the country for a bit. There are still people out there believing/expecting the PD to get there in time to save them from a burglary,home invasion, etc. MSM helped sell a lot of those guns whether they intended to or not. They froth up the fear factor same as they are doing now and will continue to do up until the 20th at least. In a negative for gun owners and 2a this time around. To that though, I feel like a lot of those purchases could be called in fairly easily by the incoming administration by the ever popular "buy back" program, reaffirmation that your police will be there for you , and constant hammering on your intellect to infer you're a dumbazz for wanting to own a ar14 killing machine. Then much like after Vegas you'll have those that will post a video of them destroying their newly bought weapon in hopes it will spread like an STD ❤. I shutter to think how much privately bought ammo will be donated to local PD like clothes to a goodwill.2 points
So who are these people and what do they believe? Did they buy guns because they didn't like the lawlessness they saw during riots last year? Cops not responding/being told to stand down? Are they now politically motivated to protect their right to self-defense and therefore gun ownership? Some probably are, but many are probably not. How many of these people were Democrat voters and will continue to be? I have three Democrat acquaintances who have recently expressed interest in learning to use a handgun and buying one. One of them is a Cal-Berkely graduate and is a pretty rabid left-wing zealot. One even wants a carry permit. Meanwhile they all voted Dem straight down the ticket and apparently plan to continue doing so. Is there a chance their views/opinions can be changed? Do they simply not fully understand the issues? Or are they afraid they need to prepare for a perceived Proud Boys assault or something? I don't understand their mindset or motivation, but all three want me to take them to the range. What am I to do? Donate my ammo to teach them to shoot? My standing offer with the Cal guy is that we will go when he can get 200 rounds of factory 9mm. I'm not sure how hard he has searched, but he hasn't found any. On one hand, I wonder if a couple range trips can make a difference and "expand the tent." On the other hand, I fear it is just a waste of ammo.2 points
Garbage in, garbage out In computer science, garbage in, garbage out is the concept that flawed, or nonsense input data produces nonsense output or "garbage". The principle also applies more generally to all analysis and logic, in that arguments are unsound if their premises are flawed. This is what I have feared for most of my adult life. The commies will tell the masses what is right and wrong, the masses will believe it.2 points
4 guys, 12 beers & knocking on a couple of farmers doors to beg the use of a tractor with a front loader!2 points
http://www.champchoice.com/store/Main.aspx?p=ItemDetailOptions&item=W300ME1 point
I beleive the notion that a politician in office cares more about fixing current problems that are ailing to the american public then they do about pushing the agenda of their financiers is just not the case. Im probably really cynical, but I believe that the current administration was paid to push an agenda, of the items on said agenda is gun control, and so they're gonna do just that. Public school sucks (not attacking teachers its not really their fault), always has and no one cares to really fix its many glaring flaws because its a racket in its own right. Sure kids aren't in school, and thats a problem but it's been fixed with half-attempts at home school by zoom so its "fine". the current situation with regard to the pandemic offers lots of routes to attack civil liberties to push the agenda. Those two things are important.....just not important to "fix" in a meaningful way to benefit the American people.1 point
You might check out some Hultafors axes. This Ekeland Hunting Ax has been in continuous production since the 1870s. https://www.hultafors.com/products/axes/H0292-ekelund-hunting-axe/1604431 point
I've got a CRKT Woods Chogan, its a handy camp sized axe. Not in the same category as Granfors, but functional for my needs.1 point
there are several mewe TN prepper pages and the ar15.com hometown forum is organizing groups in w TN, middle TN, chattanooga, knoxville and tri cities1 point
Yes. It is the best way. Well, that and skipping the sequel trilogy altogether. Zero redeeming value there.1 point
I think we will soon see a repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, allowing leftist scum to barrage the industry with lawsuits, driving them to bankruptcy.1 point
I like sci fi. But more of a car chase guy. Mad Max, California Kid, original Gone in 60 Seconds...Christine I have grown to like Friends, but that's Jenifer Aniston's fault.1 point
Cool, I have a friend who lives on 50 around the dam, if he seen them he would have called me1 point
1 point
Thanks for that link, party. That's the first time I've read that particular article, though I've seen similar. That article is full of the kind of "facts" that I think the MSM will push. Further, I believe that it will become harder to argue against that kind of argument as social media giants have begun to censor views with which their owners disagree. I'm much more worried by what the media, including social media, is getting away with now than with who is in office. There's a reason why the Soviet Union, communist China, Nazi Germany, North Korea, etc., keep (or kept) such tight control over the media.1 point
Same thing happened to a friend of mine. He chided me because "you spent too much money on that Uplula thing" but found one that the seller at a gun show told him is "just as good as an Uplula." He decided to load all his Glock mags and didn't make it through two mags when the frustration led him to throw it against his concrete basement floor. After recovering from his angst he ordered an Uplula . . .1 point
1 point
I wouldn’t be so sure. 15 years ago who would have imagined that Apple would be where they are in comparison to Microsoft? Google was still a search engine and Nokia and Blackberry were it when it came to phones. What goes up, eventually comes down.1 point
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My opinion, the newest form of attack will come from gun violence is the next health pandemic. They know how far Obama was able to go with EO, so that's about where they'll start. Glad we got that bump-stock banning, 2A-hatin' Trump outta office.1 point
Drug bust? Not all LEO's look like they just stepped off an army recruiting poster.1 point
Over the course of my career, my work has taken me to a lot of unpopular places in the world. I've seen the effects of unmitigated hatred as people kill one another in places like Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia. I've spent plenty of time in the Middle East, and even though I'm only in my mid-40's, I can remember what a awesome city Damascus was before the war. I've slept in the shadow of Khobar Towers. For a bunch of years, my job often took me to these unpopular places. Talking to a counselor several years ago, she argued that there shouldn't be a D on PTSD. That nothing is wrong with you - that everything you're experiencing is a normal reaction to extreme stress. I've thought about that a lot over the years. I found myself thinking about it yesterday as I watched the events of yesterday unfold. I found myself getting irritated. My heart rate was up above where it normally is, and I couldn't seem to relax - nor could I really focus on anything particularly well either. I know these signs, and knew that I was going to have nightmares last night. I've got a lot of support in my life. I have a hard time with the word blessing - but this is an area where I'm truly blessed. But I've spoken to a lot of folks today that I know don't have that support in their life. That haven't gotten the support they've needed. Vets. Foreign Service. Agency friends. A lot of us watched yesterday and found ourselves in a weird place. We've seen what happened yesterday a bunch of times other places - but maybe don't have a place to put it when it has happened here. Anyway, that's a long way of saying - if yesterday has opened old wounds - or maybe opened one some you didn't realize you had - there are folks here in a similar place. I'm happy to talk anytime if you need something. Feel free to reach out.1 point
The Democrats have a whole laundry list of "progressive" changes they want to make. Gun control is on there somewhere, but I don't think its at the top of the list. I'm thinking they may try something soon, only to have it cause an uproar they don't want right now. Then they'll move on to other projects. Covid issues may work in our favor as that's the pressing problem right now. Hopefully we can hold them off for two years and make changes in our favor come the mid-term election.1 point
I moved to TN from WA two years ago, not least because of the politics there. WA has one of the most pro-gun ownership constitutions in the country, and has long had a population of blue-collar, independent folks, many of whom love to hunt and fish. But over the past 20 years or so that culture has slowly changed. Not long before I moved new laws were passed that required "universal" background checks, meaning that EVERY firearms transaction now must go through an FFL. If I wanted to loan a rifle to my brother for a hunting trip, I'd be required to take it to an FFL and have it transferred to him, then we'd have to go back again to transfer it to me when he's done with it. New laws in WA require "safe storage" and it seems that at every legislative session more restrictions are proposed. Politics is opportunistic. Right now the anti-gun forces have a lot going for them. They control two of the three branches of government, and probably most importantly, they control the press. The past five years have proved to me that the press is willing to mislead and outright lie about conditions in our nation. The left also controls the social media giants, which have shown a willingness to suppress political speech they deem false or harmful. I hope Erik88 is right and I'm wrong, but I expect to see a strong assault on gun rights, and very soon. After all, how can any of be opposed to "common sense gun safety"? The first I look for is repealing the legislation that protects gun manufacturers, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. It will be pretty easy to bleed the manufacturers dry with multiple law suits.1 point
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