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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2021 in all areas

  1. Well, since we can't act like children anymore I figured I might as well delve into something that I have been wanting to do for a while. My dad was given this rifle in the mid 80's by his great uncle. I don't really know where he got it, but would like to think it has been in the family a long time. It has been sitting in a safe since then and I decided it was time to get it out and shoot it. I ordered brass, bullets, and dies and am ready to load up some rounds (32 wcf). I figured it would be prudent to probably give it a good work through before starting so I decided tonight was the night to start disassembly. From the looks of it, this thing potentially hasn't been apart for probably 100 years. The amount of dirt and grime in it is just amazing. Makes one wonder where it has been and what it has seen. It was clearly used and used a lot which I kind of like. That's what guns are for. I am not really into old guns, but it does make a difference when you know it has been in the family. Got a lot of it apart, but I can't get the forearm off. Debating how to do it. It wont move forward far enough to clear the receiver so it will drop down. It's hitting the dovetailed piece where the metal forecap screws in. It's amazing how tight of tolerance these things had. I suspect it was tight to start and may have swelled a bit over time. Anyway, wasn't in the mood to start getting too aggressive with it just yet. Will probably have to remove a bit of wood from the inside of the forearm to clear the forecap connector. I won't be doing any major restoration and ruin what value it does have, but man does it need a cleaning. Hopefully next time I post it looks like a complete rifle again. Thought some of you may enjoy one of the truly classic old guns.
    6 points
  2. Friends, If you've read the TGO Rules and Guidelines like we hope that you have, you may recall that it begins with the statement that we believe that the majority of the members of this community are mature and self-guiding and that the majority what we ask of our community as far as "code of conduct" goes is really just common sense. We mean that. We really believe that you all are good people and that you don't need us or anyone else telling you how to treat one another or what is right and what is wrong. Despite that, I hope that you will indulge me and the rest of the Staff and tolerate us just for a moment while I remind everyone that TGO strives hard to be a place where law-abiding citizens can gather to discuss participation in, enjoyment of, preservation of, and advocacy for the Second Amendment and all that it entails. We have always asked our members to hold themselves to a higher standard than the general public, as ambassadors of the Second Amendment. We have updated our rules to reflect our continued commitment to being good citizens and good stewards of- and representatives of the Second Amendment. You can find the rules and terms by clicking the link at the bottom of each page of TGO, or by visiting the following location directly. https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/guidelines
    6 points
  3. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE!!!!!!!! Sorry to be late on this, but I will chime in. First, I hate the "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle Doctrine" monikers, mainly because every state's laws are different and the caselaw develops differently. Nevertheless, people tend to lump them all together because they use the same words or names. To the OP, lots of good analysis so far. However, under TN law, I do not believe flipping the bird is being an aggressor in the situation (certainly not smart and should be avoided, but doubt it rises to the level of "provok[ing] the other individual's use or attempted use of unlawful force" -- that's the TN definition). Yes, on some level, you are "provoking" a reaction, but I don't many people would say that jumping out of the car and beating on the window (much less, opening the door to get to you) would be the reasonably expected result of flipping the bird. Obviously, a Prosecutor could make that argument and a jury might agree, but the idea of provocation is premised on the idea of reasonably equivalent force (i.e., you punched him, he swung back and you pulled the gun to stop the fight). Where things are getting more complicated is the ever-changing environment of what constitutes reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury. The past year has created many new situations (certainly more frequent) and there has been a good deal of discussion in legal circles about what now constitutes that reasonable belief to justify self-defense. I would have said a year ago that someone attempting to break into the car would almost certainly justified pulling the gun (and using it, for that matter). Today, it is more questionable. Some of us would say, "I am more concerned now than ever" because we've seen it. However, on the flip side, we've seen videos of all sorts of encounters that looked very dangerous that did not end in injury at all. So, there's where the complication arises. There are two (2) things that concern me in the OP's situation: 1. the perp did not have a visible weapon and did not appear to be reaching for one until OP pulled his gun; and 2. the act of pulling the gun (not shooting, but just pulling) is a criminal act unless justified. I only point out #2 to remind everyone that even pulling a gun has to be justified. I point out #1 because it goes to the issue of "reasonable belief." Because this was in a very public place, there were likely many witnesses. Some may see the situation very differently, particularly when asked "did you think the perp was threatening death or serious bodily injury?" We tend to focus on our own belief (and rightly so because the statute says to do that), but in real practice, the witnesses will have a very real contribution to what the jurors think about your "reasonable belief." Unfortunately, none of those get to go through all of those thoughts in the heat of such a situation. Had I been the OP, I fear I would have pulled the trigger. It amazes me he didn't. Glad for him he didn't, but I wonder how many of us (under the conditions described) would have been a patient in pulling that trigger. Overall, I applaud the OP in his handling (at least AFTER he flipped the bird -- don't do that :)). In this day and age, avoid confrontation as much as absolutely possible. Sometimes you can't, but as a gun owner, you HAVE to avoid it until you can't. The cost (even if you aren't prosecuted) is too high.
    6 points
  4. Ammo and firearms licensing, capture of gun purchases, mandatory waiting periods and quantity / time limits. All things that CA had, or exist in some form other blue states. Having lived thru it, y'all should have concerns. Biden's published plan, which includes assault weapons ban and its next steps are more problematic. Using the practice of bills 'common sense' that first starts with limiting 'how' or 'how much' before moving on to bans and generational elimination controlling the 'what' you buy. Death of a thousand cuts. I have watched the CA legal challenges play out in the 2 years after I left. With the 'freedom week' they got with normal cap mags to the latest assault weapon ban challenges. Y'all should really watch these as well. IIRC, SCOTUS kicked one case back years ago. I suspect they will have to deal with them at some point, but it will be years. The proposed assault weapons ban and it's two options that follow (forced govt purchase or NFA/registration) are effectively a method to eliminate them in a single generation by potentially preventing them to be passed down depending on the 'NFA' provision. CA version make them all non transferable. If they do that, I trust more will sell them to the govt depending on their age. CA this summer has had more legislation to expand the definition of what constitutes 'assault weapon'. Makes sense as the next step to try to move almost everything into over time. On the upside. The cosmetic features have been able to have workarounds allowing limited use. Look up 'featureless' build. They kind of suck, but allow you to to keep them until they revise language. The latest expansion of the definition though is meant to do some of that in.
    5 points
  5. 4 guys, 12 beers & knocking on a couple of farmers doors to beg the use of a tractor with a front loader!
    3 points
  6. To do that, you need a mag tube slug. Thats a steel pin that is the ID of the tube. tap it into the end, put some leather around the tube and over where the pin is inside, then vise grips over the leather and turn the tube slightly in both directions a few times and that should loosen it up enough to pull out. And remember, oil & 0000 steel wool is your best friend on cleaning off the bubbled up rust surface but go lightly to preserve the brown patina. Good luck Oh, and you can use mag tube slugs to tap dents out. Same thing as Shotgun bore slugs. I got a box full of em...
    3 points
  7. I think many of us share that, as I've said here a few times our best bet is Joe to stay put. Harris was the CA AG during its most recent darkest hours and she was actively involved in the legislation. Her views are actual public knowledge. She has plainly and clearly stated them when she was running before she dropped out. Not only is she fully on board with Beto's well known 2A hatred, she is against ALL private gun ownership. Should you be curious, its searchable. I don't think her campaign site is active anymore, but her anti 2A position is documented in various write-ups from that time. Joe seems is a political opportunist kind of anti- 2A guy, while Kamala is a foaming at the mouth 2A hater. My take on this is that Joe can insulate himself by using her as the instrument for much of it. The country is in a very different place compared to 2008. The events of 2020 should really illustrate how these seemingly insane things have gotten traction and developed momentum that has never been seen in the recent past. Don't get me wrong, I dont want or hope any of it does. But in todays very strange environment, thinking it cant happen as its not happened before does not offer a great comfort level.
    3 points
  8. Thing is, Apple and Google can remove the app from their stores. You can still go to Parler.com and download the app there.
    3 points
  9. No one "deems" it false. It's false. Spreading disinformation and misinformation is wrong. Unfortunately it seems a huge portion of our population cannot identify either. Are these statements true or false, Daniel?: No one needs a high capacity magazine. Weapons of war don't belong on our streets. The Second Amendment was written when people carried muskets. No one needs an assault rifle to hunt. An AR-15 was designed to kill lots of people quickly. Etc., etc., ad nauseam.... I would consider any of those "spreading disinformation." You might think all are chiseled in stone. My point, as I really believe you understand, is that I do not want anyone arbitrating the truth for me. I don't think you do, either.
    3 points
  10. So, i'm a pig hunter. Rabidly so, in fact. I prefer hunting hogs to just about anything else on the planet. I've hunted them in 8 states & on 3 continents. But tonight I did something I never ever thought i'd manage. I. Shot. A. MONSTER! I have to add, this was completely free range. No lodge, no fences, no pay-to-play & it was here in middle TN.... just a straight up hand to God feral hog. I've seen big pigs before. The kind of hogs that really get your blood pumping, but in 12 years & probably thousands of hours of hunt time I've never, ever seen a pig like this. 12 FOOT, running neck shot with my .300blk.
    2 points
  11. Pics or this thread is worthless!!!
    2 points
  12. Yes call 911. I'd rather you call us over something like that then other people calling 911 over someone that mowed grass 1 inch over the property line.
    2 points
  13. NPR I listen to quite a bit and it's almost laughable the amount of pieces they do on lgbtq, race, climate, immigration, guns etc. All with a particular left slant that doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Saying that, I force myself to listen to this and MSM then watch and listen to a variety of sources like... YouTube's Salty Cracker, Crowder, BlazeTV, Tim pool Timcast. Newsmax as well. Crowder and Salty put a smile on my face even in these bleak times. I have no idea how they still exist with the censorship purge that's happening. Clips of Tucker Carlson or listening to Rush on the radio is helpful too. Also I actually listen to the Politicians own words on the Sunday talk shows. Perusing all that, I have a good handle on what's going on politically and I must say it's pretty depressing if you happen to be a critical thinker. I never once thought Trump had a chance in hell after the recounts and I do believe most of the fraud allegations after listening/watching all sources above an then some. It's time consuming and difficult but the truth is still out there for now.
    2 points
  14. Here is my take on the news we will be getting the next few years. Crap in is this stuff out!!!
    2 points
  15. Hope I remember them all: LH Savage bolt LH CZ 452 LH Cooper Jackson Squirrel Rifle - 22 mag LH Cooper Custom Classic Ruger 10/22 Savage LH semi auto, think it’s a model 64
    2 points
  16. This is really only easy on an Android (Google) device. In order to bypass the App Store on an iOS (Apple) device, you have to root the device and sideload the app. Even then, there are ways for Apple to revoke the app and keep you from running it on their hardware. Also bear in mind that rooting an Apple device voids its warranty.
    2 points
  17. First they will change the rules, then pass the bills. First up is the filibuster.
    2 points
  18. United We Stand. Divided We Fall. From this point forward, non Second Amendment political and legislative discussions are no longer welcome on TGO. Longtime members of TGO may now roll their eyes and mutter, "Not this crap again. We've been here before." Rightly so. We have attempted several times to allow our members to discuss general politics in a mature manner. We have begged, pleaded, threatened and banned in the effort of making it work. It never does. It always falls apart. There is barely such a thing as polite and respectful political discourse in mixed company even when you limit it to talking about firearms and the right to bear them. Thankfully that is what TGO is about. The right to bear arms. We are staunch supporters of the Second Amendment. We are also not ignorant to the fact that we must educate and inform each other when it comes to politics and those political creatures we mentioned previously. We cannot put our heads in the sand. We discuss these things as a matter of necessity - not because we find it enjoyable. But that is where we now draw the line. From now on, if it isn't about politics or legislation that directly affects the Second Amendment, take it somewhere else. We don't need the division here. It is almost cyclical, but the next four years look bleak for gun owners. We are going to have to be more united than ever. We have to find our common ground and stand together atop it. We cannot waver and we must remind ourselves that no matter our differences we are still Americans and, hopefully, we are proponents and defenders of the Second Amendment. We hope you understand. If you don't and you disagree, we hope you'll at least respect the decision. And if you can't do that, we hope you'll find a new place to talk about politics and guns and whatever else. Because it won't be here. I'm done with it and I care about you all and about our freedoms too much to suffer another moment of division and bickering about anything more consequential than your favorite sportsball team. United We Stand. Divided We Fall. God Save The Republic.
    2 points
  19. Good start Fuji but we are in the 117th Congress now that started just a week ago. There have already been a bunch of firearms (hint for search) related bills introduced. It’s insanity trying to keep up with what those people in DC are doing but the congressional website you posted is where it is.
    2 points
  20. I listen to NPR, read the NY Times and watch Fox, and read the Wall Street Journal and then I do something unique: I make up my own mind. The issue in being informed is whether you want to be informed or if you are merely looking for sources to buttress what you already believe.
    2 points
  21. Are you okay with Twitter or Facebook deciding you shouldn't see a post because someone on their staff DEEMS it false? I subscribe to neither, but I'd prefer to hear opposing viewpoints and decide for myself, thank you.
    2 points
  22. Exxxxactly. I don't trust Romney/Murkowski/Collins any farther than I can throw them. I've been through one assault weapons ban and it's dumb luck good fortune that it's not still law. Times are different now--this wacky left acts like the wife of 20 years who gave up her career to raise the kids and put her husband through med school, only to be traded in for a 25 year old beauty queen after he made millions. They want the right's spleen in a jar. Establishment career types like Pelosi and Biden may be posturing and bluffing some, but I don't think Kamala and AOC are. They want blood. Plus the Democrats learned a couple lessons form the first (flawed) AWB. I believe the socialist take-from-those-who-work/give-to-those-who-won't woke stuff and climate hysteria will get first priority, but gun control will come up, especially if there is a mass shooting.
    2 points
  23. I was going to say this earlier but didn't want to deal with the ridicule. NPR does good journalism, especially when you branch out past politics. The problem is that some people are just so uncomfortable hearing an opinion they don't agree with that they will just dismiss that source as fake news. I personally try to get my news from both liberal leaning and conservative sources.
    2 points
  24. Here's what you guys all need to consider: The fact that they keep saying a thing doesn't mean they don't mean the thing and won't execute their plan to destroy the 2A and disarm America. It doesn't mean they aren't committed to that goal. It just means they haven't been able to successfully pull it off yet. Do NOT become complacent or dismissive of it. They have told you what they want to do. They are in it for the long haul. We have to be equally committed and not let boredom or arrogance cause us to let our guard drop. As soon as we do, they will pounce and it will unravel quickly. Mark my words. I am a nutjob, I guess, because I think powers-that-be orchestrated the theft of the 2020 election. I don't love Trump and I think he is a toxic personality. Four more years of him might have been the death of America also. He might have become the next Vladamir Putin, never leaving office, just changing the rules of the game to keep him in power regardless of title. But Biden and Harris absolutely represent a voter base that wants to see America become a socialist country. When I look at how the 2020 election unfolded, I don't see one tactic being used against Trump or the GOP. I see a staggering array of tactics used. If I am correct, "they" threw everything they had against the wall to see what would work. They even threw things at the wall that would have previously never dared be used in the light of day, because they figured that there was enough hatred for Trump that even if the public noticed, the public wouldn't care. The public would say that the end justified the means. And here we are. A ridiculous number of things seemed to be effective and perhaps it was success through asymmetry: No one thing alone would have worked, but a combination of crazily disparate things did because people couldn't comprehend what was going on and therefore dismissed it as an impossibility. If I am right about that, you'll see that tactic used to destroy the 2A and disarm America.
    2 points
  25. This assumes that all Republicans vote against. We know that isn't likely to be true. Politicians do whatever they can to preserve their jobs. The easiest way to do that is to make their constituents feel like they are being well-represented. If a Republican feels like it is in the best interest of his or her continued paycheck to support anti-2A legislation, guess what they're going to do. Thinking that it matters who has the majority when the margin is as slim as it is, is dangerous.
    2 points
  26. I have the Little Badger. Basically, it is a single shot survival rifle. I think I seriously need a RUGER 10/22
    1 point
  27. Damn son, now that’s a hog. Congrats!!!
    1 point
  28. Gonna be a lot of sausage in your future. What a beast. Well done!
    1 point
  29. I have one or two Smiths. lol
    1 point
  30. Nothing wrong with wheel guns.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Thanks guys, I lucked out and got mild symptoms. I never expected to play Russian roulette with a virus and I dont want to do it ever again. Please take this seriously and even then, be careful. I can say that being paranoid about breathing is something I dont want myself or anyone to ever have to experience.
    1 point
  33. Well, despite being ignorant as to how to operate my new compressor, (printed instructions that came with it completely sucked) I was able to use it to air up my wife’s car tire, drove it to discount tire, where they repaired it for free! Thanks TGO for all the suggestions.
    1 point
  34. In a way, this is scarier than the election BS. Let's hope Anonymous gets involved.
    1 point
  35. After just replacing all my worn out quick connects, I've learned this..... https://toolguyd.com/quick-guide-to-air-line-couplers-plugs/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085QLQX3R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_RvB-FbSZR1SBG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
    1 point
  36. The USPS doesn’t care. I recall my mom or grandmother saying putting a stamp upside down on an envelope means “I love you”.
    1 point
  37. Drug bust? Not all LEO's look like they just stepped off an army recruiting poster.
    1 point
  38. I expect a few executive actions pretty much right off the bat, targeting importation of firearms and ammo, both have been done before and is the easy low hanging fruit for Biden. And considering todays market its the easiest way to do the most damage while making the least waves.
    1 point
  39. Wish folks would be just as angry about the 2nd getting stepped on as much as they complain about the lack of ammo.
    1 point
  40. Running a business (ANY business) in the current situation has to be very challenging. As soon as they figure out how to get things going, something else changes and that workable plan gets blown out the door.
    1 point
  41. It's a good thing to reassure people that everything possible is being done. I'm fairly certain that this industry is one of many that has been BTW 24/7 and it's global. When the COVID blanket is pulled off the supply will slowly increase. The Media coverage of all the unrest has driven demand for everything. How would you like to be in Charge of a big toilet paper outfit
    1 point
  42. This could almost a recording of a conversation I had with a FFL friend recently. He's cussed and threatened daily over the guns/ammo supply situation by complete strangers. Says when he ask why they don't just buy elsewhere they will admit no one has any inventory and go back to ranting at him. He's started just walking away and ignoring them. Heck of a way to have to run your business and deal with potential customers.
    1 point
  43. On that note, I enjoyed watching some of the contestants on the show Alive fashion fishing lures and/or hooks from salvaged cans they had found. Some of them were amazing.
    1 point
  44. Oh God, I used to get those from the fleamarket when I was a kid. I would bang it around until it broke and then next time I went back I would just get another one. I dont know how many of those I went through.
    1 point
  45. I'll admit to having owned a couple like that years ago. Cheap junk. I don't remember what happened to them and don't really care.
    1 point
  46. Because I can only recognize a knife 2 out of 3 times, I thought I would ask you guys about this knife. I bought this knife from a friend getting to old to enjoy his stuff and wanted to liquidate so his wife might not have to. This is what he had me write down; "6 bar composite weld of 344 layers of steel hand forged. Fire blued steel. Handle is stabilized Madrone wood. Pommel and front guard are fossilized Amber" What I know; the knife has a stamp of L.W. Thomsen on it. Any help (value, rarity and etc) would be appreciated. My pictures suck, I know.
    1 point
  47. If you guys think that one looks cool, you should see the ones that my dealer cost is $3.00 for I actually put one in the order from one of my distributors, when I put it in my Wicked Edge jaws, clamped down and started with the 100 grit diamond stone, it started coming apart LOL they are absolute junk probably made out of sardine cans steel from Pakistan
    1 point
  48. My Dad bought about a dozen of the black and camo ones when I was a kid. He took them to work and sharpened them up in the machine shop. I cut down many a sapling with the saw back. I still have a black one somewhere plus a blade for one I found and improvised a handle for. Best knife I ever had was a kbar knockoff my Papaw found beside the road. Dad still carries it to hunt. In fact we field dressed my deer last December with it. That thing takes a dang nice edge. Blade looks almost Damascus from the staining of the rust that was on it.
    1 point
  49. I bought the cheaper version years ago. I leave it hanging on the pegboard in the shop. I use it to cut up old clothes into rags and other hacking uses that I wouldn't use a good knife on.
    1 point
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