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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2020 in all areas

  1. WOW! I'm seeing a ton of speculation, conspiracy theories and just plain rumors here. Anybody got any actual facts other than a bomb went off and this Warner guy is the suspect? Any evidence of motive or even the type of explosive used? This thread is 9 pages and most of it is BS.
    5 points
  2. Thank you, wasn't sure I was coming across properly. Seems there are many that are willing to lose their liberties for a little perceived safety, if you are one of them, then so be it, but don't for one second think I will follow suit. The numbers for this entire thing just don't make sense, and the fact that those who get the vaccine can still spread the virus makes all this reaction even worse. Look, currently, there is a less than 1% mortality rate for the china virus, the vaccine is 90%+ effective, so why the talk about passports and such? Seems they are trying to get the population ready for more restrictions for something that doesn't warrant such extreme reaction. So you tell me why, you tell me how any of this makes any sense, how so many are buying into all this. Even though they say the numbers are true, they say it is a lie SMH https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/05/covid-19-fact-check-coronavirus-mortality-rate-misleading/3019503001/ While they tout the 90% + efficacy rate, they still say that those vaccinated can still spread it, and, may still be sick, though not as bad. But isn't that the case already? So we are trying to vaccinate 70% (at least) to protect the 1%, which may get it and die anyway? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/how-to-interpret-the-efficacy-rates-of-coronavirus-vaccines/ar-BB1bjwJx
    4 points
  3. Actually, not this time. I see this as an over reach, as well. Up until now, I've been on the side of "reason" with mask wearing and vaccinations. But I'm not for requiring everyone to carry papers to prove or disprove they've had the vaccination, simply be cause that leads to "papers" for other things. I will not be blindly led. I will make my own decisions, thank you.
    4 points
  4. From GoFundMe email notification: "Today by Dan Douchette, Organizer We did it. Holy smokes, there are no words that me or my family can say other than thank you all so much for your love, faith and friendship. I know my pop is overwhelmed to see the outpouring from all of his dear friends, old and new. And I personally will never be able to thank you all. You’re all family. Each and every one of you are beautiful souls. Thank you again The Douchette Family Dan Douchette Organizer Madison, TN" https://www.gofundme.com/f/bring-our-parents-home-for-the-holidays?viewupdates=1&rcid=r01-160920540161-83cc5b658e7c41d6&utm_medium=email&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_email%2B1137-update-supporters-v5b - OS
    3 points
  5. I guess you skipped the first two paragraphs of the article... Now that coronavirus vaccines are starting to roll out in the US and abroad, many people may be dreaming of the day when they can travel, shop and go to the movies again. But in order to do those activities, you may eventually need something in addition to the vaccine: a vaccine passport application. Several companies and technology groups have begun developing smartphone apps or systems for individuals to upload details of their Covid-19 tests and vaccinations, creating digital credentials that could be shown in order to enter concert venues, stadiums, movie theaters, offices, or even countries.
    3 points
  6. The hobby of mine is just that....a hobby. I feel in order to do this with any enjoyment and piece of mind I have to make (or attempt to make) something I am inspired to do. To make something with a certain shape, color etc. is work....something I retired from years ago. I have a certain look, style that I aim for in every knife. I guess I make what I want cause it's what I need to do in order to want to walk out to the shop in the morning. I'll loosely call it an art form or craft. This coming year I have certain projects I feel I need to at least make a stab at.....pardon the pun. I hope that if I put a certain amount of time and effort into something most of you will see the difference in the end. That's my hope anyway. I intend to get better at the small things which in turn end up with a better piece. Now this isn't to say I don't want or appreciate your ideas and suggestions cause I consider all of them. For example I can't get that brisket knife out of my head. I intend to attempt one using the tools and limited ability I have on hand while making it in a style of my own. I'm still going to make Bowies, smaller hunting knives and even Christmas like specials and whatever else gets my attention. You all have been very supportive of this journey I'm on and appreciate it very, very much. So if you're looking for something by all means let me know and I'll give you the most honest answer I can. Thanks again to the best group of people on the interwebz.
    3 points
  7. HUGE difference in the proven cocktail given to children for polio, mumps, measles, rubella, etc and something using new technology being spun out by the talking heads we've seen all year that change their minds like socks.
    3 points
  8. Prepared to be trampled by catch phrases promoting it and dulling the pain of your rights being extracted. FIGHT COVID as if this is a war and you're a warrior. FOR OTHERS HEALTH even though we are a country of abusers to our own bodies with smokers drinkers and drug users but THIS is where we need to take a stand. COMMON SENSE LAWS as if to say "if you're NOT behind this then you're a dumbazz". Same rhetoric and propaganda they use to push their gun control agenda when they want to make the gun owners looks like the enemy.
    3 points
  9. Since when do you need a passport to enter a stadium, a concert, or a movie theater?
    3 points
  10. So that’s why you are here. Target rich environment.
    2 points
  11. I have seen the idea floated. I think it was Ticketmaster or similar talked about it a few months ago.
    2 points
  12. The other issue that we may or may not learn about the guy is the state of his mental health. As a working psychotherapist (I'm typing this during a lunch break before more teletherapy), a possible diagnosis is Delusional Disorder (https://psychcentral.com/disorders/delusional-disorder-symptoms#1) Through the years I have had a number of patients who were delusional in some sense, from those who thought their boss was watching them all the time at work to those on the other end of the spectrum that believed their mind was being controlled by their TV remote. Delusional disorder does not respond well to psychotherapy unless the person is willing to reconsider their thinking processes. If, in fact, the guy adopted a thought process long ago that "5G" is bad and fed this theory to the point of feeling as if he had to do something about it, his action made sense to him but to none of the rest of us.
    2 points
  13. This. I got the lifetime at age 67. Moneywise it did not make sense but aggravation wise it sure did.
    2 points
  14. I don’t see what we are in disagreement about?? I’m not suggesting you be forced to take the vaccine. I’m just saying I would like to have it tomorrow; the sooner the better. I believe the risk to me and my family is much higher without it than with it. My parents are 88 & 90 years old and in assisted living. I won’t go be in the same room with them. For one, I can’t, and also I don’t want to be the person that kills my parents. I went to Illinois to help move their stuff with my sister. But I refused to go to their house until they left. It’s not about me; its about them. They had been tested prior to entering the assisted living facility and were negative. Will I get on an airplane that allows you to fly without the vaccine? Absolutely not; I’ll drive before I’ll do that. So the airlines will need to make decisions about that. Will I go into a store where you go? Sure, because I don’t have to breath the same recycled air you are breathing and can disinfect myself when I get back in my truck, and if I’ve had the vaccine my chances of dying by being exposed to you will be a lot less. I’m not asking that anyone be forced to take the vaccine.
    2 points
  15. Yeah, I understand the economic argument, however.... If you fork over now for a permit that does not have an expiration, will they be able to prevent you from renewing it? I worry that one day politicians will attempt to make the permitting process much more onerous. I lived in NY for the first 40 years of my life, I speak from experience...So the thinking goes I'm permitted for life. They would have to revoke it, vs making renew difficult.Worth 200 clams to. me
    2 points
  16. Well said HiPower. I think thats the over arching issue for most (certainly myself). Mandatory vs. choice. The grey area comes with more 'normal' activities like travel, shopping, etc. I suppose we could all mail order flowbee's off amazon, but once you start restricting things, it becomes a slippery slope. Just look at the list of essential services... everybody just declares themselves special. "Some animals are more equal than others." to quote somebody who said something more eloquent than me about it.
    2 points
  17. The only thing I am 99% sure of is the guy wanted to go out of the world in a Blaze of Glory and as of right now it appears he was successful in his endeavor. Beyond that I have no comment!
    2 points
  18. Well, people don’t generally tell customers that they will no longer be servicing them and also gift houses to others in anticipation of being taken hostage.
    2 points
  19. I don't have an issue with anything you've brought up in this. It's extremely thought provoking, but at the same time, so ambiguous as to border on whimsical. We have enough to worry about these days without ads taken out to drive a purpose that most people don't understand. Like me. I'm so confused these days I really don't want to get out of the house. It's almost too stressing having to keep the mask fears, the vaccine fears, the Biden/Kamala fears, and all the other daily issues in our lives to breathe. Then I go to a gun shop to relax.
    2 points
  20. Opening the borders is one of the first concerns of Biden. Maybe he’ll use taxpayers money to set-up vaccine centers in Mexico can they can all get the vaccine before entering the country. The convoys and caravans are already headed here. I wonder if Biden will give them the vaccine before all Americans get it. Meanwhile, you won’t be able to fly or enter a lot of places in your own country without it.
    2 points
  21. I guess a combination of being home for the holidays paired with the fact that this was local has me extremely interested in this and seeking answers.
    2 points
  22. I echo all that has been previously said, GT. Love your "work". Your art. Your hobby. Whatever you want to call it. I've had to pass on, or just missed, some of your recent work. But I still have this bowie knife on my mind. I see the shorter bowie blades around 7/8 inches, with handles in the 5 inch range. For some reason, I envision a slightly larger version. Something approaching a 10 inch blade(I actually thought of a 12 inch, but not sure I could lift the sucker!). Yes, I know this would truly be a beast of a blade, but that's what almost always comes to mind. I intend to do some research on size, blade and total length. Then get with you and see what you think. Oh, and jsut to make things really bizarre, the blade would be like the last bowie you offered here. That heavy, thick blade was just awesome! Ok, I'll keep threatening you with my thoughts on it. I'd like to do it soon. Like maybe before we are all broke and Armageddon arrives. A few other reasons as well. I sort of see this as a tribute to my brother-in-law. Tad always like big knives and Bowies in particular.
    2 points
  23. I imagine some here will welcome this to feel "safe".
    2 points
  24. I dont see the missile. Someone point it out for me.
    2 points
  25. I watched that very video over and over at 1/4 speed before opining. It is my finding that there was no missile and presuming there was one is going out there on the fringe.
    2 points
  26. Looks like it turned out to be a stupid prank. I’m betting someone is heavily regretting their decisions today.
    2 points
  27. Well, I didn't go for that reason, but thank you for the thought. I don't think I was any closer to Michael than anyone else here, and likely less so. But the times we did meet, talk, or deal; I always felt liked and welcomed into his life...even when he got the better of me. I went for several reasons. My wife said I needed the closure after listening to me speak often of Michael and his illness. Maybe that's true. I guess it was. But I just wanted to pay respect to the life of a man I admired and called friend. After watching the video tributes to Michael, listening to some his musical works and hearing words of love and praise to Michael and his entire family; I guess I did come away with closure of a sort. We all said a temporary goodbye to a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a friend to many. It wasn't sad, it was uplifting. It was love and praise for the earthly life of a man whose life and works touched and enriched the lives of many others. So...represent TGO and this family? Not intentionally. Just wanted to honor Michael Douchette. If I did so, in the grand scheme of things, I was glad to do so, and hope it was done well.
    2 points
  28. Powerful stuff Brother..!!! HEHEHE... leroy...,
    1 point
  29. No chit! He could set up a practice on this forum. Lord knows I could use some help.
    1 point
  30. Thanks Miltech. The property is outside of Grand Junction and is not in City limits. Of course, safety is a top priority. I will reach out to the Sheriff as well for a definitive answer, just wanted to ask here to see if anyone had experience (good or bad) in that County. Thanks again!
    1 point
  31. This is a good example of if you see something say something. It’s just unfortunate that this nut case couldn’t have been dealt with before this. Cops and mental health workers deal with the mentally ill all the time. They rely on the public to be their eyes and ears when the family refuses to do so. I feel zero sympathy for those that commit violent acts. To say this guy didn’t want to hurt anyone is ridiculous. People live in those buildings; he didn’t know he wasn’t going to kill anyone. He’s just another violent mentally ill criminal that fell through the cracks. Is it possible no one saw it? Sure it’s possible; but it’s not likely. I’m glad we don’t have to take the national stage with a trial for this guy. My above comments are based on my assumptions that he is guilty. If it turns out that he was taken hostage, tied up and put in that RV and killed; my comments would apply to the violent criminal mental case that did that.
    1 point
  32. I didn't read the entire article but if a county wants to require someone to get the vaccine before they can travel there, it seems to be they are within their rights to do so. It doesn't mean I like it. Keep in mind most of our schools here in the US make parents prove their kids have been vaccinated. This isn't a new concept.
    1 point
  33. Last month you made a comment that you didn't like the condescending way some people respond. Lately, you have become one of the worst for doing that exact thing. You are very antagonistic in a lot of your responses.
    1 point
  34. One of my favorite knives is one I asked you to build several years ago. You asked for specifics and I basically said "do your magic". It turned out way better than anything I could imagine! I hope you keep creating your art.
    1 point
  35. Yes. I think yesterday when his name was first dropped. Reddit I believe, maybe elsewhere. First I had heard about the permit, but someone was speculating or cautioning that it may not be the same person because the address was in a different city. I simply do not know. Same. Very interesting. My tops thoughts: 1) Camgirl he was obsessed with? 2) Daughter from a quick fling, etc? 3) Receptionist (or similar) from some previous business interaction that made a huge impression on him.
    1 point
  36. I truly admire your knife making skills, and appreciate your willingness to offer them here for confiscatory prices. I take a similar approach to my leather craft hobby. It almost became a second job a while back. That wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
    1 point
  37. Remember, the Satan-worshipping pedophiles have allied themselves with the lizard-like aliens intent on occupying the earth. Who knows what kind of advanced weaponry, unknown technology, stealth capabilities and dimension hopping abilities they actually have? It could be that they modified the video to cover their attack, did some sort of mind control on this guy, or are using other equally insidious tactics to throw off the trail ...
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I like the way you look at knife making as a hobby, do it when you feel like "doing it" and don't when you don't feel like doing it. That's what makes the tasks of knife making a hobby, not a job. Enjoy your hobby as much as you can, or want to. I like your knives, and have bought 4, with 2 being gifts . I've been told the knives won't be used because they are "too nice" to use. I feel like I gave a good gift, but still hope they will be used so I can get a report on them.
    1 point
  40. So the guy had an explosives handler card. "Warner was issued an explosive user permits handler license in November 2013 that expired in November 2016, public records show. He was also issued an alarm contractor license in November 1993, which expired in 1998, according to Tennessee licensing records."
    1 point
  41. Really. Since Satan worshiping pedophiles' global sex trafficking ring rigged the election to bring down DJT, this is duck soup. And certainly 5G is part of the overall plan for total mind control by the New World Order by the socialist Illuminati. - OS
    1 point
  42. Absolutely its circumstantial. But it causes Officers or Agents to find that guy to ask him about it. It’s like a drug cases; they are pretty easy when you have the names of the dealers. Not enough for an arrest; but enough to start an investigation and try to establish probable cause.
    1 point
  43. GT, your "style" something to behold. Keep up the great work!
    1 point
  44. Joined a few years ago but forgot all about it. Just recently started posting. Been reloading for over 50 years (yea, another old guy). Only lived in Tennessee for 5 years but we love it here. Hunted Alaska from one end to the other for decades and one quick trip to Africa. Went from the bigger magnums down to 6.5 CM, 260, .270, 7mm/08, 06, 30-30, 45-70, etc. My passion is hunting with a handgun but a recent injury has put that on hold. Hope to correct that with a lot of PT in time for next years deer season. Am proud of the fact never shot a big game animal with a factory round. Back in the 60's when I began to reload most shooters and hunters thought reloads were inferior to factory rounds. We have a 50 yard range in our backyard and our deer stands are a 200 yard walk. We eat mainly venison all year and process everything ourself. So, Hi
    1 point
  45. Holy cow! Talk about bad luck. You park your RV in deserted downtown Nashville on Christmas morning and get hit by a missile aimed at the AT&T building. Who would have ever thunk it?
    1 point
  46. Thanks for posting this. Yes, this is exactly the interview where, when directly asked, Fauci admitted to taking vitamin D himself, but that's the ONLY time! Plus, read what he says carefully. He says, "If you are deficient..." and then in the very next sentence, he says, "I do it myself taking vitamin D supplements." So... Fauci takes vitamin D himself while refusing to even mention vitamin D in his nearly daily interviews on national media. People can interpret this inconsistency however they wish. My interpretation is...well... extremely unflattering. I'll leave it at that. We've known that vitamin D shows promise since early April when US deaths were under 10,000. We know that the overwhelming majority of deaths, where vitamin D data was revealed, showed a deficiency in vitamin D.
    1 point
  47. Filled form, paid fee, smiled for picture. Lifetime permit came 2 weeks later.
    1 point
  48. I've decided that anybody without a mask within 20 feet of me That coughs gets shot. Figure I'll plead self defense.
    1 point
  49. That’s a great picture Greyfox. I had people at work ask “How do people up North drive in all that snow?” I usually replied “Well you know, there are speeds besides 5 and 70.” Light dusting here in Murfreesboro this morning. One thing great about when it snows here; I take the stand “God put it there, and God will take it away”. My snow shoveling days are behind me.
    1 point
  50. Auctions are the purest form of the free market.
    1 point
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