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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2021 in all areas

  1. One of my favorite firearms, and the one most often shot, is a Model 18 Smith and Wesson 22LR revolver. Most people, for whatever reason, will buy cheap 22. Don't. Get one you'll enjoy shooting. They are good, inexpensive practice. They are also good for introducing new shooters to the sport. Cheap ammo, low noise, and low recoil while maintaining the accuracy of their centerfire brethren make a quality 22 handgun well worth owning.
    4 points
  2. With how much China owns in the US one might say they are tending to their business. Not a happy thought by any means.
    4 points
  3. 1934: My Dad was born, today he's 87, when I call I always ask him how he's doing, he reply's I'm still breathing and I reply keep doing what your doing, I'm your biggest fan and cheerleader, your giving me good data, keep it up!!!
    4 points
  4. I believe China is not only a problem to us but also to the world! China needs to mind Chinas business.
    4 points
  5. Wishing you all a Happy New Year and a solid "Good Riddance" to 2020. Here's to hoping that 2021 is infinitely better!
    3 points
  6. Hell Yeah! I'm ready! In fact, I'd welcome it. Bout damned time there was some intelligent life on this rock.
    3 points
  7. I was going to say something not so nice, but my better senses have kicked in. I would like to say that I am at least glad some of you have got it, but I’m not. For those of us paying for all of this and getting Zero, my condolences.
    3 points
  8. Get yourself a dash cam with panorama all around the inside of the car. Not that I'm giving legal advice but if you need to involve the police be the first to call, and always say up front YOU were attacked. Don't mention guns. Someone ripping your door open or banging on your car is an attack. They showed they meant to do you harm. Edit: a good peice of advice i was given (or atleast i think its good) if you can drive. Drive. If they get out of their car drive off. Through them around them whatever. Drive off. If they're trying to enter your vehicle report it as an attack. My girlfriend and I have a rehersed plan where if anything were to happen she records with my phone and calls 911 with hers. She says its an attack and where we are and keeps them up to date as long as im dealing with whatever the "it" is. The other thing I think is important is to always act as though you're being filmed. If a jury watched this happen as movie who's side would they be on?
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. This may be one of the best threads on TGO I've read in over six and a half years hanging out on this site. Very cool to be able to read the vignette and replies presented. @MarkSas others have said, thank you for being so open and self-reflecting on the incident. We're learning from the benefit of your experience and the conversation it sparked. It's a great benefit to all of us. I think you handled it as well as can be expected when presented with a threat. I also think you have a lesson learned on flipping people off, But these are two separate points in my mind since your actions don't lend any sort of justification to the person's actions in response. Giving the guy a warning may well have had a butterfly effect that kept him alive, and you out of legal hell. I hope for their sake it was a wake-up call about how to live with others...but I'll not get my hopes up. I'm also grateful to learn about these what you experienced with the vehicle lock...I'm still driving a Ford Ranger I bought in 2002, so that a door will unlock after putting the vehicle in park is (disturbing) news to me. Glad there is a way to fix that after purchase.
    3 points
  11. Thank you all for the discussion, as I have learned from the group. I hope this never happens to any member, and can now from experience say, "Turn the other cheek", as legally I might of been justified, the reality would have set in that my one finger salute set in motion the events that took a life. Even though the other party played a part, and had no business trying to come into the car, I am responsible personally, even if not legally, for my actions, and testament. I hope this experience, can be used as a lesson, and maybe save a member from being put in a similar situation, or having to live with a decision.
    3 points
  12. Just a thought here. Had you not flipped the guy off, would the rest of the scenario have played out as it did? I'm generally a pretty calm man, but having someone say "FU" to my face, through words or gestures, really, REALLY ticks me off. Frustrations can be high in heavy traffic, and sometimes a simple thing like waving the guy on by, right of way or not, can diffuse a situation such as you describe. FAR better, in my opinion, to avoid the confrontation in the first place. A honked horn is one thing, a bullet in the chest another. Mind you, I am NOT excusing the passenger's actions. If someone tries to get into my car my reaction will be similar to yours, but what I am saying is that your gesture contributed.
    3 points
  13. Hi, and welcome to TGO! Unless you manufactured the ammunition yourself for sale, there should be no issues with selling factory ammunition to a private party in TN. Ed
    2 points
  14. Welcome to the group and to answer your question, No
    2 points
  15. Carpet baggers, burglars, six of one...
    2 points
  16. I think China has more invested into the US political class then anyone not in the "club" knows. So much in fact I think if you were to just tell someone it would be considered a "conspiracy theory".
    2 points
  17. finally got on one this year. was able to shoot a decent bodied 3 point on public land. my first deer in TN and only my 3rd deer ever so i am happy. just a few more days left!
    2 points
  18. For us, either apply it to the rape of the people property tax increase by our beloved Mayor John Cooper...or...add to our stock of food supplies.
    2 points
  19. I'm just cracking up over slapping someone in the face with a handgun. If it was a 1911 the guy would probably be dead now.
    2 points
  20. Well this pretty much sums up my feelings about this... After 2020, all I can say is Hang On! But I certainly wish everyone and Blessed and truly Happy New Year!
    2 points
  21. I thank you for this excellent post. You have made a lot of us here think about and discuss a potentially life altering event that could happen at anytime to anyone of us.
    2 points
  22. I’ve read and have made the statement myself on this forum more than a few times that the last thing I’d ever want to do is to have to shoot someone. I really feel it would change many things about our/my immediate life and also thereafter. I do carry though, deep concealment always and at other times I carry in other various ways. I carry not to show the world that I have a gun, or to make me a badass in my own mind, but purely to be prepared to defend the life of my wife, myself and any loved ones I am with should a major threat arise to our lives. I think for the statement I started with to be true, It’s my duty to overlook the hotheads, the stupid drivers that cut me off or blow their horn at some short sighted event they perceive I caused in their life. If they take it upon themselves to “teach me a lesson” physically, well then it’s game on.
    2 points
  23. Happy New Year! I have a feeling that 2020 was just practice for 2021!
    2 points
  24. I watched a news special the other night about the Broken Juvenile Legal system and it is not broken. It is almost non-existent. Some Officers have arrested a Juvenile for possession of a stolen fire arm at 7PM and arrested him 4 hours later and he had another gun when they arrested him the second time. He was released at 7:30 to his mother and she said he never went in the house but took off soon as she stopped her car at home. The police said that the system is just a swinging door. The singer that was killed during a car hijacking was shot by a 13 year old that had 5 prior arrests with 3 of them for stolen gun violations during the commission of a felony armed robbery. He was arrested with 3 friends for the murder and he is the only one still locked up and his mother said she hopes they try him as an adult and he gets a long prison sentence. During the report it was said that the zip code for north Nashville and Madison area has more juvenile arrests than any other place in America. Now with that said, if an officer shoots and kills one during the commission of a crime they want to hang the officer for doing his job!!! They asked one officer if he had any idea how to fix the problem and he said yes, just 1. Pass a law the permitted people the right to use deadly legal force to protect their property without fear of prosecution and it would take a short time and you would begin to see the numbers go down pretty quick. He said until you put some fear in these young people that they can be killed by the property owner they will continue to do as they please because they don't fear being arrested.
    2 points
  25. I belong to the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Net. 360-978-5200. They have a good program (IMO the best benefit for the money)for those who join and the cost is much more likeable. Call and talk to them. It is not insurance but they do the same as others insurance companies. I pay 85.00 per year and I think the first year is a little higher. I been a member for years, and consider it just like homeowners insurance. My advice on your incident, forget the one finger salute next time. You did well except for that one item. glad it turned out for the best. A lot of hotheads out there who are wearing a chip on their shoulders this-day-in-time. "Best to turn the other cheek", if possible, then go on your way. Edited to ADD; Call ACLDN 360-978-5200 and ask them for a copy of a short booklet, "What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self-Defense Law." They will send it to you at NO charge to you, and with NO obligation. The book is one of the best I have seen to be a short education on self defense law. ITS FREE GUYS. 20 pages of great info. MarkS, you can weigh your incident with true knowledge on the S D Law. You can see why your salute could be detrimental to your case. Get the book guys. FREE
    2 points
  26. According to him it will be a busy day. Personally I think after all the inauguration festivities; he’ll go back and nap the rest of the day and not do anything. But as you say, we shall see.
    2 points
  27. I came to the same conclusion after contemplating, as a knee jerk reaction caused a unnecessary situation. Definitely have to own my own faults, as a traffic dispute is not worth a life, but listed that detail for full disclosure and discussion.
    2 points
  28. If posted in wrong area, please move accordingly, as I could not determine which area would be best. On Christmas Eve, at Opry Mills, a very real and tense moment occurred. As my wife and I were about to pull out of Bass Pro, a car coming up the secondary lane slammed on their horn. I had the right away, and in the holiday spirit, I wished them a one finger holiday greeting. The car then cut over to the opposite lane of traffic and cut in front of me, blocking me in. Within seconds, the passenger was out of the car, and attempted to break the driver window with his elbow. I immediately pushed the car into park, as I went to draw my sidearm. Upon putting the car in park, my Camry automatically unlocked the doors, never realized that little detail before. The man was grabbing for the door already, and when it unlocked,, he slung the door open, and lunched at me. He was immediately hit in the face with my pistol, which startled him. He took a couple of steps backward, looked me in the eyes, then reached for his waist. At that moment I screamed stop or I will shoot. He looked at me for what felt like ten seconds, then literally jumped in the other car, and they sped off. Over the past few days I have wondered what legal grounds did I have, and not the "you would be fine", but would I have had to spend years fighting this in court? Did I use good judgment not firing, or was this a case that I could have been killed myself, and should have pulled the trigger? I have trained with guns for over 30yrs, literally started as a child. I have been to class after class, and never thought I would question a decision. The outcome was fortunate as neither my wife or I were hurt. But was this a scenario of being cool headed or was this hesitation that could have gotten myself, wife, or both killed? Please take a minute to consider your response, as a week ago I thought my reaction would have been different. Secondary factors and additional details: 1. Weather was clear 2. It was around 3pm in the afternoon 3. I did not have the "adrenaline" spike, in fact it was one of the clearest moments I have ever had. 4. Pistol I had was a Beretta APX Centurion 9mm 5. I never stepped out of the car 6. Driver of the other vehicle was a woman, and I had clear sight of both, upon drawing. 7. Yes I filled police report, but they seemed to chalk it up to holiday road rage, and didn't really seem to care. This was not a fear issue, as I drew my weapon, just as I have always trained. This is a "If this ever happened again, should I have neutralized the threat" Thank you for your time.
    1 point
  29. I bought a still, gona make hand sanitizer, then trade it for plastic.
    1 point
  30. Can you think of a better way to financially...support China through this mess?
    1 point
  31. https://theprepared.com/blog/booby-trap-laws/
    1 point
  32. Dark tinted windows helps with this problem. I don't flip people off anymore but the fact that folks can't see me helps. Just a thought.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. If anyone is interested OakHillGuns has the 6" Model for $1799.00. https://oakhillguns.com/revolver/colt/colt-python-357-mag-6-6rd-sts.html
    1 point
  35. Flipping someone off can bring into question ‘innocence’. Who knows how a DA or jury will interpret it. That is putting your future in someone else’s hands. Don’t leave that crack open. Also, we are talking about the risk of your life savings. That is why one should be very tolerant, and be very well versed in the legalities involved.
    1 point
  36. I disagree, my opinion is that attempting to break his window and forcibly entering his vehicle, justified the use of deadly force. But…. that’s just my opinion. Good thing he didn’t have to find out.
    1 point
  37. I'll second (or third?) the thought that flipping someone off is never going to de-escalate a situation. What exactly were you trying to accomplish by flipping them off? No one in the history of mankind has been calmed down or had their poor behavior corrected by someone flipping them off. But it has led to a lot of fights. And just because YOU (and most normal people ) might not be willing to cripple or kill someone over an insult there are "feral people " out there that absolutely are. Jail is full of people who do not "act like normal people" who have killed people over seemingly minor insults. Personally I'm a big proponent of living by the advice found in Romans 12:18 . If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. When my wife and I first started dating (20 years ago) she asked me why I seemed to never get really upset when people did dumb stuff while driving . I told her I generally stay pretty calm because ... 1. Getting angry about stupid stuff solves nothing 2. I'm "secure enough in my manhood" to not feel the need to prove anything 3. Because I have the ability and skill to kill pretty much anyone I come in contact with I prefer to avoid those situations where I might be forced to do that if at all possible. 4. I'd rather not instigate a fight with my significant other as a bystander or an accidental participant in a fight between armed people. As far as your reaction once the fight was on? From what you describe I don't have any major complaints. Having to fight while seated in the car sucks but we deal with what we are dealt. I've done it so I know what I'm talking about. In fact my particular situation is actually somewhat similar to this even if it started differently. We can argue that striking dude with the pistol can lead to it getting grabbed but I have done the same thing for real and the dude was so surprised that he just got muzzle punched that he just backed up. As to not shooting him? That's a personal choice. If you felt that you didn't NEED to shoot him that second then you probably didn't NEED to shoot him that second. There is a big difference between making the conscious decision NOT to shoot because of how he reacted and being too paralyzed with fear to shoot . Sounds like you made a conscious decision to not shoot. You are the only one who was there to make the decision and the decision seems to have been right. As they say "All's well that ends well".
    1 point
  38. I absolutely think you did the right thing. From your description, you were justified in using deadly force, but you didn’t because you didn’t need to. You then reported it to the Police. I don’t know how anyone could second guess that, and I wouldn’t care if they did. Good for you, you survived it without taking a life or having to go through an investigation.
    1 point
  39. Someone trying to get into your car certainly means to do you harm. I think that a reasonable person would call it a good shoot, but my opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it. If nothing else your incident has reminded me that I need to look into overriding the auto unlock feature on my Tundra. I hate that it does that. If I pull over for lunch, or I'm checking my phone before I go into a store, I want my doors locked, especially since my attention is not focused on my surroundings.
    1 point
  40. Of course it’s a problem for them when a country they are trying to overrun has armed citizens, or their own that they are trying to kill get armed. Part of the justification for using the Atom Bombs on Japan came from the high estimates on casualties we would incur trying to invade Japan due to armed citizens. I don’t think China or Russia either one is an immediate threat to us militarily right now. But China is certainly more of a threat to our economy. The incoming administration is refusing to address the claims made against Joe’s involvement with China. We deserve an explanation, and we aren’t getting it; so he’s compromised on the China issue in my eyes. Of course we will see what happens. I feel the same why about how China feels about our laws that I do about the gun laws of other states; I don’t give a rolling rip down a razor blade what they think; and in our country I care what the state of Tennessee does. As Hozzie stated; we get in everyone’s business about nuclear weapons. If I was running a country I would want and expect to have nuclear weapons to protect my country. I wouldn’t care what the U.S. or the U.N. thought about it.
    1 point
  41. I use Excel to keep track of the few I have. Each gun has a couple different tabs. One tab has the info on the purchase date, price, vendor/seller, plus all the info about any upgrades or accessories. The next tab is the overall round count to include details of exactly which ammunition was used for each shot, how it shot, any malfunctions etc. On the round count tab I also keep track of who I shot with and where. It’s nice to look back and see which guns my kids took their first shots with and where we were. I hope they will appreciate that info someday too....or they might just think I was an OCD nerd. I also detail when and to what level of cleaning I perform on each gun. Some I clean every time I shoot them, others I clean at a certain round count or level of accuracy degradation. I then have other tabs for my ammo inventory. For bulk ammo I have metal cans with numbers stenciled on them. Within my spreadsheets the ammo can number corresponds with info about the ammo, how much, what it’s worth etc... I used to update the ammo value every year buy stopped a couple years ago. If I updated it with current values my wife would think we have won the lottery. For many years I’ve bought a box of ammo every time I walk into a Walmart or a gun shop. I’ve always told my wife and kids that I’m investing in precious metals, which has certainly turned out to be accurate. I might be a weirdo, but I enjoy cleaning guns, collecting ammo, and cataloguing the above mentioned data as much as I do shooting the guns. It’s all part of the “gun” experience for me.
    1 point
  42. I use Excel also. Make, model, S/N caliber, accessories, and my best guess at value. I have a good catalogue in my head, but the spreadsheet is for my wife if she ever finds herself dealing with that stuff without me.
    1 point
  43. MuzzleLoader Season 11/13 Gun Season 11/24
    1 point
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